大西洋月刊:年轻的中国人可能不那么热衷西式民主。(转 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 00:39:14

Young Chinese People May Just Not Be That Into Western-Style Democracy


A new study shows that the country's youth have an increasingly lukewarm attitude about democratic political systems.


Chinese economic surveys and data are everywhere. Their quarterly or annual release regularly generate excitement, fretting, and plenty of interpretation. And this last round was no exception, leading the Wall Street Journal to wryly quip that China's second quarter data release was "As eagerly awaited as the first sight of Kim Kardashian's baby, but probably less attractive..."
Far fewer surveys and data are available on Chinese politics, however, or at least in the English-speaking world. Although such studies tend to be rather obscure, they do exist, and even explore seemingly "third rail" subjects like democracy and political governance. In fact, in the mid-2000s, an official in the Translation Bureau of the Central Committee, Yu Keping, made a splash with his essay "Democracy is a Good Thing".


In my occasional search for contemporary Chinese political studies, I stumbled upon an interesting new study. Titled "What Kind of Democracy do Chinese Want?", it's a study from the leading state think tank in China, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Zhang Mingshu, the study's author, apparently hopes to distinguish between different types of "democracies". He explains thusly: "Generally speaking, one type is Western democracy. It originated from Greece ... and through the catalyst of the Renaissance and Enlightenment, produced the type of democracy we see today in the United States and England. But another type is China's democracy today, which we call "socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics."


At this point, groans are emanating from astute China analysts about how such arguments typify Chinese political discourse today. What's more, Zhang goes on to say that his exploration of the kind of democracy Chinese want is largely determined by the existing political and civic culture, citing the work of American political scientist Gabriel Almond on how specific civic cultures can shape the type of political system. This, of course, sounds awfully close to the longstanding debate over the lack of suzhi -- loosely translated as civic values -- that make Chinese society unprepared for major systemic changes.
But putting aside these issues for now, some of Zhang's key findings nonetheless may offer some insight into the current state of political attitudes among Chinese, particularly of a younger generation of Chinese. [I can't vouch for the soundness of the methodology, but the author claims that he conducted a survey with 1,750 random samples across four different regions in China. Each of the participants was given a 40-question survey to fill out.]

关于这一点,由于有争论,而这决定性影响了现今中国的政治话语,中国分析家中的精英因而产生了很多抱怨。更重要的是,张继续说,他的研究关于中国想要什么样的民主,很大程度上是由现有的政治和公民文化决定的,他引述美国政治学家Gabriel Almond的话,不同公民文化可以塑造不同政治制度。当然,这听起来与素质的缺乏这一长期争论的话题(大致译为公民的价值观)非常相近—这使得中国社会对重大的系统性变化措手不及。但撇开这些问题不谈,关于中国的政治态度,张的一些研究仍然可能有所启示,尤其是对年轻一代。(不能保证该方法的合理性,但笔者认为,他在中国四个不同地区调查了1750个随机样本每个参与者填写了含四十个问题的问卷调查)








There is plenty more data from the study (including breakdowns based on educational attainment), but a couple things stand out here. One, there is a clear generational difference, particularly between the post-1980s generation (the so-called balinghou) and those who are older and lived through a more tumultuous era in Chinese modern history. Two, there appears to be a shift to a centrist attitude, also more pronounced among the younger cohorts ("left" in China traditionally meant more hardcore communist/socialist or neo-Maoists and "right" typically meant more pro-West and pro-market). Overall, more than half of the respondents hold a more nuanced view that the Chinese political system cannot simply be compared to that of the United States, presumably implying that each has its own strengths and weaknesses.


