东古塔在马力哈被控制后终于有所突破,叙利亚政府军收复 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 11:17:03
http://www.syrianperspective.com ... -jawbar-awaits.html

Hutaytat Al-Jarash has been liberated by the SAA.  Carcasses of Libyans and Saudis dot the landscape.  It is amazing how few Syrians were defending this area.  At the Al-Ghadaq Food Processing Factory, which was stripped and destroyed by the foreign rodents supplied and funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the Syrian Army expanded its control to an area 2 square miles in depth extending to the Carton Production Mill 2 km from Jisreen.  The number of terrorists killed here exceeds 60 but I have not received names as the area is being assessed by security personnel.
Read more at http://www.syrianperspective.com ... 4TLzMmVHBhOocJ7H.99

Hteitet Al-Hersh(Hutaytat Al-Jaras)被SAA解放。地上遍布利比亚和沙特武装分子的尸体。令人惊讶的是几乎没有几个叙利亚人在防守这个地区。在 被沙特支持的武装分子洗劫一空的Al-Ghadaq食品处理中心一带,叙利亚军队将其控制区域延伸到了Jisreen的Carton磨坊厂。被击毙的恐怖分子有60人,但在这个地区被安全部门接管前尚无这些恐怖分子的具体名字信息。

东古塔在jobar区一直久啃不下,不过在maleeha一带打的还算顺利。虽然反对派联军的舔油战术让这里打了很长时间,但是最终maleeha还是被政府军控制。maleeha往东的建筑密度远远低于jobar一带,所以机械化部队可以长驱直入。相信政府军在Hteitet Al-Hersh撕开口子后,应该能在短期内收复一批长期被反对派控制的土地。

红圈处为最近刚收复的Hteitet Al-Hersh(Hutaytat Al-Jarash)镇,位于maleeha的东部。
http://www.syrianperspective.com ... -jawbar-awaits.html

Hutaytat Al-Jarash has been liberated by the SAA.  Carcasses of Libyans and Saudis dot the landscape.  It is amazing how few Syrians were defending this area.  At the Al-Ghadaq Food Processing Factory, which was stripped and destroyed by the foreign rodents supplied and funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the Syrian Army expanded its control to an area 2 square miles in depth extending to the Carton Production Mill 2 km from Jisreen.  The number of terrorists killed here exceeds 60 but I have not received names as the area is being assessed by security personnel.
Read more at http://www.syrianperspective.com ... 4TLzMmVHBhOocJ7H.99

Hteitet Al-Hersh(Hutaytat Al-Jaras)被SAA解放。地上遍布利比亚和沙特武装分子的尸体。令人惊讶的是几乎没有几个叙利亚人在防守这个地区。在 被沙特支持的武装分子洗劫一空的Al-Ghadaq食品处理中心一带,叙利亚军队将其控制区域延伸到了Jisreen的Carton磨坊厂。被击毙的恐怖分子有60人,但在这个地区被安全部门接管前尚无这些恐怖分子的具体名字信息。

东古塔在jobar区一直久啃不下,不过在maleeha一带打的还算顺利。虽然反对派联军的舔油战术让这里打了很长时间,但是最终maleeha还是被政府军控制。maleeha往东的建筑密度远远低于jobar一带,所以机械化部队可以长驱直入。相信政府军在Hteitet Al-Hersh撕开口子后,应该能在短期内收复一批长期被反对派控制的土地。

红圈处为最近刚收复的Hteitet Al-Hersh(Hutaytat Al-Jarash)镇,位于maleeha的东部。

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