
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 08:40:42
http://www.russia-today.ru/tema- ... tvet-brazilcam.html两架原型机飞了一年多,总共才飞了60架次,貌似不多啊。。。
http://www.russia-today.ru/tema- ... tvet-brazilcam.html
回复 11# 秦军威武


Тема номера: Авиапром уходит в штопор

дует ожидать не ранее чем через 6-7 лет. И с моей точки зрения, этот проект пока проигрывает уже существующим западным самолетам.

— Какие двигатели закладываются для перспективного авиалайнера "МС-21"?

— Предполагается использовать на нем как американские двигатели компании "Пратт & Уитни", так и двигатель, разрабатываемый сейчас в Перми. Вопрос в том, получится ли у пермяков двигатель такой же или лучше, чем у "Пратт & Уитни"? Как раз относительно этого у меня большие сомнения. Дело даже не в том, что люди разучились работать. Система не то чтобы полностью порушена, она в таком заторможенном состоянии.

Наверное, сейчас не совсем корректно говорить "в наши времена", но в наши времена, когда в Перми мы делали двигатель "Д-30Ф6" для самолета "МиГ-31", это была национальная задача. Нужно было закрыть Север от ядерного нападения, все было настроено на эту работу. Почти как в ядерном проекте Лаврентия Берии. Непрерывно кипела бурная работа, которая и приводила к результатам. А сейчас это, не то чтобы летаргический сон, а такое полуобморочное состояние.

— А разве министр промышленности не требует от вас, от тех же пермяков, результатов?

— Опять же хочу вернуться в "наши времена". Тогда в Министерстве авиационной промышленности СССР работало примерно 400—500 человек. Это были классные специалисты, прошедшие закваску на серийных заводах или КБ. Не было ни одного человека, который не проработал бы на авиационном предприятии 10—15 лет. Все они имели не только авиационное образование, но и большой опыт. Людей в министерство брали с разных заводов, каждого утверждали в ЦК КПСС.

В сегодняшнем Министерстве промышленности авиацией занимается отдел. Я боюсь ошибиться, но их там человек 25—30, и ни один из них, включая министра Христенко, не имеет никакого отношения к авиации. Они менеджеры, и турбинную лопатку от компрессорной, уверяю вас, ни один из них не отличит. Как такие люди могут руководить авиапромом? Можно, конечно водить руками, писать протоколы, решения...

— И как мы будем двигаться дальше?

- 什么是未来的飞机打下,是“MS - 21”的引擎?

- 应该作为一家美国公司的普惠发动机,现在正在开发的引擎,烫发。问题是,是否会成功Permyaks发动机是相同或比普惠更好吗?只是这个我有很大的怀疑。它也不是人们已经忘记了如何一起工作。该系统是不是完全Porush,她在锁定状态。

也许,这是不完全正确的说:“在我们这个时代,”但在我们这个时代,当我们在做在彼尔姆发动机“的D - 30F6”,为飞机米格31“,这是一个全国性的问题。这是有必要关闭,从北方的核攻击,这是所有设置工作。几乎像在核项目,劳伦斯贝利亚。不断冒泡的做工粗糙,导致的结果。现在这并不是说昏睡,一个老人感到头晕目眩。

- 难道工业部长没有要求你,在同样的Permyaks,结果如何?

- 再一次,我要回去“我们的时代”。然后,在苏联航空工业部大约有400-500人。这是在经历了很大的生产厂,或大小首发。有没有一个人谁没有努力航空公司10-15年。所有这些不仅航空教育,也是一个很好的经验。在该部的人是从不同的植物在内,都认为自己是苏共中央委员会。


- 我们如何走?
Need to urgently address the helical fan-heavy-duty engines and build an aircraft speed of 6-7 thousand miles per hour at an altitude of 50-100 kilometers. Then we will be competitive in the world. So says the first deputy general director of NPO Saturn, on the R & D and CSR - General Designer Victor CHEPKIN.

  CHEPKIN Victor M. -
doctor of technical sciences, professor, General Designer, the first deputy general director of NPO Saturn, on research and development projects, advisor to the Director of NTC AM Cradles.

