
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 02:56:59
原文地址:http://www.theatlantic.com/inter ... -inevitable/282785/

Why China's Global Supremacy Is Not Inevitable


The country's strongest asset—its huge size—is also it's biggest liability.


China's fast growing economy will enable it to expand its military and diplomatic reach. (Reuters)


China is preparing to surpass the United States as the world’s largest economy, in purchasing power parity terms. Already its economy is 80 percent the size of ours, and if current growth rate differentials persist, it will take China only about four more years to surpass us. At market exchange rates, China’s GDP is smaller, and is expected to remain less than ours until 2028. This is hardly surprising. After all, China has four times as many people as the U.S.; if every Chinese worker were to earn the U.S. minimum wage, its GDP would be larger than ours. That is not a very high bar. With that economic size comes military power and global cultural clout.


China’s awe-inspiring rise is often framed as the return to a historical norm. A common belief is that for most of the last 5,000 years, China was the world’s center of wealth, culture, technology, and power. The 19th and 20th centuries, we are told, were a brief aberration, and China is now simply retaking its rightful place as the world’s preeminent nation. This trope gives China a certain air of inevitability.


The problem is, it’s not really accurate.


The truth is that for most of its history, China has struggled to overcome a number of chronic difficulties that have usually kept it from global preeminence.


Let’s start by recalling ancient China, starting from 5,000 years ago. The early Chinese kingdoms—Xia, Shang, and Zhou—roughly coincided with ancient Egypt, Babylon, Persia, and Greece, and China’s famous Han Dynasty coincided with Rome. Ian Morris, a Stanford historian and author of Why the West Rules—For Now, has constructed an “index of development” that takes into account urbanization. According to Morris’ index, the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern civilizations of the Ancient and Classical periods were well ahead of their Chinese counterparts.


For example, the Roman Empire had many more miles of roads than Han China, and much more shipping. Although China had a few things that Rome did not—most notably the horse collar and paper—Rome in general had far more impressive engineering and technology, including advanced plumbing, mining techniques, and construction techniques. Han China was poorer—most people’s houses had dirt floors. In terms of basic science, Morris has less to say, but ancient Greece was hard to beat in this regard (though ancient China was ahead in algebra). Military power is hard to gauge, since China and the West never directly confronted each other.

例如,罗马帝国有比中国汉朝较多公里的道路,和更多的航路运输。尽管中国有一些罗马所没有的东西—最引人注目的马项圈和纸张,罗马一般有更多令人印象深刻的工程与科技,包含先进的水管设施、采矿技术和工程技术。中国汉朝较差—大部分人的房子有脏污泥地。在基础科学方面,莫里斯较少言及,但是古希腊很难在这方面击败 (虽然中国古代在代数领先)。军事力量不好估计,因为中国和西方并未直接对抗。

According to Morris’ data, China became richer and more developed than the West’s leading nation around the 6th century A.D. The fall of Rome and the division of the Mediterranean into European and Middle Eastern halves stifled sea trade, while China assimilated its rich South and began growing rice on a large scale. For the next 1,000 years, China was the richest place on the planet. During the years from 500 A.D.  to 1200 A.D., China invented the compass, gunpowder, printing, compartmentalized ship hulls, paper money, advanced farming techniques, and a great deal of algebra and astronomy.


But China’s preeminence was hardly uncontested during this period. Though Europe was an economic, military and technological backwater during the Middle Ages, the Islamic empires—the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates—rivaled China in size, and actually defeated China in their one military clash (the Battle of Talas). Islamic civilization was also no slouch in basic science.

但是在这期间中国的全球优势地位几乎无可争议。虽然欧洲在中世纪的经济、军事、科技上一滩死水,伊斯兰帝国—倭马亚王朝和阿拔斯王朝—在规模上与中国匹敌,并且在他们的军事冲突中实际打败中国 (怛罗斯之战)。伊斯兰文明也对基础科学没有懈怠。

Meanwhile, China during its golden age was plagued by internal and external security threats. The An Shi rebellion tore apart China’s Tang dynasty at that empire’s height, killing millions; the dynasty never recovered. The Jurchen (ancestors of the Manchus) conquered North China in the 1100s, forcing the Sung Dynasty—the wealthiest and most technologically dynamic of the old Chinese dynasties—to relocate to the south. In the 1200s, the Mongols conquered all of China, which they ruled until 1368.


China regained stability during the Ming dynasty in the 14th to 17th centuries. During that dynasty, China was militarily powerful, defeating incursions by the Mongols, Japanese, Dutch, and Portuguese. But this period was also a “Great Stagnation” for China. Technological progress essentially stopped. A brief spurt of exploration by the Chinese explorer Zheng He (whose scope may have been exaggerated; none of the giant ships attributed to the expedition have ever been found) proved to be one of a kind, when the Chinese government restricted shipbuilding.

