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“我成了家乡的陌生人” [复制链接]



发表于 昨天 21:10 | 只看该作者 | 倒序浏览

【 以下文字转载自 NewExpress 讨论区 】 发信人: lsgg (慕容宇), 信区: NewExpress 标 题: 伦敦,正在沦陷为清真城,“我成了家乡的陌生人” 发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Feb 4 12:50:16 2013), 站内

'I feel like a stranger where I live’“我成了家乡MSL移民街的陌生人” By Jane Kelly7:30AM GMT 29 Jan 2013 2013年1月29日 简·凯利/文

"When you go swimming, it’s much healthier to keep your whole body completely covered, you know.” The Muslim lady behind the counter in my local pharmacy has recently started giving me advice like this. It’s kindly meant and I’m always glad to hear her views because she is one of the few people in west London where I live who talks to me. “你游泳时最好包着全身,你知道,这样更健康”。附近药店收银台后的MSL女店员最 近给了我这样的建议。这是她的好意,我也乐于听到她的建议,因为它是西伦敦我家附近 为数不多愿意和我交谈的人。

The streets around Acton, which has been my home since 1996, have taken on a new identity. Most of the shops are now owned by Muslims and even the fish and chip shop and Indian takeaway are Halal. It seems that almost overnight it’s changed from Acton Vale into Acton Veil. 我家在1996年就搬到阿克顿的街道,然而这里现在有了新身份。大部分商店如今都由穆斯 林经营,甚至炸鱼食品店和印度食品外卖都按照清真标准制作。似乎一夜之间,溪谷阿克 顿就变成了面纱阿克顿。

Of the 8.17 million people in London, one million are Muslim, with the majority of them young families. That is not, in reality, a great number. But because so many Muslims increasingly insist on emphasising their separateness, it feels as if they have taken over; my female neighbours flap past in full niqab, some so heavily veiled that I can’t see their eyes. I’ve made an effort to communicate by smiling deliberately at the ones I thought I was seeing out and about regularly, but this didn’t lead to conversation because they never look me in the face. 伦敦817万人中,MSL只有1百万,他们的主体是年轻家庭。其实,这数字不算大。但是 因为这些MSL越来越坚持与外界分离,就让人感觉他们占领了这里;我的女邻居戴着严 实的面纱,严实到我看不清她们的眼睛。我经常试着朝她们微笑,与她们沟通,可是,她 们一言不发,因为她们从不面对我。

I recently went to the plainly named “Curtain Shop” and asked if they would put some up for me. Inside were a lot of elderly Muslim men. I was told that they don’t do that kind of work, and was back on the pavement within a few moments. I felt sure I had suffered discrimination and was bewildered as I had been there previously when the Muslim owners had been very friendly. Things have changed. I am living in a place where I am a stranger. 最近,我去了一家商店,店名很直白,就叫“窗帘店”,我问他们是否能够帮我安装窗帘 。店里有许多MSL老男人。我得到的回答是,他们不做这样的事。片刻之后,我回到了 大街上。我确信受到了歧视,也感到困惑。以前,这家店的MSL店主可是十分友好的。 事情起了变化。我反而成了定居已久之地的陌生人。

I was brought up in a village in Staffordshire, and although I have been in London for a quarter of a century I have kept the habit of chatting to shopkeepers and neighbours, despite it not being the done thing in metropolitan life. Nowadays, though, most of the tills in my local shops are manned by young Muslim men who mutter into their mobiles as they are serving. They have no interest in talking to me and rarely meet my gaze. I find this situation dismal. I miss banter, the hail fellow, well met chat about the weather, or what was on TV last night. 我成长在斯塔德福郡,虽然我在伦敦也住了25年,我还习惯于和店主邻居攀谈,尽管这种 事不太符合都市生活的调调。然而现在,当地的商店多为年轻MSL所有,他们在服务顾 客时,总是对着手机轻声低语。他们没兴趣和我谈天,几乎不触及我的目光。我觉得这很 可怕。我现在无处开玩笑,无处找人谈天说地、聊聊天气或是昨晚的电视节目。

