
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 15:57:15

1. Moon’s Age: The moon is far older than previously expected. Maybe even older than the Earth or the Sun. The oldest age for the Earth is estimated to be 4.6 billion years old; moon rocks were dated at 5.3 billion years old, and the dust upon which they were resting was at least another billion years older.

2. Rock’s Origin: The chemical composition of the dust upon which the rocks sat differed remarkably from the rocks themselves, contrary to accepted theories that the dust resulted from weathering and breakup of the rocks themselves. The rocks had to have come from somewhere else.

3. Heavier Elements on Surface: Normal planetary composition results in heavier elements in the core and lighter materials at the surface; not so with the moon. According to Wilson, "The abundance of refractory elements like titanium in the surface areas is so pronounced that several geologists proposed the refractory compounds were brought to the moon’s surface in great quantity in some unknown way. They don’t know how, but that it was done cannot be questioned." (Emphasis added).

4. Water Vapor: On March 7, 1971, lunar instruments placed by the astronauts recorded a vapor cloud of water passing across the surface of the moon. The cloud lasted 14 hours and covered an area of about 100 square miles.

5. Magnetic Rocks: Moon rocks were magnetized. This is odd because there is no magnetic field on the moon itself. This could not have originated from a "close call" with Earth—such an encounter would have ripped the moon apart.

6. No Volcanoes: Some of the moon’s craters originated internally, yet there is no indication that the moon was ever hot enough to produce volcanic eruptions.

7. Moon Mascons: Mascons, which are large, dense, circular masses lying twenty to forty miles beneath the centers of the moon’s maria, "are broad, disk-shaped objects that could be possibly some kind of artificial construction. For huge circular disks are not likely to be beneath each huge maria, centered like bull’s-eyes in the middle of each, by coincidence or accident." (Emphasis added).

8. Seismic Activity: Hundreds of "moonquakes" are recorded each year that cannot be attributed to meteor strikes. In November, 1958, Soviet astronomer Nikolay A. Kozyrev of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory photographed a gaseous eruption of the moon near the crater Alphonsus. He also detected a reddish glow that lasted for about an hour. In 1963, astronomers at the Lowell Observatory also saw reddish glows on the crests of ridges in the Aristarchus region. These observations have proved to be precisely identical and periodical, repeating themselves as the moon moves closer to the Earth. These are probably not natural phenomena.
(8)地震活动:每年记录到的数百次月球震动不能归类于流星撞击。1958年11月,苏联天文学家Nikolay拍摄到Alphonsus坑口附近有气状喷发,同时他侦测到持续1个小时的红移。 1963年,Lowell天文台的天文学家也看到了Aristarchus区域的红移。 这些观察现象证明是相同的和周期性的, 与此同时月球正在接近地球。 这不可能是自然现象。

9. Hollow Moon: The moon’s mean density is 3.34 gm/cm3 (3.34 times an equal volume of water) whereas the Earth’s is 5.5. What does this mean? In 1962, NASA scientist Dr. Gordon MacDonald stated, "If the astronomical data are reduced, it is found that the data require that the interior of the moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere." Nobel chemist Dr. Harold Urey suggested the moon’s reduced density is because of large areas inside the moon where is "simply a cavity." MIT’s Dr. Sean C. Solomon wrote, "the Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the moon’s gravitational field . . . indicating the frightening possibility that the moon might be hollow." In Carl Sagan’s treatise, Intelligent Life in the Universe, the famous astronomer stated, "A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object."
(9)月球中空:月球的平均密度是3.34gm/cm3(水的3.34倍)而地球是5.5。 这表明什么?这表明月球内部应该是空的。诺贝尔化学家Harold博士表示月球少了的密度是因为月球上存在许多大洞。 Mit的Sean博士写道:月球探测卫星的实验增加了我们对月球重力场的认识。 在Carl sagan的论文中(宇宙的智慧生命), 自然形成的卫星不可能是中空的物体。

10. Moon Echoes: On November 20, 1969, the Apollo 12 crew jettisoned the lunar module ascent stage causing it to crash onto the moon. The LM’s impact (about 40 miles from the Apollo 12 landing site) created an artificial moonquake with startling characteristics—the moon reverberated like a bell for more than an hour. This phenomenon was repeated with Apollo 13 (intentionally commanding the third stage to impact the moon), with even more startling results. Seismic instruments recorded that the reverberations lasted for three hours and twenty minutes and traveled to a depth of twenty-five miles, leading to the conclusion that the moon has an unusually light—or even no—core.