中国明朝在14至17世纪期间恢复稳定。在那个时期,中国军力强大,击退了蒙古人、日本人、荷兰人、葡萄牙人的入侵。但是这时期对中国来说也是一场"大停滞"。科技进步基本停止;由中国探险家郑和率领的短暂冲锋 (航行范围有可能被夸大;没有一艘巨大船舶被认为是探险队被发现)被证明是独一独二的,当中国政府限制造船业後。

During the first half of the 2nd millennium A.D., the Middle East stagnated as well, but Europe was climbing out of the deep hole of the Middle Ages. By the 1500s, propelled by the discovery of the New World, Europe was making rapid strides in science and technology; by the 1600s, according to economic historians, much of Europe was richer than China.


So to sum up, China has always been one of the world’s leading civilizations over the last five millennia. But it has only held both economic and military preeminence for brief periods of time—the late 1300s and 1400s being the most notable. Why has China not been preeminent for longer stretches? History is not a science, but we can make some guesses. The very thing that makes China so powerful and important–its titanic size–also endows it with fundamental weaknesses.


Throughout its history, China has been plagued by enormous rebellions, from the An Shi rebellion in the 700s to the Taiping Rebellion in the 1800s. These rebellions are always incredibly destructive of human life and the economy. They often expose China to external conquest, as with the fall of the Ming dynasty in the 1600s or the Japanese conquests in the 1930s. They sometimes result in the rise of extremely destructive and dysfunctional regimes, like Mao’s ascendance in the 20th century.


Why does China have all these major rebellions? Because it’s big. Large countries are geographically and industrially diverse, and therefore it becomes difficult to agree on what public goods to provide (this is why city-states are often very efficient). Regions fight over resources. In addition, China is endowed with very few natural resources relative to its enormous population size, meaning that food and water shortages can be acute and terrible.


China’s incredible bigness has other drawbacks. It made China difficult to defend in ancient times. In modern times, it means that China has lots of powerful neighbor—India, Russia, and Japan—with whom relations are not always smooth. And some historians, such as Jared Diamond, have argued that China’s size held back its technological progress; because it could win wars by sheer size and rely on its domestic economy, they argue, China was never forced to invest in military technology or open itself up to trade.


To understand how China’s constraints are threatening its rise today, read In Line Behind a Billion People: How Scarcity Will Define China’s Ascent in the Next Decade. Authors Damien Ma and William Adams discuss not only China’s resource constraints, but also how its heterogeneity—the deep divides between urban and rural, interior and coast, rich and poor—represents a real constraint on development.


Fortunately for China, this time may really be different. Modern communication and transportation technology mean that a big country is easier to defend and to integrate. Globalization, and China’s embrace of trade, mean that China is more open than it was during most of its history. But China has shown signs of worryingly isolationist instincts, harassing foreign companies operating within its borders. Meanwhile, China’s increasingly aggressive policies toward its neighbors—notably Japan and India, but also Vietnam and the Philippines—run the risk of inviting an effort at containment. The “Middle Kingdom,” like Germany in Europe a century ago, runs the risk of fighting all of its neighbors at once.


In other words, China is vulnerable now for the same reason it was vulnerable in ages past. History is not a tale of Chinese preeminence, but a tale of Chinese oscillation. The same thing that often kept China from realizing its potential as the world’s dominant nation—its tremendous, unwieldy size—means that although it will surpass the US in total GDP, its supremacy may well be short-lived and incomplete.



I would also think that China doesn't have anything approaching the network of allies and alliances across the planet that the United States does. Certainly our own size and policies can be coercive, but I think we are much closer to being a benign hegemon than China can possibly be, and that will continue to work to our advantage. Geographically, China isn't exactly surrounded by allies, either.


Another big factor is that China doesn't have major expansionist tendencies. The flash points are Taiwan (currently threaded with 1 country, two systems) and potential oil/gas rights under the Spratley Islands. But it isn't like Germany in WW1 or WW2, looking to significantly expand. Except for Zhang He and his fleet, China has always felt that China itself is the best place to be and the only place that really matters. It is fine with internal prosperity and external respect (and trade to secure that internal prosperity).
The US straddles the globe somewhat through accident, because of WW2 and then the Cold War. China won't develop (and won't try to develop) a similar network.
And being the big guy in the neighborhood for 2,000 years (except briefly in the 19th and 20th Century) has led to plenty of feuds with the neighbors, so the current borders seem pretty stable.


Well written and concise. China's problem is the inflexible Central Committee, bureaucracy, and a national inflexibility towards change I have seen in too many Chinese. For all the "advances" there are millions in abject poverty and a government spending on the military and space that is not warranted. Chinese government statistics should always be taken with large grains of salt.


