
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 08:22:04
本文是对冲基金Kase Capital的创始人Whitney Tilson来中国旅行后,以自己的所见所感和亲身经历,从金融视角出发,对中国做出的客观评价和认识。共6部分正文和4部分评论!本文是对冲基金Kase Capital的创始人Whitney Tilson来中国旅行后,以自己的所见所感和亲身经历,从金融视角出发,对中国做出的客观评价和认识。共6部分正文和4部分评论!
Observations From My Trip To China

I got back on Friday afternoon from a fascinating 10-day trip to China – the first time I’ve been to mainland China in 21 years. I spent the first half of my trip in Shanghai, China’s most populous, modern, wealthy, capitalistic city, and the second half in Tengchong, in remote, rural, south-central China, bordering Burma。

I want to share a few observations about China – with the caveat that I am very emphatically not holding myself out as an expert on the country. I’m just endlessly fascinated by China on many levels, most importantly as an investor. Though I’m primarily U.S. focused, China has become such a large and rapidly growing part of the world economy that I can’t ignore it – if China sneezes, the world (and my portfolio) will catch a cold.

    So is China about to catch a cold? That’s an important and vexingly difficult question. Jim Chanos is perhaps the best-known China bear and he makes a cogent argument (see here and here) that China is experiencing the mother of all infrastructure, real estate and financial bubbles – “Dubai times 1,000” – that is on the verge of bursting.

    And it’s not just Chanos. Just about every day, I read another story about fraudulent businesses, corrupt officials at all levels, crudely authoritarian and thuggish behavior by the government (censorship, jailing truth-tellers, etc.), rich people leaving (or at least stashing a lot of money outside the country), ghastly pollution, tainted products, out-of-control real estate prices, banks lying about their loan losses, untold amounts of lending that’s not reflected in official statistics – the list goes on and on...

So one of the main reasons for my trip was to see the country for myself and meet with as many smart people as I could so I could form my own judgment.

The skeptics are no doubt correct about many things – for example, there’s no question that there’s widespread corruption and terrible pollution. And I think Chanos is right when he emailed me, after reading this article: “Over the long-term I believe China will continue to grow, and modernize. The problem is that non-Chinese investors, as always, will not benefit from it, in aggregate. The rent-seeking behavior by the elites/Party, coupled with no real “rule of law”, equals trouble for passive Western investors.”

But is China a house of cards that will soon collapse? I’m not so sure. After my trip, I’m a bit more likely to think that China, for all of its problems, might avoid a huge calamity.

Things are Getting Better

I asked everyone I met a simple question: are things getting better? Every person, even those most critical of the country and/or its government, said yes (though with different degrees of conviction). The businesspeople said the government’s crackdown on corruption is having an impact (at least at the margins), there’s been some progress (from a very low base) in protecting intellectual property, and the government is very serious about tackling the terrible pollution. The teachers and other educators I met with said the educational system is steadily getting better. The rural peasants told me that their lives are steadily getting better as well. China has a long way to go, but I got the strong sense that it’s moving in the right direction in many key areas. One person I spoke with said it best when he said he’s “hopeful but cautious.”我对遇见的所有人都问了一个简单的问题:现状是否有所改善?所有的人,包括大多数对于国家和政府持批评态度的人,他们的答案都是yes(经管他们的观点不尽相同)。商人们表示,政府对腐败的打击是有积极影响的(至少在盈利上来说),并且在知识产权的保护和严重的环境污染方面是有进步的和改善的(一个较低的水平开始的)。我遇到的教师和教育工作者则表示,教育体系正在逐步改善。农村的村民也告诉我,他们的生活正在逐步的改善。中国虽然还有很长的路要走,但是从我得到的信息来看,在许多关键领域,中国迈进的大方向无疑是正确的。有个人对我说,我认为他说的很好:“我们充满希望但是却保持谨慎。”
Observations From My Trip To China


        China leads the world in infrastructure spending, and I saw evidence of this everywhere I turned – cranes, scaffolding, rock quarries, lumber yards, etc. I’ve never seen anything like it.

        Is this a huge waste and bubble – a Google search for “China infrastructure bubble” yield 4.3 million hits – or a wise investment in the future? I’m not sure. I’ve certainly seen the reports of white elephant projects – even entire ghost cities (though they may not actually be, as this article notes) – and I saw an empty housing development outside of Tengchong that could have been transplanted directly from the outskirts of Las Vegas circa 2009.

        But China’s infrastructure was very impressive. Every road was paved and in good condition, even far outside of Tengchong. The four airports I flew into and out of were modern and beautiful – even the small one in Tengchong. One of the Teach for China teachers told me that one of the newest buildings in every town in China is the school – and, sure enough, though the school I visited was in old, wooden buildings, right down the road a large new building was almost complete for the school to move into next year. Lastly, remember all the stories about China’s high-speed rail network, which was characterized by corrupt contracting, shoddy construction, and numerous accidents? Well, read this story in the NY Times last month, Speedy Trains Transform China. Here’s an excerpt:

            "The cavernous rail station here for China’s new high-speed trains was nearly deserted when it opened less than four years ago.
             Practically every train is sold out, although they leave for cities all over the country every several minutes. Long lines snake back from ticket
         indows under the 50-foot ceiling of white, gently undulating steel that floats cloudlike over the departure hall. An ambitious construction program will soon nearl    y double the size of the 16-platform station.
            Just five years after China’s high-speed rail system opened, it is carrying nearly twice as many passengers each month as the country’s domestic airline industry. With traffic growing 28 percent a ye ar for the last several years, China’s high-speed rail network will handle more passengers by early next year than the 54 million people a month who board domestic flights in the United States.
            Li Xiaohung, a shoe factory worker, rides the 430-mile route from Guangzhou home to Changsha once a month to visit her daughter. Ms. Li used to see her daughter just once a year because the trip took a full day. Now she comes back in 2 hours 19 minutes.
            Business executives like Zhen Qinan, a founder of the stock market in coastal Shenzhen, ride bullet trains to meetings all over China to avoid airport delays. The trains hurtle along at 186 miles an hour and are smooth, well-lighted, comfortable and almost invariably punctual, if not early.  High-speed trains seemed like a strange thing, but now it’s just part of our lives,” Mr. Zhen said.
            China’s high-speed rail system has emerged as an unexpected success story. Economists and transportation experts cite it as one reason for China’s continued economic growth when other emerging economies are faltering. But it has not been without costs — high debt, many people relocated and a deadly accident. The corruption trials this summer of two former senior rail ministry officials have cast an unfavorable light on the bidding process for the rail lines.
            The high-speed rail lines have, without a doubt, transformed China, often in unexpected ways.
            For example, Chinese workers are now more productive. A paper for the World Bank by three consultants this year found that Chinese cities connected to the high-speed rail network, as more than 100 are already, are likely to experience broad growth in worker productivity. The productivity gains occur when companies find themselves within a couple of hours’ train ride of tens of millions of potential customers, employees and rivals.