In an interview with the liberal Guangdong paper Southern Weekend, the author further explains his findings (select translation below
SW: For similar questions, what was the biggest difference in results this time (Zhang had conducted a virtually identical survey in the 1980s)
Zhang: There was a new focus this time, particularly in terms of the delineation between "left, right, and center." The survey results show that the percentage on the "right" is lower, on the "left" higher, and the majority of the public seems to be moving in conjunction with the mainstream media. These three findings were contrary to my expectations. When I did the survey in 1988, there was clearly a much higher proportion of pro-West views among the respondents. That was the early reform era, and society was embracing all things Western ..
... According to these findings, 38.1 percent of the respondents are considered "left", 51.5 percent "centrist," and 8 percent "right." I was not anticipating these results. But if you calmly and rationally think about the people around you, not just those in intellectual circles, but those from your hometown or those you encounter on the street, these percentages aren't too far off.
SW: In your view, will there be some kind of collision among the three groups you identified above?
Zhang: The study shows that whether your political attitude leans toward liberalism/libertarianism (or "right") is somewhat positively correlated with the level of educational attainment. But at the same time, the higher the level of education, the higher the tendency of taking a more moderate and pragmatic political view. So we can roughly generalize that the more "cosmopolitan" the respondent, the more likely he or she will lean toward centrist or to the right ...
... The mainstream intellectual classes in China today all basically have their own vested interests. If they deviate from the mainstream path even a little bit, they will see their interests damaged. So they can only act in moderation and accommodate the current institutional arrangements.
Will the intellectual elites collide with other social classes over different political views and values? I think a lot of this is still dependent on the decision-makers in taking the initiative, in proactively understanding and incorporating both from the elites and other social classes and examining the issues comprehensively.
SW: In your findings, a large proportion is considered "political centrists." You believe that this has a strong relationship with the growth of the middle class. But in China, scholars continue to heatedly debate what kind of people are considered middle class, how many are actually in the middle class, and are the middle class' political views more radical or more conservative. In other words, can we then say that China's "political centrists" are also a highly variable group?
Zhang: Yes. For the sake of this study, we basically equated those who shared the view "They have different national conditions, can't be simply compared" to political centrists ...
.. In reality, decision-makers are by and large centrists. On some issues they may take a position slightly to the "right" and on others, they take a more "left" approach. This often amounts to murky and fuzzy policy adjustments, and that's intentional too, to prevent Chinese society from falling into the extreme conflicts of the past.

Now what to make of all this? Many will likely dismiss these findings as simply a study meant to provide some intellectual heft for perpetuating the current status quo. Or perhaps the official narrative and media are simply driving these attitudes. At a minimum, surveys like these bolster emerging Chinese public intellectuals who are championing Chinese exceptionalism, like Eric X. Li, contending that China needs an indigenous model, excavated from Chinese soil, not something borrowed and repackaged from the West.
Whatever the reasons or causes, I'll contend that they are somewhat irrelevant. What is more important is to further determine whether these findings are in fact representative of the prevailing political reality in China today. If this shift is indeed happening on a large, generational scale and will endure, then foreign observers may need to adjust their expectations about what kind of China we may see when the post-80s generation rise into positions of power.
Of course, nothing is preordained, and I have few answers. But I do know that grasping this political reality is as, if not more, important than whether GDP grows at 7 percent or 7.5 percent.



1、Actually, I think we live in a plutocracy. The rich call all the shots.In any event, democracy ain't lookin' all that good these days, Chinese or not.


2、Why would the Chinese want to emulate American democracy when they can see the total inability of our system to address the pressing problems of today?


3、The advantages of American democracy are subtle and hidden, while its disadvantages are loud and apparent. And yes, American democracy is on the decline.


4、Why can't they emulate European democracy? Besides, how does the failure of politicians equal the failure of a system. Our problem isn't the system a conceived. It's the people in the system.


5、Young Chinese People May Just Not Be That Into Western-Style Democracy"So they re kind of like young American people then?


6、We have democracy and regular elections, and are stuck with a financial oligarchy that sucks us, and the economy, dry. The EU is a democratic entity only in their press releases, elected politicians act merely as the fall-guys to failed economic policies to keep the European banks solvent. India is a democracy, and corrupt down to its very core. Argentina and Venezula elect leaders who have, and will continue to, strip the wealth of their countries in favor of the political class, seemingly without end.
Chinese attitudes towards democracy aren't very useful, other than there are alot of them, they don't currently have it, and if you want stay in airy-fairy land, that's them. But it might be more useful to ask a about attitudes in countries whose democratic process actually creates positive change, and works, say Estonia, there are some other examples.


7、Argentina and Venezula elect leaders who have, and will continue to, strip the wealth of their countries in favor of the political class, seemingly without end.
It's worth noting that, between Chavez's election in 1998 and 2006, the poverty rate (% of people living on less that $2/day, purchasing power parity; World Bank stats) fell from 20% to 13%. (World Bank site doesn't have more recent stats.) Venezuela's progress on the Human Development Index has also been faster by far in the 2000s than it was in the 1980s and 1990s, especially in the area of education, where the average years of schooling a child receives has risen from 5.9 to 7.6.
Oil wealth has been invested in raising standards of living rather than simply going to the oil companies overseas. There's a reason why he, and now his successors, continue being elected: he made a genuine difference in the lives of the poor after years of neoliberal policies that neglected them.


