
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/27 09:34:48
1.F-22人人都知道,其可以单靠军推过音素,最大1.8M超巡速度 .

3.SU-35 ,据采访试飞员,在前期飞行测试中(无外挂), ,在中空过一点音速后使用军推加速,可以达到1.1M,还可以加速,但是试飞规定1.1M,并没有达到最大速度.

俄罗斯飞行员显然是开加力过音速,然后使用军推,可以加速到1.1,据说还可以加速,但试飞有限制,并未测试最大巡航速度.1.F-22人人都知道,其可以单靠军推过音素,最大1.8M超巡速度 .

3.SU-35 ,据采访试飞员,在前期飞行测试中(无外挂), ,在中空过一点音速后使用军推加速,可以达到1.1M,还可以加速,但是试飞规定1.1M,并没有达到最大速度.

1.2M 以下还是跨音速。

三倍音速巡航的 SR-71, 涡喷开了加力也过不了音速,
原帖由 PRINCEBUSTER 于 2008-12-14 20:11 发表
НПО-Сатурн的总设计师于2006年内部刊物提及,当时已完成的117С引擎推力较基本款多2000 ",最重要的是确保飞机的超音速巡航性能".这算是对在那之前传言的Су-35BM可能可以超音速巡航的文献佐证.

笔者于2 ...

Russia & CIS Observer / Archive / №3 (22) August 2008 / DEFENSE / Sukhoi Su-35 Achieves Supercruise Flight /

Vladimir Karnozov
Russia's new Sukhoi Su-35 fighter is already showing its high-performance capabilities. This new single-seat aircraft — which combines the proven Su-27 Flanker airframe, 16% more powerful engines and a totally new set of onboard systems — is said to have reached supercruise speed, a distinct feature of fifth-generation fighters.
According to Sukhoi's strategy, the introduction of its single-seat Su-35 multirole fighter as a "4++" generation of combat jets will help maintain sales of the Flanker aircraft series until an exportable fifth-generation fighter becomes available. The Su-35 also will serve as a platform for testing the onboard systems of is intended next-generation successor.
The importance of this new aircraft in the Russian defense doctrine is so high that on the day after its 55-minute maiden flight in February 2008, the Su-35 prototype was inspected by the country's President Vladimir Putin and his successor Dmitry Medvedev. Sukhoi test pilot Sergei Bogdan briefed the Kremlin guests on the fighter. He recalls that the first question Vladimir Putin asked was: "Will the fifth generation fighter differ in appearance to this one?" The answer was: "Yes, it will. The fifth generation fighter is to have a totally redesigned airframe, while keeping [the Su-35's] onboard systems."

Surplus power

During the test flight at the highest thrust regime without the use of afterburner the Su-35 achieved Mach 1.1 speed and was still accelerating
By late June, the no. 1 flying prototype had completed 13 test missions. These were devoted to assessment of the airplane's stability and controllability, maneuvering characteristics and powerplant performance. In addition, the operation of onboard systems was closely monitored. Having received a generally positive assessment of the aircraft, Sukhoi sent it into the supersonic regime. On mission 12, the airplane accelerated to Mach 1.2 at medium altitudes (up to 6,000 meters). The next flight went as high as 11,000 meters and reached speeds of Mach 1.3.
Importantly, the airplane demonstrated its ability to maintain supersonic speed at military power (the highest thrust regime without the use of afterburner). Sergei Bogdan selected his words carefully, but did state: "At medium altitudes and with military power, the airplane was making a moderate supersonic speed and still accelerating. In one of the flights, I achieved Mach 1.1, and while the aircraft could accelerate further, I had to slow down because I was approaching the end of our supersonic flight zone."
Sukhoi continues assessments of the recorded parameters in order to determine whether the airplane had actually attained supercruise. Additionally, the company continues to define altitudes, weights, external and internal loads at which the Su-35 can reach its supercruise performance. A number of additional missions shall be devoted to these assessments.
"The power reserve is clearly seen when the Su-35 is accompanied by a Su-30," Bogdan says. "During the very first mission, I had the chance to assess how well the Su-35 responds to the throttle. When I was accelerating at combat power, the chase plane's pilot had to use afterburner from time to time. And still, he was going slower."
In afterburner, the Su-35 accelerates much faster than the original Flanker. This is due to the increase in engine power at full afterburner from 12,500 to 14,500 kgf. During takeoff, the ground run is shorter, as the pilot is given much more freedom in pulling back on the stick. The onboard computer takes responsibility for preventing tail strike and other unwanted consequences of over-rotation. With smart computer control over critical regimes, the Su-35 can become airborne much faster than legacy fighters, taking full advantage of excessive power and superagility.

