
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 03:50:29

大家好, 今天又翻译了一条新闻. 在进入正文之前说几句吧. 这文章原文出处是来自欧盟时报网络版在2014.01.02发的消息(有图有真相哦),  欧盟时报是比较官方的网站, 是欧洲人比较常看的报纸, 有很高的收视率和权威呢. 报纸这东西, 说到新闻的权威性这东西, 有时也看你怎么看和从什么角度看了呢, 哈哈. 这新闻我看了心里有很大的不安, 我其实心里挺担心的, 看到日本的核事故, 我第一个想到的是我的祖国和家人, 担心他们的健康. 第二我担心的, 是我自己. 我在美国西岸, 最近也有很多美国本地的小道消息说现在西岸这边已经检测到严重超标的核辐射指数了. 但美国的大媒体还是很安静呢, 什么都没提, 还是一片歌舞升平吹嘘经济怎么好怎么好了, 这反而让我更加担心. 在最后, 说几句我的愿望吧, 希望亚洲不要发生战争, 希望这次事故可以平静地过去, 希望人类不要再因为这事故而受到伤害. 也希望我的祖国战胜困难日益崛起.  :)
以下正文为原版的英文原文, 文中配的图也是新闻原文配上的, 中文是我自己翻译的, 希望高手轻拍. 谢谢.

Underground Nuclear Explosion At Crippled Japan Atomic Plant Shocks World

Posted by EU Times on Jan 2nd, 2014
中文翻译者: christinainus (http://lt.cjdby.net/ 超级大本营军事论坛会员)
An ominous edict issued from the Office of the President of Russia today to all Ministries of the Russian Government ordering that all “past, present and future” information relating to Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster now be rated at the highest classification level “Of Special Importance” states that this condition is “immediately and urgently needed” due to a series of underground nuclear explosions occurring at this crippled atomic plant on 31 December as confirmed by the Ministry of Defense (MoD).
近日, 俄罗斯政府向其内部发布了一条令人不安的布告. 布告内容为: 把一切过去, 现在和未来有关于日本福岛第一核电站核泄漏事故的一切相关消息列为了最高等级的机密的消息, 而这是非常紧急的. 这布告的发布是由于俄罗斯国防部在2013年12月31日确认了日本福岛的废旧核电站发生了地下核爆炸.

“Of Special Importance” is Russia’s highest classification level and refers to information which, if released, would cause damage to the entire Russian Federation.
在俄罗斯国防部的定义中, 任何消息一旦被列为最高等级的机密消息, 也就是指出如若该消息被公开, 其影响会波及整个俄罗斯.
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster was a catastrophic failure at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant on 11 March 2011. The failure occurred when the plant was hit by a tsunami triggered by the 9.0 magnitude Tōhoku earthquake.
日本福岛第一核电站核泄漏事故是一件灾难性事故发生于2011年3月11日, 事故的诱因是由于核电站被9级地震所引起的海啸所袭击.

The plant began releasing substantial amounts of radioactive materials beginning on 12 March 2011 becoming the largest nuclear incident since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster and the second (with Chernobyl) to measure at the highest Level 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES).
核电站在自事故之后的第二天, 2011年3月12日, 开始释放大量的含有核辐射的物质. 这次核泄漏事故是自1986年的乌克兰第一第二核泄漏事故之后的最大核泄露事故. 根据国际核事故分为七级的标准, 乌克兰事故被定义为最高级别的七级.
According to this report, MoD “assests” associated with the Red Banner Pacific Fleet detected two “low-level” underground atomic explosions occurring in the Fukushima disaster zone on 31 December, the first measuring 5.1 magnitude in intensity, followed by a smaller 3.6 magnitude explosion moments later.
根据俄罗斯的布告, 俄罗斯在太平洋的远东舰队在测量到了两次的地下核爆炸而引起地震的信号, 这两次爆炸都在12月31号发生在福岛灾区, 地震首震的强度不断上升而最高测量为5.1级, 随之而来的二震测量为3.6级.
The MoD further reports that the 5.1 magnitude event corresponds to the energy equivalent in megatons of TNT of 0.0005, while the 3.6 magnitude event equals 0.0000005.
俄罗斯国防部报道称, 5.1级的那次地震的威力相当于0.0005百万吨的TNT炸药爆炸, 而3.6级那次则相当于0.0000005百万吨的TNT.
As a comparison, the MoD states that the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 by the United States released the equivalent of 16 Kilotons = 0.016 megatons of TNT, about the energy equivalent of a magnitude 6 earthquake, and the largest hydrogen bomb ever detonated was the Tsar bomb, a device exploded by the Soviet Union on 30 October 1961, with an energy equivalent of about 50 megatons of TNT.
相比之下, 美国在1945年在广岛投下的原子弹相当于0.016百万吨的TNT, 威力相当于6级地震. 而人类历史上威力最大的氢弹是由苏联在1961年10月30日引爆的, 其威力相当于50百万吨的TNT.