8、I'd say these polls are somewhat representative of my experience in talking with people in China, except for the high numbers of youngish people saying "China is better than the US"--I've rarely found that. ("You can't compare" is much more common.) Young Chinese admire many things about America, but they don't necessarily want to become America.
Americans have this mistaken idea that Chinese think like them, and yearn for the same democratic ideals that they do. But China has a very different history than America with traditional roots and perspectives on society that go back thousands of years. America was founded, and then populated, by people unhappy with the political or economic conditions in their former country, people who valued independence and political freedom as paramount. Most Chinese see stability and families/social ties as more important than freedom and independence.
Likewise, Americans believe that given the chance, regular Chinese would overthrow their autocratic government and install a fully democratic one just like America (though whether the US is indeed "fully democratic" is a subject for another debate). That is a profound misconception based on a lack of understanding of Chinese way of thought and culture.
Certainly Chinese want more freedom of expression. But they value other things even more. They are generally happy with "knowledgeable people" making the decisions and don't yearn to play a huge part in decision-making. In a couple of generations, this may change, but not now.


9、Chinese don't want to be Americans. Now that's a shock


10、how harmful it is to sort people in to "left" "right" and put the rest in the middle. If the right means "Western democracy" and the left means "Chinese communism" ... what room is there for a meaningful debate? Same problem we have in the West obviously.
That one is disillusioned by the West should not surprise anyone. The US shows pretty shockingly that "democracy" is just a word, and the idea behind it can get lost, even if you're allowed to make a cross every four years. If it's only white old millionaires up for election, then something is going on - but it's not democracy.
On the other hand, when I read things like 'China's democracy today, which we call "socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics."' - I must think someone drank the Chinese government's Koolaid. There is no democracy, and it's by all means not socialist in any sense of the idea.
It's these lies that "intellectuals" like Eric X. Li are spreading - they are willfully destroying possible discussions.
Anyways, a little note about the survey's reliability would have been nice too - experts on the subject tend to not trust questionnaires in China... since one has to be fearful to be too honest when it's possible the government wouldn't like your answers.

另外,当我看到类似于“中国的民主,我们称之为“有中国特色的社会主义民主政治。”这类读物,我想肯定有人喝了中国政府的酷爱(一种以儿童为销售对象的饮料)。 他们都没有民主,怎么也称不上社会主义。

11、I totally agree that despite these words being used in the official country and party names, Chinese is no more "democratic" than it is "communist". "Socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics" is complete doublespeak. (Of course, we Americans have our own doublespeak as well, but that's besides the point.)
I also agree all official surveys of this sort are inherently unreliable. However, as I mentioned in another comment, I'd say they somewhat reflect my own experience in living here in China.


12、"Democracy", "Productivity", and "Legitimacy" all have different meanings however. China may very well be a productive society in terms of outputs, and that may well confer some form of legitmacy to its form of government in the eyes of its citizens, but this doesn't necessarily make it a Democracy. Democracy doesn't simply mean "good."


13、No, democracy means "rule by the people". The "one man, one vote" form is just one. The hardcore Maoism of the Cultural Revolution is another. No, democracy is definitely NOT (always) good.


14、Incomes double every ten years, 90% home ownership, peace, universal health insurance, 3 weeks mandatory paid vacation, 600 million raised from poverty, peace, security, more participation in democracy than ever in China's history, best school systems on earth.....


15、What are even you talking about? You are the one erroneously equating America and China. Just because older students can and do get around the censorship, does not mean that they haven't already been brainwashed by the regime. Even a cursory knowledge of China's netizens reveal them to be extreme nationalists. Are you so foolish as to believe that this is by accident? Or some kind of Chinese genetic quirk? It's by design


16、OK... people are free to criticize... until they're not. Petitioners are regularly hassled and often enough incarcerated for periods without trial. Local people without wealth or power can be roughed up by local street cops without much recourse. Rule of law is weak (though there are positive signs of change). Crackdowns and the paranoid self-censoring behavior engendered by the threat of crackdowns recur. Organization that is seen as any kind of threat to Party power is regularly squelched. Lawyers, artists, and writers are closely watched by security and know their lives can become very difficult indeed if they step over the line. Lots to praise about contemporary China, but no need to be all 五毛黨 about the PRC!


