
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 01:19:09
觉得了解一下别人的想法不是坏事儿。 挑了网页里支持人比较多的比较典型的一些评论。
楼主看完的感觉是 美帝要是真插手的话,大概很多民主会反对吧。
原址传送: ht tp://news.ya hoo.com/china-rebukes-clinton-comments-disputes-islets-090943140--business.html;_ylt=A2KLOzKBfQBRo00A6zDQtDMD

It's doubtful we would ever go to war with China, they'd have to loan us the money for it.
If you want to be in Politics - Shed your Conscience, learn to EXPLOIT, LIE and CHEAT..!!
Save your breath Hillary, you'll need it for The Benghazi Hearings. Those "new glasses" won't get you any sympathy, either. You're a deceptive liar and a disgrace. Just go away.
省省吧希拉里,还是弄好班加西的事儿吧。 新眼镜也不会有同情分。你这个傻逼骗子,滚吧。
Remember what the teacher in Charlie Brown's classroom sounded like ?
这个引用了动画片Charlie Brown,没太懂。求大神指点。
can someone tell me what is the up side with trade with china besides high unemployment and cheap wall mart junk.
she just couldn't keep her big womanly mouth shut on her way out...Now Bill has another mess to fix.
A nation that can not survive without borrowing money from another nation to pay its bills trying to tell their lender how to live is even more pathetic than an adult child that can not survive on his or her own trying to tell his or her parents how to live.
Well we better stay out of this, we have condemned Israel for taking anothers land for decades but we still send them a fortune in money and weapons to keep doing it.We have lost the moral high ground.
我们最好还是别插手。 我们批评以色列占了别的土地十几年了不过还是给他们钱个武器。 我们已经丢了道德高地了。
Be careful Hilary, Dosen't China loan you money to give to the mideast?
What China said was you either agree with China or we will make you pay your debt to us.
If Japan knows better she may think twice of underlying China's ideals with the islands. After all the Chinese may still be mad as hell with Japan due to WWII when Japan invaded much of China and her territories and is now ready to pay back the complement. I always thought that WWII never really got resolved and now it may come true. No wonder why the U.S is ready to concentrate is security efforts in the pacific once again.
要是对日本懂多点,她可能会慎重考虑反对中国的意见了。 毕竟中国人因为二战日本的入侵到现在还看日本很不爽因此现在也准备好还回去了。 我总是想二战从未真的解决,现在成真了。 难怪美国现在又致力于重返太平洋了。
It had been 40 years, the tree we planted in 1972, and it is about time to pick the fruit and taste it which may be bitter or poisonous. I recommend for us better not to taste the fruit, it is very dangerous for even touch it.
Give it back to them if the Chinese controlled it longer and before Japan has. It's really that simple.
What the US remarks mean is the islands which are in dispute are included in the post WWII treaty signed by the US and Japan. That treaty stipulates the US would come to the aid of Japan should it be attacked by ANY (not just China) other country. The US is NOT taking sides on who retains actual sovereignty over the islands. These are two different situations. One is governed by a treaty the other is a matter for both Japan and China to work out. It may most likely take a trip to the UNCLOS to determine an outcome. All if us, myself included, should not be reading more than this into the equation. Teh islands are currently under Japan's jurisdication and covered under the treaty by both the US and Japan. The US will not take side in the actual sovergeinty matter unless Japan is attacked which I believe is doubtful. China, Japan, nor any other country truly wants a war of this magnitude. It is none of our interests.
美国真正的意思是这个争议岛屿被包括在二战后美日的合约里的。合约规定当日本被任何国家攻击时美国得帮助日本。 美国不是在谁统治这个岛上站队,这是两个不同的问题。 一个是有合同决定的。一个是中国和日本需要解决的。 估计得靠国际海洋公约来解决。  我们不能把其它更多的东西放在这等式里。 美国不会在主权问题上站队除非日本被攻击,估计这事儿概率不大。 中国日本都不想卷进这么大的战争里。 对我们也没好处。
Where is her helmet???
Russia is now saying the US is the problem in Asia. That the islands are "indisputable territory of China." That if a conflict arises, they will side with China. How are you going to deal with that?
俄罗斯说美国是亚洲的麻烦。 这些岛屿无可争议是中国的。 如果发生冲突俄国将支持中国。 希拉里你怎么破?
Japan has never apologized to China or the US for the atrocities that they committed during WWII and China has not forgotten. The remaining members of the US Military and Missionaries that the Japanese killed on tortured will not forget. I think Japan should make a complete apology for what they did to China and the US. The US should be concerned more about the imbalance of trade and the value of the Yuan than these Islands.
日本从没因为二战的暴行想中美道歉。 美国的老兵和传教士不会忘记被日本杀死和折磨的(队友)。 我觉得日本应该做一个彻底的道歉。 美国应该更关心贸易的不平衡和人民币的汇率,而不是这些岛屿。
please China... punish us. Stop sending your cheep goods to our country. Force us to work for ourselves...
How soon we forget Obama sent Clinton to China to beg for more borrowed Chinese money
I am in no way an apologist for the Chinese government but in this instance they have legitimate historical claim to these islands. We are foolish to get involved in Japan's saber-rattling. Don't believe me, trace the history, and not just from the Japanese side. Japanese Prime Minister Abe is a nationalist of the worst sort; his grandfather was part of the cabal that got them into the Pacific war.
我从来没考虑过想中国人道歉但是这事儿上他们有合法的历史证据。 我们扯进这事儿实在傻逼。别信我,信历史,不光是日本人说的历史。 日本首相安倍最扯的民族主义者,他爷爷就是策动太平洋战争的一份子。
Anything that interferes with our plans to annex every island in the Pacific Ocean confuses right with wrong. –China
Did Clinton talk to Obama before saying that and she will be out of office soon. She is a big mouth and sees the opportunity to play hawk in order to aim for the next presidential, to please the conservative segment of the US society. Not sure she will pan out.
克林顿在讲话之前告诉过奥巴马她要说这些和她要离职了吗? 她这个大嘴为了下次总统大选在找机会玩鹰派来取悦保守派。 不确定她会不会成功。
LOL! That's right baby, poke the dragon before you leave!
LoL,宝贝就是这样,你跑之前戳一下龙..觉得了解一下别人的想法不是坏事儿。 挑了网页里支持人比较多的比较典型的一些评论。
楼主看完的感觉是 美帝要是真插手的话,大概很多民主会反对吧。
原址传送: ht tp://news.ya hoo.com/china-rebukes-clinton-comments-disputes-islets-090943140--business.html;_ylt=A2KLOzKBfQBRo00A6zDQtDMD