The Sanity Inspector
China? There lies a sleeping giant. Let him sleep! For when he wakes he will move the world.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte
China is a civilisation, masquerading as a nation state.
-- Lucian Pye

-- 拿破仑·波拿巴

-- 白鲁恂

Talking about China as if it's been a unified thing for thousands of years is definitely wrong. The country repeatedly divided up into smaller kingdoms, re-unifying under stronger dynasties, and then falling apart again. One of the more prosperous periods - the southern Song Dynasty, in the 1200s and 1300s as mentioned - happened after northern China was conquered and ruled as a separate set of entities.
A lot of the country's "bigness" also happened because of a boom period in the 1600s and early-to-mid 1700s, petering out in the late 18th century. During that period, the Chinese population grew enormously (in part because of new crops from the Americas), and the country overall boomed and expanded.

把中国说得好像几千年来就是一个统一国家肯定是错误的。该国多次分裂成数个较小的王国,在强盛的王朝下重新统一,而且再度四分五裂。一个更加繁荣的时期 - 南宋,就如上文提到的13世纪和14世纪 - 是在中国北方被征服并作为一套单独的实体加以统治後产生。

Nelson Hoffman
But China has been very populous for a very long time. The Tang capital Chang'An (according to Wikipedia and references therein), around 750 CE, was called a "million people's city" in Chinese records, while modern estimates put it at around 800,000–1,000,000 within city walls. There was no city in Europe, for example, remotely approaching this population at that time.

Right, exactly. And also because of the Manchu conquest -- it was the Manchus who expanded the Empire's territory so greatly by adding Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and, of course, Manchuria. The core Han territory in the Central Plan has been vastly enlarged.

是的,没错。也是因为满人的征服 -- 因为满人将帝国领土如此极大地扩张,增加了XZ、新疆、内蒙古,当然还有满州。在这个中央计画下汉人领地被大幅度扩大。

I have to say that it is quite difficult to understand the relevance of the historical comparisons you provide. So, Rome was more advanced than China -- does that mean that Italy's supremacy is 'inevitable'? And to say that China is showing 'isolationist' tendencies because it is 'harrassing foreign companies' is really misleading. What China is being is protectionist, but no more so than a lot of other countries who've developed rapidly in East Asia in the last 50 years. Your statement that China is showing isolationist instincts is qtuie baffling, actually; surely the country is continuing to open more and more, to trade, investment, tourism (in both directions) study abroad and so on.
No one that I know thinks China's global supremacy is 'inevitable'. No one that I know thinks that China's rise is made likely by some historical records of China's greater development in ancient times. What people see is facts; China's very rapid growth, China's impressive improvement in education, health care and poverty reduction in recent years, China's moon rover and Olympic performance, and so on. This is too important an issue to be discussed so sloppily. Sorry.

所以说,罗马比中国更先进 -- 是不是代表义大利的霸权地位就是必然发生?而且又说中国正显示出孤立主义的倾向,因为它骚扰外国公司?这是真的在误导。中国现在做的是贸易保护主义,但是没有多少国家比起东亚地区在过去50年来发展的如此迅速。人们看到的是事实:中国非常高速的增长、中国教育令人印象深刻的改善、医疗保护以及近年来的脱贫、中国的月球探测车和奥运会的表现等等。这个议题太过重要以至於不该讨论得如此草率。抱歉。
First up, the isolationist tendencies are in the form of withdrawing from their recent attempt at projecting soft power and cultural exports. There was a huge push in the last few years to try and make other countries more "Chinese", this project was quietly abandoned recently and China as a state has withdrawn from many areas after middling success.
Other nitpicks:
1.) Rome technically was not more "advanced" than China was, it just enjoyed better leadership*, cultural drive*, trade*, that awesome mediterranean climate*, and didn't have to worry about such an unwieldy territory until its last four centuries. Rome is not Italy and Post-Communist China is not Wu Kingdom.
2.)"China's greater development in ancient times".
You mean the 3500 years of sustained civil war, warlords, failed invasions, conquest by foreign powers, banditry, economic instablilty, and general inability to do anything outside of extremely favorable local environs? I'm not saying that this ties into modern China at all but please don't fall into the tired old themes of ancient grandeur and Orientalism. See the Rome comment above
3.) The rapid growth you mention and the Olympic performace confuse me. China's economy is slowing, to an extent that even the state can no longer boost numbers with mandated construction. Yes, there is still a great deal of industry, consumption, construction etc that is legitimate going on, but the past decade of policy did not enable a sustainable foundation. A great example would be that astounding Olympic Complex the government built, it was used for spectacle and now is quietly abandoned because it was built to amaze, not function. China is not the only offender with this, but using Olympics as a metric for a "great" nation is pretty shallow.
Ojects marked with a * means those things were uniquely Roman identifiers and only worked for Romans, in Rome, pursuing Roman objectives, and between 769BCE and 476CE



