
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 06:14:21
Anybody who has ever done business in China will be able to tell you that the Chinese have real reservations about allowing foreigners to make money from them. They will do a joint venture to steal what you have and then open up their own company selling the same thing cheaper. They do this to each other also - it is just more pronounced with westerners.

If you hire a Chinese immigrant in your own country,  there is a 70% chance you will be training a future competitor. After 6 months or a year they will say they are leaving for family reasons or because they want to travel. A few months later you will find you have a new competitor and that your suppliers and customers have been approached by - and some are doing business with - your former staff member. They have spent the past year learning what you do and how you do it, who your suppliers are, who your customers are. Their relatives and friends put up the cash for the new business and off they'll go. Of course, westerners do this too. But I would say the figure would be maybe 5 - 10%, not 70%. There is nothing wrong with it - there is no law against competition - but it is quite shocking when you are not expecting it and not used to it.

There is also a real animosity against westerners in China - just below the surface. On a day to day basis they are friendly people and you can form great relationships with them - but once any disagreement or acrimony arises you immediately become again  the foreigner; the offspring of the people who invaded China, exploited it, disrespected and enslaved the people, burnt down the Summer Palace, and got them all hooked on drugs. They close ranks big time.

I honestly think the ONLY way you can make money from China is by selling them something they absolutely cannot copy themselves and which they desperately need, or  - status symbols. Australia, Canada, and other resource nations will make a killing over the long term. German cars, European fashion brands, likewise. But good luck with anything else. Whatever you show them they will reverse engineer and sell themselves.

I think there will eventually be some kind of international backlash about this behaviour. It is essentially a re-run of what happened a couple of centuries ago - a real unwillingness to play fair. And yes, every country has done this to some extent - the US, Japan - on their way to power and significance, but not to the same extent.

Call me crazy, but I think the idea that China will represent a vast market for British goods and services is just a hollow dream . You will get a tiny corner of it and you will be kept in that tiny corner - maybe not by legislation, but by a nod and wink between Chinese themselves. Nothing will ever come to pass anywhere near to the extent you imagine. But it will be dangled in front of you to entice you and you will lap it up for a while yet. If you've ever done business in China you know they do this as a matter of course - lay out the glorious future plans for the shared endeavour. Eventually you realise you are being shafted and the only company that ever seems to benefit is their company.

支持率 90







The days of military might determining world influence are essentially over.  Yes, there will still be 3rd world countries like in Africa or the Middle East where 1st world military powers exert their overwhelming strength to crush some petty dictator.  However, among the world military powers, they all possess enough strength to make a war between powers a loss for both sides.  So influence going forward will be determined economically.   The UK and the rest of socialist Europe are not even in the running.  They jumped off the bandwagon after WWII when socialism and immigration from 3rd world countries accelerated.  Now they are a society of takers, not makers.  The US is not far behind.  The Democrats and their immigration and socialist policies have destroyed the US.  More people here live off the backs of the taxpayers through government handouts than there are workers.  Our currency is plummeting and debt piling up.  That leaves the Chinese to dominate the world economically.  They are the future of the world.  Liberalism killed Europe and the USA.


支持率 43

The rich should get richer. And the poor had better get their act together and stop whining for a handout. Too many Americans think they are too good for all the jobs immigrants are very willing to do and the immigrants are boot-strapping themselves out of poverty in one generation. Meanwhile the growing army of US entitlement slackers and pot heads become an unacceptable drag on society.


The Longbridge solution.

Chinese workers build the cars, take the technology and the profits.

British workers stick cutesy MG badges on the cars.

What kind of glorious busines model is this ?



支持率 33

If the Euro is bailed out by the Chinese there will be a very heavy price to pay.

支持率 32


原文:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finan ... -save-the-euro.htmlAnybody who has ever done business in China will be able to tell you that the Chinese have real reservations about allowing foreigners to make money from them. They will do a joint venture to steal what you have and then open up their own company selling the same thing cheaper. They do this to each other also - it is just more pronounced with westerners.

If you hire a Chinese immigrant in your own country,  there is a 70% chance you will be training a future competitor. After 6 months or a year they will say they are leaving for family reasons or because they want to travel. A few months later you will find you have a new competitor and that your suppliers and customers have been approached by - and some are doing business with - your former staff member. They have spent the past year learning what you do and how you do it, who your suppliers are, who your customers are. Their relatives and friends put up the cash for the new business and off they'll go. Of course, westerners do this too. But I would say the figure would be maybe 5 - 10%, not 70%. There is nothing wrong with it - there is no law against competition - but it is quite shocking when you are not expecting it and not used to it.

There is also a real animosity against westerners in China - just below the surface. On a day to day basis they are friendly people and you can form great relationships with them - but once any disagreement or acrimony arises you immediately become again  the foreigner; the offspring of the people who invaded China, exploited it, disrespected and enslaved the people, burnt down the Summer Palace, and got them all hooked on drugs. They close ranks big time.

