有人问F-5E比MiG-23怎么样.那么咱们来看看历史记录是怎 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/05/02 16:04:48





The Vietnam War was over, and U.S. air forces were leaving that troubled country, in a hurry leaving behind one of the few airports such aircraft.

   I turned vzdyblivanie front desk - earned electro-hydraulic lift and the nose of the plane "climbed" up. "Wow how! - I shook my head in amazement. - Is such a little boy could not do without this?"

After determining the basic flight characteristics, we proceeded to comparative air battles with the MiG-21bis. I fought for his native MiG-21, and Nicholas Stogov - on F-5. Middle maneuver "battle" began in equal conditions on a collision course. All the flights ended with one result - the MiG-21 lost, though, and had significantly higher thrust-weight ratio.

    - Let's raise against him MiG-23M.
    - But they were not comparable, they are created in different "historical" time - replied the chief of our research institutes.
    Col. Gen. Igor D. Gaidaenko during the Great Patriotic War as a fighter pilot fought on the front, driven by "most" PS Kutahova, the then Chief of the Air Force, and was to report the results of comparative evaluation.
    - But we'll give him a "pepper vsyplem", - said the deputy chief designer of MiG-23M, in anticipation of revenge rubbing his hands.
    "Pepper", of course, gave it only to themselves. The result was the same, with the only difference being that the agony lasted up to 4-5 minutes. This given the fact that I as a pilot, in perfect knowledge of all methods bring the aircraft from the stall and spin, was allowed to use the angles of attack above the maximum allowable. In the process of "battle" I have to manually select the most optimal wing sweep. But all was in vain ... The stranger slowly but steadily dropped in the "tail". Then at some time there was silence, loud discussion ceased. Head of the Institute ordered to urgently draw up a test for us with Stogova arrive in Moscow in CRI-30, dealing with problems of perspective in the development of aviation technology.