11. Unusual Metals: The moon’s crust is much harder than presumed. Remember the extreme difficulty the astronauts encountered when they tried to drill into the maria? Surprise! The maria is composed primarily illeminite, a mineral containing large amounts of titanium, the same metal used to fabricate the hulls of deep-diving submarines and the skin of the SR-71 "Blackbird". Uranium 236 and neptunium 237 (elements not found in nature on Earth) were discovered in lunar rocks, as were rustproof iron particles.
(11)罕见金属:月壳比估计得要硬。还记得太空人试图钻进maria时遇到的困难吗? maria主要由illeminite(一种包含大量钛金属的矿物)构成。 钛金属被应用于制造深海潜艇的壳体和 SR-71的机身。 Uranium236和neptunium237(地球没有)被发现在月球岩石,还要抗锈的铁粒子。

12. Moon’s Origin: Before the astronauts’ moon rocks conclusively disproved the theory, the moon was believed to have originated when a chunk of Earth broke off eons ago (who knows from where?). Another theory was that the moon was created from leftover "space dust" remaining after the Earth was created. Analysis of the composition of moon rocks disproved this theory also. Another popular theory is that the moon was somehow "captured" by the Earth’s gravitational attraction. But no evidence exists to support this theory. Isaac Asimov, stated, "It’s too big to have been captured by the Earth. The chances of such a capture having been effected and the moon then having taken up nearly circular orbit around our Earth are too small to make such an eventuality credible."
(12)月球起源:在太空人月球岩石实验反驳学界已知理论之前, 月球一般认为是数十亿年前源于一大块地球岩石分离(谁知道在哪里?)。 另一种理论认为月球由太空尘埃在地球形成后形成。月球岩石成分的分析同样反驳了这个理论。 还有一个流行的理论认为月球是被地球的重力场捕获的。但没有证据支持这种理论。 Isaac Asimov强调:月球太大了,不可能被地球捕获。

13. Weird Orbit: Our moon is the only moon in the solar system that has a stationary, near-perfect circular orbit. Stranger still, the moon’s center of mass is about 6000 feet closer to the Earth than its geometric center (which should cause wobbling), but the moon’s bulge is on the far side of the moon, away from the Earth. "Something" had to put the moon in orbit with its precise altitude, course, and speed.
(13)奇怪的轨道:月球是太阳系中唯一一个星体拥有固定的接近完美的圆形轨道。 更奇怪的是, 月球的质量中心离地球比其地理中心还要近6000英尺。 某样东西可能把月球以精确的经纬度、路线和速度放在轨道上。

14. Moon Diameter: How does one explain the "coincidence" that the moon is just the right distance, coupled with just the right diameter, to completely cover the sun during an eclipse? Again, Isaac Asimov responds, "There is no astronomical reason why the moon and the sun should fit so well. It is the sheerest of coincidences, and only the Earth among all the planets is blessed in this fashion."
(14)月球直径:有人能解释这个巧合吗? 即日蚀时,月球以准确的距离和准确的直径恰好覆盖整个太阳。 Issac Asimov回应, 没有天文原因解释为什么月球和太阳匹配得那么好。 是纯粹的巧合, 在所有行星中地球以这种方式获得祝福。

15. Spaceship Moon: As outrageous as the Moon-Is-a-Spaceship Theory is, all of the above items are resolved if one assumes that the moon is a gigantic extraterrestrial craft, brought here eons ago by intelligent beings. This is the only theory that is supported by all of the data, and there are no data that contradict this theory.
(15)月球太空船:和“月球是太空船”理论那样耸人听闻, 上面所有的疑问都能获得解释, 即假如月球是一个巨大的地外物体, 数十亿年前由智慧生命带到这里。