After graduating in 1957, the Moscow Aviation Institute, was sent to the Bureau of Perm Motors, where he worked as a design engineer to chief designer. He was the chief designer of the outstanding improvement on their engine, "D-30F6" for the world's fastest fighter-interceptor MiG-31 ". In 1980 Viktor Mikhailovich worked as Deputy Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR on the engine.

Under his leadership, successfully completed design and finishing work and conducted official testing of turbojet engine "AL-31F. Victor M. spearheaded the creation of a turbojet engine of the fifth generation, "AL 41F and modernization" of the AL-31F.

VM Chepkin - Lenin Prize winner, was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and the Order of Merit. He - one of the leaders of the Russian Engineering Academy, the Academy of Astronautics them. KE Tsiolkovsky Academy of Aviation and Astronautics, corresponding member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). In 1999 the first Russian uchenyx awarded the International Society for air-breathing engines (ISOABE).
- Recently at a meeting of the Security Council President Dmitry Medvedev, the situation in the aircraft described as "dismal." And although in recent years aircraft manufacturing industry began to allocate money, output, Victor M., while the minimum. Over the past year in Russia produced a total of seven civilian airliners ...

- Twenty years of aircraft were kept on a starvation diet, did not put a single ruble, and now the President says, that we gave you money, and the results, to put it mildly, not very impressive. Well, there is no way! After all, even if we collect nine pregnant women, they can not give birth this month. In our. case, the industry twenty years fell apart, deliberately collapsed, so now have to wait for twenty years. It is in the best case.

I will give you an example. In Germany at the time was brilliant Aviation Motors. In the years 1944-1945 German turbojet aircraft engine "Jumo 004 was manufactured in quantities over 6000 pieces and raised on 3,5 thousand combat sorties of jet aircraft" Me-262 ". After Germany's defeat in World War II the Allies were not allowed in Germany for 15 years engaged in aircraft manufacturing. That's it! Aviation Motors in Germany, no! Now the aviation industry of this country are trying to pick up, showered with money, believe me, I know whereof I speak, and Motors as there was not, and no. There are feeble attempts to do something in conjunction with Rolls-Royce. " The same can be said for Japan. There, too, once did a very good aircraft and engines.

So I do not rule out that the point of no return and we have also already passed. And then at least my office will cover the entire hundred-dollar pieces of paper, nothing happens. Piece of paper, even the hundred-dollar - that's nothing. Looking for engineers, designers need, we need skilled workers.

To prepare skilled workers for the aviation industry needs at least 3-5 years. And to raise aircraft, capable of solving the challenges facing today's aviation industry and five years of higher education a little ... Here, in Saturn, we have for the most talented young engineers and designers spent in our KB for two or three years, organized refresher courses. We read them lectures, help to do projects ... The old men still have the power transfer their experience. Perhaps because of someone from our children in the future and grow a new AM Cradle or ND Kuznetsov ...

In the meantime, all our aircraft lives on the old backlog we inherited from the Soviet Union.

- Almost three years ago when we were talking the last time you were more optimistic. Over the past has since been formed United Engine Corporation, climbed into the sky and is undergoing flight tests Fighter 5 th generation of T-50 ", the first Superjet already been transferred to commercial airlines ... What in your opinion the most important changes occurred in the Russian aviation industry during this period that we acquired, and what can be lost?

- The main thing in my opinion, is that joint efforts succeeded in stopping the fall of the industry. This required the efforts of many, first and foremost, I would note Mikhail Pogosyan Aslanovich and Eugene Yuvenalievich Marchukova - General Designer of the engine for the T-50.

For military aircraft, we have created two engines - one for the aircraft, the Su-35 ", the second - for the Russian aircraft 5 th generation of T-50". The first - "117C" - is mainly intended for export. He is easier in terms of aerodynamics, and most importantly - targeted for aircraft with conventional arms, suspended on pylons outside the fuselage, with no strong constraints on dimensions. Such schemes are used on aircraft 4-th generation, export to India and Malaysia.