Important to note, this report continues, was that the architect of Fukushima Daiichi Reactor 3, Uehara Haruo, warned on 17 November 2011 warned that a “China Syndrome” (aka: Hydrovolcanic Explosion) was “inevitable” due to the melted atomic fuel that had escaped the container vessel and was now burning through the earth.
更重要的是, 在2011年11月17日, 此事故已被指出了福岛三号反应堆有可能会有反应堆堆芯熔化, 而不可避免地会对中国和其他国家造成影响, 事故反应堆容器中流出的熔化原子燃料现已经向地球内部污染了.
The MoD further reports that evidence that these underground nuclear explosions were about to occur began after mysterious steam plumes were first spotted on 19 December for a short period of time, then again on 24, 25, 27 December, and confirmed by a report Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) published on its website.
俄罗斯国防部进一步称, 早在12月19日, 日本电气公司TEPCO在其网站上就已经报道了有不知名的烟雾从福岛核电站冒出, 持续了很短的时间, 然后在24, 25, 27日, 该消息被进一步确认.
Most curious to note, this report continues, is that the United States appears to have had a more advanced notice of these underground nuclear explosions as evidenced by their purchase earlier this month (6 December) of 14 million doses of potassium iodide, the compound that protects the body from radioactive poisoning in the aftermath of severe nuclear accidents, to be delivered before the beginning of February 2014.
更应该指出的是, 美国对此次核爆炸消息应该早有知晓. 因为美国在12月6日下了一个14百万份量的碘化钾的订单, 碘化钾是一种在治疗人体受到核辐射后服用的药剂以防止核辐射进一步伤害病人身体的化学药剂. 美国还叮嘱这些订单要在2014年2月前送到.

With experts now estimating that the wave of radiation from Fukushima will be 10-times bigger than all of the radiation from the entire world’s nuclear tests throughout history combined, and with new reports stating that dangerous radiation levels have been detected in snows found in Texas, Colorado and Missouri, this MoD report warns the US, indeed, is going to face the severest consequences of this historic, and seemingly unstoppable, nuclear disaster.
专家指出, 这一波的福岛核辐射的分量相当于全世界在历史上所进行的所有的核试验的十倍. 而新的报告指出在美国得克萨斯州, 科罗拉多州, 和密苏里州(以上皆为美国内陆州)的雪中都有检测到危害性级别的核辐射. 俄罗斯国防部报告并警告美国, 这一次的核辐射事故对美国的影响可能是历史上从未有过的. 而这次事故对美国的影响及其后果不可避免.
And not just to human beings either is this nuclear disaster unfolding either, this report grimly warns, but also to all biological systems as new reports coming from the United States western coastal areas are now detailing the mass deaths of seals, sea lions, polar bears, bald eagles, sea stars, turtles, king and sockeye salmon, herring, anchovies, and sardines due to Fukishima radiation.
不单止对人类的影响, 随着这次事故的被公开, 报告严峻地指出, 生态环境也受到严峻的挑战. 报道称美国西岸地区出现了大面积的动物死亡现象, 动物包括海豹, 海狮, 北极熊, 白头海雕, 海星, 海龟, 红大麻哈鱼(三文鱼), 青鱼(鲱), 凤尾鱼, 和沙丁鱼.
As to the American people being allowed to know the full and horrific mass death event now unfolding around them, this report warns, is not be as the Obama regime has, in effect, ordered all of their mainstream news media organs not to report it, and as recently confirmed by former MSNBC host Cenk Uygur who was told not to warn the public about the danger posed by the meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear plant during his time as a host on the cable network.
报告称, 美国新闻媒体在美国奥巴马的下令下, 无视美国人民对新闻的知情权, 没有把全部的事实和可怕的大量动物死亡数据进行透明的公开. 美国媒体对这一事实普遍进行了不报道, 不公开的手法. 而这一事是被美国媒体MSNBC的前主持人Cenk Uygur所确认的, 他指出他在事故当时报道新闻时被告知不要向公众报道关于福岛核事故的可能存在的因熔堆而产生的严重性后果.
And with Russian experts now warning that as Fukushima pollution spreads all over Earth (as large amounts of fish, seaweeds, and everything in ocean has been already been polluted, and these products are the main danger for mankind as they can end up being eaten by people on a massive scale) this report warns that Putin’s order to classify all information relating to this nuclear mass death event “Of Special Importance” is vital to protect the economic and social stability interests of the Russian Federation as this global catastrophe continues to worsen by the day.
俄罗斯专家指出, 福岛的核污染以向全球扩散, (大量的海洋生物例如鱼类, 藻类以及其他物种已被污染, 而这些生物又是被人类大量地食用, 这对人类的危害非常大. ) 随着这事故的危害日渐扩大, 俄罗斯总统普京将这一消息列为国防部最高等级的机密也是因为这一事故对俄罗斯未来的经济发展和社会稳定有着重大的影响.