More worryingly, I feel that public spaces are becoming contested. One food store has recently installed a sign banning alcohol on the premises. Fair enough. But it also says: “No alcohol allowed on the streets near this shop.” I am no fan of street drinking, and rowdy behaviour and loutish individuals are an aspect of modern British ''culture’’ I hate. But I feel uneasy that this shopkeeper wants to control the streets outside his shop. I asked him what he meant by his notice but he just smiled at me wistfully. 更让人担心的是,我感到公共场合正受到挤压。1家食品店最近挂出标语,禁止店内出现酒 类。如果事情到此为止,那还算好。但是它还说:“本店周围街区禁止饮酒。”我从不在 大街上喝酒,我也讨厌现代英国“文化”但中的粗鲁行为和无礼之人。不过,这个店主想 要控制店外的事情,我因此感到不安。我问他标语是什么意思,他笑而不答。

Perhaps he and his fellow Muslims want to turn the area into another Tower Hamlets, the east London borough where ''suggestive’’ advertising is banned and last year a woman was refused a job in a pharmacy because she wasn’t veiled. 也许他和MSL教胞想要把这里变成下一个陶尔哈姆莱茨区,那是伦敦的1个自治市,那里 禁止“暗示性”广告。去年,1家药店以没戴头巾为由,拒绝1名女子进入该店工作。

On the other hand, maybe I should be grateful. At least in Acton there is just a sign in a shop. Since the start of the year there have been several reports from around London of a more aggressive approach. Television news footage last week showed incidents filmed on a mobile phone on a Saturday night, in the borough of Waltham Forest, of men shouting “This is a Muslim area” at white Britons. 另一方面,我也许应该庆幸。至少阿克顿只有1家商店挂出了这标语。今年伊始,就有好几 则报导,说更激烈的做法出现在了伦敦各地。上周电视新闻片段播出了周六晚用手机拍摄 的画面,在沃尔瑟姆弗雷斯特自治市,有人朝本土英国白人大喊“这里是MSL控制区” 。

The video commentary stated: “From women walking the street dressed like complete naked animals with no self-respect, to drunk people carrying alcohol, we try our best to capture and forbid it all.” 影片旁白说:“不管是没有自尊的女性在大街上穿着得像是全裸动物,还是酩酊大醉之人 ,我们都将尽其所能抓捕并禁止。”

Another scene showed hooded youths forcing a man to drop his can of lager, telling him they were the “Muslim patrol” and that alcohol is a “forbidden evil”. The gang then approached a group of white girls enjoying a good night out, telling them to “forbid themselves from dressing like this and exposing themselves outside the mosque”. 另1段画面显示,1群戴头巾的青年强迫1名男子扔掉啤酒瓶,并自称是“MSL巡逻队”, 酒类是“严禁触碰的恶魔”。这伙人稍后接近1群刚过完夜生活的白人女子,命令她们以后 “禁止如此穿着,不得在QZS外暴露自身”。

Worse, though, is film footage from last week, thought to have been taken in Commercial Street, Whitechapel, which showed members of a group who also called themselves a “Muslim patrol” harassing a man who appeared to be wearing make?up, calling him a “bloody fag”. In the video posted on YouTube last week, the passer-by is told he is “walking through a Muslim area dressed like a fag” and ordered to get out. Last Thursday, police were reported to have arrested five “vigilantes” suspected of homophobic abuse. 可是,上周还传出更坏的影片。据信这段录像摄自怀特查佩尔商业街,1伙人同样自称“穆 斯林巡逻队”,他们袭击1个化过妆的人,说他是“血腥的同性恋”。这段影片上周发布在 YouTube上,被袭击者被说成“经过MSL街区奇装异服的同性恋”,并遭命令滚蛋。上周 四的报导说,警方拘捕了5名涉嫌虐待同性恋的“巡逻队员”。

There are, of course, other Europeans in my area who may share my feelings but I’m not able to talk to them easily about this situation as they are mostly immigrants, too. At Christmas I spoke to an elderly white woman about the lack of parsnips in the local greengrocer, but she turned out to have no English and I was left grumbling to myself. 当然,这里还有其他欧洲人与我感同身受,可是我没办法轻易和他们交谈,因为他们大部 分也都是移民。圣诞节时,我对1个白人老妇女说,本地的蔬菜店卖的欧洲萝卜太少了,但 是她不会说英语,我只好嘟囔着私下抱怨。