The second engine - "117" - though only differ by one letter in the title, much more advanced engine - this is a real engine of the 5-th generation. From enemies can sometimes hear the engine 5-th generation should be such a blade, such and such materials, high-speed rotors, and you do not have this ... None of this is all just ways of achieving the goal. A single goal - increasing specific thrust, ie the ratio of thrust to its weight. For example, the first jet engine Arkhip Mikhailovich Cradles weighed 1350 kg and had the same cravings, that is, its specific thrust is equal to 1. The engine is the 4 th generation, "AL-31F, has already managed to achieve specific thrust of 8.7, and car 5 th generation, the figure is 10.

New daigatel provides supersonic speed aircraft besforsazhnom mode. What gives? If before the fighter was flying to the target soskorostyu 700 km / h, it is now - twice as fast.

Our "117" today is already flying on two T-50 ". For the company it is quite a major achievement, a large move forward. Although dalos all this easy. We also have new ideas, we can boast some good groundwork. What is needed in the field of military aviation - the beginning of this mass production? To protect such a large country like ours, from a serious attack aircraft needed grouping 500-1000. For this need orders, money, production infrastructure.

- What are the new challenges encountered when creating the plane 5 th generation?

- Problems have to solve a thousand. Say, for reducing the radar visibility "T-50 has a scheme with an internal arrangement of weapons, so is becoming increasingly important problem of reducing its size. And that means have to be developed and put into service a new weapon, but since it low volume, it must be highly accurate. It is therefore necessarily need a fully functional GLONASS. The American GPS, for obvious reasons is not suitable, since in times of crisis we will disable it, or both during the Ossetian-Georgian war, to impose an artificial shift in the coordinates of 300 km. Also need to know exactly, not just to shoot, but how do you shoot, so should be a modern mapping system. The missile itself should be unobtrusive. Such weapons are now manufactured, and all this affects the design of the engine. Work is proceeding according to plan ... In general, in my opinion, the plane turns out good, no worse than the American "F-22".

- By the way, if we compare the T-50 "with the" F-22 ", Western sources say that the T-50" loses much of the last parameters such as infrared engine visibility in the rear hemisphere.

- We're working very intensely, and to reduce the infrared and radar visibility, and were twice as better performance in comparison with the "F-22" (at least for those data that are published and which I have).

- What, in your opinion, the situation with civil aviation?

- With regard to civil aviation, the situation is more complicated. After all, civil aircraft industry almost twenty years have dropped out of sight of the state. If the factories producing military aircraft, yet somehow managed to stay afloat due to exports, the civil part of the industry was falling apart right before our eyes. What is the enterprise, each week is rolling out of their shops new airliner to be in a situation where the whole year to produce three aircraft? Naturally, the best engineers and workers were not wanted, without pay, and were forced to look to their hands and heads of other uses.

A similar situation occurred in the civil engineering office. Therefore, today we have no competitive civilian aircraft. Neither the "Tu-204" or "Tu-214" or "Tu-334", nor "AN-148 did not have great market prospects. They can never be certified by Western, especially American standards.

The only exception - it's Superjet Sukhoi. I do believe that Michael Aslanovich Pogosyan made heroic act hand in its development. You had to have remarkable courage to start making aircraft: a) not having the relevant experience, and b) contrary to the opinion of all. But, thank God, everything works as intended. Ends with certification. I think by summer we'll start on it to fly.

- Why is more than two-year delay of its release on the airline?

- It's not something out of the ordinary and usual practice, when there is a development of the new machine. Americans, by the way, too many times to postpone delivery of its Boeing 787 and still have not solved all the problems ... Superjet also required additional testing because some data on the fly in different conditions have shown Commissioner of the International Aeronautical Association not complete.

- What, in your opinion, the prospect of the new Sukhoi aircraft?

- To manufacture the aircraft has paid off, you need to produce at least 800-900 cars. Our domestic market, at best, be able to overpower 300-400, and the basic idea of ​​M. Pogosyan was to make such an aircraft that could be sold on world markets. Therefore, we do it completely by Western standards. And the economics have Superjet at a level no worse than today, "EMBRAER". The main goal now - to break into Western markets. Only then will we say that the commercial project was a success.

- Do you believe that Americans will buy our Superjet even if they are fully certified?