17、China is worse than us in some of those areas and ahead of us in others – like unarmed cops who people yell at very loudly if they don't like the way they're being treated. And safe streets at night. And everyone (90%) sleeping under a roof they still own even after the GFC. And everyone, everyone, having gotten 100% raises every ten years for almost 40 years. In our, much richer, unscarred-by-200-years-occupation-and-war, country, we have been getting poorer over that time by about 1% per decade.
China's government has solved some expensive governance and financial management problems cheaply. We should study those solutions and adapt them to our needs. Instead of approaching them with negative expectations, let's see the Chinese government as its citizens see it: the best they've ever had. If you have Chinese friends you'll know that they're still heatedly discussing the Duke of Zhou's term of government. It ended 3,700 years ago.

h t t p://www。ltaaa。com/wtfy/9826。html


Young Chinese People May Just Not Be That Into Western-Style Democracy


A new study shows that the country's youth have an increasingly lukewarm attitude about democratic political systems.


Chinese economic surveys and data are everywhere. Their quarterly or annual release regularly generate excitement, fretting, and plenty of interpretation. And this last round was no exception, leading the Wall Street Journal to wryly quip that China's second quarter data release was "As eagerly awaited as the first sight of Kim Kardashian's baby, but probably less attractive..."
Far fewer surveys and data are available on Chinese politics, however, or at least in the English-speaking world. Although such studies tend to be rather obscure, they do exist, and even explore seemingly "third rail" subjects like democracy and political governance. In fact, in the mid-2000s, an official in the Translation Bureau of the Central Committee, Yu Keping, made a splash with his essay "Democracy is a Good Thing".


In my occasional search for contemporary Chinese political studies, I stumbled upon an interesting new study. Titled "What Kind of Democracy do Chinese Want?", it's a study from the leading state think tank in China, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Zhang Mingshu, the study's author, apparently hopes to distinguish between different types of "democracies". He explains thusly: "Generally speaking, one type is Western democracy. It originated from Greece ... and through the catalyst of the Renaissance and Enlightenment, produced the type of democracy we see today in the United States and England. But another type is China's democracy today, which we call "socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics."


At this point, groans are emanating from astute China analysts about how such arguments typify Chinese political discourse today. What's more, Zhang goes on to say that his exploration of the kind of democracy Chinese want is largely determined by the existing political and civic culture, citing the work of American political scientist Gabriel Almond on how specific civic cultures can shape the type of political system. This, of course, sounds awfully close to the longstanding debate over the lack of suzhi -- loosely translated as civic values -- that make Chinese society unprepared for major systemic changes.
But putting aside these issues for now, some of Zhang's key findings nonetheless may offer some insight into the current state of political attitudes among Chinese, particularly of a younger generation of Chinese. [I can't vouch for the soundness of the methodology, but the author claims that he conducted a survey with 1,750 random samples across four different regions in China. Each of the participants was given a 40-question survey to fill out.]

关于这一点,由于有争论,而这决定性影响了现今中国的政治话语,中国分析家中的精英因而产生了很多抱怨。更重要的是,张继续说,他的研究关于中国想要什么样的民主,很大程度上是由现有的政治和公民文化决定的,他引述美国政治学家Gabriel Almond的话,不同公民文化可以塑造不同政治制度。当然,这听起来与素质的缺乏这一长期争论的话题(大致译为公民的价值观)非常相近—这使得中国社会对重大的系统性变化措手不及。但撇开这些问题不谈,关于中国的政治态度,张的一些研究仍然可能有所启示,尤其是对年轻一代。(不能保证该方法的合理性,但笔者认为,他在中国四个不同地区调查了1750个随机样本每个参与者填写了含四十个问题的问卷调查)








There is plenty more data from the study (including breakdowns based on educational attainment), but a couple things stand out here. One, there is a clear generational difference, particularly between the post-1980s generation (the so-called balinghou) and those who are older and lived through a more tumultuous era in Chinese modern history. Two, there appears to be a shift to a centrist attitude, also more pronounced among the younger cohorts ("left" in China traditionally meant more hardcore communist/socialist or neo-Maoists and "right" typically meant more pro-West and pro-market). Overall, more than half of the respondents hold a more nuanced view that the Chinese political system cannot simply be compared to that of the United States, presumably implying that each has its own strengths and weaknesses.