1.) 罗马在科技方面没有比中国的先进,只是享受到了比较好的领导阶级、文化攻势、贸易,还有宜人的地中海气候,到最後4个世纪前还不需要担心如此难以应付的领土。罗马既不是义大利,後共产中国也不是吴国。

2.) "中国在古代有更大的发展"。

3.) 你提到的快速增长率和奥运表现使我困惑了。中国经济正在放缓,在一定程度上,国家可以不再用强迫性建设垫高数字。是的,还有大量的产业、消费、施工等合法进行的,
Seems to me you are mostly objecting to the original article, not to my comment. My point is that whatever one thinks of ancient Rome and ancient China, these are not reasons to assume that success or failure are inevitable today.
There is simply no definition of 'isolationist' that fits China today or China's tendencies. China is now the largest aid donor in Africa and in many countries elswhere. The largest trading nation in the world. China is sending more and more students abroad and receiving more and more students from abroad. I agree with you about 'soft power'. But that hardly demonstrates isolationism, a withdrawal from engaging the rest of the world. It is simply a change in how China engages.
I agree that rapid growth is probably not sustainable. Many challenges face China. I was not presenting my own judgment about sustainability, inevitability, whatever. Simply pointing out that to the extent that people see China as a rising superpower it is not because China invented paper and gunpowder two millennia ago, but because of the things they see about China when they watch the news, when they shop, etc.


Modern-day Italians, Greeks, Egyptians, etc. typically do not consider themselves as direct descendants of the ancient Romans, Greeks or Egyptians. They have the intelligence and humility (and understanding of history) to know that and boast about it. But the Chinese - boy they will boast to you about their 4000-year-history every time they have a chance to do so. And the Han (majority breed in China now) are pretty much a result of mixed breeding of every race that came in to subjugate China one time or another over the course of history (Turks, Mongols, Jurchens, Manchus) so the Modern Han Chinese relationship to the Ancient Chinese (and its history) is no stronger than the aforementioned people living in the place that spawned the great civilizations.

现代的意大利人、希腊人、埃及人,通常不认为他们自己是古罗马人、古希腊人、古埃及人的直接後裔。他们拥有智慧和谦虚 (和历史认知), 知道并拥有它。但是中国人 - 他们只要一有机会,男的会跟你自吹自擂他们4000年的历史。还有汉民族 (现在主要在中国的血统)几乎是每个种族混种之後的结果,这排在征服中国的同时或其他时间的历史长河中 (突厥人、蒙古人、女真人、满族人),所以现代中国汉族与中国古代人(还有它的历史)的关系,没有比上述生活在养育伟大文明的原本地方来的强。

What a worthless article. It can summed up as "History is complicated so who knows?" The writer won't even take a stand so far as issuing predictions.

真是一篇没有价值的文章。这篇可以概括为"历史是很复杂的,所以谁知道呀?" 这个作者甚至没有表明立场,只需要发表预言。
That is because he is smart. It is only a fool who would claim they know with certainty that China will or will not become the world's preeminent power in this century.


May MacGregor
“Why China’s Global Supremacy Is Not Inevitable.”
I think this title is not meaningful for Chinese leaders as it is for western speculators.
I assume Chinese leaders, bombarded with so many domestic problems, some even unsolvable, would have no time and no ambition to contemplate this West-created theme. I assume what in their mind must be the ever-degrading environment, the economic imbalance, the prevailing corruption, the survival of the communist regime, and much more.
In addition, this article is making too ambitious an attempt, trying to answer such a West-created theme from a historical perspective of 5000 years, in such a short essay. Also, the past may not be a good analogy for the present. In ancient China probably most of the continent was occupied by nobody, so what is the point to talk about urbanization. I do agree though that China, a large continent, may not be endowed with enough and diverse natural resources.
In short, why speculates a protagonist's supremacy when it has not thought of it seriously itself.






Tony Conrad
China's entry into capitalism seem to me to be one of the keys. From berating the filthy capitalists they seem to have realised that being free to be productive is not a bad thing.


Pointless argument, same as the ones about how China will never be the world's superpower. It assumes what every western power wants or used to want and that is to dominate the world in one form or another. China is very much absorbed into herself and solving her numerous problems. All she wants is to have respect for her and protect herself. Admiral Cheng Her for example was only interested in exploring and exacting tribute, not colonising or conquering. Wait... I hear the trolls talking about Tibet already.


Who has been suggesting that china's supremacy IS inevitable, or even possible? So much sensationalist speculation masquerading as 'journalism'!