Greek authors Aristotle and Plutarch, and Roman authors Apolllonius Rhodius and Ovid all wrote of a group of people called the Proselenes who lived in the central mountainous area of Greece called Arcadia The Proselenes claimed title to this area because their forebears were there "before there was a moon in the heavens." This claim is substantiated by symbols on the wall of the Courtyard of Kalasasaya, near the city of Tiahuanaco, Bolivia, which record that the moon came into orbit around the Earth between 11,500 and 13, 000 years ago, long before recorded history.
1. Ages of Flashes: Aristarchus, Plato, Eratosthenes, Biela, Rabbi Levi, and Posidonius all reported anomalous lights on the moon. NASA, one year before the first lunar landing, reported 570+ lights and flashes were observed on the moon from 1540 to 1967.
希腊的亚里士多德和柏拉图还有罗马的Rhodius和Ovid都写到,有一种叫Proselenes的人,住在希腊Arcadia的中部山区。 Preoselenes声称拥有这片区域,因为他们的祖先在没有月亮的时候就来到这里了。 玻利维亚,Tiahuanaco城附近的Kalasasaya围墙上的字符证实了这个传说。 墙上记录月球在11500和13000年前进入轨道。
(1)闪光的时期:亚里士多德、柏拉图和Eratoshenes等人都报告了月球上不规则的亮光。 Nasa, 在首次登月前一年,报告了570次光的闪动发生在月球,从1540年至1967年。

2. Operation Moon Blink: NASA’s Operation Moon Blink detected 28 lunar events in a relatively short period of time.

3. Lunar Bridge: On July 29, 1953, John J. O’Neill observed a 12-mile-long bridge straddling the crater Mare Crisium. In August, British astronomer Dr. H.P. Wilkens verified its presence, "It looks artificial. It’s almost incredible that such a thing could have been formed in the first instance, or if it was formed, could have lasted during the ages in which the moon has been in existence.
(3)月桥: 1953年7月29日,Neill观察到一个12英里长的桥伸延到Mare Crisium坑口。 同年8月,英国天文学家Wilkens证实了它的存在, “它看上去是人工的。那种东西一次性就能形成,难以置信。”

4. The Shard: The Shard, an obelisk-shaped object that towers 1½ miles from the Ukert area of the moon’s surface, was discovered by Orbiter 3 in 1968. Dr. Bruce Cornet, who studied the amazing photographs, stated, "No known natural process can explain such a structure."
(4)The Shard:The Shard是一种塔状的物体,在月球Ukert区域高达1.5英里。 它在1968年被Orbiter3号发现。 Cornet博士在研究了这些惊人的图片后,说,“自然界没有东西能解释这个结构。”

5. The Tower: One of the most curious features ever photographed on the Lunar surface (Lunar Orbiter photograph III-84M) is an amazing spire that rises more than 5 miles from the Sinus Medii region of the lunar surface.
(5)The Tower:它是月球表面拍摄到的最奇怪的东西(月球Orbiter图片 III-84M)。 它是一个惊人的锥状物, 在Sinus Medii区域, 高达5英里。

6. The Obelisks: Lunar Orbiter II took several photographs in November 1966 that showed several obelisks, one of which was more than 150 feet tall. ". . . the spires were arranged in precisely the same was as the apices of the three great pyramids."
(6)The Obleisks:月球OrbiterII号在1966年11月拍了几张图片,显示了几个obleisks。 其中一个大概150英尺高。 这些锥状物像三个大金字塔那样,准确地排列在一起。


Don Ecker, Long Saga of Lunar Anomalies, UFO magazine, Vol. 10, Nol 2 (March/April 1995), p. 23.
Six Mysterious Statuesque Shadows Photographed on the Moon by Orbiter, The Washington Post, Nov. 22, 1966, p. 1.

1. Moon’s Age: The moon is far older than previously expected. Maybe even older than the Earth or the Sun. The oldest age for the Earth is estimated to be 4.6 billion years old; moon rocks were dated at 5.3 billion years old, and the dust upon which they were resting was at least another billion years older.

2. Rock’s Origin: The chemical composition of the dust upon which the rocks sat differed remarkably from the rocks themselves, contrary to accepted theories that the dust resulted from weathering and breakup of the rocks themselves. The rocks had to have come from somewhere else.