补充内容 (2014-1-6 12:41):

补充内容 (2014-1-6 13:01):
翻译帖也能被删? 翻译也有问题? 既然你不喜欢我的帖, 干嘛不干脆删除了我的帖? 又要我的帖帮你的论坛弄点击, 又不让我发帖. 这什么嘛? 删除了.


大家好, 今天又翻译了一条新闻. 在进入正文之前说几句吧. 这文章原文出处是来自欧盟时报网络版在2014.01.02发的消息(有图有真相哦),  欧盟时报是比较官方的网站, 是欧洲人比较常看的报纸, 有很高的收视率和权威呢. 报纸这东西, 说到新闻的权威性这东西, 有时也看你怎么看和从什么角度看了呢, 哈哈. 这新闻我看了心里有很大的不安, 我其实心里挺担心的, 看到日本的核事故, 我第一个想到的是我的祖国和家人, 担心他们的健康. 第二我担心的, 是我自己. 我在美国西岸, 最近也有很多美国本地的小道消息说现在西岸这边已经检测到严重超标的核辐射指数了. 但美国的大媒体还是很安静呢, 什么都没提, 还是一片歌舞升平吹嘘经济怎么好怎么好了, 这反而让我更加担心. 在最后, 说几句我的愿望吧, 希望亚洲不要发生战争, 希望这次事故可以平静地过去, 希望人类不要再因为这事故而受到伤害. 也希望我的祖国战胜困难日益崛起.  :)
以下正文为原版的英文原文, 文中配的图也是新闻原文配上的, 中文是我自己翻译的, 希望高手轻拍. 谢谢.

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2014-1-6 07:30 上传

Underground Nuclear Explosion At Crippled Japan Atomic Plant Shocks World

Posted by EU Times on Jan 2nd, 2014
中文翻译者: christinainus (http://lt.cjdby.net/ 超级大本营军事论坛会员)
An ominous edict issued from the Office of the President of Russia today to all Ministries of the Russian Government ordering that all “past, present and future” information relating to Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster now be rated at the highest classification level “Of Special Importance” states that this condition is “immediately and urgently needed” due to a series of underground nuclear explosions occurring at this crippled atomic plant on 31 December as confirmed by the Ministry of Defense (MoD).
近日, 俄罗斯政府向其内部发布了一条令人不安的布告. 布告内容为: 把一切过去, 现在和未来有关于日本福岛第一核电站核泄漏事故的一切相关消息列为了最高等级的机密的消息, 而这是非常紧急的. 这布告的发布是由于俄罗斯国防部在2013年12月31日确认了日本福岛的废旧核电站发生了地下核爆炸.

fukushima-explosion-1.jpg (42.12 KB, 下载次数: 1)

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2014-1-6 07:32 上传

“Of Special Importance” is Russia’s highest classification level and refers to information which, if released, would cause damage to the entire Russian Federation.
在俄罗斯国防部的定义中, 任何消息一旦被列为最高等级的机密消息, 也就是指出如若该消息被公开, 其影响会波及整个俄罗斯.
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster was a catastrophic failure at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant on 11 March 2011. The failure occurred when the plant was hit by a tsunami triggered by the 9.0 magnitude Tōhoku earthquake.
日本福岛第一核电站核泄漏事故是一件灾难性事故发生于2011年3月11日, 事故的诱因是由于核电站被9级地震所引起的海啸所袭击.

fukushima-explosion-2.jpg (22.04 KB, 下载次数: 1)

