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The Huffington Post是美国著名的政治类博客网站。
  /来自中华网社区 club.china.com/
  本网友看到了《The Huffington Post》上的一位JOE McDONALD转贴的关于“黄光裕被判14年徒刑”的一篇美国新闻报道,原文标题: Huang Guangyu, Former Richest Man In China, Gets 14 Years In Jail美国网友回复很有意思,特转帖,附中文翻译:
  Scott Zwartz 02:26 PM on 5/20/2010 81 Fans
  Now we know why Wall Street won*t be moving to China.
  Abdi S 01:42 AM on 5/19/2010 22 Fans
  If this case happen in America then this billionare would be free and elected congressmen or senate.
  Scott Zwartz 02:28 PM on 5/20/2010 81 Fans
  What do you mean "if"? She*s running for Governor of California.
  4peace 12:53 AM on 5/19/2010 53 Fans
  Why can*t we put our white collar criminals in prison?
  Scott Zwartz 02:43 PM on 5/20/2010 81 Fans
  Because the courts have been bought by the crooks.
  The judicial system is more corrupt than the legislatures and the governors combined. There will come a time when the myth that the courts are honest does not override the need to get rid of the corruption. The problem is that society needs people to voluntarily follow court orders rather than calling out the cops with their guns to enforce every court order. But on the other hand, when the judicial corruption is so massive than it threatens society, then we have to dispossess ourselves of the myth of an honest judiciary.
  4peace 06:01 PM on 5/20/2010 53 Fans
  I know, it was really a rhetorical question. Our system is so corrupt I believe it is beyond repair.
  KCFreedom 12:37 AM on 5/19/2010 43 Fans
  As the old saying goes "behind every big fortune lies a big crime"...
  At least they lock up billionaires over in China. Gotta respect that. Too bad we can*t do that here.
  Our billionaire can hire attorneys - to play with out legal system.
  We have a basic problem...
  Whoever can hire the best brain... that is it!
  ctually, in California business has a motto: "what good is buying a court system if you can*t use it when you need it?" Big Business* best investment is in buying judges. Then it does not matter what laws Congress passes.
  What in China they call *bribes*, we in America we call *campaign contributions*.
  4peace 12:54 AM on 5/19/2010 53 Fans
  LiberalEastTexan 02:22 PM on 5/18/2010 11 Fans
  Fourteen years? He got off easy - Mao would have had him shot.
  nexxtep54 08:22 PM on 5/18/2010 363 Fans
  Bush would have hired him.
  Steven Siegel 08:43 PM on 5/18/2010 13 Fans
  Obama would have made him a Czar.
  4peace 12:56 AM on 5/19/2010 54 Fans
  ...and given him the medal of "freedom".
  indi1216 01:02 PM on 5/18/2010 26 Fans
  14 years for corruption and insider trading??? US need to have tough laws like this.
  duxguts 02:42 AM on 5/19/2010 57 Fans
  Never happen. The people who wrire our laws are corrupt.
  ou have to love the Chinese when it comes to stuff like this. No arguments, appeals, friends in high places or any amount of money will save you if you*ve committed a crime. The US could learn something from them.
  You dont get to be the richest person in any country without breaking some laws but being that they are so rich it is often overlooked.
  Or you get yourself elected president, lihttp://m.tianya.cn/bbs/art.jsp?item=worldlook&id=1420820&vu=26715509420&idwriter=99296402&key=337594167&chk=e8ba330ab516447910139c26288fcd50
The Huffington Post是美国著名的政治类博客网站。
  /来自中华网社区 club.china.com/
  本网友看到了《The Huffington Post》上的一位JOE McDONALD转贴的关于“黄光裕被判14年徒刑”的一篇美国新闻报道,原文标题: Huang Guangyu, Former Richest Man In China, Gets 14 Years In Jail美国网友回复很有意思,特转帖,附中文翻译:
  Scott Zwartz 02:26 PM on 5/20/2010 81 Fans
  Now we know why Wall Street won*t be moving to China.