3. Heavier Elements on Surface: Normal planetary composition results in heavier elements in the core and lighter materials at the surface; not so with the moon. According to Wilson, "The abundance of refractory elements like titanium in the surface areas is so pronounced that several geologists proposed the refractory compounds were brought to the moon’s surface in great quantity in some unknown way. They don’t know how, but that it was done cannot be questioned." (Emphasis added).

4. Water Vapor: On March 7, 1971, lunar instruments placed by the astronauts recorded a vapor cloud of water passing across the surface of the moon. The cloud lasted 14 hours and covered an area of about 100 square miles.

5. Magnetic Rocks: Moon rocks were magnetized. This is odd because there is no magnetic field on the moon itself. This could not have originated from a "close call" with Earth—such an encounter would have ripped the moon apart.

6. No Volcanoes: Some of the moon’s craters originated internally, yet there is no indication that the moon was ever hot enough to produce volcanic eruptions.

7. Moon Mascons: Mascons, which are large, dense, circular masses lying twenty to forty miles beneath the centers of the moon’s maria, "are broad, disk-shaped objects that could be possibly some kind of artificial construction. For huge circular disks are not likely to be beneath each huge maria, centered like bull’s-eyes in the middle of each, by coincidence or accident." (Emphasis added).

8. Seismic Activity: Hundreds of "moonquakes" are recorded each year that cannot be attributed to meteor strikes. In November, 1958, Soviet astronomer Nikolay A. Kozyrev of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory photographed a gaseous eruption of the moon near the crater Alphonsus. He also detected a reddish glow that lasted for about an hour. In 1963, astronomers at the Lowell Observatory also saw reddish glows on the crests of ridges in the Aristarchus region. These observations have proved to be precisely identical and periodical, repeating themselves as the moon moves closer to the Earth. These are probably not natural phenomena.
(8)地震活动:每年记录到的数百次月球震动不能归类于流星撞击。1958年11月,苏联天文学家Nikolay拍摄到Alphonsus坑口附近有气状喷发,同时他侦测到持续1个小时的红移。 1963年,Lowell天文台的天文学家也看到了Aristarchus区域的红移。 这些观察现象证明是相同的和周期性的, 与此同时月球正在接近地球。 这不可能是自然现象。

9. Hollow Moon: The moon’s mean density is 3.34 gm/cm3 (3.34 times an equal volume of water) whereas the Earth’s is 5.5. What does this mean? In 1962, NASA scientist Dr. Gordon MacDonald stated, "If the astronomical data are reduced, it is found that the data require that the interior of the moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere." Nobel chemist Dr. Harold Urey suggested the moon’s reduced density is because of large areas inside the moon where is "simply a cavity." MIT’s Dr. Sean C. Solomon wrote, "the Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the moon’s gravitational field . . . indicating the frightening possibility that the moon might be hollow." In Carl Sagan’s treatise, Intelligent Life in the Universe, the famous astronomer stated, "A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object."
(9)月球中空:月球的平均密度是3.34gm/cm3(水的3.34倍)而地球是5.5。 这表明什么?这表明月球内部应该是空的。诺贝尔化学家Harold博士表示月球少了的密度是因为月球上存在许多大洞。 Mit的Sean博士写道:月球探测卫星的实验增加了我们对月球重力场的认识。 在Carl sagan的论文中(宇宙的智慧生命), 自然形成的卫星不可能是中空的物体。

10. Moon Echoes: On November 20, 1969, the Apollo 12 crew jettisoned the lunar module ascent stage causing it to crash onto the moon. The LM’s impact (about 40 miles from the Apollo 12 landing site) created an artificial moonquake with startling characteristics—the moon reverberated like a bell for more than an hour. This phenomenon was repeated with Apollo 13 (intentionally commanding the third stage to impact the moon), with even more startling results. Seismic instruments recorded that the reverberations lasted for three hours and twenty minutes and traveled to a depth of twenty-five miles, leading to the conclusion that the moon has an unusually light—or even no—core.

