[原创]对伊朗航空工业公司完成了对F-14的第100架次大修 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/26 10:43:57

Overhauling of the 100th F-14 by the Iran aircraft industry and returning it to service with the IRIAF


After overhauling the 100th F-14 (Tomcat) strategic fighter by the specialists of Iran aircraft industry (SAHA), and returning it to service with the IRIAF, we had a brief interview about how this important job was achieved with the engineer, Mr. Mehrdad Amiri (assistant aircraft developer at SAHA). The interview is as follows.


Q: Mr. Amiri, would you please tell us briefly on how the F-14s are being repaired? 问:阿米尔先生,请您简要地告诉我们F-14是怎样进行大修的?

R: In the name of god the most gracious and merciful. After the great Islamic revolution which forced the western engineers and specialists (specially American specialists) to leave Iran were thought by a lot of foreign and domestic observers, that the overhauling of the Iranian F-14s would face great problems or would be impossible to be achieved by Iranian engineers and specialists. Their opinion on this matter was based on their believe, that Iranian engineers and specialists did not have the familiarity or the experience with these aircrafts, including its special hanger need or its basic repairs, especially since there was a western arms embargo imposed on Iran. But with the will of god and the hard working of the SAHA personnel and with help of our loyal engineer and specialists of IRIAF, in the year 1361 (1982-1983), the basic work on the overhauling was started.


Q: Please tell us about the problems that were faces with the overhauling of F-14s in the beginning?



R: The very first problem with the overhauling of F-14s, were the lack of needed engineers and specialists, overhauling packages, needed parts and tools and which the aircraft industry overcame the problem with the hard work and several years of experience in the field of aircraft repairs, and by extracting the needed information from available technical manuals and having access to plans for overhauling aircrafts. At the same time with help of our Islamic brothers and their experience from IRIAF, were called to relieve the pressure of lack of spare and tools needed for this job to be started.


Q: Please tell us about the steps takes in overhauling one F-14?


R: In short the overhauling of one F-14 is based on a 3-stage plan. The main stage which is it self made of 22 phases would be from entering the aircraft for overhaul to returning it. The stage for repairing parts of the aircraft is separate from the first stage (which is different for each individual aircraft) and technical overhauling.


Q: Would you please tell us about the advances made in the field of heavy repairs of F-14 aircraft in Iran?

R: Fortunately for us, the aircraft industry was able to focus on the need of IRIAF and to set plans for its repairing needs. It started from a slow and planned start in the year 1361 (1982-1983) and reached a proud and fast speed by the year 1371 (1992-1993). In this year several F-14s were repaired and one aircraft was finished with its overhauling and was returned to IRIAF. We hope with new years to come, that we perfect and get better in repairing the IRIAF aircrafts. Infect, with the full knowledge and the ability to fully repair any aircraft, we have announced to the IRIAF that we can repair any numbers of their aircrafts that they need. ho

Q: What self-sufficiency抯 of this aircraft have we reached?

R: In the past 10 years, the repairing of these aircrafts were a big step and very knowledgeable for us in the fields of engineering these aircrafts and with the access to the powerful computer technology, we can say with certainty that we can completely overhaul these aircrafts. Also we have taken steps in the field of overhauling chassis and frames for these aircrafts, that with the availability of the needed funding we can continue doing this. We can do the same for other aircrafts in the IRIAF inventory. Also I would like to add that not only studies but steps in the field of manufacturing spare parts for these aircrafts are on hand on a day to day basis, and we have been successful up to now in this field.


Q: Was there any repairs done on damaged F-14s? NF

R: Yes, in this field we received great experience and knowledge from aircraft engineering section of SAHA, that has more to do with the years of imposed war. With in-depth focus on complicated engineering feats, out factories were able to exactly copy the needed parts with basic engineering knowledge.


Q: What are the effects of American embargo on repairing our F-14s?


R: In the beginning we thought that we would face a lot of problems, but by doing some research and having access to spare parts received before the Islamic revolution, we came to the conclusion that with the strong spare part needs and the little spare parts available, forced us to increase our affords in manufacturing spare parts for our F-14s. In comparison to our other projects, our F-14 repair project had a lower cost.


Q: What do you think the future of F-14 will be in both Iran and the world?


R: It is a common knowledge that outside US Navy, Iran is the only nation operating F-14s, because US does not want to sell these birds to other nations do to the fact that this birds are very capable aircrafts. The development of this aircraft in US was excellent. Infect the fact that upgrading it. A model to the D models with greater flying and fighting capability was a great improvement. Upgrading their engines, adding more powerful radars, adding advance electronic warfare systems, upgrading to more powerful computers, modern hydraulics and adding or updating other modern equipments created aircrafts that does not have any other aircrafts that comes close to them in comparison. The changing of the aircraft to a multi-rule aircraft by US., probably shrank the market for other aircrafts.