  Abdi S 01:42 AM on 5/19/2010 22 Fans
  If this case happen in America then this billionare would be free and elected congressmen or senate.
  Scott Zwartz 02:28 PM on 5/20/2010 81 Fans
  What do you mean "if"? She*s running for Governor of California.
  4peace 12:53 AM on 5/19/2010 53 Fans
  Why can*t we put our white collar criminals in prison?
  Scott Zwartz 02:43 PM on 5/20/2010 81 Fans
  Because the courts have been bought by the crooks.
  The judicial system is more corrupt than the legislatures and the governors combined. There will come a time when the myth that the courts are honest does not override the need to get rid of the corruption. The problem is that society needs people to voluntarily follow court orders rather than calling out the cops with their guns to enforce every court order. But on the other hand, when the judicial corruption is so massive than it threatens society, then we have to dispossess ourselves of the myth of an honest judiciary.
  4peace 06:01 PM on 5/20/2010 53 Fans
  I know, it was really a rhetorical question. Our system is so corrupt I believe it is beyond repair.
  KCFreedom 12:37 AM on 5/19/2010 43 Fans
  As the old saying goes "behind every big fortune lies a big crime"...
  At least they lock up billionaires over in China. Gotta respect that. Too bad we can*t do that here.
  Our billionaire can hire attorneys - to play with out legal system.
  We have a basic problem...
  Whoever can hire the best brain... that is it!
  ctually, in California business has a motto: "what good is buying a court system if you can*t use it when you need it?" Big Business* best investment is in buying judges. Then it does not matter what laws Congress passes.
  What in China they call *bribes*, we in America we call *campaign contributions*.
  4peace 12:54 AM on 5/19/2010 53 Fans
  LiberalEastTexan 02:22 PM on 5/18/2010 11 Fans
  Fourteen years? He got off easy - Mao would have had him shot.
  nexxtep54 08:22 PM on 5/18/2010 363 Fans
  Bush would have hired him.
  Steven Siegel 08:43 PM on 5/18/2010 13 Fans
  Obama would have made him a Czar.
  4peace 12:56 AM on 5/19/2010 54 Fans
  ...and given him the medal of "freedom".
  indi1216 01:02 PM on 5/18/2010 26 Fans
  14 years for corruption and insider trading??? US need to have tough laws like this.
  duxguts 02:42 AM on 5/19/2010 57 Fans
  Never happen. The people who wrire our laws are corrupt.
  ou have to love the Chinese when it comes to stuff like this. No arguments, appeals, friends in high places or any amount of money will save you if you*ve committed a crime. The US could learn something from them.
  You dont get to be the richest person in any country without breaking some laws but being that they are so rich it is often overlooked.
  Or you get yourself elected president, li