11. Unusual Metals: The moon’s crust is much harder than presumed. Remember the extreme difficulty the astronauts encountered when they tried to drill into the maria? Surprise! The maria is composed primarily illeminite, a mineral containing large amounts of titanium, the same metal used to fabricate the hulls of deep-diving submarines and the skin of the SR-71 "Blackbird". Uranium 236 and neptunium 237 (elements not found in nature on Earth) were discovered in lunar rocks, as were rustproof iron particles.
(11)罕见金属:月壳比估计得要硬。还记得太空人试图钻进maria时遇到的困难吗? maria主要由illeminite(一种包含大量钛金属的矿物)构成。 钛金属被应用于制造深海潜艇的壳体和 SR-71的机身。 Uranium236和neptunium237(地球没有)被发现在月球岩石,还要抗锈的铁粒子。

12. Moon’s Origin: Before the astronauts’ moon rocks conclusively disproved the theory, the moon was believed to have originated when a chunk of Earth broke off eons ago (who knows from where?). Another theory was that the moon was created from leftover "space dust" remaining after the Earth was created. Analysis of the composition of moon rocks disproved this theory also. Another popular theory is that the moon was somehow "captured" by the Earth’s gravitational attraction. But no evidence exists to support this theory. Isaac Asimov, stated, "It’s too big to have been captured by the Earth. The chances of such a capture having been effected and the moon then having taken up nearly circular orbit around our Earth are too small to make such an eventuality credible."
(12)月球起源:在太空人月球岩石实验反驳学界已知理论之前, 月球一般认为是数十亿年前源于一大块地球岩石分离(谁知道在哪里?)。 另一种理论认为月球由太空尘埃在地球形成后形成。月球岩石成分的分析同样反驳了这个理论。 还有一个流行的理论认为月球是被地球的重力场捕获的。但没有证据支持这种理论。 Isaac Asimov强调:月球太大了,不可能被地球捕获。

13. Weird Orbit: Our moon is the only moon in the solar system that has a stationary, near-perfect circular orbit. Stranger still, the moon’s center of mass is about 6000 feet closer to the Earth than its geometric center (which should cause wobbling), but the moon’s bulge is on the far side of the moon, away from the Earth. "Something" had to put the moon in orbit with its precise altitude, course, and speed.
(13)奇怪的轨道:月球是太阳系中唯一一个星体拥有固定的接近完美的圆形轨道。 更奇怪的是, 月球的质量中心离地球比其地理中心还要近6000英尺。 某样东西可能把月球以精确的经纬度、路线和速度放在轨道上。

14. Moon Diameter: How does one explain the "coincidence" that the moon is just the right distance, coupled with just the right diameter, to completely cover the sun during an eclipse? Again, Isaac Asimov responds, "There is no astronomical reason why the moon and the sun should fit so well. It is the sheerest of coincidences, and only the Earth among all the planets is blessed in this fashion."
(14)月球直径:有人能解释这个巧合吗? 即日蚀时,月球以准确的距离和准确的直径恰好覆盖整个太阳。 Issac Asimov回应, 没有天文原因解释为什么月球和太阳匹配得那么好。 是纯粹的巧合, 在所有行星中地球以这种方式获得祝福。

15. Spaceship Moon: As outrageous as the Moon-Is-a-Spaceship Theory is, all of the above items are resolved if one assumes that the moon is a gigantic extraterrestrial craft, brought here eons ago by intelligent beings. This is the only theory that is supported by all of the data, and there are no data that contradict this theory.
(15)月球太空船:和“月球是太空船”理论那样耸人听闻, 上面所有的疑问都能获得解释, 即假如月球是一个巨大的地外物体, 数十亿年前由智慧生命带到这里。

