
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/27 15:08:50
美海军军官在印度导弹驱逐舰Delhi (D61)上呆了5天,震惊了


Reddit上的Ask Me Anything,全文在这里(9/12已经被美军和谐了)

Wikipedia: "INS Delhi (D61) is the lead ship of her class of guided-missile
destroyers of the Indian Navy. She was built at the Mazagon Dock Limited in
Mumbai and commissioned on 15 November 1997. This class is among the largest
warships to be designed and built in India.[2]"

Their engineering practices were abysmal. No undershirts, no steel-toed
boots - they wore sandals - no hearing protection in their engineering
spaces. No lagging (sound dampening material) in any space. No electrical
safety whatsoever. No operational risk management. No concept of safety of
navigation. Absolutely did not adhere to rules of the road. They more or
less did not have any hard-copy written procedures for any exercise or event
, at all. They had no concept of the coded fleet tactical system that US
coalition forces and allies utilize (they literally made it up as they went
along, and when I tried to interject and explain to them how it worked, they
ignored me). When I arrived onboard they thought I was a midshipman and
treated me as such. I had to be frank and explain that I was a commissioned
officer and that yes, I stood officer on the deck onboard my ship and was a
qualified surface warfare officer. They don't entrust their people with any
responsibility until they are very senior Lieutenants (O-3s) and junior
Lieutenant Commanders (O-4s). At this point in the US Navy there are
literally guys commanding ships, and these guys couldn't even be trusted to
handle a radio circuit.

Well, their captain was driving the ship when it came within 50ft of the
stern of a USNS replenishment ship and at any given time there were multiple
officers on the bridge screaming at each other.

Have you ever seen a US ship do an unrep at sea? When we pull along side and
shoot the shotline across (basically a thick piece of yarn for those who
don't know) there's a nice soft tennis ball affixed to the end of it so that
it'll bounce of the deck and someone can go retrieve it... the Indians shot
a spear. A mother fXXking spear. Like, a 16" long piece of metal with a
point on the end....

Biggest priority was showering. I hadn't showered properly in almost 5 days,
and all of my uniforms reeked of seawater.

After a particularly wet small boat ride over to their ship, I was dying to
get out of my sea water-drenched uniform and into a fresh one (unfortunately
, my entire bag was completely soaked to include my shirts, underwear, spare
uniform, phone, camera, and my roll of toilet paper)...

I walked into their "officer's head" (their are extremely, extremely
hierarchical and classist, even from a military standpoint) and there was a
good 2" of shit-water sloshing around back and forth across the deck and an
obscure, probably live wire with it's end wrapped in electrical tape non-
surreptitiously protruding from the wall.

They have an entire "class" of civilians onboard. I still don't know what to
make of them. I think they were some sort of cheap labor, but everybody
onboard referred to them as slaves. As in, they used the word "slave".
Anyways, the quarters those guys lived in was awful, it was basically a big
open space partitioned with a sheet. They slept on a steel deck with a
simple blanket and a pillow. Good times.

Their enlisted guys didn't have it much better. Their berthing was infested
with rats (a guy from my ship swore up and down that he saw a rat that was
no-shit the length of his arm) and another US sailor from another ship came
back covered in bed-bug sores. Dude looked like he had fXXking chicken pocks.

Before I came onboard I was told to bring my own roll of toilet paper, if
that alludes to the conditions that they live in at all.





Q 有多差劲?

A 舰龄有15年了,看上去最近5年没人进行任何维护。 他们的逆渗透净水系统太差劲了,所以尽管他们生产淡水的能力比我的战舰超出几千加仑,但他们仍然得定时供水。

Q 和美国海军相比,他们有什么不同之处?

A 他们的工程施工糟透了。不穿汗衫,不穿铁头鞋——他们穿拖鞋——在工程区没有保护听力设备。到处都没有声音绝缘材料。没有电力安全装置。没有工程风险管理。没有导航安全概念。完全不遵守行船规则。任何操作,行动都没有书面程序手册。对美国和盟国使用的舰队战术系统编码(the coded fleet tactical system ),他们毫无概念(全按字面意思理解,我插嘴解释却没人理我)。



Q 你觉得这些军官有多少学问?