I applaud The Peoples Republic of China and suggest this is a decent model for dealing with rich criminals, for example George W Bush, Dick Cheney, the BofD of BP, and other sociopaths.   我为中华人民共和国鼓掌,并认为这是一个处理诸如乔治W.布什、迪克-切尼(本网友注:指前任副总统),英国石油公司的头目和其他反社会的富翁罪犯的体面模式。   rich man will never go to jail in this country, unless his crimes are against other rich people.   在这个国家(指美国),富翁不可能进监狱,除非他的罪行是针对别的富翁。   Not even then -- they*d meet in a sauna and trade the fate of entire peoples like it was a card game. I hope the rich are the christians they self-proclaim   because I want them to fear going to hell on their death beds.   即便如此(罪行针对别的富翁)也不会进监狱的——他们会在桑拿房里会面,像玩纸牌游戏那样把全人类的命运进行交易。   我希望富翁自己都是基督徒——因为我希望他们躺在床上等死的时候会为将要下地狱而感到恐惧。    I guess that if the CEO in the US was facing 14 years in jail they might think twice about the shenanigans they have been doing. Might be a good time to look to China and learn from them.   我猜如果美国的CEO们面对十四年监狱生活,他们或许会多想想他们干的缺德事。或许这是向中国学习的好机会。   question would be then in the US, if we enforced this same standard on companies and their officers as well as the politicians, who would be left standing? then again, do the chinese consider excessive campaign donations bribes, or no?   问题是,在美国我们如果对政治家也执行对公司和官员们相同的标准,那么还会剩下什么人没进监狱?   而且,中国人是否考虑那些以“政治献金”为名义的大量贿赂?   shanghaislim 12:47 PM on 5/18/2010 84 Fans   I have been saying this here for 5 years.   我已经说了五年了。   They even sentence to death and either commute or execute the top CEO*s if their greed exceeds 100 million.   他们甚至对那些贪污超过一亿的CEO们判死刑,然后或者改判或者执行死刑。   That*s a deterrent!!!!   那是威慑!   Guys from Goldman Sachs, Enron, Countrywide, etc., etc., etc. should count their blessings?   高盛、安然等等这些公司的那些家伙可能逃得掉么?   Oh how badly I wish that justice in this country didn*t change the penalty depending on how rich one were.   哦,我多么希望这个国家能够改变一个人所受的惩罚取决于金钱啊。   If only we locked up people like this, for long periods, in real jails, we would see less corruption.   如果我们把这些恶棍锁拿,宣判长期徒刑,真正关进监狱,我们将看到更少的腐败。   How about starting with our elected representatives who get caught stealing money from us?   从那些我们选举却偷窃我们的钱的议员们开刀,如何?   Why can*t we get the same type of justice right here in America?   为什么我们在美国无法获得同样的公正权力呢?   See...if he worked for Goldman Sachs he would be getting a multi million dollar bonus.   看吧,如果他是高盛的人,他将会得到数百万美元的奖金。   So, how do we go about "outsourcing" our financial system oversight to the Chinese?   我们把我们的金融系统的问题“外包”给中国人来处理,如何?   What the Chinese government does is often not good in the way of Civil Rights but you got to love the fact that just being rich is not a stay out of jail free card.   就人权观点而言,中国政府的做法经常是糟糕的,但你不得不承认这个事实:富有并不是保证不进监狱的绿卡。   Lucky guy, he got 14 years instead of the firing squad!   幸运的家伙,他被判十四年而不是枪毙!
Well at least the Chinese prosecute their corporate criminals.   至少中国人还起诉他们的企业罪犯们。   "The government said in 2008 he also was suspected of share price manipulation, money laundering, illicit asset transfers and tax evasion."   If these were crimes in the U.S., half of the leaders of our financial and business industries and government would be in jail right now.   “中国政府说他2008年被怀疑参与价格操纵、洗钱、非法资产转移和逃税。”   如果这些(指新闻中提到的价格操纵、洗钱、非法资产转移和逃)在美国也算犯罪的话,我们的金融、商务、工业和政府的一半首脑都该进监狱了。    "Accusations of bribery, tax evasion and the collusion of corrupt officials in financial abuses are common in China."   I thought, quite naturally, this statement would end with the words "United States", rather than China. Pot, meet kettle.   “在金融案件中腐败官员被指控贿赂、逃税和共谋,在中国是很常见的。”   我想,很自然的,这句话里的“中国”换成“美国”更合适。