Q: First I want to thank you for your time and effort in giving this interview and second I would like to ask you if there is anything else you would like to talk about on this matter before we finish this interview up?


R: Yes, I would like to say that SAHA, with its 20 some years experience in the fields of overhauling aircrafts, their engines, and specially its specialized personnel, has become a unique industry in the middle east, and in the amount effort and work being done has placed it unique in the world as whole This is the reason that why we need to protect this great investment at all costs and that we must still continue to work on it to make it even greater. At the end I would like to thank all the technicians, engineers and all personnel who are working in Iran aircraft industry who had backed us up in the past during the imposed war.
答:是的,我很高兴地告诉大家:伊朗航空工业公司在翻修飞机方面已经有20多年的历史,他的设备特别是专业员工在中东地区是独一无二的(不包括以色列) 。他的成就和工作在全世界也是独一无二的。这就是为什么我们不惜代价地保持对他的投资,我们必须不断努力使他更加壮大。最后我要感谢所有的技术人员、工程师和在伊朗航空工业公司工作的所有员工,正是他们支持我们对付外国强加来的战争(两伊战争)。


唯物点评:根据国际飞行等权威杂志介绍,伊朗目前已经能够自己生产大部分F-14常见部件(甚至包括部分电子部件),建立了中东地区仅次于以色列的航空工业体系 。伊朗空军制定了合理的使用计划,各飞行中队中20%的F-14作为储备,定期进行轮换,保证每架飞机能得到充分的轮换机会,同时每架飞机的飞行时数得到平均。飞行员要协助技术人员为处于储备期间的每架F-14制定维修计划,这使得飞机能得到精良科学的维护,使得每架飞机的寿命得到延长。1994年,伊朗空军在阅兵式上F-14以25架的庞大密集编队低空掠过阅兵场,据此估计伊朗空军可以升空作战的F-14数量可能在50架以上,伊朗空军宣称他有60架F-14仍然具备作战能力。伊朗航空工业公司在美国封锁的情况下,能对美制飞机进行良好维护,获得了世界航空工业同行的尊重,同时伊朗通过维护正在逐步发展自己的飞机工业,目前伊朗不但在世界上招揽飞机维修业务,目前已经成功地替一些国家进行了飞机维修,而且已经成功生产出了安140运输机和穆哈杰无人侦察机,在俄罗斯、中国、乌克兰等国协助下伊朗正在发展攻击机、教练机和直升飞机及其配套的武器系统和电子装备(其中一种超音速喷气式攻击机数年前已经成功试飞,正在进行定型考察;喷气式教练机2005年将首飞;直升飞机已经进入原型机制造阶段,一种先进战斗机方案处于设计阶段)。这也可能是伊朗目前迟迟没有采购国外战斗机的原因之一。可以预见伊朗在未来将成为世界上重要的航空工业国。 有消息来源指出伊朗目前正在对中国的FC-1进行评估,如果通过,伊朗将谋求在本国组装生产FC-1。


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-11 12:50:28编辑过]

Overhauling of the 100th F-14 by the Iran aircraft industry and returning it to service with the IRIAF


After overhauling the 100th F-14 (Tomcat) strategic fighter by the specialists of Iran aircraft industry (SAHA), and returning it to service with the IRIAF, we had a brief interview about how this important job was achieved with the engineer, Mr. Mehrdad Amiri (assistant aircraft developer at SAHA). The interview is as follows.


Q: Mr. Amiri, would you please tell us briefly on how the F-14s are being repaired? 问:阿米尔先生,请您简要地告诉我们F-14是怎样进行大修的?

R: In the name of god the most gracious and merciful. After the great Islamic revolution which forced the western engineers and specialists (specially American specialists) to leave Iran were thought by a lot of foreign and domestic observers, that the overhauling of the Iranian F-14s would face great problems or would be impossible to be achieved by Iranian engineers and specialists. Their opinion on this matter was based on their believe, that Iranian engineers and specialists did not have the familiarity or the experience with these aircrafts, including its special hanger need or its basic repairs, especially since there was a western arms embargo imposed on Iran. But with the will of god and the hard working of the SAHA personnel and with help of our loyal engineer and specialists of IRIAF, in the year 1361 (1982-1983), the basic work on the overhauling was started.


Q: Please tell us about the problems that were faces with the overhauling of F-14s in the beginning?



R: The very first problem with the overhauling of F-14s, were the lack of needed engineers and specialists, overhauling packages, needed parts and tools and which the aircraft industry overcame the problem with the hard work and several years of experience in the field of aircraft repairs, and by extracting the needed information from available technical manuals and having access to plans for overhauling aircrafts. At the same time with help of our Islamic brothers and their experience from IRIAF, were called to relieve the pressure of lack of spare and tools needed for this job to be started.


