
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/27 21:00:41
BEIJING - Reading the most frequently emailed article list on The New York Times website is instructive these days.

For days, China has ranked in the top three most popularly searched terms on the site.

Last weekend, four of the newspaper’s top ten most emailed articles were about China: the ongoing controversy over extreme Chinese parenting; a U.S. solar company’s decision to shut down its main operations in Massachusetts; an op-ed about the strength of Chinese education and the importance of Confucianism; and the opportunities for American architects to design and build, unfettered, in China.


Other Western media coverage of China has verged on hysteria: ranging from an entire Glenn Beck program last week devoted to the country (“Their kids are passing us!”  “They’re grabbing more and more oil!”) to a bewildering piece in Foreign Policy magazine about not just the rise of China but the rise of the Han Chinese.

No wonder a poll last week found that nearly half of Americans surveyed say China is the world’s top economic power.

And just what do the Chinese make of all this talk?




"What superpower?"

Well, we know there’s a large population in China that believes their country is a superpower and that, frankly, it’s about time.  These hardcore nationalists can be found in Chinese Internet chat rooms, holding court on the “American conspiracy theory”:

“[Extreme nationalists] hold high the ‘patriotic’ banner, talk about hundreds of years of national humiliation, claim that the U.S.-led Western alliance is still ‘trying to push China to death,’ and regard the exchange rate, foreign debt purchase, trade deficit, climate change, Central Asian anti-terrorism campaigns and the neighboring countries’ worries against China as burdens.  They insist ‘China can say no,’ and that the ‘China model’ will be popular all over the world.”

But speaking to young educated urban Chinese, we found a much more measured and reasoned view as well as a great deal of skepticism about whether China is indeed a superpower.




“China might look like [it’s very powerful] from the outside,” said He Rui, a 24-year-old local government employee in Changchun, Jilin Province.  “However, there are still a lot of serious problems [like] the environment or income inequality.  If [our government] can address these problems and also keep [the country] improving and growing, then maybe it can become a very powerful nation.”

Challenges such as pollution and environmental degradation; managing a population of 1.3 billion – 350 million to 400 million of whom are expected to move to cities within 20 years; widespread political corruption; a yawning gap between the haves and have-nots; a rapidly ageing population; a vociferous need for energy to keep the economy going – all these and more tend to offset any inclination for self-congratulation.

“表面上去中国是这样(很强大),但现在仍有很多沉疴痼疾,比如环境和收入差距。如果(我们的政府)能解决这些问题并且保持(国家)发展和增长,就可能成为一个非常强大的国家。”He Rui如此回答,他是吉林省长春市一名24岁的政府雇员。


In fact, only 12 percent of Chinese surveyed last month in an annual poll believe their country is a “superpower.”  And that was a drop from the year before.

“I think when we look at our own country, we can be more critical and see the flaws or weaknesses,” said Mandy Wu, a 22-year-old resident of Beijing who is preparing to sit for a graduate school exam to study history or politics.  “Maybe Americans look at certain areas where they think they are weak and then compare it to China, where those areas are strengths for China.”

The appeal of the American dream

Despite reading reports of American malaise or the viability of the American dream, some Chinese students said day-to-day life in their country is still very hard.


“我认为在看待自己国家时,我们会比较审慎地检视缺点和不足。可能美国人在和中国比照时,会以己之短,量人之长。”22岁的Mandy Wu说,他是北京人,正在准备学校的一场毕业考试,以决定读历史还是政治。

The appeal of the American dream

Despite reading reports of American malaise or the viability of the American dream, some Chinese students said day-to-day life in their country is still very hard.

“I don’t know how many Americans feel frustrated or how many still hold their beliefs.  But in China I think there are many people who believe that they should be better off or have a dream,” said Li Kaiyuan who is from Jiangsu Province but is studying acoustics at Beijing’s Academy of Science.  “They spend the day in a very large machine.  They do not have a dream.”

“Many people are unsatisfied with their current livelihood,” echoed Lu Jie from Shanghai Normal University. “I do not think a country with numerous domestic problems can be called a superpower.”

