
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 10:18:24
Exclusive poll: Scotland close to backing independence

"'Do you agree that Scotland should be an independent country?" That's the question that Alex Salmond intends to put to Scottish voters in autumn 2014. But how many are on the First Minister's side?

Alex Salmond打算在2014年秋向苏格兰选民提出以下问题:"你赞同苏格兰应当成为一个独立国家吗?"但有多少人站在苏格兰第一部长一边?

An exclusive New Statesman/ICD poll has some encouraging news for the SNP leader. Asked if Scotland should become an independent country, 45 per cent of Scottish voters say no and 44 per cent say yes, a higher level of support for independence than previously indicated by polls.


In total, 38 per cent of British voters say that Scotland should secede from the UK, with 34 per cent opposed. Just 20 per cent of UK voters believe that Scotland would be better off if it became independent, compared with 52 per cent who believe it would be worse off. Conversely, 36 per cent of UK voters believe that England would benefit if Scotland left the UK, compared with 34 per cent who believe it would suffer.


The survey also confirrms that a majority of voters support full fiscal autonomy or "devolution max" for Scotland, an option that Salmond has insisted should be included on the ballot paper. Asked if Scotland should be given full control over its tax and spending, 51 per cent say yes and just 32 per cent say no, with 17 per cent undecided.

本次调查还确认了大多数选民支持苏格兰享有财政自治或者"最大限度的权力下放",Alex Salmond坚持要将这一选项列在选票上。当被问及苏格兰是否对其税收和开支拥有全部控制权时,51%回答"是",仅有32%答"否",17%尚未打定主意。

Voters are divided on whether the Scottish government or the UK government should determine the wording and timing of the referendum. Forty one per cent of UK voters say that Westminster should, while 34 per cent say that Holyrood should. However, encouragingly for Salmond, an overwhelming majority of Scottish voters (72 per cent) say that his government should have control over the referendum.

关于应由苏格兰政府还是英国政府决定全民公决的措辞和时间,选民们分歧严重。41%的英国选民选择Westminster(英国政府),34%的则选Holyrood(苏格兰政府)。但令Alex Salmond备受鼓舞的是,绝大多数(72%)的苏格兰选民认为苏格兰政府应当主持全民公决。

The survey also found strong support for an English parliament. Asked if they support the establishment of a separate body with similar powers to those currently held by the Scottish parliament, 45 per cent of English voters say yes, with 20 per cent opposed and 35 per cent undecided.


原文链接:http://www.newstatesman.com/blog ... land-voters-supportExclusive poll: Scotland close to backing independence

"'Do you agree that Scotland should be an independent country?" That's the question that Alex Salmond intends to put to Scottish voters in autumn 2014. But how many are on the First Minister's side?

Alex Salmond打算在2014年秋向苏格兰选民提出以下问题:"你赞同苏格兰应当成为一个独立国家吗?"但有多少人站在苏格兰第一部长一边?

An exclusive New Statesman/ICD poll has some encouraging news for the SNP leader. Asked if Scotland should become an independent country, 45 per cent of Scottish voters say no and 44 per cent say yes, a higher level of support for independence than previously indicated by polls.


In total, 38 per cent of British voters say that Scotland should secede from the UK, with 34 per cent opposed. Just 20 per cent of UK voters believe that Scotland would be better off if it became independent, compared with 52 per cent who believe it would be worse off. Conversely, 36 per cent of UK voters believe that England would benefit if Scotland left the UK, compared with 34 per cent who believe it would suffer.


The survey also confirrms that a majority of voters support full fiscal autonomy or "devolution max" for Scotland, an option that Salmond has insisted should be included on the ballot paper. Asked if Scotland should be given full control over its tax and spending, 51 per cent say yes and just 32 per cent say no, with 17 per cent undecided.

本次调查还确认了大多数选民支持苏格兰享有财政自治或者"最大限度的权力下放",Alex Salmond坚持要将这一选项列在选票上。当被问及苏格兰是否对其税收和开支拥有全部控制权时,51%回答"是",仅有32%答"否",17%尚未打定主意。

Voters are divided on whether the Scottish government or the UK government should determine the wording and timing of the referendum. Forty one per cent of UK voters say that Westminster should, while 34 per cent say that Holyrood should. However, encouragingly for Salmond, an overwhelming majority of Scottish voters (72 per cent) say that his government should have control over the referendum.

关于应由苏格兰政府还是英国政府决定全民公决的措辞和时间,选民们分歧严重。41%的英国选民选择Westminster(英国政府),34%的则选Holyrood(苏格兰政府)。但令Alex Salmond备受鼓舞的是,绝大多数(72%)的苏格兰选民认为苏格兰政府应当主持全民公决。

The survey also found strong support for an English parliament. Asked if they support the establishment of a separate body with similar powers to those currently held by the Scottish parliament, 45 per cent of English voters say yes, with 20 per cent opposed and 35 per cent undecided.


原文链接:http://www.newstatesman.com/blog ... land-voters-support
贰柒壹肆玖 发表于 2012-1-27 16:20

乃是说颂扬法兰西和苏格兰人传统友谊的片子么^o^话说牛奶家里一直不消停 我认识个苏格兰人 从来不说自己是英国人 总是强调指出自己时苏格兰人 说自己从来不用英格兰英镑 都是用苏格兰英镑
jlf5843 发表于 2012-1-28 19:39
乃是说颂扬法兰西和苏格兰人传统友谊的片子么^o^话说牛奶家里一直不消停 我认识个苏格兰人 从来不说自己是 ...
abx19831117 发表于 2012-1-28 19:52