A 嗯,他们的舰长把船开到离美国补给舰舰尾不到50英尺的地方。任何时候都可以看见一群军官在舰桥上互相尖叫。他们基本上都很蠢,几乎没有航海技能。我觉得招募而来的士兵比他们的军官能力强得多。

Q 你为什么觉得他们不够格,为什么做事那么糟糕?

A 嗯,在海上把船开到离另一艘船不到50英尺绝不是个好兆头。但是,在事后大家异口同声找的借口是“嗯,海况恶劣,希望下次运气好点”,而不是“holy ******* ****, we parted a tensioned wire cable made of braided steel under hundreds of thousands of pounds of tension".



Q 有印度军官访问美国军舰吗?他们有什么看法?

A 我只有第二手信息,说是他船只的整洁印象很深,对全天供应热水很震撼。

Q 假设某天印巴开战,这艘船投入战斗。它会是支有效战斗力量还是会在第一天的战斗里沉入海底?

A 说真的——沉入海底。如果船的大部分设施运转了,我会很吃惊。我看到的东西好像是六七十年代的产物。如果它能打上一回合,我会很吃惊。在太平洋上,他们绝对避免不了撞上其他船只。我怀疑它是否会在一排炮后精确命中什么。

Q 一读到“印度海军”我脑子里马上会浮现出这样的景象:一艘拥挤的船,每个船员都生活在肮脏的环境中。是不是这样?

A 说真的,是的。我上船前被告知要自己带卫生纸,这就说明他们居住的环境了。实际上船上有厕纸,比卫生纸的一层还要薄。和用手擦屁股差不多。





A 你见过美国军舰进行海上补给吧。我们往上靠的时候都是射过去一段粗绳,前端系着一个网球,这样绳子会在甲板上弹,对面很容易拿。印度人射过去一只矛,一只坑爹的矛,16寸长的金属,前面有个尖···

Q 回到自己的船上要做的第一件事是什么?

A 洗澡。我5天没好好洗个澡了。我的制服全是海水味。

Q 你考虑过做值日军官吗?为了你自己的安全?

A 我可没这个胆量。即使在美国船上这也非常,非常不靠谱。在外国船上?TMD,反正我会游泳。老实说,当船离补给船不到50英尺时,我非常害怕他们会撞上。海上的50英尺时非常,非常接近了。我马上离开了舰桥,我都快要吐了。

Q 如果1分代表大笨蛋,10分代表太空战士,你怎么给他们打分?

A 最多3分,他们有些勉强够格的人,但每一个刚够格的人旁边都有四个人在傻呆呆地围观。

Q 我在印度有雇员,我发现他们在没把握的时候就什么都不干,而不是来找我寻求解答。



A 考虑到美国军舰多么缺人手,我得说他们的训练有问题,因为他们有太多人跑来跑去却没做什么有用的事。


Q 你认为印度海军会真心听取你的建议吗?他们真地想提高吗?还是他们会置之不理甚至觉得你在侮辱他们的能力?

A 是后者。我在船上时非常谦逊地向他们提出的每一项建议他们都不置一词。

Q 你如何评价他们的作战能力?

A 如果他们的火力系统能顺利开火,我就会很吃惊,更别说命中什么东西了。

Q 这种糟糕的状况在多大程度上源于缺乏资金资源,或者源于军方根本不尿它?