Poles have settled in Ealing since the Second World War and are well assimilated, but since 2004 about 370,000 east Europeans have arrived in London. Almost half the populations of nearby Ealing and Hammersmith were born outside the UK. Not surprisingly, at my bus stop I rarely hear English spoken . I realise that we can’t return to the time when buses were mainly occupied by white ladies in their best hats and gloves going shopping, but I do feel nostalgic for the days when a journey on public transport didn’t leave me feeling as if I have only just arrived in a strange country myself. 波兰人在二战后定居伊灵(英格兰东部城市),他们都受到英国同化。但是自从2004年以 来,大约37万东欧人定居伦敦。几乎一半伊灵人哈默史密斯人都在英国以外地区出生。不 奇怪,我家附近的公共汽车站很少听到有人讲英语。我明白我们无法回到以前,看到公共 汽车里一个个白人女士戴着优雅的帽子和手套去购物的场景。可我却愈发怀念旧时身处公 车里的旅程,那时,我完全不觉得我是个初来乍到的新移民。

There are other “cultural differences” that bother me, too. Over the past year I have been involved in rescuing a dog that was kept in a freezing shed for months. The owners spoke no English. A Somali neighbour kept a dog that he told me he was training to fight, before it was stolen by other dog fighters. I have tried to re-home several cats owned by a family who refuse to neuter their animals, because of their religion. 还有其他“文化差异”困扰我。去年,我救了1只在寒风里发抖数月的小狗。狗主人不会说 英语。1个索马里邻居告诉我,他养狗是为了训练它打斗,以免这只狗被其他斗狗士偷走。 我试着为若干个家庭所养的几只猫搬家,他们拒绝为动物去势,理由是他们的宗教信仰不 允许。

In the Nineties, when I arrived, this part of Acton was a traditional working-class area. Now there is no trace of any kind of community – that word so cherished by the Left. Instead it has been transformed into a giant transit camp and is home to no one. The scale of immigration over recent years has created communities throughout London that never need to – or want to –interact with outsiders. 90年代,我刚搬到此处时,阿克顿的这块地区还是传统工人居住区。如今早已没有任何社 区——这一左派的视若珍宝的存在。取而代之的是大片难民营,没有人以此为家。最近几 年,移民的规模使他们在全伦敦形成的社区不再需要——或想要——同外界互动。

It wasn’t always the case: since the 1890s thousands of Jewish, Irish, Afro-Caribbean, Asian and Chinese workers, among others, have arrived in the capital, often displacing the indigenous population. Yes, there was hateful overt racism and discrimination, I’m not denying that. But, over time, I believe we settled down into a happy mix of incorporation and shared aspiration, with disparate peoples walking the same pavements but returning to very different homes – something the Americans call “sundown segregation”. 以前可不是这样:1890年代以来,犹太、爱尔兰、加勒比黑人、亚洲和中国工人等都来到 伦敦,成为了当地人口。是的,历史上确实存在公开的种族主义和歧视,我不否认。然而 ,时过境迁,我相信我们已经融为一体,愉快合作,共同奋斗,殊途同路,最后仍各回各 家——美国人称之为“日落的分离”。

But now, despite the wishful thinking of multiculturalists, wilful segregation by immigrants is increasingly echoed by the white population – the rate of white flight from our cities is soaring. According to the Office for National Statistics, 600,000 white Britons have left London in the past 10 years. The latest census data shows the breakdown in telling detail: some London boroughs have lost a quarter of their population of white, British people. The number in Redbridge, north London, for example, has fallen by 40,844 (to 96,253) in this period, while the total population has risen by more than 40,335 to 278,9 70. It isn’t only London boroughs. The market town of Wokingham in Berkshire has lost nearly 5 per cent of its white British population. 可是现在,除了一厢情愿的多元文化主义者,移民刻意造成的隔离逐渐引起白人的注意——我们城市移居郊区的白人数迅速上升。根据国家统计局的数据,60万英国白人在过去10 年里离开伦敦。最新普查资料显示了分解的细节:伦敦部分自治市失去了4分之1的英国白 人。以雷德布里奇和北伦敦为例,两地白人在这段时期内减少了40884人(降至96253), 总人口却多出了40335人,升至278970。不只是伦敦自治市有这情况。伯克郡的沃金汉集镇 也已失去了5%的英国白人人口。