In an interview with the liberal Guangdong paper Southern Weekend, the author further explains his findings (select translation below
SW: For similar questions, what was the biggest difference in results this time (Zhang had conducted a virtually identical survey in the 1980s)
Zhang: There was a new focus this time, particularly in terms of the delineation between "left, right, and center." The survey results show that the percentage on the "right" is lower, on the "left" higher, and the majority of the public seems to be moving in conjunction with the mainstream media. These three findings were contrary to my expectations. When I did the survey in 1988, there was clearly a much higher proportion of pro-West views among the respondents. That was the early reform era, and society was embracing all things Western ..
... According to these findings, 38.1 percent of the respondents are considered "left", 51.5 percent "centrist," and 8 percent "right." I was not anticipating these results. But if you calmly and rationally think about the people around you, not just those in intellectual circles, but those from your hometown or those you encounter on the street, these percentages aren't too far off.
SW: In your view, will there be some kind of collision among the three groups you identified above?
Zhang: The study shows that whether your political attitude leans toward liberalism/libertarianism (or "right") is somewhat positively correlated with the level of educational attainment. But at the same time, the higher the level of education, the higher the tendency of taking a more moderate and pragmatic political view. So we can roughly generalize that the more "cosmopolitan" the respondent, the more likely he or she will lean toward centrist or to the right ...
... The mainstream intellectual classes in China today all basically have their own vested interests. If they deviate from the mainstream path even a little bit, they will see their interests damaged. So they can only act in moderation and accommodate the current institutional arrangements.
Will the intellectual elites collide with other social classes over different political views and values? I think a lot of this is still dependent on the decision-makers in taking the initiative, in proactively understanding and incorporating both from the elites and other social classes and examining the issues comprehensively.
SW: In your findings, a large proportion is considered "political centrists." You believe that this has a strong relationship with the growth of the middle class. But in China, scholars continue to heatedly debate what kind of people are considered middle class, how many are actually in the middle class, and are the middle class' political views more radical or more conservative. In other words, can we then say that China's "political centrists" are also a highly variable group?
Zhang: Yes. For the sake of this study, we basically equated those who shared the view "They have different national conditions, can't be simply compared" to political centrists ...
.. In reality, decision-makers are by and large centrists. On some issues they may take a position slightly to the "right" and on others, they take a more "left" approach. This often amounts to murky and fuzzy policy adjustments, and that's intentional too, to prevent Chinese society from falling into the extreme conflicts of the past.

Now what to make of all this? Many will likely dismiss these findings as simply a study meant to provide some intellectual heft for perpetuating the current status quo. Or perhaps the official narrative and media are simply driving these attitudes. At a minimum, surveys like these bolster emerging Chinese public intellectuals who are championing Chinese exceptionalism, like Eric X. Li, contending that China needs an indigenous model, excavated from Chinese soil, not something borrowed and repackaged from the West.
Whatever the reasons or causes, I'll contend that they are somewhat irrelevant. What is more important is to further determine whether these findings are in fact representative of the prevailing political reality in China today. If this shift is indeed happening on a large, generational scale and will endure, then foreign observers may need to adjust their expectations about what kind of China we may see when the post-80s generation rise into positions of power.
Of course, nothing is preordained, and I have few answers. But I do know that grasping this political reality is as, if not more, important than whether GDP grows at 7 percent or 7.5 percent.



1、Actually, I think we live in a plutocracy. The rich call all the shots.In any event, democracy ain't lookin' all that good these days, Chinese or not.


2、Why would the Chinese want to emulate American democracy when they can see the total inability of our system to address the pressing problems of today?


3、The advantages of American democracy are subtle and hidden, while its disadvantages are loud and apparent. And yes, American democracy is on the decline.


4、Why can't they emulate European democracy? Besides, how does the failure of politicians equal the failure of a system. Our problem isn't the system a conceived. It's the people in the system.


5、Young Chinese People May Just Not Be That Into Western-Style Democracy"So they re kind of like young American people then?


6、We have democracy and regular elections, and are stuck with a financial oligarchy that sucks us, and the economy, dry. The EU is a democratic entity only in their press releases, elected politicians act merely as the fall-guys to failed economic policies to keep the European banks solvent. India is a democracy, and corrupt down to its very core. Argentina and Venezula elect leaders who have, and will continue to, strip the wealth of their countries in favor of the political class, seemingly without end.
Chinese attitudes towards democracy aren't very useful, other than there are alot of them, they don't currently have it, and if you want stay in airy-fairy land, that's them. But it might be more useful to ask a about attitudes in countries whose democratic process actually creates positive change, and works, say Estonia, there are some other examples.


