
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/05/01 13:07:37
<p>三体?<br/>物理学的噩梦?<br/>请看:<br/>"The simplest three body problems of solar interest are the Sun-Earth-Moon system, where the Moon is considered small relative to the Sun and the Earth, and the Earth-Moon-rocket system (see M. C. Gutwiller, Rev. Mod. Phys., 70, 589 (1998) for an up-to-date review of this three body problem.) If we ignore the Sun, and consider the Earth-Moon-rocket system, a three body system, we begin to encounter (even ignoring the Sun) extraordinary difficulties which makes analysis so difficult as to border on the impossible. Certainly, we will not achieve such clean and aesthetic results as we did with the two body Kepler problem. "<br/>这是刘慈欣博客上别人的留言</p><p>说明下,刘慈欣最新作品名字叫&lt;三体&gt;,我在科幻版面登出目前已刊出的部分,超好看,大家可以去看看.</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-22 20:30:14编辑过]
<p>三体?<br/>物理学的噩梦?<br/>请看:<br/>"The simplest three body problems of solar interest are the Sun-Earth-Moon system, where the Moon is considered small relative to the Sun and the Earth, and the Earth-Moon-rocket system (see M. C. Gutwiller, Rev. Mod. Phys., 70, 589 (1998) for an up-to-date review of this three body problem.) If we ignore the Sun, and consider the Earth-Moon-rocket system, a three body system, we begin to encounter (even ignoring the Sun) extraordinary difficulties which makes analysis so difficult as to border on the impossible. Certainly, we will not achieve such clean and aesthetic results as we did with the two body Kepler problem. "<br/>这是刘慈欣博客上别人的留言</p><p>说明下,刘慈欣最新作品名字叫&lt;三体&gt;,我在科幻版面登出目前已刊出的部分,超好看,大家可以去看看.</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-22 20:30:14编辑过]
不止要英語好, 物理學也要有一定基礎才譯得好<br/>
<p>刘慈欣博客上有人这样说:</p><div class="sysBr476">刘老师好 非常喜欢您的作品<br/>三体的涵义 我的理解是这样的:<br/>两体之间的运动关系可以有很精确的解析解<br/>而三体之间相互影响导致的运动方程根本没有解析解<br/>只能是混沌的 <br/><br/>当然要看到最后 才能知道标题的涵义了 真能设置悬念啊 - -</div><p><table class="item" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"><tbody><tr><td class="iBottom"></td></tr></tbody></table></p>
<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>jadiyd</i>在2006-6-22 20:42:00的发言:</b><br/>苏JJ你太打击我了......中国科幻界的领军人物~写的东西都好看的说~</div><p>啊?</p><p>谁打击谁啊?</p><p>我真的不知道呢。因为平时从来不接触科幻方面的东东啊。</p><p></p>
阿ja 在泡苏mm
<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>jadiyd</i>在2006-6-22 20:49:00的发言:</b><br/>昏......那么~音乐你接触得多~偶在水区发了个音乐求助帖子~还有个音药帖子~去看看吧~</div><p>好的</p><p>去瞧瞧</p><p>你在这继续泡yaumanto&nbsp; MM啊</p>[em07]