I suspect that many white people in London and the Home Counties now move house on the basis of ethnicity, especially if they have children. Estate agents don’t advertise this self-segregation, of course. Instead there are polite codes for that kind of thing, such as the mention of “a good school”, which I believe is code for “mainly white English”. Not surprising when you learn that nearly one million pupils do not have English as a first language. 我怀疑,伦敦及其周围各郡的白人现在以种族划分为依据搬家,特别是如果他们有小孩的 情况下。房地产经纪人当然不会在广告里提及这种自我隔离。相反,他们多用一些委婉的 腔调,比如说“一所好学校”,我相信这是暗示“英国白人聚居区”。这不奇怪,因为差 不多1百万小学生的第一语言不是英语。

I, too, have decided to leave my area, following in the footsteps of so many of my neighbours. I don’t really want to go. I worked long and hard to get to London, to find a good job and buy a home and I’d like to stay here. But I’ m a stranger on these streets and all the “good” areas, with safe streets, nice housing and pleasant cafés, are beyond my reach. I see London turning into a place almost exclusively for poor immigrants and the very rich. 我也觉得这片熟悉的地区,跟随我许多邻居的脚步。我真的不想走。我长期努力工作才来 到伦敦,找到好工作,买了房子,我喜欢住在这里。但我已是街道上的陌生人,所有“不 错”地方,比如安全的街区、漂亮的房子和惬意的咖啡馆,都找不到了。我眼看着伦敦变 成只剩贫穷移民和巨富生活的地方。

It’s sad that I am moving not for a positive reason, but to escape something. I wonder whether I’ll tell the truth, if I’m asked. I can’t pretend that I ’m worried about local schools, so perhaps I’ll say it’s for the chance of a conversation over the garden fence. But really I no longer need an excuse: mass immigration is making reluctant racists of us all. 我搬家不为别的,只为了逃离,这让人难过。我不知道如果被问及,我能否如实以告。我 不能假装我是在担忧当地的学校,所以我可能在个人花园里的谈话中说出真实想法。其实 ,我的理由只有1个:过多移民迫使我们变成了自我隔离的种族主义者 。 [photo-media] [photo-media]

http://www.newsmth.net/nForum/#!article/MilitaryJoke/246057“我成了家乡的陌生人” [复制链接]



发表于 昨天 21:10 | 只看该作者 | 倒序浏览

【 以下文字转载自 NewExpress 讨论区 】 发信人: lsgg (慕容宇), 信区: NewExpress 标 题: 伦敦,正在沦陷为清真城,“我成了家乡的陌生人” 发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Feb 4 12:50:16 2013), 站内

'I feel like a stranger where I live’“我成了家乡MSL移民街的陌生人” By Jane Kelly7:30AM GMT 29 Jan 2013 2013年1月29日 简·凯利/文

"When you go swimming, it’s much healthier to keep your whole body completely covered, you know.” The Muslim lady behind the counter in my local pharmacy has recently started giving me advice like this. It’s kindly meant and I’m always glad to hear her views because she is one of the few people in west London where I live who talks to me. “你游泳时最好包着全身,你知道,这样更健康”。附近药店收银台后的MSL女店员最 近给了我这样的建议。这是她的好意,我也乐于听到她的建议,因为它是西伦敦我家附近 为数不多愿意和我交谈的人。

The streets around Acton, which has been my home since 1996, have taken on a new identity. Most of the shops are now owned by Muslims and even the fish and chip shop and Indian takeaway are Halal. It seems that almost overnight it’s changed from Acton Vale into Acton Veil. 我家在1996年就搬到阿克顿的街道,然而这里现在有了新身份。大部分商店如今都由穆斯 林经营,甚至炸鱼食品店和印度食品外卖都按照清真标准制作。似乎一夜之间,溪谷阿克 顿就变成了面纱阿克顿。