在这方面,中国与美国相比,简直就是水壶与锅。   Never thought I*d say this, but why can*t we jail Lloyd Blankfein! Let*s send him to China at the very least!   我从未想过我会说这话,为什么我们不能把劳埃德?布兰克费恩送进监狱!让我们至少把他送到中国去!   The USA is being sucked into oblivion by corrupt corporate elitists. The corrupt corporate elitists own the politicians. The victims (taxpayers) are content with capitalism and free enterprise. We jail people for victimless crimes (posession of illegal drugs). We have been convinced that*s a good thing. Corporate   entities destroy our environment and the victims (taxpayers) tolerate it because this is a "free country".   美国被腐败的企业精英们遗忘了。腐败的企业经营们拥有了政客们。受害者(纳税人)满足于资本主义和自由企业。   我们将犯有并无受害者的罪行的人(如非法藏有毒品)关进监狱。我们被说服,以为这是好事。   企业精英们破坏我们的环境,受害者(纳税人)却忍受这种伤害,因为它是“自由国家”。   Communist China does not tolerate corrupt elitists because their government has control of it*s own destiny. Unlike the USA government that has little or no control of it*s destiny. Like it or not, our destiny is being indebted to a Communist Nation.   共产主义中国不容忍腐败的精英们,因为他们的政府掌握自己的命运。不像美国政府基本上不掌握自己的命运。   无论是否喜欢,我们的命运取决于一个共产主义国家。   Always said, the only true form of capitalism is Organized crime. Only in the west, its legal.   人们常说,资本主义的唯一真正形式就是有组织的犯罪。只有在西方,它才是合法的。 3楼 回复    k达修 2015-03-19 01:40   不是说这也是康师傅得手笔么?老黄不认康师傅结果被亲批入狱   [来自UC浏览器] 4楼 回复    xhc20121012 2015-03-19 01:41   Ah, yes. We forget that the ruling Chinese Communist party do have techniques in place to assure that the corrupt executives do not get too far out of line. Chairman Huang is fortunate because many corrupt and inept politicians get a bullet to the back of the head. Perhaps the United States can outsource securities and banking regulation to Beijing and we will get to see how fashionable the executives at BP, Merrill Lynch, Halliburton, AIG, Countrywide,   Goldman Sachs, Transocean, Citi, Bank of America, and Xe look in their new bright orange (Chinese made) jumpsuits.   啊,使得。我们忘了中国共产党确实有办法使得腐败的行政机关不会超出底线。黄主席很幸运,因为很多腐败和无能的政客们吃了枪子。   或许美国政府可以把证券和银行监管外包给北京,那样我们就可以欣赏到英国石油公司、美林证券、哈里伯顿、AIG、Countrywide、高盛、越洋、花旗、美国银行、Xe的那些首席   执行官们身着亮橙色(中国制造)囚衣的扮相是多么的时髦。   The AIG executives, Madoffs and the like have it good. How lucky that they do not operate in China!   AIG执行官们、麦道夫以及此类人适合这样办。他们太幸运了,没去中国经营!    I hope it serves as a lesson to others. They can become Billionaires the honest way but then they get greedy and like this guy, end up in jail or get beheaded. Too bad the same does not happen here. Could it be that the Chinese have a better government than we, sure looks like that.   我希望这对于某些人是一个教训。他们以最诚实的方式成为了亿万富翁,但随后就像这家伙一样贪得无厌,最终进了监狱或被枪毙。   可惜这样的事情(指百万富翁最终进监狱或被枪毙)在这里没有发生。看起来,中国政府比我们的政府好一些。   HUFFPOST SUPER USER   pjwrites 10:24 AM on 5/18/2010 81 Fans   What makes you think anyone can become a billionaire being honest? Honestly, I don*t think it can be done.   是什么使你认为一个人能够以诚实的方式成为亿万富翁?   诚实地讲,我不相信这是可能的。   Poor guy. His only mistake was that he chose the wrong country. He should have come to the USA, and he would have gotten the Presidential Medal of Honor, a mega-yacht, and a mansion in the Hamptons.   可怜的家伙。他唯一的错误是他选择了错误的国家。他本该来美国,然后他就可以得到一枚总统荣誉勋章(本网友注:指银行家们获得的总统荣誉勋章),一艘大型游艇(本网友注:指某公司的总裁在金融危机期间用游艇去度假)和汉普顿的一座大厦。   Difference between China and US. In China and are