- And why not? This is a purely commercial matter. If the specific consumption of kerosene is lower than our competitors, and other parameters of the aircraft in no way be comparable to, and something and excel, airlines naturally turn for the better option.

- Is not it easier to bring to mind a ready-made Tu-334 "

- Tu-334 ", of course, a good airplane. If it did 10 years ago ... It could then, as you say, bring to mind. Engine, and good, the Tupolev was. But instead they gave us in his "Rose" revolution, no delay involved in the area and as a result missed the point. The plane lost its relevance.

- Probably, in those conditions, despite some economic losses, the state should maintain a "Tu-334"?

- And it is supported, in particular the strong support provided the government of Tatarstan, but alas, some orders were not. The same can be said for "AN-148". There is the opposite word - competition.

- But to return to the Superjet. Airplane little design, it is necessary to establish its mass production. How are things going with this?

- Production of the aircraft is now on the "KnAAPO them. Yuri Gagarin" in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. While that is actually piece production. We need to construct additional plant, equip them with modern equipment ... Moreover, in its design incorporated many innovative solutions for our aircraft. The first time in our civil aviation aircraft are widely used in composite materials - about 30 percent. Not truthfully, I can say that this is absolutely a modern airliner.

But, unfortunately or fortunately, life goes on. Now the main rival Sukhoi Brazilian firm Embraer, "along with the Americans from the company," Pratt & Whitney, closely engaged in the development of a new engine for their cars. This so-called geared motor. Its design makes it possible to increase the bypass ratio and thus a further 12-15 per cent lower specific consumption of kerosene. At Pratt & Whitney has already produced prototypes. These engines, though not yet certified, but experimental work on there, and they have already been tested in flight.

So I always say that you need to look ahead, that has not happened so that we will come to market with the Superjet, as Brazilians put up an even more economical cars. Especially when you consider that the price of barrel of oil is approaching $ 150. So we also should not be complacent. We Mikhail Aslanovich already discussed this topic. Perspective to anticipate and work in this direction. A backlog in this direction have so far not very much.

         SaM 146
- Prospects for a little bit later, but what about the engine for the Superjet, developed by your firm in cooperation with the French Snecma?

- The engine "SaM146" has been successfully certified and ready for use. This year will be ordered and produced more than 30 pieces.

- Matured whether what has been agreed with the French partner, par 50 x 50 in production of this engine?

- Unfortunately, the reality turned out to be so that most of the engine is manufactured in France, because the production of some details on the Rybinsk plant master failed. The complexity lies in the fact that to obtain a certificate of the American sample, it is necessary that all materials have been certified, and we have actually been certified only titanium. So you have to buy blanks in France, in Germany the same from certified companies produce parts, and then take them to France, there to check them, then again to lead the assembly in Rybinsk. As a result, roughly two-thirds of the works make French and one third of us.

- What, in your opinion, you need to do to come to the originally agreed conditions of production of the engine on an equal footing?

- It is necessary to purchase equipment, train people to carry them to France, that they have mastered the modern system of quality assurance, all the necessary formalities. But in the future, we plan to come to this.

- Are there still in Russia in the field of civil aviation?

- As for the rest of civil aviation, it is with us in the bud. Is projecting mid-range aircraft, "MS-21, but its appearance should be expected no earlier than 6-7 years. And from my point of view, this project is still losing the existing western aircraft.

- What are the engines laid for the future aircraft, "MS-21"?

- Is supposed to use it as an American company's engines Pratt & Whitney, and the engine now being developed in Perm. The question is, will it succeed in Permyaks engine is the same or better than the Pratt & Whitney? Just about this I have big doubts. It's not even that people have forgotten how to work with. The system is not something to completely Porush, she in a locked state.

Probably, this is not entirely correct to say "in our times," but in our times when we were doing in Perm engine "D-30F6" for the aircraft MiG-31 ", it was a national problem. It was necessary to close the North from a nuclear attack, it was all set on this job. Almost like in a nuclear project, Lawrence Beria. Continuously bubbled rough work, which leads to results. And now it's not that lethargy, and a faint and dizzy.

- Did the Minister of Industry does not require you, on the same Permyaks, results?