Of the 8.17 million people in London, one million are Muslim, with the majority of them young families. That is not, in reality, a great number. But because so many Muslims increasingly insist on emphasising their separateness, it feels as if they have taken over; my female neighbours flap past in full niqab, some so heavily veiled that I can’t see their eyes. I’ve made an effort to communicate by smiling deliberately at the ones I thought I was seeing out and about regularly, but this didn’t lead to conversation because they never look me in the face. 伦敦817万人中,MSL只有1百万,他们的主体是年轻家庭。其实,这数字不算大。但是 因为这些MSL越来越坚持与外界分离,就让人感觉他们占领了这里;我的女邻居戴着严 实的面纱,严实到我看不清她们的眼睛。我经常试着朝她们微笑,与她们沟通,可是,她 们一言不发,因为她们从不面对我。

I recently went to the plainly named “Curtain Shop” and asked if they would put some up for me. Inside were a lot of elderly Muslim men. I was told that they don’t do that kind of work, and was back on the pavement within a few moments. I felt sure I had suffered discrimination and was bewildered as I had been there previously when the Muslim owners had been very friendly. Things have changed. I am living in a place where I am a stranger. 最近,我去了一家商店,店名很直白,就叫“窗帘店”,我问他们是否能够帮我安装窗帘 。店里有许多MSL老男人。我得到的回答是,他们不做这样的事。片刻之后,我回到了 大街上。我确信受到了歧视,也感到困惑。以前,这家店的MSL店主可是十分友好的。 事情起了变化。我反而成了定居已久之地的陌生人。

I was brought up in a village in Staffordshire, and although I have been in London for a quarter of a century I have kept the habit of chatting to shopkeepers and neighbours, despite it not being the done thing in metropolitan life. Nowadays, though, most of the tills in my local shops are manned by young Muslim men who mutter into their mobiles as they are serving. They have no interest in talking to me and rarely meet my gaze. I find this situation dismal. I miss banter, the hail fellow, well met chat about the weather, or what was on TV last night. 我成长在斯塔德福郡,虽然我在伦敦也住了25年,我还习惯于和店主邻居攀谈,尽管这种 事不太符合都市生活的调调。然而现在,当地的商店多为年轻MSL所有,他们在服务顾 客时,总是对着手机轻声低语。他们没兴趣和我谈天,几乎不触及我的目光。我觉得这很 可怕。我现在无处开玩笑,无处找人谈天说地、聊聊天气或是昨晚的电视节目。

More worryingly, I feel that public spaces are becoming contested. One food store has recently installed a sign banning alcohol on the premises. Fair enough. But it also says: “No alcohol allowed on the streets near this shop.” I am no fan of street drinking, and rowdy behaviour and loutish individuals are an aspect of modern British ''culture’’ I hate. But I feel uneasy that this shopkeeper wants to control the streets outside his shop. I asked him what he meant by his notice but he just smiled at me wistfully. 更让人担心的是,我感到公共场合正受到挤压。1家食品店最近挂出标语,禁止店内出现酒 类。如果事情到此为止,那还算好。但是它还说:“本店周围街区禁止饮酒。”我从不在 大街上喝酒,我也讨厌现代英国“文化”但中的粗鲁行为和无礼之人。不过,这个店主想 要控制店外的事情,我因此感到不安。我问他标语是什么意思,他笑而不答。

Perhaps he and his fellow Muslims want to turn the area into another Tower Hamlets, the east London borough where ''suggestive’’ advertising is banned and last year a woman was refused a job in a pharmacy because she wasn’t veiled. 也许他和MSL教胞想要把这里变成下一个陶尔哈姆莱茨区,那是伦敦的1个自治市,那里 禁止“暗示性”广告。去年,1家药店以没戴头巾为由,拒绝1名女子进入该店工作。

