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Corruption survey: Somalia is the worst
By John Raedler, CNN
October 27, 2010 -- Updated 0133 GMT (0933 HKT)
The Corruption Perception Index (CPI) is published annually by Transparency International, a corruption monitoring organization based in Berlin, Germany.
"The surveys and assessments used to compile the index include questions relating to bribery of public officials, kickbacks in public procurement, embezzlement of public funds and questions that probe the strength and effectiveness of public sector anti-corruption efforts," said a release accompanying the 2010 CPI.
Countries with the highest scores on the index are viewed as having the least corruption; countries with the lowest scores, the most.
Denmark, New Zealand and Singapore each scored 9.3 out of a possible 10.
Rounding out the 10 highest scores: Finland and Sweden, 9.2; Canada, 8.9; Netherlands, 8.8; Australia and Switzerland, 8.7; and Norway, 8.6.
得分最高前10名为:芬兰和瑞典9.2分,加拿大8.9分,荷 兰8.8分,澳大利亚和瑞士8.7分,挪威8.6分。
Japan was 17th on the list with a score of 7.8; the United Kingdom 20th (7.6); and the United States 22nd (7.1).
At the bottom of the 178 countries Somalia scored 1.1, just below Afghanistan and Myanmar (1.4) and Iraq (1.5).
Among emerging economic powerhouses, Brazil was 69th on the list with a score of 3.7; China 78th (3.5); and India 87th (3.3).
Overall, Transparency International says of the survey: "These results indicate a serious corruption problem.
"With governments committing huge sums to tackle the world’’s most pressing problems, from the instability of financial markets to climate change and poverty, corruption remains an obstacle to achieving much needed progress."
“政府承诺处理世界最紧迫的问题,从金融市场的不稳定到气候变化、贫穷,然而,腐败阻碍了这些事情的进展。”CNN今天的头版的新闻,链接如下: ... y/index.html?hpt=T2

Corruption survey: Somalia is the worst
By John Raedler, CNN
October 27, 2010 -- Updated 0133 GMT (0933 HKT)
The Corruption Perception Index (CPI) is published annually by Transparency International, a corruption monitoring organization based in Berlin, Germany.
"The surveys and assessments used to compile the index include questions relating to bribery of public officials, kickbacks in public procurement, embezzlement of public funds and questions that probe the strength and effectiveness of public sector anti-corruption efforts," said a release accompanying the 2010 CPI.
Countries with the highest scores on the index are viewed as having the least corruption; countries with the lowest scores, the most.
Denmark, New Zealand and Singapore each scored 9.3 out of a possible 10.
Rounding out the 10 highest scores: Finland and Sweden, 9.2; Canada, 8.9; Netherlands, 8.8; Australia and Switzerland, 8.7; and Norway, 8.6.
得分最高前10名为:芬兰和瑞典9.2分,加拿大8.9分,荷 兰8.8分,澳大利亚和瑞士8.7分,挪威8.6分。
Japan was 17th on the list with a score of 7.8; the United Kingdom 20th (7.6); and the United States 22nd (7.1).
At the bottom of the 178 countries Somalia scored 1.1, just below Afghanistan and Myanmar (1.4) and Iraq (1.5).
Among emerging economic powerhouses, Brazil was 69th on the list with a score of 3.7; China 78th (3.5); and India 87th (3.3).
Overall, Transparency International says of the survey: "These results indicate a serious corruption problem.
"With governments committing huge sums to tackle the world’’s most pressing problems, from the instability of financial markets to climate change and poverty, corruption remains an obstacle to achieving much needed progress."
  Somalia is the worst, as in second to the USA.
  0 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
  Au contraire. Some of the countries listed are amongst the MOST corrupt with owners of huge monopolies also owning the politicians. As an example, when in Australia several years ago independent poultry farmers couldnt sell their eggs directly to the large markets or even small markets but had to instead sell them through monopolistic middlemen or they would be blacklisted and could not sell their produce. I for one would like to see the criteria for judging the breadth of corruption but have no doubts that many deals are made in USA between elected officials and those in the government buying and sourcing departments and their “Friends” to direct purchases for personal gain.
  2 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
  How about that. The least corrupt countries are also the least entertaining.
  8 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
  MANY of us Americans dont realize what a corrupt government is until they really experience one first hand. The people who think our government is corrupt are just wrong. I have traveled to dozens of countries where the police exploit tourists because they are tourists - how often do you think that happens here? Of course, it goes FAR beyond this, that was just one example.
  9 minutes ago | Like (3) | Report abuse
  You would naturally expect the "defender of freedom and democracy" that has this habit of preaching to the world about American values to be less corrupt.
  0 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
  No, the US is government is still corrupt. Just because there are other countries that are worse doesnt excuse the corruption that happens here. Wrong is wrong.
  0 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
   All governments are corrupt. No matter what spot the country is on the list, no matter how high or low, every government in this world is corrupt. There is no government that is truly working for the people as harsh as it may sound.
  3 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
  I am really happy and proud to live in Canada. However, saying that we still have a lot of problems that other countries face and no country is perfect. There is always room for improvement. Oh, and I dont think China should be ahead of India. Just my two cents.
  9 minutes ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
  Here we go watch all the sheeple complain about how the USA ranked 22nd.. We have a corrupt society folks. Waking up and realizing that is the first step to fixing it...