7、Argentina and Venezula elect leaders who have, and will continue to, strip the wealth of their countries in favor of the political class, seemingly without end.
It's worth noting that, between Chavez's election in 1998 and 2006, the poverty rate (% of people living on less that $2/day, purchasing power parity; World Bank stats) fell from 20% to 13%. (World Bank site doesn't have more recent stats.) Venezuela's progress on the Human Development Index has also been faster by far in the 2000s than it was in the 1980s and 1990s, especially in the area of education, where the average years of schooling a child receives has risen from 5.9 to 7.6.
Oil wealth has been invested in raising standards of living rather than simply going to the oil companies overseas. There's a reason why he, and now his successors, continue being elected: he made a genuine difference in the lives of the poor after years of neoliberal policies that neglected them.


8、I'd say these polls are somewhat representative of my experience in talking with people in China, except for the high numbers of youngish people saying "China is better than the US"--I've rarely found that. ("You can't compare" is much more common.) Young Chinese admire many things about America, but they don't necessarily want to become America.
Americans have this mistaken idea that Chinese think like them, and yearn for the same democratic ideals that they do. But China has a very different history than America with traditional roots and perspectives on society that go back thousands of years. America was founded, and then populated, by people unhappy with the political or economic conditions in their former country, people who valued independence and political freedom as paramount. Most Chinese see stability and families/social ties as more important than freedom and independence.
Likewise, Americans believe that given the chance, regular Chinese would overthrow their autocratic government and install a fully democratic one just like America (though whether the US is indeed "fully democratic" is a subject for another debate). That is a profound misconception based on a lack of understanding of Chinese way of thought and culture.
Certainly Chinese want more freedom of expression. But they value other things even more. They are generally happy with "knowledgeable people" making the decisions and don't yearn to play a huge part in decision-making. In a couple of generations, this may change, but not now.


9、Chinese don't want to be Americans. Now that's a shock


10、how harmful it is to sort people in to "left" "right" and put the rest in the middle. If the right means "Western democracy" and the left means "Chinese communism" ... what room is there for a meaningful debate? Same problem we have in the West obviously.
That one is disillusioned by the West should not surprise anyone. The US shows pretty shockingly that "democracy" is just a word, and the idea behind it can get lost, even if you're allowed to make a cross every four years. If it's only white old millionaires up for election, then something is going on - but it's not democracy.
On the other hand, when I read things like 'China's democracy today, which we call "socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics."' - I must think someone drank the Chinese government's Koolaid. There is no democracy, and it's by all means not socialist in any sense of the idea.
It's these lies that "intellectuals" like Eric X. Li are spreading - they are willfully destroying possible discussions.
Anyways, a little note about the survey's reliability would have been nice too - experts on the subject tend to not trust questionnaires in China... since one has to be fearful to be too honest when it's possible the government wouldn't like your answers.

另外,当我看到类似于“中国的民主,我们称之为“有中国特色的社会主义民主政治。”这类读物,我想肯定有人喝了中国政府的酷爱(一种以儿童为销售对象的饮料)。 他们都没有民主,怎么也称不上社会主义。

11、I totally agree that despite these words being used in the official country and party names, Chinese is no more "democratic" than it is "communist". "Socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics" is complete doublespeak. (Of course, we Americans have our own doublespeak as well, but that's besides the point.)
I also agree all official surveys of this sort are inherently unreliable. However, as I mentioned in another comment, I'd say they somewhat reflect my own experience in living here in China.


12、"Democracy", "Productivity", and "Legitimacy" all have different meanings however. China may very well be a productive society in terms of outputs, and that may well confer some form of legitmacy to its form of government in the eyes of its citizens, but this doesn't necessarily make it a Democracy. Democracy doesn't simply mean "good."


13、No, democracy means "rule by the people". The "one man, one vote" form is just one. The hardcore Maoism of the Cultural Revolution is another. No, democracy is definitely NOT (always) good.


14、Incomes double every ten years, 90% home ownership, peace, universal health insurance, 3 weeks mandatory paid vacation, 600 million raised from poverty, peace, security, more participation in democracy than ever in China's history, best school systems on earth.....