On the other hand, maybe I should be grateful. At least in Acton there is just a sign in a shop. Since the start of the year there have been several reports from around London of a more aggressive approach. Television news footage last week showed incidents filmed on a mobile phone on a Saturday night, in the borough of Waltham Forest, of men shouting “This is a Muslim area” at white Britons. 另一方面,我也许应该庆幸。至少阿克顿只有1家商店挂出了这标语。今年伊始,就有好几 则报导,说更激烈的做法出现在了伦敦各地。上周电视新闻片段播出了周六晚用手机拍摄 的画面,在沃尔瑟姆弗雷斯特自治市,有人朝本土英国白人大喊“这里是MSL控制区” 。

The video commentary stated: “From women walking the street dressed like complete naked animals with no self-respect, to drunk people carrying alcohol, we try our best to capture and forbid it all.” 影片旁白说:“不管是没有自尊的女性在大街上穿着得像是全裸动物,还是酩酊大醉之人 ,我们都将尽其所能抓捕并禁止。”

Another scene showed hooded youths forcing a man to drop his can of lager, telling him they were the “Muslim patrol” and that alcohol is a “forbidden evil”. The gang then approached a group of white girls enjoying a good night out, telling them to “forbid themselves from dressing like this and exposing themselves outside the mosque”. 另1段画面显示,1群戴头巾的青年强迫1名男子扔掉啤酒瓶,并自称是“MSL巡逻队”, 酒类是“严禁触碰的恶魔”。这伙人稍后接近1群刚过完夜生活的白人女子,命令她们以后 “禁止如此穿着,不得在QZS外暴露自身”。

Worse, though, is film footage from last week, thought to have been taken in Commercial Street, Whitechapel, which showed members of a group who also called themselves a “Muslim patrol” harassing a man who appeared to be wearing make?up, calling him a “bloody fag”. In the video posted on YouTube last week, the passer-by is told he is “walking through a Muslim area dressed like a fag” and ordered to get out. Last Thursday, police were reported to have arrested five “vigilantes” suspected of homophobic abuse. 可是,上周还传出更坏的影片。据信这段录像摄自怀特查佩尔商业街,1伙人同样自称“穆 斯林巡逻队”,他们袭击1个化过妆的人,说他是“血腥的同性恋”。这段影片上周发布在 YouTube上,被袭击者被说成“经过MSL街区奇装异服的同性恋”,并遭命令滚蛋。上周 四的报导说,警方拘捕了5名涉嫌虐待同性恋的“巡逻队员”。

There are, of course, other Europeans in my area who may share my feelings but I’m not able to talk to them easily about this situation as they are mostly immigrants, too. At Christmas I spoke to an elderly white woman about the lack of parsnips in the local greengrocer, but she turned out to have no English and I was left grumbling to myself. 当然,这里还有其他欧洲人与我感同身受,可是我没办法轻易和他们交谈,因为他们大部 分也都是移民。圣诞节时,我对1个白人老妇女说,本地的蔬菜店卖的欧洲萝卜太少了,但 是她不会说英语,我只好嘟囔着私下抱怨。

Poles have settled in Ealing since the Second World War and are well assimilated, but since 2004 about 370,000 east Europeans have arrived in London. Almost half the populations of nearby Ealing and Hammersmith were born outside the UK. Not surprisingly, at my bus stop I rarely hear English spoken . I realise that we can’t return to the time when buses were mainly occupied by white ladies in their best hats and gloves going shopping, but I do feel nostalgic for the days when a journey on public transport didn’t leave me feeling as if I have only just arrived in a strange country myself. 波兰人在二战后定居伊灵(英格兰东部城市),他们都受到英国同化。但是自从2004年以 来,大约37万东欧人定居伦敦。几乎一半伊灵人哈默史密斯人都在英国以外地区出生。不 奇怪,我家附近的公共汽车站很少听到有人讲英语。我明白我们无法回到以前,看到公共 汽车里一个个白人女士戴着优雅的帽子和手套去购物的场景。可我却愈发怀念旧时身处公 车里的旅程,那时,我完全不觉得我是个初来乍到的新移民。