It's doubtful we would ever go to war with China, they'd have to loan us the money for it.
If you want to be in Politics - Shed your Conscience, learn to EXPLOIT, LIE and CHEAT..!!
Save your breath Hillary, you'll need it for The Benghazi Hearings. Those "new glasses" won't get you any sympathy, either. You're a deceptive liar and a disgrace. Just go away.
省省吧希拉里,还是弄好班加西的事儿吧。 新眼镜也不会有同情分。你这个傻逼骗子,滚吧。
Remember what the teacher in Charlie Brown's classroom sounded like ?
这个引用了动画片Charlie Brown,没太懂。求大神指点。
can someone tell me what is the up side with trade with china besides high unemployment and cheap wall mart junk.
she just couldn't keep her big womanly mouth shut on her way out...Now Bill has another mess to fix.
A nation that can not survive without borrowing money from another nation to pay its bills trying to tell their lender how to live is even more pathetic than an adult child that can not survive on his or her own trying to tell his or her parents how to live.
Well we better stay out of this, we have condemned Israel for taking anothers land for decades but we still send them a fortune in money and weapons to keep doing it.We have lost the moral high ground.
我们最好还是别插手。 我们批评以色列占了别的土地十几年了不过还是给他们钱个武器。 我们已经丢了道德高地了。
Be careful Hilary, Dosen't China loan you money to give to the mideast?
What China said was you either agree with China or we will make you pay your debt to us.
If Japan knows better she may think twice of underlying China's ideals with the islands. After all the Chinese may still be mad as hell with Japan due to WWII when Japan invaded much of China and her territories and is now ready to pay back the complement. I always thought that WWII never really got resolved and now it may come true. No wonder why the U.S is ready to concentrate is security efforts in the pacific once again.
要是对日本懂多点,她可能会慎重考虑反对中国的意见了。 毕竟中国人因为二战日本的入侵到现在还看日本很不爽因此现在也准备好还回去了。 我总是想二战从未真的解决,现在成真了。 难怪美国现在又致力于重返太平洋了。
It had been 40 years, the tree we planted in 1972, and it is about time to pick the fruit and taste it which may be bitter or poisonous. I recommend for us better not to taste the fruit, it is very dangerous for even touch it.
Give it back to them if the Chinese controlled it longer and before Japan has. It's really that simple.
What the US remarks mean is the islands which are in dispute are included in the post WWII treaty signed by the US and Japan. That treaty stipulates the US would come to the aid of Japan should it be attacked by ANY (not just China) other country. The US is NOT taking sides on who retains actual sovereignty over the islands. These are two different situations. One is governed by a treaty the other is a matter for both Japan and China to work out. It may most likely take a trip to the UNCLOS to determine an outcome. All if us, myself included, should not be reading more than this into the equation. Teh islands are currently under Japan's jurisdication and covered under the treaty by both the US and Japan. The US will not take side in the actual sovergeinty matter unless Japan is attacked which I believe is doubtful. China, Japan, nor any other country truly wants a war of this magnitude. It is none of our interests.
美国真正的意思是这个争议岛屿被包括在二战后美日的合约里的。合约规定当日本被任何国家攻击时美国得帮助日本。 美国不是在谁统治这个岛上站队,这是两个不同的问题。 一个是有合同决定的。一个是中国和日本需要解决的。 估计得靠国际海洋公约来解决。  我们不能把其它更多的东西放在这等式里。 美国不会在主权问题上站队除非日本被攻击,估计这事儿概率不大。 中国日本都不想卷进这么大的战争里。 对我们也没好处。
Where is her helmet???
Russia is now saying the US is the problem in Asia. That the islands are "indisputable territory of China." That if a conflict arises, they will side with China. How are you going to deal with that?
俄罗斯说美国是亚洲的麻烦。 这些岛屿无可争议是中国的。 如果发生冲突俄国将支持中国。 希拉里你怎么破?
Japan has never apologized to China or the US for the atrocities that they committed during WWII and China has not forgotten. The remaining members of the US Military and Missionaries that the Japanese killed on tortured will not forget. I think Japan should make a complete apology for what they did to China and the US. The US should be concerned more about the imbalance of trade and the value of the Yuan than these Islands.
日本从没因为二战的暴行想中美道歉。 美国的老兵和传教士不会忘记被日本杀死和折磨的(队友)。 我觉得日本应该做一个彻底的道歉。 美国应该更关心贸易的不平衡和人民币的汇率,而不是这些岛屿。
please China... punish us. Stop sending your cheep goods to our country. Force us to work for ourselves...
How soon we forget Obama sent Clinton to China to beg for more borrowed Chinese money
I am in no way an apologist for the Chinese government but in this instance they have legitimate historical claim to these islands. We are foolish to get involved in Japan's saber-rattling. Don't believe me, trace the history, and not just from the Japanese side. Japanese Prime Minister Abe is a nationalist of the worst sort; his grandfather was part of the cabal that got them into the Pacific war.
我从来没考虑过想中国人道歉但是这事儿上他们有合法的历史证据。 我们扯进这事儿实在傻逼。别信我,信历史,不光是日本人说的历史。 日本首相安倍最扯的民族主义者,他爷爷就是策动太平洋战争的一份子。
Anything that interferes with our plans to annex every island in the Pacific Ocean confuses right with wrong. –China
Did Clinton talk to Obama before saying that and she will be out of office soon. She is a big mouth and sees the opportunity to play hawk in order to aim for the next presidential, to please the conservative segment of the US society. Not sure she will pan out.
克林顿在讲话之前告诉过奥巴马她要说这些和她要离职了吗? 她这个大嘴为了下次总统大选在找机会玩鹰派来取悦保守派。 不确定她会不会成功。
LOL! That's right baby, poke the dragon before you leave!
大学里的美国人感觉比这个腹黑写,不少人都觉得就是明摆着制衡中国的阳谋。 不过他们喜欢占道德高地,喜欢拿道德说事儿是真的。
stshop 发表于 2013-1-24 08:45
我家娘子赵灵儿 发表于 2013-1-24 08:42
好心也可能办坏事. 怎么做才能维护长远利益呢?

