
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 05:37:03
http://www.popularmechanics.com/ ... 59356?click=pm_news


上周, SpaceX公司负责人“伊隆麝香”大张旗鼓推介的龙航天器,设计用于携带多达七名宇航员送入地球轨道。其最激进的新的和改进的龙V2的功能:火箭动力着陆系统。 SpaceX公司的工程师希望利用四对SuperDraco液体推进剂发动机像直升机般地降落。宇航员可以瞄准干地着陆,避免危险的海洋着陆和省去了一个海军救援舰队。

“这是21世纪的飞船应该如何降落, ”“麝香”揭幕时说。

龙V2是一个大胆的一步:到现在为止,所有的胶囊状的载人车辆,从一开始的水星飞船到今天的俄罗斯联盟号到NASA的下一代猎户座 - 依靠降落伞软化触地得分。相比于险重推进系统的降落伞是轻快而简约。但是,也出现了以前曾试图建立这样一个航天器。而且,奇怪的是,这两种尝试来自俄罗斯,其目前的垄断人类进入轨道麝香发誓要打破。


项目背后是康斯坦丁Feoktistov ,一个传奇的苏联宇航员和东方航天器携带的第一人送入太空,1961年,以及该联盟的主要设计师。然而,即使Feoktistov的影响力和美誉度还不够说服冒险,火箭着陆系统的可靠性持怀疑态度。随着苏联的太空计划在1980年代末面临崩溃的预算,该项目被搁置。

曙光号的遗产重生在21世纪时,俄罗斯设计师推出的新一代航天器, PTK的NP ,旨在取代联盟的发展。这时候,俄国人改用更可靠的固体推进剂发动机的着陆系统。与联盟号上的小,软着陆发动机,着陆前的火片刻,以补充主降落伞下,PTK的NP飞船的推进系统将在着陆过程中发挥主要作用。在俄罗斯航天业的激烈争论后,开发商加降落伞三重奏的设计,以确保安全着陆,即使主推进系统出现故障。

龙V2和PTK NP之间的相似之处不着陆战术结束。在他的示范游览龙的驾驶舱,伊隆麝香展示了飞船的主控制台,可上下摆动。俄罗斯工程师首先证明了这两种特质,去年八月在PTK NP的更新原型。


毫不奇怪,龙V2和它的俄罗斯前身,再加上所有的媒体炒作之间明显的相似之处,激怒谁已经花了半个十年的PTK NP航天器的发展在很大程度上uncelebrated俄罗斯工程师。

“你觉得麝香和他的龙样机累了!这里是,更符合现实,去年同期, ”俄罗斯宇航员马克·谢罗夫说,指的是PTK NP飞船首次显示在莫斯科航空的全尺寸原型和航天展在2011年8月。


Last week, SpaceX head Elon Musk unveiled with great fanfare the latest incarnation of its Dragon spacecraft, designed to carry up to seven astronauts into Earth orbit. The most radical feature of the new and improved Dragon V2: its rocket-powered landing system. SpaceX engineers hope to use four pairs of SuperDraco liquid-propellant engines for a helicopter-like landing. Astronauts could make a pinpoint touchdown on dry land, avoiding dangerous ocean landings and eliminating the need for a naval rescue armada.

"That is how the 21st-century spaceship should land," Musk said during the unveiling.

Dragon V2 is a bold step forward: Until now, all capsule-like manned vehicles—from the pioneering Mercury spacecraft to today's Russian Soyuz to NASA's next-generation Orion—relied on parachutes to soften the touchdown. Parachutes are light and simple compared to dangerous and heavy propulsion systems. However, there have been previous attempts to build such a spacecraft. And, curiously, both attempts came from Russia, whose current monopoly on human access to orbit Musk has vowed to break.

In 1985, Soviet designers drafted a top-secret project of a manned spacecraft called Zarya (Dawn), capable of carrying up to eight people to the Mir space station. The capsule-like vehicle resembled the enlarged descent module of the Soyuz spacecraft. But instead of landing under a parachute, it featured powerful liquid-propellant engines. A total of 24 nozzles surrounding the bell-shaped capsule would fire during the descent. And instead of ablative thermal protection burning away layer by layer during the reentry into Earth's atmosphere, Zarya would be covered with reusable tiles that would allow the spacecraft to make between 30 and 50 missions into space.

Behind the project was Konstantin Feoktistov, a legendary Soviet cosmonaut and a leading designer of the Vostok spacecraft that carried the first man into space, in 1961, as well as the Soyuz. However, even Feoktistov's influence and reputation were not enough to convince skeptics of the reliability of the risky, rocket-propelled landing system. As the Soviet space program faced a collapsing budget at the end of the 1980s, the project was shelved.