原文地址:http://www.theatlantic.com/inter ... -inevitable/282785/

Why China's Global Supremacy Is Not Inevitable


The country's strongest asset—its huge size—is also it's biggest liability.


China's fast growing economy will enable it to expand its military and diplomatic reach. (Reuters)


China is preparing to surpass the United States as the world’s largest economy, in purchasing power parity terms. Already its economy is 80 percent the size of ours, and if current growth rate differentials persist, it will take China only about four more years to surpass us. At market exchange rates, China’s GDP is smaller, and is expected to remain less than ours until 2028. This is hardly surprising. After all, China has four times as many people as the U.S.; if every Chinese worker were to earn the U.S. minimum wage, its GDP would be larger than ours. That is not a very high bar. With that economic size comes military power and global cultural clout.


China’s awe-inspiring rise is often framed as the return to a historical norm. A common belief is that for most of the last 5,000 years, China was the world’s center of wealth, culture, technology, and power. The 19th and 20th centuries, we are told, were a brief aberration, and China is now simply retaking its rightful place as the world’s preeminent nation. This trope gives China a certain air of inevitability.


The problem is, it’s not really accurate.


The truth is that for most of its history, China has struggled to overcome a number of chronic difficulties that have usually kept it from global preeminence.


Let’s start by recalling ancient China, starting from 5,000 years ago. The early Chinese kingdoms—Xia, Shang, and Zhou—roughly coincided with ancient Egypt, Babylon, Persia, and Greece, and China’s famous Han Dynasty coincided with Rome. Ian Morris, a Stanford historian and author of Why the West Rules—For Now, has constructed an “index of development” that takes into account urbanization. According to Morris’ index, the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern civilizations of the Ancient and Classical periods were well ahead of their Chinese counterparts.


For example, the Roman Empire had many more miles of roads than Han China, and much more shipping. Although China had a few things that Rome did not—most notably the horse collar and paper—Rome in general had far more impressive engineering and technology, including advanced plumbing, mining techniques, and construction techniques. Han China was poorer—most people’s houses had dirt floors. In terms of basic science, Morris has less to say, but ancient Greece was hard to beat in this regard (though ancient China was ahead in algebra). Military power is hard to gauge, since China and the West never directly confronted each other.

例如,罗马帝国有比中国汉朝较多公里的道路,和更多的航路运输。尽管中国有一些罗马所没有的东西—最引人注目的马项圈和纸张,罗马一般有更多令人印象深刻的工程与科技,包含先进的水管设施、采矿技术和工程技术。中国汉朝较差—大部分人的房子有脏污泥地。在基础科学方面,莫里斯较少言及,但是古希腊很难在这方面击败 (虽然中国古代在代数领先)。军事力量不好估计,因为中国和西方并未直接对抗。

According to Morris’ data, China became richer and more developed than the West’s leading nation around the 6th century A.D. The fall of Rome and the division of the Mediterranean into European and Middle Eastern halves stifled sea trade, while China assimilated its rich South and began growing rice on a large scale. For the next 1,000 years, China was the richest place on the planet. During the years from 500 A.D.  to 1200 A.D., China invented the compass, gunpowder, printing, compartmentalized ship hulls, paper money, advanced farming techniques, and a great deal of algebra and astronomy.


But China’s preeminence was hardly uncontested during this period. Though Europe was an economic, military and technological backwater during the Middle Ages, the Islamic empires—the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates—rivaled China in size, and actually defeated China in their one military clash (the Battle of Talas). Islamic civilization was also no slouch in basic science.

但是在这期间中国的全球优势地位几乎无可争议。虽然欧洲在中世纪的经济、军事、科技上一滩死水,伊斯兰帝国—倭马亚王朝和阿拔斯王朝—在规模上与中国匹敌,并且在他们的军事冲突中实际打败中国 (怛罗斯之战)。伊斯兰文明也对基础科学没有懈怠。

Meanwhile, China during its golden age was plagued by internal and external security threats. The An Shi rebellion tore apart China’s Tang dynasty at that empire’s height, killing millions; the dynasty never recovered. The Jurchen (ancestors of the Manchus) conquered North China in the 1100s, forcing the Sung Dynasty—the wealthiest and most technologically dynamic of the old Chinese dynasties—to relocate to the south. In the 1200s, the Mongols conquered all of China, which they ruled until 1368.


China regained stability during the Ming dynasty in the 14th to 17th centuries. During that dynasty, China was militarily powerful, defeating incursions by the Mongols, Japanese, Dutch, and Portuguese. But this period was also a “Great Stagnation” for China. Technological progress essentially stopped. A brief spurt of exploration by the Chinese explorer Zheng He (whose scope may have been exaggerated; none of the giant ships attributed to the expedition have ever been found) proved to be one of a kind, when the Chinese government restricted shipbuilding.