A 90%是源于后者。他们的军官室非常干净整洁,装潢豪华,酒吧品种齐全,挂着漂亮的油画和流行饰物。但船的其他部分就是个猪圈。

Q 描述一下你闻过的气味

A 整体来说船上是一股“陈旧”的气味。···想像你往一个真空的房间放屁,每次放完就关上门,10年后再打开门···


顺便再说一句,问答里还提到,日本人的军舰是世界上最干净的。不过军舰雷达显示屏上的主题是hello kitty,这很与众不同。

这是美国佬的歧视吧,印度不至于这么差吧。美海军军官在印度导弹驱逐舰Delhi (D61)上呆了5天,震惊了


Reddit上的Ask Me Anything,全文在这里(9/12已经被美军和谐了)

Wikipedia: "INS Delhi (D61) is the lead ship of her class of guided-missile
destroyers of the Indian Navy. She was built at the Mazagon Dock Limited in
Mumbai and commissioned on 15 November 1997. This class is among the largest
warships to be designed and built in India.[2]"

Their engineering practices were abysmal. No undershirts, no steel-toed
boots - they wore sandals - no hearing protection in their engineering
spaces. No lagging (sound dampening material) in any space. No electrical
safety whatsoever. No operational risk management. No concept of safety of
navigation. Absolutely did not adhere to rules of the road. They more or
less did not have any hard-copy written procedures for any exercise or event
, at all. They had no concept of the coded fleet tactical system that US
coalition forces and allies utilize (they literally made it up as they went
along, and when I tried to interject and explain to them how it worked, they
ignored me). When I arrived onboard they thought I was a midshipman and
treated me as such. I had to be frank and explain that I was a commissioned
officer and that yes, I stood officer on the deck onboard my ship and was a
qualified surface warfare officer. They don't entrust their people with any
responsibility until they are very senior Lieutenants (O-3s) and junior
Lieutenant Commanders (O-4s). At this point in the US Navy there are
literally guys commanding ships, and these guys couldn't even be trusted to
handle a radio circuit.

Well, their captain was driving the ship when it came within 50ft of the
stern of a USNS replenishment ship and at any given time there were multiple
officers on the bridge screaming at each other.

Have you ever seen a US ship do an unrep at sea? When we pull along side and
shoot the shotline across (basically a thick piece of yarn for those who
don't know) there's a nice soft tennis ball affixed to the end of it so that
it'll bounce of the deck and someone can go retrieve it... the Indians shot
a spear. A mother fXXking spear. Like, a 16" long piece of metal with a
point on the end....

Biggest priority was showering. I hadn't showered properly in almost 5 days,
and all of my uniforms reeked of seawater.

After a particularly wet small boat ride over to their ship, I was dying to
get out of my sea water-drenched uniform and into a fresh one (unfortunately
, my entire bag was completely soaked to include my shirts, underwear, spare
uniform, phone, camera, and my roll of toilet paper)...

I walked into their "officer's head" (their are extremely, extremely
hierarchical and classist, even from a military standpoint) and there was a
good 2" of shit-water sloshing around back and forth across the deck and an
obscure, probably live wire with it's end wrapped in electrical tape non-
surreptitiously protruding from the wall.

They have an entire "class" of civilians onboard. I still don't know what to
make of them. I think they were some sort of cheap labor, but everybody
onboard referred to them as slaves. As in, they used the word "slave".
Anyways, the quarters those guys lived in was awful, it was basically a big
open space partitioned with a sheet. They slept on a steel deck with a
simple blanket and a pillow. Good times.

Their enlisted guys didn't have it much better. Their berthing was infested
with rats (a guy from my ship swore up and down that he saw a rat that was
no-shit the length of his arm) and another US sailor from another ship came
back covered in bed-bug sores. Dude looked like he had fXXking chicken pocks.

Before I came onboard I was told to bring my own roll of toilet paper, if
that alludes to the conditions that they live in at all.





Q 有多差劲?

A 舰龄有15年了,看上去最近5年没人进行任何维护。 他们的逆渗透净水系统太差劲了,所以尽管他们生产淡水的能力比我的战舰超出几千加仑,但他们仍然得定时供水。

Q 和美国海军相比,他们有什么不同之处?

A 他们的工程施工糟透了。不穿汗衫,不穿铁头鞋——他们穿拖鞋——在工程区没有保护听力设备。到处都没有声音绝缘材料。没有电力安全装置。没有工程风险管理。没有导航安全概念。完全不遵守行船规则。任何操作,行动都没有书面程序手册。对美国和盟国使用的舰队战术系统编码(the coded fleet tactical system ),他们毫无概念(全按字面意思理解,我插嘴解释却没人理我)。



Q 你觉得这些军官有多少学问?