  15 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
  9 minutes ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
  I can only talk about where Ive been, but Italy, Indonesia, France and China all had far worse corruption at the police level than the US. As far as the federal government, for our country, or theirs, I dont really know, and neither do you 我只能谈谈我所在的地方,但意大利,印度尼西亚,法国和中国都有比美国更差的政治腐败。是我们的联邦政府,还是他们的政府,我不是很清楚,你们也不清楚。
  18 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
  We forgot to mention one of the most, if not the most corrupt government that there is.
  USA!!!!!! Washington!!! Our country just hasnt gotten caught yet. Having to vote is getting harder to do. You must now vote for the politician that has less corruption than the other.
  19 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse

1 丹麦9.3
1 新西兰9.3
1 新加坡9.3
4 芬兰9.2
4 瑞典9.2
6 加拿大8.9
7 荷兰8.8
8 澳大利亚8.7
8 瑞士8.7
10 挪威8.6
11 冰岛8.5
11 卢森堡8.5
13 香港8.4
14 爱尔兰8.0
15 奥地利7.9
15 德国7.9
17 巴巴多斯7.8
17 日本7.8
19 卡塔尔7.7
20 联合王国7.6
21 智利7.2
22 比利时7.1
22 美国7.1
24 匈牙利6.9
25 法国6.8
26 爱沙尼亚6.5
27 斯洛文尼亚**
28 塞浦路斯6.3
28 阿拉伯联合酋长国6.3
30 以色列6.1
30 西班牙6.1
32 葡萄牙6.0
33 博茨瓦纳5.8
33 波多黎各5.8
33 台湾5.8
36 不丹5.7
37 马耳他5.6
38 文莱5.5
39 南韩5.4
39 毛里求斯5.4
41 哥斯达黎加5.3
41 安曼5.3
41 波兰5.3
44 多米尼加5.2
45 佛得角5.1
46 立陶宛5.0
46 澳门5.0
48 巴林4.9
49 塞舌尔4.8
50 匈牙利4.7
50 约旦4.7
50 沙特阿拉伯4.7
53 捷克共和国4.6
54 科威特4.5
54 南非4.5
56 马来西亚4.4
56 纳米比亚4.4
56 土耳其4.4
59 拉脱维亚4.3
59 斯洛文尼亚4.3
59 突尼斯4.3
62 克罗地亚4.1
62 马其顿4.1
62 加纳4.1
62 萨摩亚4.1
66 卢旺达4.0
67 意大利3.9
68 格鲁吉亚3.8
69 巴西3.7
69 古巴3.7
69 蒙特尼哥罗3.7
69 罗马尼亚3.7
73 保加利亚3.6
73 萨尔瓦多3.6
73 巴拿马3.6
73 特立尼达多巴哥3.6
73 瓦努阿图3.6
78 中国3.5
78 哥伦比亚3.5
78 希腊3.5
78 莱索托3.5
78 秘鲁3.5
78 塞尔维亚3.5
78 泰国3.5
85 马拉维3.4
85 摩洛哥3.4
87 阿尔巴尼亚3.3
87 印度3.3
87 牙买加3.3
87 利比里亚3.3
91 波士尼亚和黑山共和国3.2
91 吉布提3.2
91 冈比亚3.2
91 危地马拉3.2
91 基里巴斯3.2
91 斯里兰卡3.2
91 史瓦吉兰3.2
98 布基纳法索3.1
98 埃及3.1
98 墨西哥3.1
101 多米尼加共和国3.0
101 圣多美和普林西比3.0
101 汤加3.0
101 赞比亚3.0
105 阿尔及利亚2.9
105 阿根廷2.9
105 哈萨克2.9
105 摩尔多瓦2.9
105 塞内加尔2.9
110 贝宁2.8
110 玻利维亚2.8
110 加蓬2.8
110 印度尼西亚2.8
110 科索沃2.8
110 所罗门2.8
116 埃塞俄比亚2.7
116 圭纳亚2.7
116 马里2.7
116 蒙古2.7
116 莫桑比克2.7
116 坦桑尼亚2.7
116 越南2.7
123 阿美尼亚2.6
123 厄立特里亚2.6
123 马达加斯加2.6
123 尼日2.6
127 白俄罗斯2.5
127 厄瓜多尔2.5
127 黎巴嫩2.5
127 尼加拉瓜2.5
127 叙利亚2.5
127 东帝汶2.5
127 乌干达2.5
134 阿塞拜疆2.4
134 孟加拉国2.4
134 洪都拉斯2.4
134 尼日利亚2.4
134 菲律宾2.4
134 塞拉利昂2.4
134 多哥2.4
134 乌克兰2.4
134 津巴布韦2.4
143 马尔代夫2.3
143 毛里塔尼亚2.3
143 巴基斯坦2.3
146 喀麦隆2.2
146 象牙海岸2.2
146 海地2.2
146 伊朗2.2
146 利比亚2.2
146 尼泊尔2.2
146 巴拉圭2.2
146 也门2.2
154 柬埔寨2.1
154 中非共和国2.1
154 科摩罗群岛2.1
154 刚果(布) 2.1
154 几内亚-比绍2.1
154 肯尼亚2.1
154 老挝2.1
154 巴布亚新几内亚2.1
154 俄罗斯2.1
154 塔吉克斯坦2.1
164 刚果民主共和国2.0
164 几内亚-比绍2.0
164 吉尔吉斯斯坦2.0
164 委内瑞拉2.0
168 安哥拉1.9
168 赤道几内亚1.9
170 布隆迪1.8
171 乍得1.7
172 苏丹1.6
172 土库曼斯坦1.6
172 乌兹别克斯坦1.6
175 伊拉克1.5
176 阿富汗1.4
176 缅甸1.4
178 索马里1.1