
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/27 19:00:48
Iranian scientist involved in nuclear program killed in Tehran bomb attack

TEHRAN — An Iranian scientist involved in purchasing equipment for the Islamic Republic’s main uranium-enrichment facility was assassinated Wednesday when a magnetic bomb attached to his car exploded in morning rush-hour traffic, Iranian media reported.


Iranian officials accused the United States and Israel of orchestrating the attack, which also killed the scientist’s driver.


Iranian Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi blamed the attack on “Zionists” and “those who claim they are against terrorism,” the semiofficial Fars News Agency reported.

半官方媒体Fars社报道说,伊朗副总统Mohammad Reza Rahimi将刺杀怪罪于"犹太建国分子"及"那些号称反恐的人物"。

Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast was more explicit. “These actions are being committed by the Zionist regime and its agents with the support of several European countries and especially U.S. officials,” the semiofficial Iranian Students’ News Agency quoted him as saying.


The Obama administration rejected the accusation while also denouncing the murder.


“The United States strongly condemns this act of violence and categorically denies any involvement in the killing,” State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said.

国务院发言人Victoria Nuland称:"美国强烈谴责这一暴力行动,美国与此绝无关联。"

Israeli officials declined to comment on the Iranian charges. “It is not our policy to comment on this sort of speculation when it periodically arrises,” an Israeli official said, speaking on condition of anonymity under government ground rules.


But in an unusual posting on his official Facebook page hours after the assassination, Brig. Gen. Yoav Mordechai, Israel’s chief military spokesman, wrote: “Don’t know who settled the score with the Iranian scientist, but for sure I am not shedding a tear.” The posting sparked a heated debate on his page, with some readers saying he should be more discreet.

但事发数小时之后,以色列军方首席发言人Brig. Gen. Yoav Mordechai在其官方脸谱网页(就是微博)上发出非同寻常的贴子:"不知是谁下的手,反正我不会为此哭泣。"这一帖子在其网页上引发强烈争论,一些读者指出他应该更低调点。

The killing bore strong resemblance to two 2010 attacks on nuclear scientists and came on the same day as a ceremony for the third anniversary of the killing of another professor, Massoud Ali Mohammadi, who also died in an explosion.

本次袭击与2010年发生的两起针对核科学家的刺杀行动极其相似,而且发生在被炸身亡的科学家Massoud Ali Mohammadi的三周年忌日。

Iranian authorities likewise blamed the United States and its allies for the previous killings of scientists, saying they were part of a covert program aimed at disrupting Iran’s nuclear research.


Fars, which has close ties to the Revolutionary Guard Corps that is tasked with protecting scientists, identified the slain professor as Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan, 32, a chemical engineer. The agency described Ahmadi-Roshan as a chemical engineer who served as deputy director of the Natanz uranium-enrichment facility and as the assistant to the head of procurement there.

据Fars新闻社披露,遇害教授为32岁的化学工程师Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan,系Natanz铀浓缩设施副主任,并任采购部头头的助理。Fars新闻社与负责保卫科学家的革命卫队联系密切。

Reacting to the killing, members of Iran’s parliament shouted, “Death to America!” and pumped their fists in the air in a show of defiance. Parliament’s national security and foreign policy committee called an emergency session to debate a response to the “terrorist act,” the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported.


One analyst who supports Iran leaders said it was time for Iran to strike back. “From now on, the reciprocation is internationally acceptable and legitimate,” said Mehdi Mohammadi, an international affairs analyst who regularly appears on state television. “Iran is for sure able to enter a new phase of confrontation,” he told the Asriran Web site.

“It is very clear that it had been planned and was arranged by the intelligence services of the U.S., U.K. and Saudi Arabia,” Mohammadi said. “Iran definitely will punish the agents of this terrorism action.”

一位支持伊朗领导人的分析家认为伊朗应予以反击,这位经常在国家电视台露面的国际事务分析家Mehdi Mohammadi表示:"今后,你来我往将合法化并被国际接受。非常明显,美国、英国和沙特的特务策划并安排了这起行动。伊朗必将惩罚那些对这起恐怖活动负责的特务。"

Several officials linked the assassination to parliamentary elections scheduled for March 2, charging that the West is attempting to “provoke riots” ahead of the vote.