A 嗯,他们的舰长把船开到离美国补给舰舰尾不到50英尺的地方。任何时候都可以看见一群军官在舰桥上互相尖叫。他们基本上都很蠢,几乎没有航海技能。我觉得招募而来的士兵比他们的军官能力强得多。

Q 你为什么觉得他们不够格,为什么做事那么糟糕?

A 嗯,在海上把船开到离另一艘船不到50英尺绝不是个好兆头。但是,在事后大家异口同声找的借口是“嗯,海况恶劣,希望下次运气好点”,而不是“holy ******* ****, we parted a tensioned wire cable made of braided steel under hundreds of thousands of pounds of tension".



Q 有印度军官访问美国军舰吗?他们有什么看法?

A 我只有第二手信息,说是他船只的整洁印象很深,对全天供应热水很震撼。

Q 假设某天印巴开战,这艘船投入战斗。它会是支有效战斗力量还是会在第一天的战斗里沉入海底?

A 说真的——沉入海底。如果船的大部分设施运转了,我会很吃惊。我看到的东西好像是六七十年代的产物。如果它能打上一回合,我会很吃惊。在太平洋上,他们绝对避免不了撞上其他船只。我怀疑它是否会在一排炮后精确命中什么。

Q 一读到“印度海军”我脑子里马上会浮现出这样的景象:一艘拥挤的船,每个船员都生活在肮脏的环境中。是不是这样?

A 说真的,是的。我上船前被告知要自己带卫生纸,这就说明他们居住的环境了。实际上船上有厕纸,比卫生纸的一层还要薄。和用手擦屁股差不多。





A 你见过美国军舰进行海上补给吧。我们往上靠的时候都是射过去一段粗绳,前端系着一个网球,这样绳子会在甲板上弹,对面很容易拿。印度人射过去一只矛,一只坑爹的矛,16寸长的金属,前面有个尖···

Q 回到自己的船上要做的第一件事是什么?

A 洗澡。我5天没好好洗个澡了。我的制服全是海水味。

Q 你考虑过做值日军官吗?为了你自己的安全?

A 我可没这个胆量。即使在美国船上这也非常,非常不靠谱。在外国船上?TMD,反正我会游泳。老实说,当船离补给船不到50英尺时,我非常害怕他们会撞上。海上的50英尺时非常,非常接近了。我马上离开了舰桥,我都快要吐了。

Q 如果1分代表大笨蛋,10分代表太空战士,你怎么给他们打分?

A 最多3分,他们有些勉强够格的人,但每一个刚够格的人旁边都有四个人在傻呆呆地围观。

Q 我在印度有雇员,我发现他们在没把握的时候就什么都不干,而不是来找我寻求解答。



A 考虑到美国军舰多么缺人手,我得说他们的训练有问题,因为他们有太多人跑来跑去却没做什么有用的事。


Q 你认为印度海军会真心听取你的建议吗?他们真地想提高吗?还是他们会置之不理甚至觉得你在侮辱他们的能力?

A 是后者。我在船上时非常谦逊地向他们提出的每一项建议他们都不置一词。

Q 你如何评价他们的作战能力?

A 如果他们的火力系统能顺利开火,我就会很吃惊,更别说命中什么东西了。

Q 这种糟糕的状况在多大程度上源于缺乏资金资源,或者源于军方根本不尿它?

A 90%是源于后者。他们的军官室非常干净整洁,装潢豪华,酒吧品种齐全,挂着漂亮的油画和流行饰物。但船的其他部分就是个猪圈。

Q 描述一下你闻过的气味

A 整体来说船上是一股“陈旧”的气味。···想像你往一个真空的房间放屁,每次放完就关上门,10年后再打开门···


顺便再说一句,问答里还提到,日本人的军舰是世界上最干净的。不过军舰雷达显示屏上的主题是hello kitty,这很与众不同。