Q: Please tell us about the steps takes in overhauling one F-14?


R: In short the overhauling of one F-14 is based on a 3-stage plan. The main stage which is it self made of 22 phases would be from entering the aircraft for overhaul to returning it. The stage for repairing parts of the aircraft is separate from the first stage (which is different for each individual aircraft) and technical overhauling.


Q: Would you please tell us about the advances made in the field of heavy repairs of F-14 aircraft in Iran?

R: Fortunately for us, the aircraft industry was able to focus on the need of IRIAF and to set plans for its repairing needs. It started from a slow and planned start in the year 1361 (1982-1983) and reached a proud and fast speed by the year 1371 (1992-1993). In this year several F-14s were repaired and one aircraft was finished with its overhauling and was returned to IRIAF. We hope with new years to come, that we perfect and get better in repairing the IRIAF aircrafts. Infect, with the full knowledge and the ability to fully repair any aircraft, we have announced to the IRIAF that we can repair any numbers of their aircrafts that they need. ho

Q: What self-sufficiency抯 of this aircraft have we reached?

R: In the past 10 years, the repairing of these aircrafts were a big step and very knowledgeable for us in the fields of engineering these aircrafts and with the access to the powerful computer technology, we can say with certainty that we can completely overhaul these aircrafts. Also we have taken steps in the field of overhauling chassis and frames for these aircrafts, that with the availability of the needed funding we can continue doing this. We can do the same for other aircrafts in the IRIAF inventory. Also I would like to add that not only studies but steps in the field of manufacturing spare parts for these aircrafts are on hand on a day to day basis, and we have been successful up to now in this field.


Q: Was there any repairs done on damaged F-14s? NF

R: Yes, in this field we received great experience and knowledge from aircraft engineering section of SAHA, that has more to do with the years of imposed war. With in-depth focus on complicated engineering feats, out factories were able to exactly copy the needed parts with basic engineering knowledge.


Q: What are the effects of American embargo on repairing our F-14s?


R: In the beginning we thought that we would face a lot of problems, but by doing some research and having access to spare parts received before the Islamic revolution, we came to the conclusion that with the strong spare part needs and the little spare parts available, forced us to increase our affords in manufacturing spare parts for our F-14s. In comparison to our other projects, our F-14 repair project had a lower cost.


Q: What do you think the future of F-14 will be in both Iran and the world?


R: It is a common knowledge that outside US Navy, Iran is the only nation operating F-14s, because US does not want to sell these birds to other nations do to the fact that this birds are very capable aircrafts. The development of this aircraft in US was excellent. Infect the fact that upgrading it. A model to the D models with greater flying and fighting capability was a great improvement. Upgrading their engines, adding more powerful radars, adding advance electronic warfare systems, upgrading to more powerful computers, modern hydraulics and adding or updating other modern equipments created aircrafts that does not have any other aircrafts that comes close to them in comparison. The changing of the aircraft to a multi-rule aircraft by US., probably shrank the market for other aircrafts.


Q: First I want to thank you for your time and effort in giving this interview and second I would like to ask you if there is anything else you would like to talk about on this matter before we finish this interview up?


R: Yes, I would like to say that SAHA, with its 20 some years experience in the fields of overhauling aircrafts, their engines, and specially its specialized personnel, has become a unique industry in the middle east, and in the amount effort and work being done has placed it unique in the world as whole This is the reason that why we need to protect this great investment at all costs and that we must still continue to work on it to make it even greater. At the end I would like to thank all the technicians, engineers and all personnel who are working in Iran aircraft industry who had backed us up in the past during the imposed war.
答:是的,我很高兴地告诉大家:伊朗航空工业公司在翻修飞机方面已经有20多年的历史,他的设备特别是专业员工在中东地区是独一无二的(不包括以色列) 。他的成就和工作在全世界也是独一无二的。这就是为什么我们不惜代价地保持对他的投资,我们必须不断努力使他更加壮大。最后我要感谢所有的技术人员、工程师和在伊朗航空工业公司工作的所有员工,正是他们支持我们对付外国强加来的战争(两伊战争)。