While everyone we interviewed acknowledged China’s economic might, some questioned its sustainability. “The economy is export-oriented, which is built on cheap labor,” said Wu Mian, a sophomore from Yunnan Province who is studying at Hong Kong’s Baptist University. “Now even that labor advantage is disappearing.”



“我不知道现在美国有多少人失魂落魄,又有多少在坚守信念。但在中国,我认为,很多人觉得自己本应该过得更好或者拥有一个梦。而他们只是在巨型机械设备当中穿梭度日,他们没有梦。”Li Kaiyuan说道,他来自江苏,正在北京的中科院研究声学。

来日上海师范大学的Lu Jie观点相同,“很多人对他们当前的生活并不满意。一个问题缠身的国家不应该叫做超级大国。”

尽管被采访的每个人都清楚中国的经济能力,一些人会质疑其持续性。在香港浸会大学读大二的云南人Wu Mian说,“这是出口导向型的经济,靠的是廉价劳动力。现在这种优势正逐渐丧失。”

And everyone believed their nation is still lagging in all other areas. For instance, the U.S. is still seen as the leading producer of innovative ideas and cutting edge technology across all industries.

“I don’t want to have my PhD education in China.  I have a dream to go to America,” said Li, the acoustics student. “America is still the scientific center of the world.”

It’s not just science and technology.

“I do believe Chinese people or at least the majority of Chinese people are enjoying a higher standard of living,” said Wu Mian. “We consume more.  We have more money in our pockets to buy more products from other countries.  But I still think we are learning from other countries and the lifestyle we are imitating now is from other countries.”

The limits of soft power



“我确实认为中国人或者至少大部分中国人的生活水平日渐提高,”Wu Mian说。“我们消费得更多了。口袋里的钱多了,买的外国产品也多了。但我还是觉得我们只是在学习其他国家并且模仿它们的生活方式。”

The limits of soft power

Chinese values might also be too esoteric for the country to have the kind of cultural influence exhibited by the U.S.  Liu Zhuo-yu, a native of Chongqing studying at Hunan’s Central South University, characterized the current national values system as having two defining features: an inferiority complex that China fell behind the West in the 19th and 20th centuries and paradoxically a deep pride in its ancient history and culture.

“There is always a gap between China and the West in this field. That is why we cannot communicate with [the West] very well,” she added.

Limits on “soft power,” an essential ingredient to achieving superpower status, might also be due to censorship in China, others noted.  “People do not have the complete freedom of speech,” said Wu Mian. “In this case, it’s too early to say whether the country’s culture is influential or not.”


中国人的价值观太内敛,不可能像美国那样展现出文化影响力。Liu Zhou-yu,在湖南中南大学读书的重庆人,他把现在的国家价值体系分成不同的两部分:19世纪和20世纪中国落后西方的“自卑情结”;却又对古代历史和文化感到深深地自豪。


“软实力”作为获得超级大国地位的重要部分,其受到限制也可能是因为中国的审查制度。Ma Mian说,“人们没有彻底的言论自由。所以,这个国家的文化影响力如何还未可知。”

“The Chinese model is not perfect, much less perfect than western countries,” said Wu Hao, a graduate student of journalism at Renmin University.

Underlying the criticism, however, was a sense of earnestness.

“I think it’s important for America to improve, because it will help China grow, too,” said He Rui. “Because then we have somewhere to turn to for direction and for learning. Of course, we have our own direction, but we want to grow with the U.S.”

“I don’t care whether China or the U.S. is a superpower,” said Wu Hao. “I just want the world to be better.” And, of course, there was a sense of anticipation, too.

“I think I can see [China becoming a superpower],” said Mandy Wu. “In my lifetime, I have seen the country become this strong.”

“But even if it rises, it doesn’t mean it’s dangerous country,” she added.

With assistance from He Xin and Zhu Tong.