Zarya's legacy was reborn in the 21st century when Russian designers launched the development of the new-generation spacecraft, PTK NP, intended to replace Soyuz. This time, Russians switched to more reliable solid-propellant engines for the landing system. Unlike the small, soft-landing engines on Soyuz, which fire a moment before touchdown to complement the main parachute, the propulsion system of the PTK NP spacecraft would play the main role during the landing. After heated debates in the Russian space industry, developers added a trio of parachutes to the design to ensure safe landing even if the main propulsion system fails.

Similarities between Dragon V2 and PTK NP do not end with the landing tactic. During his demo tour of the Dragon's cockpit, Elon Musk showcased the main control console of the spacecraft, which can swing up and down. Russian engineers first demonstrated this distinct feature last August on the updated prototype of the PTK NP.

Interestingly, Russians had to resort to using a movable console only because its operational position was blocking the access to the ship's entrance hatch. By contrast, Russian space insiders tell me, there is no apparent reason for this feature in Dragon. They also called the Dragon V2 prototype rudimentary, with most of its interior systems still absent. Representatives of the notoriously secretive SpaceX were not available for comments.

Not surprisingly, obvious similarities between the Dragon V2 and its Russian predecessor, combined with all the media hype, irked largely uncelebrated Russian engineers who've spent half a decade on the development of the PTK NP spacecraft.

"Got tired already of Musk and his Dragon mockup! Here is, closer to reality and a year earlier," Russian cosmonaut Mark Serov said, referring to a full-scale prototype of the PTK NP spacecraft that was first displayed at the Moscow Air and Space Show in August 2011.

Anatoly Zak is a publisher of RussianSpaceWeb.com and the author of Russia in Space: the Past Explained, the Future Explored.
http://www.popularmechanics.com/ ... 59356?click=pm_news


上周, SpaceX公司负责人“伊隆麝香”大张旗鼓推介的龙航天器,设计用于携带多达七名宇航员送入地球轨道。其最激进的新的和改进的龙V2的功能:火箭动力着陆系统。 SpaceX公司的工程师希望利用四对SuperDraco液体推进剂发动机像直升机般地降落。宇航员可以瞄准干地着陆,避免危险的海洋着陆和省去了一个海军救援舰队。

“这是21世纪的飞船应该如何降落, ”“麝香”揭幕时说。

龙V2是一个大胆的一步:到现在为止,所有的胶囊状的载人车辆,从一开始的水星飞船到今天的俄罗斯联盟号到NASA的下一代猎户座 - 依靠降落伞软化触地得分。相比于险重推进系统的降落伞是轻快而简约。但是,也出现了以前曾试图建立这样一个航天器。而且,奇怪的是,这两种尝试来自俄罗斯,其目前的垄断人类进入轨道麝香发誓要打破。


项目背后是康斯坦丁Feoktistov ,一个传奇的苏联宇航员和东方航天器携带的第一人送入太空,1961年,以及该联盟的主要设计师。然而,即使Feoktistov的影响力和美誉度还不够说服冒险,火箭着陆系统的可靠性持怀疑态度。随着苏联的太空计划在1980年代末面临崩溃的预算,该项目被搁置。

曙光号的遗产重生在21世纪时,俄罗斯设计师推出的新一代航天器, PTK的NP ,旨在取代联盟的发展。这时候,俄国人改用更可靠的固体推进剂发动机的着陆系统。与联盟号上的小,软着陆发动机,着陆前的火片刻,以补充主降落伞下,PTK的NP飞船的推进系统将在着陆过程中发挥主要作用。在俄罗斯航天业的激烈争论后,开发商加降落伞三重奏的设计,以确保安全着陆,即使主推进系统出现故障。

龙V2和PTK NP之间的相似之处不着陆战术结束。在他的示范游览龙的驾驶舱,伊隆麝香展示了飞船的主控制台,可上下摆动。俄罗斯工程师首先证明了这两种特质,去年八月在PTK NP的更新原型。


毫不奇怪,龙V2和它的俄罗斯前身,再加上所有的媒体炒作之间明显的相似之处,激怒谁已经花了半个十年的PTK NP航天器的发展在很大程度上uncelebrated俄罗斯工程师。

“你觉得麝香和他的龙样机累了!这里是,更符合现实,去年同期, ”俄罗斯宇航员马克·谢罗夫说,指的是PTK NP飞船首次显示在莫斯科航空的全尺寸原型和航天展在2011年8月。


Last week, SpaceX head Elon Musk unveiled with great fanfare the latest incarnation of its Dragon spacecraft, designed to carry up to seven astronauts into Earth orbit. The most radical feature of the new and improved Dragon V2: its rocket-powered landing system. SpaceX engineers hope to use four pairs of SuperDraco liquid-propellant engines for a helicopter-like landing. Astronauts could make a pinpoint touchdown on dry land, avoiding dangerous ocean landings and eliminating the need for a naval rescue armada.