I honestly think the ONLY way you can make money from China is by selling them something they absolutely cannot copy themselves and which they desperately need, or  - status symbols. Australia, Canada, and other resource nations will make a killing over the long term. German cars, European fashion brands, likewise. But good luck with anything else. Whatever you show them they will reverse engineer and sell themselves.

I think there will eventually be some kind of international backlash about this behaviour. It is essentially a re-run of what happened a couple of centuries ago - a real unwillingness to play fair. And yes, every country has done this to some extent - the US, Japan - on their way to power and significance, but not to the same extent.

Call me crazy, but I think the idea that China will represent a vast market for British goods and services is just a hollow dream . You will get a tiny corner of it and you will be kept in that tiny corner - maybe not by legislation, but by a nod and wink between Chinese themselves. Nothing will ever come to pass anywhere near to the extent you imagine. But it will be dangled in front of you to entice you and you will lap it up for a while yet. If you've ever done business in China you know they do this as a matter of course - lay out the glorious future plans for the shared endeavour. Eventually you realise you are being shafted and the only company that ever seems to benefit is their company.

支持率 90







The days of military might determining world influence are essentially over.  Yes, there will still be 3rd world countries like in Africa or the Middle East where 1st world military powers exert their overwhelming strength to crush some petty dictator.  However, among the world military powers, they all possess enough strength to make a war between powers a loss for both sides.  So influence going forward will be determined economically.   The UK and the rest of socialist Europe are not even in the running.  They jumped off the bandwagon after WWII when socialism and immigration from 3rd world countries accelerated.  Now they are a society of takers, not makers.  The US is not far behind.  The Democrats and their immigration and socialist policies have destroyed the US.  More people here live off the backs of the taxpayers through government handouts than there are workers.  Our currency is plummeting and debt piling up.  That leaves the Chinese to dominate the world economically.  They are the future of the world.  Liberalism killed Europe and the USA.


支持率 43

The rich should get richer. And the poor had better get their act together and stop whining for a handout. Too many Americans think they are too good for all the jobs immigrants are very willing to do and the immigrants are boot-strapping themselves out of poverty in one generation. Meanwhile the growing army of US entitlement slackers and pot heads become an unacceptable drag on society.


The Longbridge solution.

Chinese workers build the cars, take the technology and the profits.

British workers stick cutesy MG badges on the cars.

What kind of glorious busines model is this ?



支持率 33

If the Euro is bailed out by the Chinese there will be a very heavy price to pay.

支持率 32


原文:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finan ... -save-the-euro.html
为什么要收买欧洲?  有什么好买的?
中国人在一千多年前就知道王侯将相宁有种乎了 有点野心的中国人在给老外打工一段时间后都会扯旗造反的 宁为鸡首不为牛后吗
好酸哦哈哈 其实西方人根本就不了解中国社会,一些人中文都不屑去学,并且对中国社会缺乏起码的尊重就想去中国赚钱? 知不知道中国有多少人?竞争有多大? 吃瘪了又说中国人抱团,难道你英国人愿意把自己本国的利益让一部分给中国人去赚?  什么民主国家的劳动者们,你们还是去工罢吧,这才是你们的职业。真不知道这些人说这些有什么意思,一边气愤自己的国家经济环境越来越差,而且很多外来的勤劳的移民在抢占着自己本国人的生存机会,一边又懒惰,不肯努力,坚决不肯牺牲自己一点私利来配合政府让自己国家的经济环境有所好转,难道别人努力工作而且还要把你们供着?

wzy090909 发表于 2011-6-28 02:46
好酸哦哈哈 其实西方人根本就不了解中国社会,一些人中文都不屑去学,并且对中国社会缺乏起码的尊重就想去中 ...

wzy090909 发表于 2011-6-28 02:46
好酸哦哈哈 其实西方人根本就不了解中国社会,一些人中文都不屑去学,并且对中国社会缺乏起码的尊重就想去中 ...


゛风_云ャ囝 发表于 2011-6-28 03:26
YAMNGAI 发表于 2011-6-28 02:44
中国人在一千多年前就知道王侯将相宁有种乎了 有点野心的中国人在给老外打工一段时间后都会扯旗造反的 宁为 ...




————载于《史记·陈涉世家》 司马迁



西欧太堕落了,不从自己身上找原因 光知道说后来者不守规矩,质量差 工人待遇低 各种抱怨 让我想起了满八旗
Superbow 发表于 2011-6-28 09:13
windrarara 发表于 2011-6-28 09:29
哈哈  所以说啊啊,当年希特勒没能统一欧洲还不知道是好事还是坏事累
redstorm 发表于 2011-6-28 02:21
如果你雇用了一个中国移民,那么有70%的机会他们会成为你未来的竞争对手。在你公司干了半年到一年后,他们会 ...
该用户只能删除 发表于 2011-6-28 09:48

windrarara 发表于 2011-6-28 11:06

windrarara 发表于 2011-6-28 11:06