中国人民大学新闻系毕业生Wu Hao“中国模式并不完美,怎么也比不上西方国家。”尽管这种批判之下,是一种真挚的情感
He Rui,“我觉得美国的增长也很重要,因为这可以帮助到中国。我们就有彼此学习和借鉴的地方。当然,我们有自己的方向,但我们想和美国一起发展。”

Wu Hao,“我不关心中国或者说美国是个超级大国,我只想世界变得更好。”当然,这里面满是期望。

Mandy Wu,“有生之年,我可以看到中国成为一个超级大国,毕竟我已经见到中国变得强大了。但中国的崛起并不意味着中国就是个危险国家。”

He Xin和Zhu Tong对此文亦有贡献。

All politicians have an agenda, as aimless as most are around the world(or even pointless). Don't matter what system is in place. The elected and appointed officials ultimately get Rich unlike the people that put them there. Ignorance is bliss...


Adam from Canada
It's true, we hear from Gates that China is a force to reckon with, that we must keep it in tow in order to secure our interests. But from this article it would seem that the Chinese people are very different from the way they are portrayed by Western politicians. Not to vindicate their politicians though, because it is probable that they are the same belligerent, hawkish, egotistical and self serving politicians as we have here in the Western world. If only our politicians would listen to the people, "live and let live."


"because it is probable that they are the same beligerent, hawkish, egotistical and self serving politicians as we have here in the Western world. If only our politicians would listen to the people, "live and let live.""
I think that's the case pretty much in every country. The governments don't often represent the sentiments of the people. Even in Iran this is the case. A lot of their younger folk would actually like to be a little more "westernized".
It's the "have mores'" at the top who "want more" that keep countries in conflict with each other. Most average people just want to live their lives and be left alone.


Adam from Canada " If only our politicians would listen to the people, "live and let live." "
How cute, but that doesn't work very well when one side (China) is taking away our means of living through unfair trade practices and stealing our industrial secrets by 'hacking' into our industrial computers - an unofficial policy of the Chinese government.


If I were the Chinese people, I wouldn't want superpower status. Along with that status comes a responsibility, that acted upon, in the end leaves the rest of the world end's up hating and despising you.


craig speakman
Whenever I think of China I think of the classic line; who needs enemies when you've got friends like the Chinese. There is very little that the Chinese and American people share in common outside of the zest to improve one's quality of life.
Following WWII, America was full of pride and was restless with the ambition of creating a better quality of life through inspired innovation. Now that America has achieved what can only be described as a remarkable achievement is testament to what man can achieve when one sets lofty goals for itself.
However, that is not what is propelling China's growth. China's growth is being fueled by the West's desire to exploit a cheap labor pool and the largest pool of consumers the world has ever seen. Subsequently, billion of dollars of foreign investment has been pouring into China, and with it, decades of research and development which the Chinese are exploiting by stealing all the technology created by Western corporations, universities and govts.. Asia's strength has traditionally not been innovation, but taking the innovation and tweaking it to make it better (think Japan).
The Chinese are not America's friend, they are merely exploiters of man's achilles heel, which is greed. They will continue to take everything the West is willing to give away to them in their quest for profits, but when they reach the point where they no longer need the foreign investment and innovation, they will become the worst schoolyard bully the world has ever seen. Mark my words!


Let the American's pay for fighting wars, deposing of dictators and nation building with their tax dollars and soldier citizen's. The US mantras is no spoils for the victors, allow massive immigration and spend billions to help the despicable country recover from the damages the US military and State Department causes or perceives before they leave to ruin another country. Chinese and Russians are smart.


What difference does perception make? We trade with China and there is an imbalance, not only on the books but, also in the monetary exchange. If we're going to bend over and let them do what they are doing then we will reap the rewards and be not only a debtor nation but, also a non-respected one as well. We still have plenty and we have the ability to right ourselves. All this soul searching for what we should and shouldn't do is stupid. Get leaders that have our best interest as a country and ideals at heart and not those with a particular agenda to change our whole country from a capitalist one to a socialist one like the currrent admin.


