
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 02:21:30
<P>The York City was part of the Roosevelt Battle Group during Operation Allied Force, though it was not present when operations were initiated, but rather arrived later.</P>
<P>“约克城”在空中联合打击行动期间作为“罗斯福”号航母战斗群的一部分,虽然在行动开始时not present ,但是稍候抵达更合适。</P>
<P>怎么读都不对劲。请大虾指点。</P><P>The York City was part of the Roosevelt Battle Group during Operation Allied Force, though it was not present when operations were initiated, but rather arrived later.</P>
<P>“约克城”在空中联合打击行动期间作为“罗斯福”号航母战斗群的一部分,虽然在行动开始时not present ,但是稍候抵达更合适。</P>
<P>Operation Allied Force 是联合军事行动吧</P><P>not present 应该是指“未参加行动”,原意为“未出席”</P><P>约克城号在联合行动期间作为罗斯福战斗群的一部分,虽然开始时未参战,但稍后就抵达</P>