- Again, I want to go back to "our times". Then in the Ministry of Aviation Industry of the USSR has approximately 400-500 people. It's been great having undergone starter on production plants, or size. There was no single person who has not worked to the aviation company 10-15 years. All of them had not only aviation education, but also a great experience. People in the ministry was taken from different plants, each claimed the CPSU Central Committee.

In today's Ministry of Industry is engaged in aviation department. I'm afraid to be wrong, but there's a man of 25-30, and none of them, including the Minister Khristenko, has nothing to do with aviation. They are managers, and turbine blades of the compressor, I assure you, none of them are different. How such people can lead the aircraft industry? You can, of course led hands, writing protocols, decisions ...

- And how do we go from here?

- Before proceeding further, it is necessary to understand in which direction to go. For example, I am convinced that in engine, for example, now have to drop everything and do propeller-fan-heavy-duty engines in the 30-40 thousand horsepower.

- You have this belief are not alone. In one of the latest issue of "Flight" I read that before the American dvigatelestroitelyami tasked by switching to a motor with a high bypass ratio by 2035 to reduce the specific consumption of kerosene by 45 percent.

- That I have here is the engine NK-12. This brilliant engine was built under the guidance of ND Kuznetsov in 1954. This is a turboprop gear motor actually turbofan engine with a very high bypass ratio. His drive goes through the gearbox, and two pairs of blades rotate in opposite directions. He was placed on the Tu-95 and its civilian version - Tu-114 ". In terms of efficiency, this engine is twice the best modern jet engines. Because the degree of bypass - 100. The only drawback - the maximum speed of 700 km / h.

Of course, this engine was created 40-50 years ago. Now, of course, the motor must be different, it must be saber screws, back off, the fans. If the task - to make extremely efficient engine, here it is extremely efficient and there. And all this technology we had. Unfortunately, this trend we have not developed. Although such engines for the future. First, low fuel consumption, and secondly, what is important, and ecology. Now seeks to reduce emissions, not only carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide, it is necessary to reduce the greenhouse effect. And if on this engine and the propeller to work, it is possible for another 10-12 percent to reduce consumption of kerosene.

- And what is now a worldwide trend in the development of military aviation.

- First in the world today are the fighters of 5-th generation. That's what we are doing such a fighter. This direction will be very important for many more years. If we talk about tactical aircraft, bombers, for example, "Su-34" - a modern aircraft, which for many years to be relevant. Here, too, is clear.

Everything is becoming more fashionable to talk about UAVs. Americans do drones, Israel makes drones, let them and we will do. It's a good idea, but first we need to decide - what do we need drones.

The fact that we buy in Israel, so - toys. UAVs are designed to address tomorrow's strategic mission, is already under way developing unmanned fighter planes, bombers. For example, Americans are now considering options for unmanned strategic bomber, which should replace the "B-2". It will weigh 50 tons and fly at speeds of 6M.

We, too, there's no escape, if we want to maintain strategic parity. And it needs to solve a strategic problem and it today is that - the development of the stratosphere. We need to create an aircraft speed of 6-7 thousand km / h, flying at an altitude of 50-100 km. Secondly, you need to decide how many such aircraft need? 300, 500, or only 2?

This gives rise to other problems. Throw from the aircraft, even high-precision weapon, "smart" bombs, it is useless, because from such a height, and at that speed right on target to get problematic. We are obviously talking about nuclear weapons.

- U.S. sources write about a nuclear-free version of ...

- You can write whatever you want, and how from such a distance to hit the target? It is therefore absolutely clear that such a bomber - the carrier of nuclear weapons. Since we are talking about nuclear weapons, in fact it is not aviation, and Army aviation. Now the main thing - to understand the concept. The concept of civil aviation clear to me - I will strongly promote the propeller-fan motors. Here is a good environment, low parameters for noise (if there are good motors, made on modern machines).

With regard to distant future ... determines the general policy should be president, his advisers .. He must anticipate what will be a war over this ... should work special institutions.

Strategic Air we have, unfortunately, no one does. There's a certain amount of "Tu-160", but they are too good a target for modern fighter jets, and in which case not even be able to fly to Greenland. In fact, the Tu-160 "today is not a combat unit ...