Difference between China and US. In China and are an official and caught doing wrong you are executed. You never know when they will come to your cell and put one in you but they will come. Your family will then be charged for the bullet. In US, you retire with a pension. In China, convicted of corrupt business practices? You spend years in a Chinese prison at very hard labor. In US after years of appeals you are sentenced to a "country club". where you learn to become a really good card player and watch cable television.   I know they*re "evil communists" but I wonder, maybe they*re right and we*re the ones who are wrong.   中国与美国的区别。   在中国,如果你是一个官员,被发现做了坏事,你就会被处决。你不知道他们何时会出现在你的房间把你处决,但是他们总会来的。你的家庭将被要求为这颗子弹付费。   在美国,你退休可以得到养老金。   在中国,被裁定为腐败商业行为?你将在一座中国监狱服刑数年,天天从事重体力劳动。   在美国,经过数年的上诉,你被判决去一个“国家俱乐部”。在那里,你将学会成为一个纸牌高手,天天看有限电视。   我知道他们是“罪恶的共产主义”,但我怀疑,可能他们是正确的而我们是错误的一方。   I*m not saying there aren*t serious problems with things like human rights and free speech with China, but this is the difference between China and US. Even the richest man is not above the law. In US, the richest have the lawmakers in their pocket.   我不是说在中国没有人权和言论自由之类的严重问题,但这是中国与美国的差别。即使最富有的人也不能凌驾于法律之上。   在美国,最富有的人们把立法者装在他们的钱包里。   Being rich, going to jail would never happen here in the USA.   Here he would be brought before Congress, asked a few questions and then go on doing the same thing as if nothing ever happened.   一旦成为富人,进监狱在美国是不可能发生的事情。   在这里,他会被带到国会面前,被询问几个问题,然后继续从事同样的勾当,就像什么事情也没发生过一样。 5楼 回复    月光宸星 2015-03-19 01:45   顶 足见传言不可信 6楼 回复    xhc20121012 2015-03-19 01:47   BEIJING — An appliance retailer who was once China*s richest businessman was sentenced to 14 years for insider trading and other crimes Tuesday, the latest in a series of Chinese tycoons jailed for financial offenses.   北京— 周二,一个曾是中国最富的家电零售商人因内幕交易和其他罪名被宣判十四年徒刑,这是因金融犯罪而入狱的一系列中国巨头最近的一位。   Meanwhile, here in the good ol* USA, the 100% private Federal Reserve still refuses to comply with court orders to reveal where the trillions went, Obama hails the vile Wall Street sharks who have enriched themselves by hollowing out our economy as "titans of industry" at the White House even though they actually produce nothing but disaster, Goldman Sachs is getting their Supreme Court pick, and the CIA is probably sneaking Madoff out of prison as we speak.   与此同时,在美国,100%属于私人经营的美联储仍然拒绝遵守要求披露命令数兆美元巨额财产去向的法庭命令;奥巴马在白宫称呼这些挖空我们的经济以中饱私囊的卑鄙的华尔街   鲨鱼们为“业界巨头”,尽管他们实际上除了制造灾难之外一事无成;高盛在高等法院上诉中占据上风,CIA或许正在设法将麦道夫弄出监狱。   This is why America is falling to &^ and China will surpass us completely.   这就是为什么美国掉入深渊而中国完全超越我们。
Now that we*ve sent them all our jobs and economic strenght...can they send us their justice dept. They would have a Field Day with the corruption on wall st.   既然我们已经把我们的工作机会和经济实力都给了他们,能不能让他们把他们的司法部给我们呢。他们在处理华尔街腐败的时候一定可以获得一次很好的集训。   vet-of4renwarz 08:48 AM on 5/18/2010 40 Fans   Why stop at Wall Street... how about inside the government... last time Chinese officials accepted money from big corporation both of them got death penalty(the powder milk incident)...   为啥停留在华尔街。。。为啥不深入政府。。。