[精品]印度公知名博文章:中国的优势(TG GZJY速来膜拜 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 16:31:40


Advantage China中国的优势
        It was an everyday morning in the housing colony and the sabziwalla was doing his rounds. A housewife selected a sizeable quantity of vegetables from him, and, without asking him what she owed him, handed over 20, which was clearly inadequate payment for her purchases. The sabziwalla accepted this token payment without protest.
The housewife's tenant — a young man from China — came out and also bought some vegetables, paying the right price for them. The housewife ordered the vendor to return the money and said to her tenant: "Just give him 10 or 20 rupees. I am the wife of a managing committee member and he dare not charge me the full price, or he'll be banned from coming into the colony. As my tenant, you have the same privilege." The tenant waited till landlady had gone into the house, then he paid the vegetable seller the full amount.
       That small incident might help partly to explain a very big question: Why is it that China is so far ahead of India in almost all fields? The most commonly cited reason for China's lead over India is that China as a totalitarian state is made to march forward to the same drumbeat or face the consequences, whereas India enjoys a chalta-hai democracy, in which for every one step forward we take, we seem to go three steps sideways. Dictatorships tend to be, at least outwardly, single-minded and more disciplined; democracies, being diverse, are often divided as to their goals.

Fair enough. But there could be another, equally fundamental reason why India remains so far behind China. And that reason — illustrated by the anecdote about the wife of the managing committee member taking it as her right to shortchange the sabziwalla — is entrenched and everyday corruption.



All of us express outrage at the corruption of our politicians and bureaucrats. But one way or the other, all of us are implicated in either giving or taking graft, of one form or another. Bribery and corruption have become the lubricants of the wheels and deals of everyday living, from awarding a government contract, buying defence equipment to protect the country, selecting a sports team to represent the nation, or buying one's daily vegetables.

Of course, China also has its share of corruption, as shown by the recent much-publicised trial of Bo Xilai, an eminent political figure. But perhaps in China corruption hasn't become a routine reflex, performed almost automatically and without thinking, as it seems to have become in India.

It's like breathing. You don't have to think before you breathe; breathing happens naturally. In India bribery has become a fact of nature like breathing. This common air of corruption that we breathe infects us all, and affects our everyday relationships with others, from the babu we have to bribe to get our work done to the sabziwalla we shortchange through the misuse of authority.




All-pervasive corruption corrodes the unwritten contract, the mutual trust on which society is based. By cheating you today, i ensure that you'll cheat me tomorrow, or whenever you have the chance. In the end everyone loses, because today's cheater is tomorrow's cheated, and vice versa.
Advantage China, disadvantage India.




Advantage China中国的优势
        It was an everyday morning in the housing colony and the sabziwalla was doing his rounds. A housewife selected a sizeable quantity of vegetables from him, and, without asking him what she owed him, handed over 20, which was clearly inadequate payment for her purchases. The sabziwalla accepted this token payment without protest.
The housewife's tenant — a young man from China — came out and also bought some vegetables, paying the right price for them. The housewife ordered the vendor to return the money and said to her tenant: "Just give him 10 or 20 rupees. I am the wife of a managing committee member and he dare not charge me the full price, or he'll be banned from coming into the colony. As my tenant, you have the same privilege." The tenant waited till landlady had gone into the house, then he paid the vegetable seller the full amount.
       That small incident might help partly to explain a very big question: Why is it that China is so far ahead of India in almost all fields? The most commonly cited reason for China's lead over India is that China as a totalitarian state is made to march forward to the same drumbeat or face the consequences, whereas India enjoys a chalta-hai democracy, in which for every one step forward we take, we seem to go three steps sideways. Dictatorships tend to be, at least outwardly, single-minded and more disciplined; democracies, being diverse, are often divided as to their goals.

Fair enough. But there could be another, equally fundamental reason why India remains so far behind China. And that reason — illustrated by the anecdote about the wife of the managing committee member taking it as her right to shortchange the sabziwalla — is entrenched and everyday corruption.



All of us express outrage at the corruption of our politicians and bureaucrats. But one way or the other, all of us are implicated in either giving or taking graft, of one form or another. Bribery and corruption have become the lubricants of the wheels and deals of everyday living, from awarding a government contract, buying defence equipment to protect the country, selecting a sports team to represent the nation, or buying one's daily vegetables.

Of course, China also has its share of corruption, as shown by the recent much-publicised trial of Bo Xilai, an eminent political figure. But perhaps in China corruption hasn't become a routine reflex, performed almost automatically and without thinking, as it seems to have become in India.

It's like breathing. You don't have to think before you breathe; breathing happens naturally. In India bribery has become a fact of nature like breathing. This common air of corruption that we breathe infects us all, and affects our everyday relationships with others, from the babu we have to bribe to get our work done to the sabziwalla we shortchange through the misuse of authority.




All-pervasive corruption corrodes the unwritten contract, the mutual trust on which society is based. By cheating you today, i ensure that you'll cheat me tomorrow, or whenever you have the chance. In the end everyone loses, because today's cheater is tomorrow's cheated, and vice versa.
Advantage China, disadvantage India.