- In the difficult years for the Russian aircraft industry, aircraft building company that produced military aircraft survived by exports, especially in China and India. Today, the Chinese have copied our Su-27 "and are ready to sell it on world markets at dumping prices. Not whether we lose as a result of our traditional markets of combat aircraft?

- Do not lose, because such an aircraft as we do, the Chinese have no time soon will be! They say that the plane made the 5-th generation, but you can say anything ... They are the best engine copied from our "AL-31F. We also do engine 5-th generation, and it is in all of its parameters on traction, in specific fuel consumption corresponds to the 5-th generation. I opened the secret and say that we actually already have two motors 5-th generation. The second, which is now conventionally called the "Type 30", has already been tested in flight on the fighter T-50 ". In the future it probably will give the name of "AL-...." According to its parameters it a 15-25 percent greater than "117 th".

- You can hear that the airplane 5 th generation engine is not as important as its electronic filling ...

- If you compare the share of the motor and electronics to provide the functionality of combat fighter, then I, as you know, though minder and patriot of the industry, yet I must admit that electronics "weighs" much higher. Without a doubt. That's why a little better, slightly worse than the engine - has no special meaning. That is, if the engine parameters are much better, as we have done in the "117" car (25 percent), the performance characteristics can be seriously improved, even at the expense of increasing the weight of the aircraft.

- What are the problems you see today in the aircraft manufacturing industry, and how can I fix them?

- The main trouble today - the loss of responsibility for his business. This rust is eating away at our society, starting from the top, and ending with the workers at the workplace. Nobody is responsible for anything.

Tell me at the mercy of why it was necessary to destroy the system of military representatives? At our firm has remained a military representatives on 6 plants! You can imagine that? And this is - a significant gap in quality assurance. I do not know what were the reasons for the reduction of the army, but why it was necessary to reduce the military representatives? For example, I have no idea how to work without them.

There are some operations that are in principle impossible to control without the military representatives. For example, the annealing of turbine blades. After all the operations on metal it must be annealed in a vacuum oven at 850 degrees. At the same time to cool blades should at a certain temperature schedule. Previously, military representatives have always checked the thermogram of the process and only after his signature, we can set these blades in the engine.

Now there is no military representatives. Let's say, a stove is broken or working just too lazy to strictly control the manufacturing process. The operation seems to be made, the blades are mounted on the engine ... and check the quality can only be cutting it and studying the microstructure of the material. That was not complied with the technological process, we learn only after the crash. And many of these operations. Previously, it was all under the control of military representatives.

After all, what happened to solomonovskoy Bulava. Several failed launches of missiles and the reasons for rejection all the time is different. But there also have reduced the military representatives. In the production of the Bulava had been reduced military representatives! And you know that he was forced to make Solomon - to equip each (!) Job video cameras to monitor all manufacturing operations. Now, every second of every party process completely fixed - which he took the key, a tool ...

- What are the proposals aimed at reviving the Russian aircraft industry, you would refer to the Russian parliamentarians, leaders of the country?

- First of all you need much more space and time given to aviation, both civil and military. I am absolutely convinced that we should urgently establish a separate Ministry of Aviation Industry, which will set policy, coordinate and supervise all works and most importantly - take responsibility for their actions. And, of course, work there should be specialists.

And as Minister I would suggest that M. Pogosyan. Michael Aslanovich I know long time ago, and am absolutely convinced that, firstly, this is a cool professional, and secondly, a very good politician, who sees the prospect of the industry, and would have voted for his candidature for the post of minister of both hands. While I personally do not envy him. Restoration of the industry - a long and difficult process: it is easy to fall from the hill, and climb - it's hard, tormenting shortness of breath.
回复 29# 工大好青年
铸剑5451 发表于 2011-5-24 00:17
shi a 要说进度现在毛子就是在干这个,肯定快了,只是资金制约严重而已;
SSJ100 发表于 2011-5-23 19:26
使用违禁药物 发表于 2011-5-24 00:33

放浪不羁男 发表于 2011-5-24 01:13