上次中国政府里接受大企业钱财的两名官员都被判处死刑了(三鹿奶粉事件)   Bribery, tax evasion and collusion of corrupt officials for facilitating financial abuse (crimes) is just plain wong -- We should stop supporting these practices in the US immediately.   贿赂,逃税和腐败官员共谋以促进金融滥用(罪行)都只是寻常的错误——我们应该立即停止支持在美国的这些政策(指认为贿赂、逃税和腐败官员共谋以促进金融滥用都只是寻   常的错误)。   That should put the fear of the law in any wayward person. Interesting, both the businessman and the politician get taken out. Is what Wall Street and Washington doing now defined as "Freedom"? It*s been a good 3 years since the sordid tale of our decline started leaking out, and not one banker has been persecuted. Not one politician has been fingered. Is this the freedom we have been lauding? No, what we have is anarchy. I am well aware that China has its problems, but got to give them credit where credit is due. Justice is swift and certain.   这将使每个目无法纪之徒都对法律充满恐惧。有趣的是,商人和政客都被挖出来了。华尔街和华盛顿现在做的事情可以被定义为“自由”吗?   自从我们的大衰退的脏脏故事泄露出来至今已经三年,没有一个银行家被“迫害”。没有一个政客被指出。   这就是我们一直赞扬的自由?不,我们拥有的是无政府状态。   我很清楚,中国有它自己的问题,但该给予它的赞誉必须给予。正义是迅速的和具体的。   We want communism NOW!   我们现在就要共产主义!   Huang wasn*t too big to fail, was he? Too bad he couldn*t hire a lobbying firm and buy off the government like these guys do here.   黄犯的错并不大,不至于失败。很可惜,他没法像我们这里的那些家伙那样雇佣一个游说公司去买通政府。   I guess the Chinese know how to deal with crooks.   我猜中国人知道如何对付恶棍们。   Gosh, we give our crooks bonuses and take it out of the pockets of struggling Americans.   天哪,我们给我们的恶棍们发奖金,这奖金还是从那些水深火热的美国人钱包里掏出来的。   So some chinese billionaire gets 14 years in prison for insider trading and the CEO of BP gets scolded by the president for DESTROYING the gulf of Mexico for the next 50 years.   一些中国亿万富翁因内幕交易而蹲十四年监狱;英国石油公司的CEO们毁了墨西哥湾五十年,仅仅得到总统的一顿责骂。   How is it that a communist regime ends up being more just than the United States?   为什么一个共产主义国家比美国得到更公正的结果?   pfc1369 08:28 AM on 5/18/2010 253 Fans   Because economic justice has been perverted in the USA from the very start, and is constantly being propagandized as *socialist,* *communist,* or any other handy *ist* of the day.   因为“经济公平”在美国从一开始就堕落了,而且一直被宣传为“社会主义”、“共产主义”或其他当今任何便利的主义。 7楼 回复    xhc20121012 2015-03-19 01:50   Seriously, just consider how utterly unthinkable this is in the US, and yet even modest drug possession by the poor can get 20 years. Democracy is long dead, Corporatocracy thrives.   很严重,想想这(指富人被判十四年)在美国是多么不可思议的事情,同时穷人隐藏最普通的毒品(估计指大麻之类)的行为也要被判刑二十年。   民主早就死了。“企业主”(指企业巨头做主)兴旺。   Wow, they don*t play in China. If only American court system had the guts to put some of our rich crooks in Jail.   喔,他们在中国没玩成。如果美国司法系统有胆量把我们的一些富有的恶棍送进监狱,那该多好。   Obviously, corruption in China is more in the open and much more prosecuted than in the US. To say corruption is more prevalent is another story. If they prosecuted a fraction of the cases in the US that is all we will have in the Newspapers and on tv. I feel there is and has always been much more corruption in the US than most countries, but violators are given almost no punishment if and when they are exposed. And if your company is big enough in the   US you can get away with murder time and again: (see BP and Mining companies in West Virginia).   this article accuses the Chinese governing Party of great corruption because they expose and deal with the problem severly. They are not joking with 14year sentences and life sentences for financial corruption. You never see that in the US. We should.   显然,与美国相比,腐败在中国更加公开,被起诉的比例更大。腐败是否更普遍是另一回事情。   如果他们在美国也起诉一部分这类案件,那将占据我们所有的报纸和电视台。   我觉得美国的腐败一直比所有国家都多,但是犯法者被揭露之后几乎不受到任