There are other “cultural differences” that bother me, too. Over the past year I have been involved in rescuing a dog that was kept in a freezing shed for months. The owners spoke no English. A Somali neighbour kept a dog that he told me he was training to fight, before it was stolen by other dog fighters. I have tried to re-home several cats owned by a family who refuse to neuter their animals, because of their religion. 还有其他“文化差异”困扰我。去年,我救了1只在寒风里发抖数月的小狗。狗主人不会说 英语。1个索马里邻居告诉我,他养狗是为了训练它打斗,以免这只狗被其他斗狗士偷走。 我试着为若干个家庭所养的几只猫搬家,他们拒绝为动物去势,理由是他们的宗教信仰不 允许。

In the Nineties, when I arrived, this part of Acton was a traditional working-class area. Now there is no trace of any kind of community – that word so cherished by the Left. Instead it has been transformed into a giant transit camp and is home to no one. The scale of immigration over recent years has created communities throughout London that never need to – or want to –interact with outsiders. 90年代,我刚搬到此处时,阿克顿的这块地区还是传统工人居住区。如今早已没有任何社 区——这一左派的视若珍宝的存在。取而代之的是大片难民营,没有人以此为家。最近几 年,移民的规模使他们在全伦敦形成的社区不再需要——或想要——同外界互动。

It wasn’t always the case: since the 1890s thousands of Jewish, Irish, Afro-Caribbean, Asian and Chinese workers, among others, have arrived in the capital, often displacing the indigenous population. Yes, there was hateful overt racism and discrimination, I’m not denying that. But, over time, I believe we settled down into a happy mix of incorporation and shared aspiration, with disparate peoples walking the same pavements but returning to very different homes – something the Americans call “sundown segregation”. 以前可不是这样:1890年代以来,犹太、爱尔兰、加勒比黑人、亚洲和中国工人等都来到 伦敦,成为了当地人口。是的,历史上确实存在公开的种族主义和歧视,我不否认。然而 ,时过境迁,我相信我们已经融为一体,愉快合作,共同奋斗,殊途同路,最后仍各回各 家——美国人称之为“日落的分离”。

But now, despite the wishful thinking of multiculturalists, wilful segregation by immigrants is increasingly echoed by the white population – the rate of white flight from our cities is soaring. According to the Office for National Statistics, 600,000 white Britons have left London in the past 10 years. The latest census data shows the breakdown in telling detail: some London boroughs have lost a quarter of their population of white, British people. The number in Redbridge, north London, for example, has fallen by 40,844 (to 96,253) in this period, while the total population has risen by more than 40,335 to 278,9 70. It isn’t only London boroughs. The market town of Wokingham in Berkshire has lost nearly 5 per cent of its white British population. 可是现在,除了一厢情愿的多元文化主义者,移民刻意造成的隔离逐渐引起白人的注意——我们城市移居郊区的白人数迅速上升。根据国家统计局的数据,60万英国白人在过去10 年里离开伦敦。最新普查资料显示了分解的细节:伦敦部分自治市失去了4分之1的英国白 人。以雷德布里奇和北伦敦为例,两地白人在这段时期内减少了40884人(降至96253), 总人口却多出了40335人,升至278970。不只是伦敦自治市有这情况。伯克郡的沃金汉集镇 也已失去了5%的英国白人人口。

I suspect that many white people in London and the Home Counties now move house on the basis of ethnicity, especially if they have children. Estate agents don’t advertise this self-segregation, of course. Instead there are polite codes for that kind of thing, such as the mention of “a good school”, which I believe is code for “mainly white English”. Not surprising when you learn that nearly one million pupils do not have English as a first language. 我怀疑,伦敦及其周围各郡的白人现在以种族划分为依据搬家,特别是如果他们有小孩的 情况下。房地产经纪人当然不会在广告里提及这种自我隔离。相反,他们多用一些委婉的 腔调,比如说“一所好学校”,我相信这是暗示“英国白人聚居区”。这不奇怪,因为差 不多1百万小学生的第一语言不是英语。