Until our students are saying they want to go to China to get their education rather than vice versa, I'm not seeing an issue. China uses a majority of the world’s oil to make petroleum based products i.e. our kids toys and our picnics forks and spoons. They are just now becoming an industrialized nation. Look up when the U.S. became industrialized. Research what it is we make. We don't need to make cheap plastic crap because our economy hasn't been geared that way since before WW2. Most of you have bought into the sell our government is giving you on China and you've done nothing to study where and why the U.S. is great. I have no problem with that sell because it's based on fear. Without that fear our fat, spoiled nation will only become more complacent and countries like China and India will become a real issue. Talking up China only works to make those that can, do.


Once the majority of the Chinese population becomes morbidly obese and start calling themselves "consumers," then we'll talk.


Jack Mack
In part through the aggressive pursuit of "free trade" agreements that open American markets but that do not enforce similar openness on the part of our partners, America has moved to a kind of post-national footing. The institutions that control our government have zero allegiance to or interest in uplifting the nation. Their interest lies exclusively in delivering value to their shareholders. If that value comes at the expense of the United States and its citizens, so be it. The shareholder, not the citizen, is the fundamental unit to whom stewardship is owed.


What this means for America the nation is that we are on a path toward greater wealth disparity. The companies that run our government will "vote themselves benefits" by ensuring that tax structures support whatever activities they deem most profitable, and that subsidies will continue as well.
Meanwhile, the Chinese model appears to be different - there, there is a government that seems to serve a national interest (though it may be more self-serving than I can see from this distant perch). Therefore, companies that want to play there must do China's bidding - whether by giving up trade secrets or otherwise submitting to the will of the Chinese government.
As long as the American Government is controlled by corporate institutions, it will do their bidding and will spin to the citizenry all manner of tales of how good it is at protecting us. China has taken excellent advantage of this imbalance and in fact this weakness in our governance and culture.


Charles E. Chessa
If one believes that China isn't a Super Power they are lacking up stairs.


12% of 1.3 Billion = 150 Million Chinese who feel like they are a superpower.
No big deal, just half the population of the U.S. or the 10th largest nation in the world.
Real question should be what happens when those 12% demand their country start acting like a superpower. I don't remember 1950-1989 being a great age of cooperation in a bipolar world.


Hob Sigmon
I read with interest the "Super Power" discussion. I spent several months in China in 2002. My hosts could not have been nicer. I enjoyed immensely the many places I was able to visit. My impressions are as follows: (1) China is definitely NOT a super power..certainly not at this time. There military capabilities are meager compared to the USA. (2) Their economy is based on export (primarily to the USA) so in a one on one show down they would be severely limited for the simple reason they would be at war with their #1 customer. (3) Have no doubt; their education system is effective..with outstanding results but because it is so controlled it lacks the ability to instill a sense of freedom and individualism that is imperative to long term successful personal growth. Sustained economic & social growth can only be achieved through a free and open society.

⑴ 中国绝不是一个超级大国,至少现在不是。军事能力无法和美国相提并论。
⑵ 中国的经济是出口带动型(主要出口到美国),所以一对一摊牌时,仅受限于这个原因,中国就不会和自己最大的客户开战。
⑶ 毫无疑问,中国的教育制度卓有成效。但这套体制管理苛刻,缺乏能力去培养学生自由理念和个人主义思维,这对成功的个人长期发展不可或缺。经济和社会的持续发展只有在自由和开发的社会中才会实现。
BEIJING - Reading the most frequently emailed article list on The New York Times website is instructive these days.

For days, China has ranked in the top three most popularly searched terms on the site.

Last weekend, four of the newspaper’s top ten most emailed articles were about China: the ongoing controversy over extreme Chinese parenting; a U.S. solar company’s decision to shut down its main operations in Massachusetts; an op-ed about the strength of Chinese education and the importance of Confucianism; and the opportunities for American architects to design and build, unfettered, in China.