这也不像公知文,应该就是事实。不少中国商人不想投资印度的一个原因,就是“印度是一个你行贿都不会给你办 ...
rajray(World) says:
March 09,2014 at 01:19PM IST
How depressingly true this incident sounds....I'm glad that you've given space to something that needs to be discussed in India i.e. why we lag far behind China, in so many vital areas and why we are falling behind every day....To me the answer lies in that China has developed its manpower and harnessed it to build up a formidable secular modern, society....while India has created islands of urban modernity in a sea of illiteracy, hopelessness and poverty. India has a big population but most of it cannot contribute in any meaningful way..... And the low level of the electorate means elected leaders just not competent to do their jobs.......China might be totalitarian, but its leaders are smart, highly qualified and dynamic. Each builds on the legacy of his predecessor.....Here in (democratic) India we have single family dynastic rule since our independence 60 years ago and we cannot even begin to compete with the Chinese leadership....It's the same story everywhere, they have better generals, administrators, teachers, scientists and managers....Ive know many Chinese and can vouch that they are at least 50 years ahead in their thinking. We get worked up about mandir-masjid, state division, language, communal riots, caste , god men and other equally nonsensical issues....... China just does not waste time on these stupidities, they are too busy getting ahead.
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这个故事反映的现实让人沮丧,我很开心你提供了一个平台让大家讨论印度的大问题。为什么我们与中国的差距越来越大,在许多重大领域,我们每天都在被拉开距离。。以我来看,中国依靠发展他的人力资源,建立起一个强大不朽的现代社会。。。而印度则是创造出了聚集了大量贫穷,没有希望的文盲所组成的都市。印度有大量的人口,但是大部分人都不能做出贡献。。。低素质的选民选出的领导人根本不能胜任他们的工作。可能中国是极权主义的,但是他们的领袖们都很聪明,尽职而且富有活力,每一个都是他们的前任指定下上台的。 而在民主的印度,我们只有一个家族统治的王朝(指甘地家族),我们甚至不能和中国的领导层展开竞争。中国有更好的将军,官员,教师,科学家和管理人员。我认识很多中国人,我担保他们早已想好了50年后的发展。我们整天忙于QZS,国家分裂,各地语言,毛派起义,种姓问题,印度教等等一系列的荒谬问题。而中国没有浪费时间在这些愚蠢的问题上,他们忙着去发展进步。
Deepak (China) says:
March 09,2014 at 04:52PM IST
I am in China for the last seven years running a company. The single most important difference between China and India is "Discipline" which covers all aspects of life. In India democracy has been interpreted as free for all and no discipline. In China a certain minimum discipline is part of their personality. It has enabled them to bring 600 mln. people out of poverty in last 20 years. Any political system which can achieve this is better than a so called democracy which leads to exploitation of people and sees that they remain in deprivation perpetually.
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我在中国开公司已经7年了。 中国和印度最大的区别在于贯穿日常所有生活的”纪律性“。在印度,民主被解读为什么都是自由的,且不用有纪律。在中国,最低限度的纪律存在于每个人的性格中。这使得他们可以在过去20年里让6亿人脱离了贫困。能做出这种成绩的体制比所谓的民主制度要好多了。所谓的民主制度导致了人民被剥削,且永远的留在贫困中。
rakeshkatyal16(Delhi) says:
March 09,2014 at 03:08PM IST
India is ruled by choron ki barat, Congress on the horse and Maya, Mulayam, Pawar, Marans, Lalu, Kalmadi, Karunanidhi as baratis. Who cares for the subziwal.
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印度是被 choron ki barat掌控的,还有国会里的Maya, Mulayam, Pawar, Marans, Lalu, Kalmadi, Karunanidhi 。谁在乎那个菜贩啊?
Alex(Singapore) says:
March 09,2014 at07:49 AM IST7 Followers
Mumbai has known to be the third class city in the world. My recent visit to Mumbai makes me believe why it is third class. The roads is a complete mess where more than half of the roads are occupied by pedestrians and footpath is occupied by vegetable sellers. The ugly looking yellow black taxis are a cr-ap model of cars with ugly looking drivers with no proper dress. People live, cook and wash under flyovers. Mumbai trains are the dirties example of train in the world. People are manner-less, rude with no civic sense.
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Ravindra Dixit(Mumbai) says:
March 09,2014 at 01:29 PM IST29 Followers
Sad but true, all our troubles boil down to this one reality, we have gone too far down the wrong road and course correction would take tremendous effort and courage, but today or tomorrow it has to be done.
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Vijay Tiwari(Darjeeling) says:
March 09,2014 at  03:14 PM IST53 Followers
It is true that current system has produced a sizable corrupt mass and attitude of general society towards these corrupts is not as critical as it should be. Now, we hope that our younger generation will fight by nail and tooth with this evil.
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rajray(World) says:
March 09,2014 at 01:19PM IST

我们看美 ...

Sunny Bhatia(jaipur) says:
March 09,2014 at 01:58 PM IST1 Follower
Very Truly said., we should first look at ourselves before looking out for others..
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younis dar(jammu) says:
March 09,2014 at 10:17 PM IST7 Followers
October 09,2013 at 10:17 PM IST7 Followers
True, but the qualities of the people seem inherited, and therefore difficult to change. The Chinese were good at hard-work, westerners for their talent and technology, Arabs for their resources. The change of qualities seems to be going against the law of nature as it transpires looking back at the vast history. These qualities can only slightly change, and certainly the power to change oneself is in ones own hands.
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很真实, 但是人的品性都是遗传下来的,很难改变。中国人擅长于努力工作,西方有人才和技术,阿拉伯人有自然资源。如同现在回顾浩瀚的历史一样,改变人的品性似乎违背了自然规律。品性只能慢慢转变,当然大力改变天性只能靠自己了。

举个简单的例子 小时候交作业 同学们用的信纸  都他妈的带着父母单位的抬头

你自己去小卖部买 还会被人笑话
huwge 发表于 2014-4-21 09:36