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2014-1-6 07:32 上传

The plant began releasing substantial amounts of radioactive materials beginning on 12 March 2011 becoming the largest nuclear incident since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster and the second (with Chernobyl) to measure at the highest Level 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES).
核电站在自事故之后的第二天, 2011年3月12日, 开始释放大量的含有核辐射的物质. 这次核泄漏事故是自1986年的乌克兰第一第二核泄漏事故之后的最大核泄露事故. 根据国际核事故分为七级的标准, 乌克兰事故被定义为最高级别的七级.
According to this report, MoD “assests” associated with the Red Banner Pacific Fleet detected two “low-level” underground atomic explosions occurring in the Fukushima disaster zone on 31 December, the first measuring 5.1 magnitude in intensity, followed by a smaller 3.6 magnitude explosion moments later.
根据俄罗斯的布告, 俄罗斯在太平洋的远东舰队在测量到了两次的地下核爆炸而引起地震的信号, 这两次爆炸都在12月31号发生在福岛灾区, 地震首震的强度不断上升而最高测量为5.1级, 随之而来的二震测量为3.6级.
The MoD further reports that the 5.1 magnitude event corresponds to the energy equivalent in megatons of TNT of 0.0005, while the 3.6 magnitude event equals 0.0000005.
俄罗斯国防部报道称, 5.1级的那次地震的威力相当于0.0005百万吨的TNT炸药爆炸, 而3.6级那次则相当于0.0000005百万吨的TNT.
As a comparison, the MoD states that the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 by the United States released the equivalent of 16 Kilotons = 0.016 megatons of TNT, about the energy equivalent of a magnitude 6 earthquake, and the largest hydrogen bomb ever detonated was the Tsar bomb, a device exploded by the Soviet Union on 30 October 1961, with an energy equivalent of about 50 megatons of TNT.
相比之下, 美国在1945年在广岛投下的原子弹相当于0.016百万吨的TNT, 威力相当于6级地震. 而人类历史上威力最大的氢弹是由苏联在1961年10月30日引爆的, 其威力相当于50百万吨的TNT.

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2014-1-6 07:32 上传

Important to note, this report continues, was that the architect of Fukushima Daiichi Reactor 3, Uehara Haruo, warned on 17 November 2011 warned that a “China Syndrome” (aka: Hydrovolcanic Explosion) was “inevitable” due to the melted atomic fuel that had escaped the container vessel and was now burning through the earth.
更重要的是, 在2011年11月17日, 此事故已被指出了福岛三号反应堆有可能会有反应堆堆芯熔化, 而不可避免地会对中国和其他国家造成影响, 事故反应堆容器中流出的熔化原子燃料现已经向地球内部污染了.
The MoD further reports that evidence that these underground nuclear explosions were about to occur began after mysterious steam plumes were first spotted on 19 December for a short period of time, then again on 24, 25, 27 December, and confirmed by a report Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) published on its website.
俄罗斯国防部进一步称, 早在12月19日, 日本电气公司TEPCO在其网站上就已经报道了有不知名的烟雾从福岛核电站冒出, 持续了很短的时间, 然后在24, 25, 27日, 该消息被进一步确认.
Most curious to note, this report continues, is that the United States appears to have had a more advanced notice of these underground nuclear explosions as evidenced by their purchase earlier this month (6 December) of 14 million doses of potassium iodide, the compound that protects the body from radioactive poisoning in the aftermath of severe nuclear accidents, to be delivered before the beginning of February 2014.
更应该指出的是, 美国对此次核爆炸消息应该早有知晓. 因为美国在12月6日下了一个14百万份量的碘化钾的订单, 碘化钾是一种在治疗人体受到核辐射后服用的药剂以防止核辐射进一步伤害病人身体的化学药剂. 美国还叮嘱这些订单要在2014年2月前送到.

fukushima-explosion-4.jpg (50.01 KB, 下载次数: 0)