“This was a magnetic bomb, like the ones used in previous assassinations,” Safar Ali Baratloo, Tehran’s deputy governor, told Fars. “It is the Zionists’ job. They want to reduce the turnout in the upcoming elections.”

德黑兰副总督Safar Ali Baratloo告诉Fars社:"这次使用的磁性炸弹与前几次的相同,这是犹太建国分子做的好事,他们希望吓阻人们参与即将到来的选举。"

Fars said an assailant riding a motorcycle attached the bomb to Ahmadi-Roshan’s car. It also said the assassination had been caught on traffic control cameras. Another news Web site, Alef, said witnesses heard gunshots right before the explosion.


Most Iranian scientists involved in the country’s controversial nuclear program are protected by the Revolutionary Guard Corps. Security for scientists was ramped up following the November 2010 attacks, in which one scientist, Majid Shahriari, was killed, and another, Fereydoun Abbasi, the current head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, was wounded.

在伊朗备受争议的核项目中,大多数参与其中的科学家处于革命卫队的保护之下。在2010年11月的袭击中,科学家Majid Shahriari遇害,现掌管伊朗原子能组织的Fereydoun Abbasi则受伤,在此之后,针对科学家们的保护已经升级。

The site of Wednesday’s explosion, in the Seyed Khandan neighborhood of northern Tehran, was cordoned off by nervous security forces, who stopped bystanders and searched their pockets and backpacks. There were no signs of broken windows.

周三爆炸地位于德黑兰北部的Seyed Khandan街区,现场已被慌张的安全部队封锁,围观者被搜身。事发地没有发现被震碎的玻璃。

The exploded car, a locally made Peugeot 405, was quickly removed. Images of the aftermath showed the car being lifted on a truck, its rear windows covered by plastic sheets.

被炸车辆为本地产Peugeot 405,已被迅速运走。爆炸后的照片显示,该车后窗被塑料布遮盖,正被吊装至一辆大卡车上。

According to an influential Iranian official, the assassination of Ahmadi-Roshan and mounting suspicions that U.S.-designed sanctions are aimed at toppling the government in Tehran make it more likely that Iran would carry out a death sentence handed down Monday against Amir Mirzaei Hekmati, an Iranian American former U.S. Marine, who was convicted of spying for the CIA. His family says he went to Iran to visit his grandmother. Hekmati’s final appeal is due in 18 days.

一位有影响力的伊朗官员称,本次刺杀以及怀疑美国主导的制裁意于推翻伊政府的说,或将促使伊朗对伊朗裔美籍前海军Amir Mirzaei Hekmati执行死刑。本周一,Amir Mirzaei Hekmati为美国ClA刺探情报的罪名成立并被判以死刑,Hekmati家人称其返伊是为了探望祖母,他的最终上诉将在18天后到期。

“Certainly Hekmati deserves the death sentence,” said Hamid Reza Taraghi, a spokesman for the Islamic Engineers coalition, a group of politically active merchants who are close to Iran’s judiciary. He said the presence in the country of Iran American dual nationals posed a security risk.

伊斯兰工程师联合会发言人Hamid Reza Taraghi称:"Amir Mirzaei Hekmati应当被处死,伊境内的伊、美双重国籍人士对国家安全构成威胁。"该联合会由一些与伊朗司法系统关系甚密的政治活跃商人组建。

“We should be much more cautious with them. The U.S. is continuing to send people here for espionage missions,” said Taraghi, who has links to Iran’s intelligence community. “We have warned Iranians living abroad not to fall in their trap.”


In recent years, Iran has seen an increase of mysterious explosions at military and industrial sites and gas transportation lines. In addition, a damaging computer virus called Stuxnet has wreaked havoc on Iran’s nuclear program.


