【组图】欧洲阿里亚娜火箭(Ariane 44L)残骸坠落在巴西 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 19:36:26

【组图】欧洲阿里亚娜火箭(Ariane 44L)残骸坠落在巴西农村

巴西网民二月廿二日博客消息 欧洲阿里亚娜火箭(Ariane 44L)残骸廿二日六点钟坠落在巴西Anapurus村。一米直径金属球虽然把村里的树折断但是并没伤到人。

Mysterious object falls in the city of Anapurus

With spherical metallic color and the unidentified object has caused panic and discussions between popular

A mysterious object fell from the sky this morning in the city of Anapurus-MA, 28km away from Chapadinha.
The fall of the object, so far unidentified occurred around 06:00 this morning in the village wells, property of Mr. "Iron Leg".
According to the information after a crash that looked like lightning or thunder, the mysterious object came to the floor.
With spherical object about the size of a cylinder of cooking gas.

Popular Anapurus and neighboring towns were quite frightened by the incident, which quickly spread among the population.
So far no one has the slightest notion of the origin of the object.







The friend Gilberto Ramos, Forest Rome, which gave us the pictures

In the fall trees were destroyed, signaling that the object fell from a high altitude.
Several curious have gone to town to see the object and it has been said that major media state and national levels would be moving to the village in an attempt to unravel the mystery.



Among the population began to appear numerous speculations and beliefs.
Some say that the object was part of a satellite that was decaying in space.
Others who would be part of an alien spacecraft, and the more perplexing a harbinger of doom.
In any other cases like Brazil that have already occurred.

Antenor Ferreira


伊朗航天局『Pars二号』五米分辨率监视卫星首次亮相 【视频】
百科知道『UFO』问题最佳官方答案 [图]

【组图】欧洲阿里亚娜火箭(Ariane 44L)残骸坠落在巴西农村

巴西网民二月廿二日博客消息 欧洲阿里亚娜火箭(Ariane 44L)残骸廿二日六点钟坠落在巴西Anapurus村。一米直径金属球虽然把村里的树折断但是并没伤到人。

Mysterious object falls in the city of Anapurus

With spherical metallic color and the unidentified object has caused panic and discussions between popular

A mysterious object fell from the sky this morning in the city of Anapurus-MA, 28km away from Chapadinha.
The fall of the object, so far unidentified occurred around 06:00 this morning in the village wells, property of Mr. "Iron Leg".
According to the information after a crash that looked like lightning or thunder, the mysterious object came to the floor.
With spherical object about the size of a cylinder of cooking gas.

Popular Anapurus and neighboring towns were quite frightened by the incident, which quickly spread among the population.
So far no one has the slightest notion of the origin of the object.







The friend Gilberto Ramos, Forest Rome, which gave us the pictures

In the fall trees were destroyed, signaling that the object fell from a high altitude.
Several curious have gone to town to see the object and it has been said that major media state and national levels would be moving to the village in an attempt to unravel the mystery.



Among the population began to appear numerous speculations and beliefs.
Some say that the object was part of a satellite that was decaying in space.
Others who would be part of an alien spacecraft, and the more perplexing a harbinger of doom.
In any other cases like Brazil that have already occurred.

Antenor Ferreira


• 伊朗将发射『Ayat一号』地震预报卫星
• 伊朗航天局『Pars二号』五米分辨率监视卫星首次亮相 【视频】
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• 百科知道『UFO』问题最佳官方答案 [图]


cnnetspy2000 发表于 2012-2-25 13:11