中国明朝在14至17世纪期间恢复稳定。在那个时期,中国军力强大,击退了蒙古人、日本人、荷兰人、葡萄牙人的入侵。但是这时期对中国来说也是一场"大停滞"。科技进步基本停止;由中国探险家郑和率领的短暂冲锋 (航行范围有可能被夸大;没有一艘巨大船舶被认为是探险队被发现)被证明是独一独二的,当中国政府限制造船业後。

During the first half of the 2nd millennium A.D., the Middle East stagnated as well, but Europe was climbing out of the deep hole of the Middle Ages. By the 1500s, propelled by the discovery of the New World, Europe was making rapid strides in science and technology; by the 1600s, according to economic historians, much of Europe was richer than China.


So to sum up, China has always been one of the world’s leading civilizations over the last five millennia. But it has only held both economic and military preeminence for brief periods of time—the late 1300s and 1400s being the most notable. Why has China not been preeminent for longer stretches? History is not a science, but we can make some guesses. The very thing that makes China so powerful and important–its titanic size–also endows it with fundamental weaknesses.


Throughout its history, China has been plagued by enormous rebellions, from the An Shi rebellion in the 700s to the Taiping Rebellion in the 1800s. These rebellions are always incredibly destructive of human life and the economy. They often expose China to external conquest, as with the fall of the Ming dynasty in the 1600s or the Japanese conquests in the 1930s. They sometimes result in the rise of extremely destructive and dysfunctional regimes, like Mao’s ascendance in the 20th century.


Why does China have all these major rebellions? Because it’s big. Large countries are geographically and industrially diverse, and therefore it becomes difficult to agree on what public goods to provide (this is why city-states are often very efficient). Regions fight over resources. In addition, China is endowed with very few natural resources relative to its enormous population size, meaning that food and water shortages can be acute and terrible.


China’s incredible bigness has other drawbacks. It made China difficult to defend in ancient times. In modern times, it means that China has lots of powerful neighbor—India, Russia, and Japan—with whom relations are not always smooth. And some historians, such as Jared Diamond, have argued that China’s size held back its technological progress; because it could win wars by sheer size and rely on its domestic economy, they argue, China was never forced to invest in military technology or open itself up to trade.


To understand how China’s constraints are threatening its rise today, read In Line Behind a Billion People: How Scarcity Will Define China’s Ascent in the Next Decade. Authors Damien Ma and William Adams discuss not only China’s resource constraints, but also how its heterogeneity—the deep divides between urban and rural, interior and coast, rich and poor—represents a real constraint on development.


Fortunately for China, this time may really be different. Modern communication and transportation technology mean that a big country is easier to defend and to integrate. Globalization, and China’s embrace of trade, mean that China is more open than it was during most of its history. But China has shown signs of worryingly isolationist instincts, harassing foreign companies operating within its borders. Meanwhile, China’s increasingly aggressive policies toward its neighbors—notably Japan and India, but also Vietnam and the Philippines—run the risk of inviting an effort at containment. The “Middle Kingdom,” like Germany in Europe a century ago, runs the risk of fighting all of its neighbors at once.


In other words, China is vulnerable now for the same reason it was vulnerable in ages past. History is not a tale of Chinese preeminence, but a tale of Chinese oscillation. The same thing that often kept China from realizing its potential as the world’s dominant nation—its tremendous, unwieldy size—means that although it will surpass the US in total GDP, its supremacy may well be short-lived and incomplete.



I would also think that China doesn't have anything approaching the network of allies and alliances across the planet that the United States does. Certainly our own size and policies can be coercive, but I think we are much closer to being a benign hegemon than China can possibly be, and that will continue to work to our advantage. Geographically, China isn't exactly surrounded by allies, either.


Another big factor is that China doesn't have major expansionist tendencies. The flash points are Taiwan (currently threaded with 1 country, two systems) and potential oil/gas rights under the Spratley Islands. But it isn't like Germany in WW1 or WW2, looking to significantly expand. Except for Zhang He and his fleet, China has always felt that China itself is the best place to be and the only place that really matters. It is fine with internal prosperity and external respect (and trade to secure that internal prosperity).
The US straddles the globe somewhat through accident, because of WW2 and then the Cold War. China won't develop (and won't try to develop) a similar network.
And being the big guy in the neighborhood for 2,000 years (except briefly in the 19th and 20th Century) has led to plenty of feuds with the neighbors, so the current borders seem pretty stable.


Well written and concise. China's problem is the inflexible Central Committee, bureaucracy, and a national inflexibility towards change I have seen in too many Chinese. For all the "advances" there are millions in abject poverty and a government spending on the military and space that is not warranted. Chinese government statistics should always be taken with large grains of salt.