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2014-1-6 07:32 上传

With experts now estimating that the wave of radiation from Fukushima will be 10-times bigger than all of the radiation from the entire world’s nuclear tests throughout history combined, and with new reports stating that dangerous radiation levels have been detected in snows found in Texas, Colorado and Missouri, this MoD report warns the US, indeed, is going to face the severest consequences of this historic, and seemingly unstoppable, nuclear disaster.
专家指出, 这一波的福岛核辐射的分量相当于全世界在历史上所进行的所有的核试验的十倍. 而新的报告指出在美国得克萨斯州, 科罗拉多州, 和密苏里州(以上皆为美国内陆州)的雪中都有检测到危害性级别的核辐射. 俄罗斯国防部报告并警告美国, 这一次的核辐射事故对美国的影响可能是历史上从未有过的. 而这次事故对美国的影响及其后果不可避免.
And not just to human beings either is this nuclear disaster unfolding either, this report grimly warns, but also to all biological systems as new reports coming from the United States western coastal areas are now detailing the mass deaths of seals, sea lions, polar bears, bald eagles, sea stars, turtles, king and sockeye salmon, herring, anchovies, and sardines due to Fukishima radiation.
不单止对人类的影响, 随着这次事故的被公开, 报告严峻地指出, 生态环境也受到严峻的挑战. 报道称美国西岸地区出现了大面积的动物死亡现象, 动物包括海豹, 海狮, 北极熊, 白头海雕, 海星, 海龟, 红大麻哈鱼(三文鱼), 青鱼(鲱), 凤尾鱼, 和沙丁鱼.
As to the American people being allowed to know the full and horrific mass death event now unfolding around them, this report warns, is not be as the Obama regime has, in effect, ordered all of their mainstream news media organs not to report it, and as recently confirmed by former MSNBC host Cenk Uygur who was told not to warn the public about the danger posed by the meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear plant during his time as a host on the cable network.
报告称, 美国新闻媒体在美国奥巴马的下令下, 无视美国人民对新闻的知情权, 没有把全部的事实和可怕的大量动物死亡数据进行透明的公开. 美国媒体对这一事实普遍进行了不报道, 不公开的手法. 而这一事是被美国媒体MSNBC的前主持人Cenk Uygur所确认的, 他指出他在事故当时报道新闻时被告知不要向公众报道关于福岛核事故的可能存在的因熔堆而产生的严重性后果.
And with Russian experts now warning that as Fukushima pollution spreads all over Earth (as large amounts of fish, seaweeds, and everything in ocean has been already been polluted, and these products are the main danger for mankind as they can end up being eaten by people on a massive scale) this report warns that Putin’s order to classify all information relating to this nuclear mass death event “Of Special Importance” is vital to protect the economic and social stability interests of the Russian Federation as this global catastrophe continues to worsen by the day.
俄罗斯专家指出, 福岛的核污染以向全球扩散, (大量的海洋生物例如鱼类, 藻类以及其他物种已被污染, 而这些生物又是被人类大量地食用, 这对人类的危害非常大. ) 随着这事故的危害日渐扩大, 俄罗斯总统普京将这一消息列为国防部最高等级的机密也是因为这一事故对俄罗斯未来的经济发展和社会稳定有着重大的影响.

补充内容 (2014-1-6 12:41):

补充内容 (2014-1-6 13:01):
翻译帖也能被删? 翻译也有问题? 既然你不喜欢我的帖, 干嘛不干脆删除了我的帖? 又要我的帖帮你的论坛弄点击, 又不让我发帖. 这什么嘛? 删除了.

都是捂盖子吗 看那视频米国西海岸有人测了相当于百倍x光强度关键是无死角无差别无时无刻的攻击这非常可怕

当然后面更怕怕的那一段不说了 狗日的日本啊 日
新鲜出炉 发表于 2014-1-6 08:21
都是捂盖子吗 看那视频米国西海岸有人测了相当于百倍x光强度关键是无死角无差别无时无刻的攻击这非常可怕
你叫我现在现身在此, 我情何以堪啊?
ericcui1 发表于 2014-1-6 08:33
假, 这个很难说, 但是你知道毛子有多反米帝, 欧子们也逐渐远离米帝了. 我觉得欧子们发这新闻出来黑米帝也是有可能的. 但是我在这边米帝人民是真的在谈这事很多.
ericcui1 发表于 2014-1-6 08:39
地平是啥? 求正解.
地平是啥? 求正解.


christinainus 发表于 2014-1-6 08:36
假, 这个很难说, 但是你知道毛子有多反米帝, 欧子们也逐渐远离米帝了. 我觉得欧子们发这新闻出来黑米帝也 ...


christinainus 发表于 2014-1-6 08:36
假, 这个很难说, 但是你知道毛子有多反米帝, 欧子们也逐渐远离米帝了. 我觉得欧子们发这新闻出来黑米帝也 ...


糟, 看来有高手来挑我翻译的毛病了.







christinainus 发表于 2014-1-6 09:16
糟, 看来有高手来挑我翻译的毛病了.
普帝的德文不用怀疑, 莫非普帝也精通英文???