
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 23:38:27

                                                  The Rise of Chindia
   At the elite tech school near the Calcutta, someone is trying to invent the next BlackBerry, but one that will sell at a fraction of the U.S. price. Outside Bombay they’re putting the finishing touches on a $2,200 people’s car. In a world class Shanghai lab, a Chinese team is mapping breakthrough cancer research. Now go to the famous Dharavi slum in Bombay, and see teachers combating a staggering national illiteracy rate of 37%. At a worker’s right center in Guangzhou, hear the strident voice of an embryonic union movement that alarms Beijing’s authoritarian leaders.
  The next superpowers? Societies on the brink of chaos? The countries that will take all of our jobs? Since India and China have one-third of the world’s people, almost any thing you say about them will be partly right. With this special double issue, we’ve reached beyond the fray to envision China, India and the U.S. evolving into a global triumvirate that will dominate the century. China and India will be both allies and counterweights to America at the expanse of Japan and Europe.
  China’s competitive edge is shifting low-cost workers to state-of-the-art manufacturing. India is creating world class innovation hubs, and its companies are far better performance than China’s. And a market-driven “Chindia” is fast emerging.
  We hope these stories and many other special features on businessweek.com, will surprise and provoke you, and help you plan for the future.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-22 19:11:23编辑过]

                                                  The Rise of Chindia
   At the elite tech school near the Calcutta, someone is trying to invent the next BlackBerry, but one that will sell at a fraction of the U.S. price. Outside Bombay they’re putting the finishing touches on a $2,200 people’s car. In a world class Shanghai lab, a Chinese team is mapping breakthrough cancer research. Now go to the famous Dharavi slum in Bombay, and see teachers combating a staggering national illiteracy rate of 37%. At a worker’s right center in Guangzhou, hear the strident voice of an embryonic union movement that alarms Beijing’s authoritarian leaders.
  The next superpowers? Societies on the brink of chaos? The countries that will take all of our jobs? Since India and China have one-third of the world’s people, almost any thing you say about them will be partly right. With this special double issue, we’ve reached beyond the fray to envision China, India and the U.S. evolving into a global triumvirate that will dominate the century. China and India will be both allies and counterweights to America at the expanse of Japan and Europe.
  China’s competitive edge is shifting low-cost workers to state-of-the-art manufacturing. India is creating world class innovation hubs, and its companies are far better performance than China’s. And a market-driven “Chindia” is fast emerging.
  We hope these stories and many other special features on businessweek.com, will surprise and provoke you, and help you plan for the future.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-22 19:11:23编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-22 19:13:30编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-22 19:15:46编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-22 19:14:58编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-22 19:16:55编辑过]
   中印在力量上的互补性使得这两个巨人显得异常强大。在中国和印度科技和管理技能的重要性正越来越快的趋向于超越廉价的密集劳动。中国仍将主导大规模制造业,并是少数几个建有几百上千亿美元产值的电子和重工业产业的国家之一。印度是软件、设计、服务、精密制造业方面的一支正在上升的力量。这引发了一个有意思的问题:如果这两个国家合并成一个强大的“Chindia”那会怎么样?当然两国在政治上的敌对和经济上的野心是这一假设不可能成为现实。但是Forrester研究公司的分析师Navi Radjou就预言说如果这两个国家的工业部门真的合作的话,“他们将接管全世界的技术产业”。
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-22 19:23:23编辑过]
从现实的角度来说,这支劳动大军的出现既有消极的一面也有积极的意义。当然这两个经济体之间每年的贸易额只有14亿美元。不过多亏有了英特网和电信资费的下滑,跨国公司可以在中国生产他们那些含有印度设计的软件和电路的产品。鉴于互动式设计技术让我们能更容易的在PC机上做出从电信路由器到发电用汽轮机的所有产品的3-D样品,印度的廉价劳动力和中国的廉价工厂之间的距离正在以月为单位的速度缩短。站在这场全球化大潮的风口浪尖上的经理人们认为,这一冲击无异于引爆了一颗炸弹。Infosys科技公司的CEO Nandan M. Nilekani预言说:“用不了几年你就会发现大多数公司都采取了这一巨大的生产力变革”。
Consumer Rising
   American business isn’t just shifting research work because Indian and Chinese brains are young, cheap, and plentiful. In many cases, these engineers combine skills-mastery of the latest software tools, a knack for mathematical algorithms, and fluency in new multimedia technologies-that often surpass those of their American counterparts. As Cisco’s Scheinman puts it:” We came to India for the costs, we stayed for the quality, and we’re now investing for the innovation.”
   A rising consumer class also will drive innovation. This year, China’s passenger car market is expected to reach 3 million, No.3 in the world. China already has the world’s biggest base of cell-phone subscribers-350 million-and that is expected to near 600 million by 2009. In two years, China should overtake the U.S. in homes connected to broadband. Less noticed is that India’s consumer market is on the same explosive trajectory as China five years ago. Since 2000, the number of cellular subscribers has rocketed from 5.6 million to 55 million.
   What’s more, Chinese and Indian consumers and companies now demand latest technologies and features. Studies show the attitude and aspirations of today’s young Chinese and Indians resemble those of Americans a few decades ago. Surveys of thousands of young adults in both nations by marketing firm Gray Global Group found they are overwhelmingly optimistic about the future, believe success is in their hands, and view products as status symbols. In China, it’s fashionable for the upwardly mobile to switch high-end cell phones every three months, says Josh Li, managing director of Grey’s Beijing office, because an old model suggests” you are not getting ahead and updated.” That means these nations will be huge proving grounds for next-generation multimedia gizmos, networking equipment, and wireless web services, and will play a greater role in setting global standards. In consumer electronics,” We will see China in a few years going from being a follower to a leader in defining consumer-electronics trends” predicts Philips Semiconductor Executive Vise-President Leon Husson.