任何惩罚。   在美国,如果你的公司足够大,你可以一次次地逃脱谋杀指控(例如英国石油和矿业公司在西弗吉尼亚州的所作所为)。   这篇文章指控中国执政党极度腐败,理由是他们大力度地曝光和处理这类问题。   他们对金融腐败宣判十四年徒刑和死刑可不是说着玩的。你在美国从未见过(指因金融腐败而判处十四年徒刑和死刑)。   我们应当也这样。   pfc1369 08:39 AM on 5/18/2010 253 Fans   "Obviously, corruption in China is more in the open and much more prosecuted than in the US."   “显然,与美国相比,腐败在中国更加公开,被起诉的比例更大。”   More in the open than "campaign contributions"?   难道中国的腐败公开程度比“政治献金”还高?    """""An appliance retailer who was once China*s richest businessman was sentenced to 14 years for insider trading and other crimes Tuesday, the latest in a series of Chinese tycoons jailed for financial offenses."""""""   “周二,一个曾是中国最富的家电零售商人因内幕交易和其他罪名被宣判十四年徒刑,这是因金融犯罪而入狱的一系列中国巨头最近的一位。”   how backwards can you get ---by american standards he should be exalted as a financial genius and collecting millions in bonuses.   你也太落伍了——按照美国标准,他应该被尊为金融天才并获得百万美元的奖金。   Wait they locked up a rich guy who committed crimes?!? How dare they! In America we let rich people run roughshod over the law, pay no penance, take no responsibility and let the taxpayers shoulder the burden!   等一下,他们锁拿了一个被指控犯罪的富有家伙?!?他们怎么敢做这种事!   在美国,我们让富人们任意践踏法律,无需忏悔、无需负责,然后让纳税人来承担后果!   In America, this is what we call "doing God*s work".   在美国,我们管这种行为叫做“做上帝的工作”。   The day we start cracking down on our politicians, we will be left with no US Congress.   我们要是如此整治政客的话,美国国会早死光光了   We would not have any politicians left if an investigation of this magnitude would happen to our government.   如果我们也来一次这种程度的反腐,我们的政府将空无一人。   Just imagine if all of the corrupt Obama administration officials were expelled; there wouldn*t be anyone left!   想象一下,奥巴马政府的那些腐败人员被驱逐的后的样子吧,这将一无所留   美国:合法腐败、合法强盗。   关于美国政客腐败的书籍。   Corruptions have been around in every corner of the world since human*s existence. So what*s the big deal for you to post your idiotic comments.   自从有人类以来腐败就存在每一个地方,你们的蠢蛋评论又有什么大不了的呢?   Absolute power corrupts. The longer anyone retains absolute power, the more corrupt they will become. We see this in everyday political life here in the USA and in other countries.   The difference between China and the USA? The Chinese general might be killed. A US general would be retired.   绝对权力造成腐败,一个人的权利把控时间越长,越容易腐败,在美国和其他国家的政治生涯中屡见不鲜   而美国和中国的区别就是,中国贪污的会被处死,而美国的贪污将军会合法退休。
忙碌的蚂蚁 发表于 2015-3-19 07:29

meteozwh 发表于 2015-3-19 07:47

除此以外,印象中美国富翁得到的最大惩罚往往 ...
看见常委 军委副主席该是啥样的评论呢。。。。。
忙碌的蚂蚁 发表于 2015-3-19 07:49
就是 赫芬顿邮报
meteozwh 发表于 2015-3-19 07:47

除此以外,印象中美国富翁得到的最大惩罚往往 ...
木马夺舰涅尔爪 发表于 2015-3-19 07:56


第一条回复的时间 : Scott Zwartz 02:26 PM on 5/20/2010



第一条回复的时间 : Scott Zwartz 02:26 PM on 5/20/2010

Difference between China and US. In China and are an official and caught doing wrong you are execute ...
忙碌的蚂蚁 发表于 2015-3-19 07:29
xpatrickc 发表于 2015-3-19 08:28
有,麦道夫的庞氏骗局忽悠了一大票富翁,然后进去了。再久远一点么,芝加哥的黑帮老大(当然也是大富翁) ...
w1nd_fly 发表于 2015-3-19 08:40