华盛顿邮报链接http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/iranian-scientist-killed-in-tehran-bomb-attack/2012/01/11/gIQAT1V7pP_story.html?hpid=z2Iranian scientist involved in nuclear program killed in Tehran bomb attack

TEHRAN — An Iranian scientist involved in purchasing equipment for the Islamic Republic’s main uranium-enrichment facility was assassinated Wednesday when a magnetic bomb attached to his car exploded in morning rush-hour traffic, Iranian media reported.


Iranian officials accused the United States and Israel of orchestrating the attack, which also killed the scientist’s driver.


Iranian Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi blamed the attack on “Zionists” and “those who claim they are against terrorism,” the semiofficial Fars News Agency reported.

半官方媒体Fars社报道说,伊朗副总统Mohammad Reza Rahimi将刺杀怪罪于"犹太建国分子"及"那些号称反恐的人物"。

Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast was more explicit. “These actions are being committed by the Zionist regime and its agents with the support of several European countries and especially U.S. officials,” the semiofficial Iranian Students’ News Agency quoted him as saying.


The Obama administration rejected the accusation while also denouncing the murder.


“The United States strongly condemns this act of violence and categorically denies any involvement in the killing,” State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said.

国务院发言人Victoria Nuland称:"美国强烈谴责这一暴力行动,美国与此绝无关联。"

Israeli officials declined to comment on the Iranian charges. “It is not our policy to comment on this sort of speculation when it periodically arrises,” an Israeli official said, speaking on condition of anonymity under government ground rules.


But in an unusual posting on his official Facebook page hours after the assassination, Brig. Gen. Yoav Mordechai, Israel’s chief military spokesman, wrote: “Don’t know who settled the score with the Iranian scientist, but for sure I am not shedding a tear.” The posting sparked a heated debate on his page, with some readers saying he should be more discreet.

但事发数小时之后,以色列军方首席发言人Brig. Gen. Yoav Mordechai在其官方脸谱网页(就是微博)上发出非同寻常的贴子:"不知是谁下的手,反正我不会为此哭泣。"这一帖子在其网页上引发强烈争论,一些读者指出他应该更低调点。

The killing bore strong resemblance to two 2010 attacks on nuclear scientists and came on the same day as a ceremony for the third anniversary of the killing of another professor, Massoud Ali Mohammadi, who also died in an explosion.

本次袭击与2010年发生的两起针对核科学家的刺杀行动极其相似,而且发生在被炸身亡的科学家Massoud Ali Mohammadi的三周年忌日。

Iranian authorities likewise blamed the United States and its allies for the previous killings of scientists, saying they were part of a covert program aimed at disrupting Iran’s nuclear research.


Fars, which has close ties to the Revolutionary Guard Corps that is tasked with protecting scientists, identified the slain professor as Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan, 32, a chemical engineer. The agency described Ahmadi-Roshan as a chemical engineer who served as deputy director of the Natanz uranium-enrichment facility and as the assistant to the head of procurement there.

据Fars新闻社披露,遇害教授为32岁的化学工程师Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan,系Natanz铀浓缩设施副主任,并任采购部头头的助理。Fars新闻社与负责保卫科学家的革命卫队联系密切。

Reacting to the killing, members of Iran’s parliament shouted, “Death to America!” and pumped their fists in the air in a show of defiance. Parliament’s national security and foreign policy committee called an emergency session to debate a response to the “terrorist act,” the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported.


One analyst who supports Iran leaders said it was time for Iran to strike back. “From now on, the reciprocation is internationally acceptable and legitimate,” said Mehdi Mohammadi, an international affairs analyst who regularly appears on state television. “Iran is for sure able to enter a new phase of confrontation,” he told the Asriran Web site.

“It is very clear that it had been planned and was arranged by the intelligence services of the U.S., U.K. and Saudi Arabia,” Mohammadi said. “Iran definitely will punish the agents of this terrorism action.”