唯物点评:根据国际飞行等权威杂志介绍,伊朗目前已经能够自己生产大部分F-14常见部件(甚至包括部分电子部件),建立了中东地区仅次于以色列的航空工业体系 。伊朗空军制定了合理的使用计划,各飞行中队中20%的F-14作为储备,定期进行轮换,保证每架飞机能得到充分的轮换机会,同时每架飞机的飞行时数得到平均。飞行员要协助技术人员为处于储备期间的每架F-14制定维修计划,这使得飞机能得到精良科学的维护,使得每架飞机的寿命得到延长。1994年,伊朗空军在阅兵式上F-14以25架的庞大密集编队低空掠过阅兵场,据此估计伊朗空军可以升空作战的F-14数量可能在50架以上,伊朗空军宣称他有60架F-14仍然具备作战能力。伊朗航空工业公司在美国封锁的情况下,能对美制飞机进行良好维护,获得了世界航空工业同行的尊重,同时伊朗通过维护正在逐步发展自己的飞机工业,目前伊朗不但在世界上招揽飞机维修业务,目前已经成功地替一些国家进行了飞机维修,而且已经成功生产出了安140运输机和穆哈杰无人侦察机,在俄罗斯、中国、乌克兰等国协助下伊朗正在发展攻击机、教练机和直升飞机及其配套的武器系统和电子装备(其中一种超音速喷气式攻击机数年前已经成功试飞,正在进行定型考察;喷气式教练机2005年将首飞;直升飞机已经进入原型机制造阶段,一种先进战斗机方案处于设计阶段)。这也可能是伊朗目前迟迟没有采购国外战斗机的原因之一。可以预见伊朗在未来将成为世界上重要的航空工业国。 有消息来源指出伊朗目前正在对中国的FC-1进行评估,如果通过,伊朗将谋求在本国组装生产FC-1。


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-11 12:50:28编辑过]
<B>以下是引用<I>f22</I>在2004-12-11 12:48:00的发言:</B>

<B>以下是引用<I>大黄蜂</I>在2004-12-11 12:53:00的发言:</B>


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-11 14:10:50编辑过]
<B>以下是引用<I>唯物</I>在2004-12-11 13:33:00的发言:</B>


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-11 14:25:47编辑过]
<B>以下是引用<I>极品梦游侠</I>在2004-12-11 14:18:00的发言:</B>

<B>以下是引用<I>纽卡</I>在2004-12-12 10:45:00的发言:</B>


<B>以下是引用<I>唯物</I>在2004-12-12 10:51:00的发言:</B>


标  题:伊朗和世界已经看清俄国人的面目了.
德黑兰时报: 在Bushehr核电站可用前,不和俄罗斯签订新的核合同

两位伊朗高级官员称,将不再和俄罗斯签订新的核合同,直到俄罗斯完成在Bushehr的核电站,并使之投入运行这两位高级官员的其中一位, Kazem Jalali,是伊朗 Majlis 外交和安全政策委员会的发言人 。他说,伊朗的Bushehr核电站和巴基斯坦的核电站几乎同时开始建造,但中国早已完成了巴基斯坦的核电站并投入运行,而俄罗斯仍旧在拖拖拉拉。

他说,由于美国的压力,俄罗斯多次中止该核电站的建设进程。 而另一位高级官员Hamidreza Hajbabayi,Majlis主席会和安全委员会的成员,对俄罗斯更加恼火。他说,德黑兰不应该在莫斯科永无止境的索取前屈服,在和俄罗斯签订协议前,必要要求莫斯科提供法律和金融的保证。俄罗斯在过去八年的所作所为已经证明其惟利是图的本性,它往往依靠国际形势对伊朗进行施压以从中获得对它有利的核合同。他还说到,俄罗斯已经证明是个不可信赖的合作伙伴。 Hajbabayi说,在伊朗面临困难时,俄罗斯不仅不支持伊朗,反而利用德黑兰和华盛顿的对立从中榨取利益。对于俄罗斯所说的“希望在伊朗再建造一座核电站”的说法,他回应到,俄罗斯是不可信任的。最后,Hajbabayi说,在最近的IAEA会议期间,相比较欧洲的来回奔波,俄罗斯的外交行动在某种程度上扰乱了伊朗的计划。
看过几套伊朗电影, 从戏中的小节看到当地的民风. 他们穷, 但很乐天, 喜欢助人, 还对人很信任. 很多情节都有把自己小孩随时随地交托给陌生人的情景, 陌生人也很乐意代人照顾小孩. 其中有一电影的情节是有关地震後重建. 年青人在废墟中架设天线看世界杯. 他说地震四十年就有一次, 世界杯四年才有一次. 不看世界杯死去的亲人也不会复生. 村子里每个人都有亲人死掉, 但没有人哭哭啼啼, 在互相帮助收拾後, 很快乐地看世界杯.
<B>以下是引用<I>super_hero</I>在2004-12-14 16:38:00的发言:</B>

<B>以下是引用<I>super_hero</I>在2004-12-14 16:38:00的发言:</B>

========================================== </P><P>语言上沟通的问题吧. 要你用阿拉伯话/伊朗话学东西也会很难. 如果大家都用大家都不怎麽好的乌语, 那就更难. 表达那个打了折扣, 听那个又再打个折扣.</P>