stshop 发表于 2013-1-24 08:45
是前天和昨天的帖子数都没清零 昨天打开七千多 今天是一万多 都是这几天累积的
美帝的网民 不愧是 世界级的 精英汇集起来的

看问题从综合上的深度、 广度明显  让人 可以 听完 看完。
美国卖队友又不是一天两天了……嘴巴上支持而已来自: iPhone客户端

这下真急了 发表于 2013-1-24 09:29
美帝的网民 不愧是 世界级的 精英汇集起来的

看问题从综合上的深度、 广度明显  让人 可以 听完 看完。
是前天和昨天的帖子数都没清零 昨天打开七千多 今天是一万多 都是这几天累积的
是前天和昨天的帖子数都没清零 昨天打开七千多 今天是一万多 都是这几天累积的
这下真急了 发表于 2013-1-24 09:29
美帝的网民 不愧是 世界级的 精英汇集起来的

看问题从综合上的深度、 广度明显  让人 可以 听完 看完。
可能因为我筛选一遍,所以质量要高一些。  不见得比CD高明多少。
stshop 发表于 2013-1-24 08:45
jdrlgd 发表于 2013-1-24 08:52
nymagic 发表于 2013-1-24 10:19
please China... punish us. Stop sending your cheep goods to our country. Force us to work for ourselves...

我家娘子赵灵儿 发表于 2013-1-24 08:42
bengbengniu 发表于 2013-1-24 08:47
无非就是  高潮之前大喊  NB你就射进来  我不怕
猫の気まぐれ 发表于 2013-1-24 10:31
求其20081026 发表于 2013-1-24 10:24
看来拉稀还想当总统,不过,就是不知道几年后,世界的格局又是怎样,现在把话说的这么满,到时候变了,可没有转弯 ...
nymagic 发表于 2013-1-24 10:19