一位支持伊朗领导人的分析家认为伊朗应予以反击,这位经常在国家电视台露面的国际事务分析家Mehdi Mohammadi表示:"今后,你来我往将合法化并被国际接受。非常明显,美国、英国和沙特的特务策划并安排了这起行动。伊朗必将惩罚那些对这起恐怖活动负责的特务。"

Several officials linked the assassination to parliamentary elections scheduled for March 2, charging that the West is attempting to “provoke riots” ahead of the vote.


“This was a magnetic bomb, like the ones used in previous assassinations,” Safar Ali Baratloo, Tehran’s deputy governor, told Fars. “It is the Zionists’ job. They want to reduce the turnout in the upcoming elections.”

德黑兰副总督Safar Ali Baratloo告诉Fars社:"这次使用的磁性炸弹与前几次的相同,这是犹太建国分子做的好事,他们希望吓阻人们参与即将到来的选举。"

Fars said an assailant riding a motorcycle attached the bomb to Ahmadi-Roshan’s car. It also said the assassination had been caught on traffic control cameras. Another news Web site, Alef, said witnesses heard gunshots right before the explosion.


Most Iranian scientists involved in the country’s controversial nuclear program are protected by the Revolutionary Guard Corps. Security for scientists was ramped up following the November 2010 attacks, in which one scientist, Majid Shahriari, was killed, and another, Fereydoun Abbasi, the current head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, was wounded.

在伊朗备受争议的核项目中,大多数参与其中的科学家处于革命卫队的保护之下。在2010年11月的袭击中,科学家Majid Shahriari遇害,现掌管伊朗原子能组织的Fereydoun Abbasi则受伤,在此之后,针对科学家们的保护已经升级。

The site of Wednesday’s explosion, in the Seyed Khandan neighborhood of northern Tehran, was cordoned off by nervous security forces, who stopped bystanders and searched their pockets and backpacks. There were no signs of broken windows.

周三爆炸地位于德黑兰北部的Seyed Khandan街区,现场已被慌张的安全部队封锁,围观者被搜身。事发地没有发现被震碎的玻璃。

The exploded car, a locally made Peugeot 405, was quickly removed. Images of the aftermath showed the car being lifted on a truck, its rear windows covered by plastic sheets.

被炸车辆为本地产Peugeot 405,已被迅速运走。爆炸后的照片显示,该车后窗被塑料布遮盖,正被吊装至一辆大卡车上。

According to an influential Iranian official, the assassination of Ahmadi-Roshan and mounting suspicions that U.S.-designed sanctions are aimed at toppling the government in Tehran make it more likely that Iran would carry out a death sentence handed down Monday against Amir Mirzaei Hekmati, an Iranian American former U.S. Marine, who was convicted of spying for the CIA. His family says he went to Iran to visit his grandmother. Hekmati’s final appeal is due in 18 days.

一位有影响力的伊朗官员称,本次刺杀以及怀疑美国主导的制裁意于推翻伊政府的说,或将促使伊朗对伊朗裔美籍前海军Amir Mirzaei Hekmati执行死刑。本周一,Amir Mirzaei Hekmati为美国ClA刺探情报的罪名成立并被判以死刑,Hekmati家人称其返伊是为了探望祖母,他的最终上诉将在18天后到期。

“Certainly Hekmati deserves the death sentence,” said Hamid Reza Taraghi, a spokesman for the Islamic Engineers coalition, a group of politically active merchants who are close to Iran’s judiciary. He said the presence in the country of Iran American dual nationals posed a security risk.

伊斯兰工程师联合会发言人Hamid Reza Taraghi称:"Amir Mirzaei Hekmati应当被处死,伊境内的伊、美双重国籍人士对国家安全构成威胁。"该联合会由一些与伊朗司法系统关系甚密的政治活跃商人组建。

“We should be much more cautious with them. The U.S. is continuing to send people here for espionage missions,” said Taraghi, who has links to Iran’s intelligence community. “We have warned Iranians living abroad not to fall in their trap.”


In recent years, Iran has seen an increase of mysterious explosions at military and industrial sites and gas transportation lines. In addition, a damaging computer virus called Stuxnet has wreaked havoc on Iran’s nuclear program.