"That is how the 21st-century spaceship should land," Musk said during the unveiling.

Dragon V2 is a bold step forward: Until now, all capsule-like manned vehicles—from the pioneering Mercury spacecraft to today's Russian Soyuz to NASA's next-generation Orion—relied on parachutes to soften the touchdown. Parachutes are light and simple compared to dangerous and heavy propulsion systems. However, there have been previous attempts to build such a spacecraft. And, curiously, both attempts came from Russia, whose current monopoly on human access to orbit Musk has vowed to break.

In 1985, Soviet designers drafted a top-secret project of a manned spacecraft called Zarya (Dawn), capable of carrying up to eight people to the Mir space station. The capsule-like vehicle resembled the enlarged descent module of the Soyuz spacecraft. But instead of landing under a parachute, it featured powerful liquid-propellant engines. A total of 24 nozzles surrounding the bell-shaped capsule would fire during the descent. And instead of ablative thermal protection burning away layer by layer during the reentry into Earth's atmosphere, Zarya would be covered with reusable tiles that would allow the spacecraft to make between 30 and 50 missions into space.

Behind the project was Konstantin Feoktistov, a legendary Soviet cosmonaut and a leading designer of the Vostok spacecraft that carried the first man into space, in 1961, as well as the Soyuz. However, even Feoktistov's influence and reputation were not enough to convince skeptics of the reliability of the risky, rocket-propelled landing system. As the Soviet space program faced a collapsing budget at the end of the 1980s, the project was shelved.

Zarya's legacy was reborn in the 21st century when Russian designers launched the development of the new-generation spacecraft, PTK NP, intended to replace Soyuz. This time, Russians switched to more reliable solid-propellant engines for the landing system. Unlike the small, soft-landing engines on Soyuz, which fire a moment before touchdown to complement the main parachute, the propulsion system of the PTK NP spacecraft would play the main role during the landing. After heated debates in the Russian space industry, developers added a trio of parachutes to the design to ensure safe landing even if the main propulsion system fails.

Similarities between Dragon V2 and PTK NP do not end with the landing tactic. During his demo tour of the Dragon's cockpit, Elon Musk showcased the main control console of the spacecraft, which can swing up and down. Russian engineers first demonstrated this distinct feature last August on the updated prototype of the PTK NP.

Interestingly, Russians had to resort to using a movable console only because its operational position was blocking the access to the ship's entrance hatch. By contrast, Russian space insiders tell me, there is no apparent reason for this feature in Dragon. They also called the Dragon V2 prototype rudimentary, with most of its interior systems still absent. Representatives of the notoriously secretive SpaceX were not available for comments.

Not surprisingly, obvious similarities between the Dragon V2 and its Russian predecessor, combined with all the media hype, irked largely uncelebrated Russian engineers who've spent half a decade on the development of the PTK NP spacecraft.

"Got tired already of Musk and his Dragon mockup! Here is, closer to reality and a year earlier," Russian cosmonaut Mark Serov said, referring to a full-scale prototype of the PTK NP spacecraft that was first displayed at the Moscow Air and Space Show in August 2011.

Anatoly Zak is a publisher of RussianSpaceWeb.com and the author of Russia in Space: the Past Explained, the Future Explored.


PKT NP那个防热大底开洞的怪物……
楠宫萧vn 发表于 2014-6-5 12:38
PKT NP那个防热大底开洞的怪物……
acoustics 发表于 2014-6-5 12:50
Anatoly Zak写的还是很客观的。保守的Roscosmos把PTK NP从一个高大上的设计硬生生整成了猎户座斯基,俄罗斯设计人员的郁闷也是可以理解的,当然设计归设计,能不能实现也是两说。
acoustics 发表于 2014-6-6 13:06

cmj9808 发表于 2014-6-6 14:27
H7N9 发表于 2014-6-9 17:04
风不悲 发表于 2014-6-9 21:16
我想问国际空间站退役后美俄准备再搞空间站么?不搞大型空间站要这么大的飞船干啥……国际空间站也不过用7 ...


PTK-NP 飞船要从 2020年,用到2100年,整整80年。