The Sanity Inspector
China? There lies a sleeping giant. Let him sleep! For when he wakes he will move the world.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte
China is a civilisation, masquerading as a nation state.
-- Lucian Pye

-- 拿破仑·波拿巴

-- 白鲁恂

Talking about China as if it's been a unified thing for thousands of years is definitely wrong. The country repeatedly divided up into smaller kingdoms, re-unifying under stronger dynasties, and then falling apart again. One of the more prosperous periods - the southern Song Dynasty, in the 1200s and 1300s as mentioned - happened after northern China was conquered and ruled as a separate set of entities.
A lot of the country's "bigness" also happened because of a boom period in the 1600s and early-to-mid 1700s, petering out in the late 18th century. During that period, the Chinese population grew enormously (in part because of new crops from the Americas), and the country overall boomed and expanded.

把中国说得好像几千年来就是一个统一国家肯定是错误的。该国多次分裂成数个较小的王国,在强盛的王朝下重新统一,而且再度四分五裂。一个更加繁荣的时期 - 南宋,就如上文提到的13世纪和14世纪 - 是在中国北方被征服并作为一套单独的实体加以统治後产生。

Nelson Hoffman
But China has been very populous for a very long time. The Tang capital Chang'An (according to Wikipedia and references therein), around 750 CE, was called a "million people's city" in Chinese records, while modern estimates put it at around 800,000–1,000,000 within city walls. There was no city in Europe, for example, remotely approaching this population at that time.

Right, exactly. And also because of the Manchu conquest -- it was the Manchus who expanded the Empire's territory so greatly by adding Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and, of course, Manchuria. The core Han territory in the Central Plan has been vastly enlarged.

是的,没错。也是因为满人的征服 -- 因为满人将帝国领土如此极大地扩张,增加了XZ、新疆、内蒙古,当然还有满州。在这个中央计画下汉人领地被大幅度扩大。

I have to say that it is quite difficult to understand the relevance of the historical comparisons you provide. So, Rome was more advanced than China -- does that mean that Italy's supremacy is 'inevitable'? And to say that China is showing 'isolationist' tendencies because it is 'harrassing foreign companies' is really misleading. What China is being is protectionist, but no more so than a lot of other countries who've developed rapidly in East Asia in the last 50 years. Your statement that China is showing isolationist instincts is qtuie baffling, actually; surely the country is continuing to open more and more, to trade, investment, tourism (in both directions) study abroad and so on.
No one that I know thinks China's global supremacy is 'inevitable'. No one that I know thinks that China's rise is made likely by some historical records of China's greater development in ancient times. What people see is facts; China's very rapid growth, China's impressive improvement in education, health care and poverty reduction in recent years, China's moon rover and Olympic performance, and so on. This is too important an issue to be discussed so sloppily. Sorry.

所以说,罗马比中国更先进 -- 是不是代表义大利的霸权地位就是必然发生?而且又说中国正显示出孤立主义的倾向,因为它骚扰外国公司?这是真的在误导。中国现在做的是贸易保护主义,但是没有多少国家比起东亚地区在过去50年来发展的如此迅速。人们看到的是事实:中国非常高速的增长、中国教育令人印象深刻的改善、医疗保护以及近年来的脱贫、中国的月球探测车和奥运会的表现等等。这个议题太过重要以至於不该讨论得如此草率。抱歉。
First up, the isolationist tendencies are in the form of withdrawing from their recent attempt at projecting soft power and cultural exports. There was a huge push in the last few years to try and make other countries more "Chinese", this project was quietly abandoned recently and China as a state has withdrawn from many areas after middling success.
Other nitpicks:
1.) Rome technically was not more "advanced" than China was, it just enjoyed better leadership*, cultural drive*, trade*, that awesome mediterranean climate*, and didn't have to worry about such an unwieldy territory until its last four centuries. Rome is not Italy and Post-Communist China is not Wu Kingdom.
2.)"China's greater development in ancient times".
You mean the 3500 years of sustained civil war, warlords, failed invasions, conquest by foreign powers, banditry, economic instablilty, and general inability to do anything outside of extremely favorable local environs? I'm not saying that this ties into modern China at all but please don't fall into the tired old themes of ancient grandeur and Orientalism. See the Rome comment above
3.) The rapid growth you mention and the Olympic performace confuse me. China's economy is slowing, to an extent that even the state can no longer boost numbers with mandated construction. Yes, there is still a great deal of industry, consumption, construction etc that is legitimate going on, but the past decade of policy did not enable a sustainable foundation. A great example would be that astounding Olympic Complex the government built, it was used for spectacle and now is quietly abandoned because it was built to amaze, not function. China is not the only offender with this, but using Olympics as a metric for a "great" nation is pretty shallow.
Ojects marked with a * means those things were uniquely Roman identifiers and only worked for Romans, in Rome, pursuing Roman objectives, and between 769BCE and 476CE