Greek authors Aristotle and Plutarch, and Roman authors Apolllonius Rhodius and Ovid all wrote of a group of people called the Proselenes who lived in the central mountainous area of Greece called Arcadia The Proselenes claimed title to this area because their forebears were there "before there was a moon in the heavens." This claim is substantiated by symbols on the wall of the Courtyard of Kalasasaya, near the city of Tiahuanaco, Bolivia, which record that the moon came into orbit around the Earth between 11,500 and 13, 000 years ago, long before recorded history.
1. Ages of Flashes: Aristarchus, Plato, Eratosthenes, Biela, Rabbi Levi, and Posidonius all reported anomalous lights on the moon. NASA, one year before the first lunar landing, reported 570+ lights and flashes were observed on the moon from 1540 to 1967.
希腊的亚里士多德和柏拉图还有罗马的Rhodius和Ovid都写到,有一种叫Proselenes的人,住在希腊Arcadia的中部山区。 Preoselenes声称拥有这片区域,因为他们的祖先在没有月亮的时候就来到这里了。 玻利维亚,Tiahuanaco城附近的Kalasasaya围墙上的字符证实了这个传说。 墙上记录月球在11500和13000年前进入轨道。
(1)闪光的时期:亚里士多德、柏拉图和Eratoshenes等人都报告了月球上不规则的亮光。 Nasa, 在首次登月前一年,报告了570次光的闪动发生在月球,从1540年至1967年。

2. Operation Moon Blink: NASA’s Operation Moon Blink detected 28 lunar events in a relatively short period of time.

3. Lunar Bridge: On July 29, 1953, John J. O’Neill observed a 12-mile-long bridge straddling the crater Mare Crisium. In August, British astronomer Dr. H.P. Wilkens verified its presence, "It looks artificial. It’s almost incredible that such a thing could have been formed in the first instance, or if it was formed, could have lasted during the ages in which the moon has been in existence.
(3)月桥: 1953年7月29日,Neill观察到一个12英里长的桥伸延到Mare Crisium坑口。 同年8月,英国天文学家Wilkens证实了它的存在, “它看上去是人工的。那种东西一次性就能形成,难以置信。”

4. The Shard: The Shard, an obelisk-shaped object that towers 1½ miles from the Ukert area of the moon’s surface, was discovered by Orbiter 3 in 1968. Dr. Bruce Cornet, who studied the amazing photographs, stated, "No known natural process can explain such a structure."
(4)The Shard:The Shard是一种塔状的物体,在月球Ukert区域高达1.5英里。 它在1968年被Orbiter3号发现。 Cornet博士在研究了这些惊人的图片后,说,“自然界没有东西能解释这个结构。”

5. The Tower: One of the most curious features ever photographed on the Lunar surface (Lunar Orbiter photograph III-84M) is an amazing spire that rises more than 5 miles from the Sinus Medii region of the lunar surface.
(5)The Tower:它是月球表面拍摄到的最奇怪的东西(月球Orbiter图片 III-84M)。 它是一个惊人的锥状物, 在Sinus Medii区域, 高达5英里。

6. The Obelisks: Lunar Orbiter II took several photographs in November 1966 that showed several obelisks, one of which was more than 150 feet tall. ". . . the spires were arranged in precisely the same was as the apices of the three great pyramids."
(6)The Obleisks:月球OrbiterII号在1966年11月拍了几张图片,显示了几个obleisks。 其中一个大概150英尺高。 这些锥状物像三个大金字塔那样,准确地排列在一起。


Don Ecker, Long Saga of Lunar Anomalies, UFO magazine, Vol. 10, Nol 2 (March/April 1995), p. 23.
Six Mysterious Statuesque Shadows Photographed on the Moon by Orbiter, The Washington Post, Nov. 22, 1966, p. 1.
好玄乎啊 。。。哇哇


- 月球有火山活动,所谓的水汽是火山灰。在绝对零度的宇宙里,说有水蒸气你也别信。

- 月球有火山活动。

- 在我写的那篇 《月球在苏醒》观后感里说过,某些人工处理的图像而已,就像耶稣裹尸布一样,相信的信徒自然相信。

(8)地震活动:每年记录到的数百次月球震动不能归类于流星撞击。1958年11月,苏联天文学家Nikolay拍摄到Alphonsus坑口附近有气状喷发,同时他侦测到持续1个小时的红移。 1963年,Lowell天文台的天文学家也看到了Aristarchus区域的红移。 这些观察现象证明是相同的和周期性的, 与此同时月球正在接近地球。 这不可能是自然现象。
- 因为月球有月壳运动,所以也有月震跟火山活动。请搞清楚什么叫红移。红移是物体远离观察者时发出的光产生比较长的红色波短,红移跟下一句 “与此同时月球正在接近地球” 正好矛盾。而月球正慢慢离开地球是公认的。