I, too, have decided to leave my area, following in the footsteps of so many of my neighbours. I don’t really want to go. I worked long and hard to get to London, to find a good job and buy a home and I’d like to stay here. But I’ m a stranger on these streets and all the “good” areas, with safe streets, nice housing and pleasant cafés, are beyond my reach. I see London turning into a place almost exclusively for poor immigrants and the very rich. 我也觉得这片熟悉的地区,跟随我许多邻居的脚步。我真的不想走。我长期努力工作才来 到伦敦,找到好工作,买了房子,我喜欢住在这里。但我已是街道上的陌生人,所有“不 错”地方,比如安全的街区、漂亮的房子和惬意的咖啡馆,都找不到了。我眼看着伦敦变 成只剩贫穷移民和巨富生活的地方。

It’s sad that I am moving not for a positive reason, but to escape something. I wonder whether I’ll tell the truth, if I’m asked. I can’t pretend that I ’m worried about local schools, so perhaps I’ll say it’s for the chance of a conversation over the garden fence. But really I no longer need an excuse: mass immigration is making reluctant racists of us all. 我搬家不为别的,只为了逃离,这让人难过。我不知道如果被问及,我能否如实以告。我 不能假装我是在担忧当地的学校,所以我可能在个人花园里的谈话中说出真实想法。其实 ,我的理由只有1个:过多移民迫使我们变成了自我隔离的种族主义者 。 [photo-media] [photo-media]

再过半个世纪,弄不好西欧的政治版图要改写。说不定会来一场血雨腥风的 咔咔
tx8067428 发表于 2013-2-5 10:39
是不是一想起牛牛以前的装B样 就好笑。。。这回可好,把自己玩进去了
tx8067428 发表于 2013-2-5 10:39
对   叫他们装   我看还能装几天
有言无书 发表于 2013-2-5 09:24
对   叫他们装   我看还能装几天
luoyanwozhiaini 发表于 2013-2-5 12:21
再过半个世纪,弄不好西欧的政治版图要改写。说不定会来一场血雨腥风的 咔咔
不用半个世纪吧,美国统计一岁以下人口,非白人已比白人多,最迟 2042 白人变少数民族。欧洲那边北非人本来就源源不绝涌入,现在欧洲人把原本还生活得好好的几个生活水准还算高的北非国家打成废墟,非法移民涌入只能有增无减。
屠城校尉 发表于 2013-2-5 12:39
再过半个世纪,弄不好西欧的政治版图要改写。说不定会来一场血雨腥风的 咔咔
=========================== ...
jshgym02 发表于 2013-2-5 12:31

现在WWE族人口 ...
子宫武器比原子弹厉害  农牧民族只要有碗粥喝,就敢生
屠城校尉 发表于 2013-2-5 12:39
再过半个世纪,弄不好西欧的政治版图要改写。说不定会来一场血雨腥风的 咔咔
=========================== ...
jshgym02 发表于 2013-2-5 12:31

现在WWE族人口 ...
花果山人 发表于 2013-2-5 12:14
花果山人 发表于 2013-2-5 12:14
这种信仰宗教的政治势力   都和咱这种组织无神论的国家根本就尿不到壶里去
那哥们搞不好在牢房里面搞出本《我的奋斗 第二季》
然后某个风云际会的时候出来顺应时势创建 真.国家社会主义党,欧洲大批的光头党就是现成的党员
星空大师 发表于 2013-2-5 14:10
那哥们搞不好在牢房里面搞出 ...
tx8067428 发表于 2013-2-5 10:39
tomcat650093 发表于 2013-2-5 11:09

圣马丁骑士 发表于 2013-2-5 17:02
去过一趟德国,总人口8000万,其中500万MSL,主要是土耳其人,相处久了之后,几乎每个人都跟我抱怨过MSL的 ...

;P 什么叫人畜无害,不是白叫的。顶多就是喜欢得瑟两下,看本人头像
圣马丁骑士 发表于 2013-2-5 17:02
去过一趟德国,总人口8000万,其中500万MSL,主要是土耳其人,相处久了之后,几乎每个人都跟我抱怨过MSL的 ...

;P 什么叫人畜无害,不是白叫的。顶多就是喜欢得瑟两下,看本人头像