"Artificial intellect"
Generally speaking, an "artificial intellect" takes care of everything in the Su-35, easing the pilot's job. "In the air, the aircraft feels smooth and comfortable, obedient and highly responsive at the same time," one program designer said. "The computers also care for the airplane's 'crisp reaction' to a pilot's input. For example, the computer activates the rudder to automatically compensate for any yaw effects that can originate from pilot deflecting the stick sideways for banking with the ailerons. In 'classic' airplanes, it is the pilot's job to compensate for cross-channel influence, a skill he amasses as his flight experience grows."
Powerful onboard computers significantly improve the Su-35's responsiveness and reaction time compared to the original Su-27. Experienced pilots flying both the MiG-29 with its mechanical linkage and the "fly-by-wire" Su-27 routinely praise the MiG's better responsiveness. They also feel a short delay in the Flanker's response to control inputs. Even when pilots prefer the Su-27 over the MiG, they'd like to eliminate the Su-27's flight control delays — something that will be a reality on the Su-35. Bogdan claims Sukhoi achieved a real breakthrough in the field of controllability with the Su-30MKI — a follow-on version to the Su-27. Most of the new algorithms for the successor Su-35 were successfully evaluated on the Su-30MKI. The Su-35 builds on the Su-30MKI's experience, and goes even further in the area of computer-aided flight controls. In part, this improvement is due to the use of an all-new system for the measurement of airborne parameters, employing latest technology.
The newest Sukhoi jet does not have canards, reducing the drag generated by these forward fuselage-mounted control surfaces (which are used on the Su-30). However, canards do provide improved performance and controllability at high angles of attack. Since the size of the wing remains the same, removing the canards from the Su-35 results in a smaller total area for the horizontal surfaces. However, by reworking the airframe for lower weights (with the use of more composites, for example), removing the canards and deleting the aircraft's large upper air brake along with the activators, Sukhoi designers managed to reduce Su-35's structural weight to that of the original Su-27. Choosing a more classic layout for the Su-35, its designers were also driven by the super cruise considerations.

Controlling the thrust
Sukhoi designers have no doubts that thrust vector control is a must for modern fighters
What the Su-30MKI and the Su-35 do share is their thrust vector control. Sukhoi has no doubts that thrust vector control is a must for modern fighters. With the Su-30MKI now operational in India, the Su-30MKM in Malaysia and the Su-30MKA in Algeria, vectored thrust has now earned its place in the history of supersonic combat aircraft.
Sukhoi pilot Sergei Bogdan underscores the benefits of vectored thrust at slow speeds. "We can fly slow, keeping a high angular speed during a bank. Inertial forces try to increase the angle of attack when the airplane rotates with the ailerons, but we use vectored thrust to create a compensating force generating a pitch-down motion," he explains. "Thereby we keep the angle of attack under control. In the end, the airplane remains controllable in a much wider flight envelope. Besides, it can demonstrate faster angular speed in bank."
Thrust vector control provides a maneuvering advantage in air combat, with the pilot having the ability to get the enemy in sight faster than its opponent to shoot first. Bogdan acknowledges, however, that air-to-air combat is more and more rare, leading to some skepticism within military circles about the value of investing in thrust vector control.
Admittedly, thrust vectoring is not completely useful at low speeds. A small nozzle deflection helps in supersonic flight as well and it also can provide stand-by control functions in case of failure with the primary flight controls.
For air combat involving long-range missile engagements, the Su-35's high climb and acceleration rates, plus super cruise regime, modern missiles and extended-range electronically-scanned radar are considered as clear advantages for the new Russian-developed fighter. The aircraft's Irbis-E radar, developed by the V.V. Tikhomirov Scientific-Research Institute of Instrument Design (NIIP), is a follow-on to the Su-30MKI's N-011M Bars radar.
By combining "something old, something new," Sukhoi hopes to be able to offer the Russian military and overseas customers a highly capable combat jet with good "out of the box" reliability from its entry into service.
原帖由 SSJ100 于 2008-12-14 20:17 发表

台风半油裸奔是 M 1.5
四长二短 M1.4





另外据信双座的台风在05年新家坡选型的时候演示过M1.21 超巡(然后第一个被踢走出局)


原帖由 PRINCEBUSTER 于 2008-12-14 20:05 发表

米格25 31都可以啊 !
米格-31 超音速是外涵加力?
不过 苏-35 的裸奔超巡还真是……

原帖由 raptor82 于 2008-12-14 20:59 发表
台风半油裸奔是 M 1.5
四长二短 M1.4





另外据信双座的台风在05年新家坡选型 ...

原帖由 超山猫 于 2008-12-14 21:51 发表
不过 苏-35 的裸奔超巡还真是……

