
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 02:36:28
New tanker named, but still not selected

By Bruce Rolfsen - Staff writer
Posted : Sunday Dec 16, 2007 13:18:08 EST
The Air Force doesn’t know who is going to build the KC-X tanker, but the service has decided what to call the jet.

Drum roll, please. The KC-X is designated KC-45A.

While the service didn’t make a formal announcement about the KC-45A naming, the designation has started to appear in briefings given by Air Force officials and a service spokesman confirmed the name.

Technically, KC-45A is the tanker’s mission design series name. The “KC” designates the jet as a tanker. Why “45A” was chosen isn’t clear, other than it doesn’t seem to conflict with any other cargo or tanker aircraft.

The name also avoids appearing to side with either of the jets vying for the production contract. Boeing Co. calls its proposed Air Force tanker the KC-767 while Northrop Grumman calls its candidate the KC-30.

The nickname for the jet is still to be decided.

    12月17日美“空军时报”网站:尽管尚未敲定下一代加油机的生产商,但美空军已经为该型机命名为KC-45A加油机。该型机的命名虽未通过官方宣布,但已经在美空军官员和一位国防部发言人的简报中多次提及。此次命名还可以减少各生产商对最后选型的猜疑。目前,两大生产商波音公司和诺斯罗普格鲁曼公司提交的加油机型号分别为KC-767加油机和KC-30加油机。New tanker named, but still not selected

By Bruce Rolfsen - Staff writer
Posted : Sunday Dec 16, 2007 13:18:08 EST
The Air Force doesn’t know who is going to build the KC-X tanker, but the service has decided what to call the jet.

Drum roll, please. The KC-X is designated KC-45A.

While the service didn’t make a formal announcement about the KC-45A naming, the designation has started to appear in briefings given by Air Force officials and a service spokesman confirmed the name.

Technically, KC-45A is the tanker’s mission design series name. The “KC” designates the jet as a tanker. Why “45A” was chosen isn’t clear, other than it doesn’t seem to conflict with any other cargo or tanker aircraft.

The name also avoids appearing to side with either of the jets vying for the production contract. Boeing Co. calls its proposed Air Force tanker the KC-767 while Northrop Grumman calls its candidate the KC-30.

The nickname for the jet is still to be decided.

这个倒霉的女人叫做Darleen Druyun,而国会山清算这件事的主要任务就是共和党内重量级人物麦凯恩参议员。作为空军第二号采购负责人,Druyun抬高了KC-767的采购价格,并且秘密接洽的内容保留在了波音的电子邮件中,这个女人被判入狱9个月。而本来能接替波音总裁康迪特位置的迈克尔·西尔斯,因为腐蚀政府官员在2003年被公司解雇,15个月后受到法院传票,最后被判4个月监禁和25万美元罚款。当时内外交困的康迪特也被迫辞职。那么为什么麦凯恩要出来搞这么一手呢?因为波音与民主党关系紧密,而洛马与共和党关系紧密,德州系嘛。
:D 波音再舍得割肉打通2把手多好,反正羊毛出在羊身上