   For all the huge advantages they now enjoy, India and China cannot assume their role as new superpowers is assured. Today China and India account for a mere 6% of global gross domestic product-half that of Japan. They must keep growing rapidly just to provide jobs for tens of millions entering the workforce annually, and to keep many millions more from cashing back into poverty. Both nations must confront ecological degradation that’s as obvious as the smog shrouding Shanghai and Bombay, and face real risk of social strife, war, and financial crisis. Increasingly, such problems will be the world’s problems. Also, with wages rising fast, especially in many skilled areas, the cheap labor edge won’t last forever. Both nations will go through many boom and harrowing bust cycles. And neither country is yet producing companies like Samsung, Nokia, and Toyota that put it all together, developing, making, and marketing world-beating products.
   Both countries, however, have survived earlier crises and possess immense untapped potential. In China, serious development only now is reaching the 800 million people in rural areas, where per capita annual income is just $354. In areas outside major cities, wages are as little as 45 cents an hour. “This is why China can have another 20 years of high speed growth,” contend Beijing University economist Hai Wen.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-22 19:34:19编辑过]
Very impressive. But India’s long-term potential may be even higher. Due to it’s one child policy, China’s working-age population will peak at 1 billion in 2015 and then shrink steadily. China then will have to provide for a graying population that has limited retirement benefits. India has nearly 500 million people under age 19 and higher fertility rates. By mid century, India is expected to have 1.6 billion people-and 220 million more workers than China. That could be a source for instability, but a great advantage for growth if the government can provide education and opportunity for India’s masses. New Delhi just now is pushing to open it’s power, telecom, commercial real estate and retail sectors to foreigner. These industries could lure big capital inflows. “The pace of institutional changes and industries being liberalized is phenomenal,” says Chief Economist William T. Willison of consultancy Keystone Business Intelligence India. ”I believe India has a better model than China, and over time will surpass it in growth.
   For its part, China has yet to prove it can go beyond forced-march industrialization. China directs massive investment into public works and factories, a wildly successful formula for rapid growth and job creation. But considering its massive manufacturing output, China is surprisingly weak in innovation. A full 57% of exports are from foreign-invested factories, and China underachieves in software, even with 35 software colleges and plans to graduate 200,000 software engineers a year. It’s not for lack of genius. Microsoft Crop.’s 180-engineer R&D lab in Beijing, for example, is one of the world’s most productive sources of innovation in computer graphics and language simulation.
   While China’s big state-run R&D institutes are close to the cutting edge at the theoretical level, they have yet to yield many commercial breakthroughs. “China has a lot of capability,” says Microsoft Chief Technology Officer Craig Mundie. “But when you look under the covers, there is not a lot of collaboration with industry.” The lack of intellectual property protection, and Beijing’s heavy role in building up its own tech companies, make many other multinationals leery of doing serious R&D in China.
   China also is hugely wasteful. Its 9.5% growth rate in 2004 is less impressive when you consider that $850 billion-half of GDP-was plowed into already-glutted sectors like crude steel, vehicles, and office buildings. Its factories burn fuel five times less efficiently than in the West, and more than 20% of bank loans are bad. Two-third of China’s 13,000 list companies don’t earn back their true cost of capital, estimates Beijing National Accounting Institute President Chen Xiaoyue. “We build the roads and industrial parks, but we sacrifice a lot,” Chen says.
   India, by contrast, has had to develop with scarcity. It gets scant foreign investments, and has no room to waste fuel and materials like China. India also has Western legal institutions, a modern stock market, and private banks and corporations. As a result, it is far more capital-efficient. A BusinessWeek analysis of Stranded & Poor’s Compustat data on 346 top listed companies in both nations shows Indian companies have achieved higher returns on equity and invested capital in the past five years in industries from auto to food products. The average Indian company posted an 16.7% on capital in 2004, vs. 12.8% in China.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-27 20:54:28编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-22 19:41:36编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-24 8:47:19编辑过]

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-24 8:49:45编辑过]


看完了 礼貌回贴支持一下 不会被当灌水吧
[B]以下是引用[I]智动铅笔[/I]在2005-10-4 9:17:00的发言:[/B][BR]中国研发能力被官僚体制拖了后腿

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-5 19:57:39编辑过]

  不过个人认为,关键是“钱”。:)中国人真正有资金了,什么社会保障、医疗、教育都不是问题。有足够资金就能解决大部分问题。最大矛盾还是人均财富太少…… :(

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-20 11:00:20编辑过]