15、What are even you talking about? You are the one erroneously equating America and China. Just because older students can and do get around the censorship, does not mean that they haven't already been brainwashed by the regime. Even a cursory knowledge of China's netizens reveal them to be extreme nationalists. Are you so foolish as to believe that this is by accident? Or some kind of Chinese genetic quirk? It's by design


16、OK... people are free to criticize... until they're not. Petitioners are regularly hassled and often enough incarcerated for periods without trial. Local people without wealth or power can be roughed up by local street cops without much recourse. Rule of law is weak (though there are positive signs of change). Crackdowns and the paranoid self-censoring behavior engendered by the threat of crackdowns recur. Organization that is seen as any kind of threat to Party power is regularly squelched. Lawyers, artists, and writers are closely watched by security and know their lives can become very difficult indeed if they step over the line. Lots to praise about contemporary China, but no need to be all 五毛黨 about the PRC!


17、China is worse than us in some of those areas and ahead of us in others – like unarmed cops who people yell at very loudly if they don't like the way they're being treated. And safe streets at night. And everyone (90%) sleeping under a roof they still own even after the GFC. And everyone, everyone, having gotten 100% raises every ten years for almost 40 years. In our, much richer, unscarred-by-200-years-occupation-and-war, country, we have been getting poorer over that time by about 1% per decade.
China's government has solved some expensive governance and financial management problems cheaply. We should study those solutions and adapt them to our needs. Instead of approaching them with negative expectations, let's see the Chinese government as its citizens see it: the best they've ever had. If you have Chinese friends you'll know that they're still heatedly discussing the Duke of Zhou's term of government. It ended 3,700 years ago.

h t t p://www。ltaaa。com/wtfy/9826。html

xenodragon 发表于 2013-7-24 17:12
如果在中国一人一票选总桶的话。那么假如有一个人的竞选口号是把富人的财产分了,而他又找到足够的经费宣传 ...

xenodragon 发表于 2013-7-24 17:12
如果在中国一人一票选总桶的话。那么假如有一个人的竞选口号是把富人的财产分了,而他又找到足够的经费宣传 ...
gmgm201 发表于 2013-7-24 17:17

xenodragon 发表于 2013-7-24 17:12
如果在中国一人一票选总桶的话。那么假如有一个人的竞选口号是把富人的财产分了,而他又找到足够的经费宣传 ...

xenodragon 发表于 2013-7-24 17:12
如果在中国一人一票选总桶的话。那么假如有一个人的竞选口号是把富人的财产分了,而他又找到足够的经费宣传 ...

xenodragon 发表于 2013-7-24 17:12
如果在中国一人一票选总桶的话。那么假如有一个人的竞选口号是把富人的财产分了,而他又找到足够的经费宣传 ...
xenodragon 发表于 2013-7-24 17:12
如果在中国一人一票选总桶的话。那么假如有一个人的竞选口号是把富人的财产分了,而他又找到足够的经费宣传 ...
北望狼山 发表于 2013-7-24 17:27
造汽 发表于 2013-7-24 17:47


f22 发表于 2013-7-24 17:37

f22 发表于 2013-7-24 17:37

星空大师 发表于 2013-7-24 17:57
就那群脑残公知们还想考选票上台?那 ...
星空大师 发表于 2013-7-24 17:57
就那群脑残公知们还想考选票上台?那 ...
星空大师 发表于 2013-7-24 17:57
就那群脑残公知们还想考选票上台?那 ...
SSGN518 发表于 2013-7-24 18:25
f22 发表于 2013-7-24 17:37
真正的中国式“民主”以现阶段看绝对不会顺美国人的意,只会相反。如果“民主”等 同于美国人的利益,我只能说这是“强奸”!
f22 发表于 2013-7-24 17:37
zhbanp 发表于 2013-7-24 18:23
你确信在中国普选不会出现家族型的统治集团?我想你的素质不会太低,不会不了解中国的传统文化背景和国 ...
星空大师 发表于 2013-7-24 17:57
就那群脑残公知们还想考选票上台?那 ...
中国被文革玩了10年,还不过瘾,多大的S B敢让毛左上台。
这个里面的评论都很有内容啊 不是简单的灌水
北望狼山 发表于 2013-7-24 17:27
f22 发表于 2013-7-24 17:37
TA60312 发表于 2013-7-24 19:56