- 月球有火山活动,所谓的水汽是火山灰。在绝对零度的宇宙里,说有水蒸气你也别信。

- 月球有火山活动。

- 在我写的那篇 《月球在苏醒》观后感里说过,某些人工处理的图像而已,就像耶稣裹尸布一样,相信的信徒自然相信。

(8)地震活动:每年记录到的数百次月球震动不能归类于流星撞击。1958年11月,苏联天文学家Nikolay拍摄到Alphonsus坑口附近有气状喷发,同时他侦测到持续1个小时的红移。 1963年,Lowell天文台的天文学家也看到了Aristarchus区域的红移。 这些观察现象证明是相同的和周期性的, 与此同时月球正在接近地球。 这不可能是自然现象。
- 因为月球有月壳运动,所以也有月震跟火山活动。请搞清楚什么叫红移。红移是物体远离观察者时发出的光产生比较长的红色波短,红移跟下一句 “与此同时月球正在接近地球” 正好矛盾。而月球正慢慢离开地球是公认的。




  新浪科技讯 北京时间5月30日消息,据英国广播公司(BBC)27日报道,科学家对阿波罗17号飞船带回的月球沉积物进行分析发现,月球内部保存的水量,远比我们以前认为的多。这项分析主要着眼于被封锁在微小玻璃珠(结晶物)里的火山材料囊,该研究成果发表在《科学》杂志里。


  2008年,卡内基学会、布朗大学和凯斯西保留地大学的一个科研组对“阿波罗”任务带回的月球岩浆样本里发现的水物质进行了分析。他们在发表在《自然》杂志的论文里说,这些样本的含水量比他们认为的大约多10倍。然而他们研究的岩浆是在火山活动中的“ 火喷泉”里形成的,在地球上的夏威夷能看到这种景象。现在该科研组又在这些珠子里发现大量地质“时间囊”。

  卡内基协会的地球化学家、这项研究的论文作者埃里克·霍里说:“现在我们正在做的,就是寻找被橄榄石这种固体结晶物禁锢住的 ‘内含物’,即岩浆样本。由于这些岩浆被困在结晶体里面,在火山爆发期间它们的水分不会流失,因此这些融化的内含物的含水量仍同最初的岩浆的含水量一样。”该科研组发现,这些月球岩浆球包含的水分,大约是以前的样本的100倍,这意味着月球内部的含水量曾与地壳下面的含水量一样。




  新浪科技讯 北京时间5月30日消息,据英国广播公司(BBC)27日报道,科学家对阿波罗17号飞船带回的月球沉积物进行分析发现,月球内部保存的水量,远比我们以前认为的多。这项分析主要着眼于被封锁在微小玻璃珠(结晶物)里的火山材料囊,该研究成果发表在《科学》杂志里。


  2008年,卡内基学会、布朗大学和凯斯西保留地大学的一个科研组对“阿波罗”任务带回的月球岩浆样本里发现的水物质进行了分析。他们在发表在《自然》杂志的论文里说,这些样本的含水量比他们认为的大约多10倍。然而他们研究的岩浆是在火山活动中的“ 火喷泉”里形成的,在地球上的夏威夷能看到这种景象。现在该科研组又在这些珠子里发现大量地质“时间囊”。

  卡内基协会的地球化学家、这项研究的论文作者埃里克·霍里说:“现在我们正在做的,就是寻找被橄榄石这种固体结晶物禁锢住的 ‘内含物’,即岩浆样本。由于这些岩浆被困在结晶体里面,在火山爆发期间它们的水分不会流失,因此这些融化的内含物的含水量仍同最初的岩浆的含水量一样。”该科研组发现,这些月球岩浆球包含的水分,大约是以前的样本的100倍,这意味着月球内部的含水量曾与地壳下面的含水量一样。

我小学的时候看过这贴```在飞碟探索还是奥秘来着? 这么多年了还没证明或者证伪啊?