1.) 罗马在科技方面没有比中国的先进,只是享受到了比较好的领导阶级、文化攻势、贸易,还有宜人的地中海气候,到最後4个世纪前还不需要担心如此难以应付的领土。罗马既不是义大利,後共产中国也不是吴国。

2.) "中国在古代有更大的发展"。

3.) 你提到的快速增长率和奥运表现使我困惑了。中国经济正在放缓,在一定程度上,国家可以不再用强迫性建设垫高数字。是的,还有大量的产业、消费、施工等合法进行的,
Seems to me you are mostly objecting to the original article, not to my comment. My point is that whatever one thinks of ancient Rome and ancient China, these are not reasons to assume that success or failure are inevitable today.
There is simply no definition of 'isolationist' that fits China today or China's tendencies. China is now the largest aid donor in Africa and in many countries elswhere. The largest trading nation in the world. China is sending more and more students abroad and receiving more and more students from abroad. I agree with you about 'soft power'. But that hardly demonstrates isolationism, a withdrawal from engaging the rest of the world. It is simply a change in how China engages.
I agree that rapid growth is probably not sustainable. Many challenges face China. I was not presenting my own judgment about sustainability, inevitability, whatever. Simply pointing out that to the extent that people see China as a rising superpower it is not because China invented paper and gunpowder two millennia ago, but because of the things they see about China when they watch the news, when they shop, etc.


Modern-day Italians, Greeks, Egyptians, etc. typically do not consider themselves as direct descendants of the ancient Romans, Greeks or Egyptians. They have the intelligence and humility (and understanding of history) to know that and boast about it. But the Chinese - boy they will boast to you about their 4000-year-history every time they have a chance to do so. And the Han (majority breed in China now) are pretty much a result of mixed breeding of every race that came in to subjugate China one time or another over the course of history (Turks, Mongols, Jurchens, Manchus) so the Modern Han Chinese relationship to the Ancient Chinese (and its history) is no stronger than the aforementioned people living in the place that spawned the great civilizations.

现代的意大利人、希腊人、埃及人,通常不认为他们自己是古罗马人、古希腊人、古埃及人的直接後裔。他们拥有智慧和谦虚 (和历史认知), 知道并拥有它。但是中国人 - 他们只要一有机会,男的会跟你自吹自擂他们4000年的历史。还有汉民族 (现在主要在中国的血统)几乎是每个种族混种之後的结果,这排在征服中国的同时或其他时间的历史长河中 (突厥人、蒙古人、女真人、满族人),所以现代中国汉族与中国古代人(还有它的历史)的关系,没有比上述生活在养育伟大文明的原本地方来的强。

What a worthless article. It can summed up as "History is complicated so who knows?" The writer won't even take a stand so far as issuing predictions.

真是一篇没有价值的文章。这篇可以概括为"历史是很复杂的,所以谁知道呀?" 这个作者甚至没有表明立场,只需要发表预言。
That is because he is smart. It is only a fool who would claim they know with certainty that China will or will not become the world's preeminent power in this century.


May MacGregor
“Why China’s Global Supremacy Is Not Inevitable.”
I think this title is not meaningful for Chinese leaders as it is for western speculators.
I assume Chinese leaders, bombarded with so many domestic problems, some even unsolvable, would have no time and no ambition to contemplate this West-created theme. I assume what in their mind must be the ever-degrading environment, the economic imbalance, the prevailing corruption, the survival of the communist regime, and much more.
In addition, this article is making too ambitious an attempt, trying to answer such a West-created theme from a historical perspective of 5000 years, in such a short essay. Also, the past may not be a good analogy for the present. In ancient China probably most of the continent was occupied by nobody, so what is the point to talk about urbanization. I do agree though that China, a large continent, may not be endowed with enough and diverse natural resources.
In short, why speculates a protagonist's supremacy when it has not thought of it seriously itself.






Tony Conrad
China's entry into capitalism seem to me to be one of the keys. From berating the filthy capitalists they seem to have realised that being free to be productive is not a bad thing.


Pointless argument, same as the ones about how China will never be the world's superpower. It assumes what every western power wants or used to want and that is to dominate the world in one form or another. China is very much absorbed into herself and solving her numerous problems. All she wants is to have respect for her and protect herself. Admiral Cheng Her for example was only interested in exploring and exacting tribute, not colonising or conquering. Wait... I hear the trolls talking about Tibet already.


Who has been suggesting that china's supremacy IS inevitable, or even possible? So much sensationalist speculation masquerading as 'journalism'!


-- 拿破仑·波拿巴


撅撅 发表于 2014-1-16 03:40
-- 拿破仑·波拿巴
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我兔的征程 发表于 2014-1-16 02:45