Other Western media coverage of China has verged on hysteria: ranging from an entire Glenn Beck program last week devoted to the country (“Their kids are passing us!”  “They’re grabbing more and more oil!”) to a bewildering piece in Foreign Policy magazine about not just the rise of China but the rise of the Han Chinese.

No wonder a poll last week found that nearly half of Americans surveyed say China is the world’s top economic power.

And just what do the Chinese make of all this talk?




"What superpower?"

Well, we know there’s a large population in China that believes their country is a superpower and that, frankly, it’s about time.  These hardcore nationalists can be found in Chinese Internet chat rooms, holding court on the “American conspiracy theory”:

“[Extreme nationalists] hold high the ‘patriotic’ banner, talk about hundreds of years of national humiliation, claim that the U.S.-led Western alliance is still ‘trying to push China to death,’ and regard the exchange rate, foreign debt purchase, trade deficit, climate change, Central Asian anti-terrorism campaigns and the neighboring countries’ worries against China as burdens.  They insist ‘China can say no,’ and that the ‘China model’ will be popular all over the world.”

But speaking to young educated urban Chinese, we found a much more measured and reasoned view as well as a great deal of skepticism about whether China is indeed a superpower.




“China might look like [it’s very powerful] from the outside,” said He Rui, a 24-year-old local government employee in Changchun, Jilin Province.  “However, there are still a lot of serious problems [like] the environment or income inequality.  If [our government] can address these problems and also keep [the country] improving and growing, then maybe it can become a very powerful nation.”

Challenges such as pollution and environmental degradation; managing a population of 1.3 billion – 350 million to 400 million of whom are expected to move to cities within 20 years; widespread political corruption; a yawning gap between the haves and have-nots; a rapidly ageing population; a vociferous need for energy to keep the economy going – all these and more tend to offset any inclination for self-congratulation.

“表面上去中国是这样(很强大),但现在仍有很多沉疴痼疾,比如环境和收入差距。如果(我们的政府)能解决这些问题并且保持(国家)发展和增长,就可能成为一个非常强大的国家。”He Rui如此回答,他是吉林省长春市一名24岁的政府雇员。


In fact, only 12 percent of Chinese surveyed last month in an annual poll believe their country is a “superpower.”  And that was a drop from the year before.

“I think when we look at our own country, we can be more critical and see the flaws or weaknesses,” said Mandy Wu, a 22-year-old resident of Beijing who is preparing to sit for a graduate school exam to study history or politics.  “Maybe Americans look at certain areas where they think they are weak and then compare it to China, where those areas are strengths for China.”

The appeal of the American dream

Despite reading reports of American malaise or the viability of the American dream, some Chinese students said day-to-day life in their country is still very hard.


“我认为在看待自己国家时,我们会比较审慎地检视缺点和不足。可能美国人在和中国比照时,会以己之短,量人之长。”22岁的Mandy Wu说,他是北京人,正在准备学校的一场毕业考试,以决定读历史还是政治。

The appeal of the American dream

Despite reading reports of American malaise or the viability of the American dream, some Chinese students said day-to-day life in their country is still very hard.

“I don’t know how many Americans feel frustrated or how many still hold their beliefs.  But in China I think there are many people who believe that they should be better off or have a dream,” said Li Kaiyuan who is from Jiangsu Province but is studying acoustics at Beijing’s Academy of Science.  “They spend the day in a very large machine.  They do not have a dream.”

“Many people are unsatisfied with their current livelihood,” echoed Lu Jie from Shanghai Normal University. “I do not think a country with numerous domestic problems can be called a superpower.”

While everyone we interviewed acknowledged China’s economic might, some questioned its sustainability. “The economy is export-oriented, which is built on cheap labor,” said Wu Mian, a sophomore from Yunnan Province who is studying at Hong Kong’s Baptist University. “Now even that labor advantage is disappearing.”



“我不知道现在美国有多少人失魂落魄,又有多少在坚守信念。但在中国,我认为,很多人觉得自己本应该过得更好或者拥有一个梦。而他们只是在巨型机械设备当中穿梭度日,他们没有梦。”Li Kaiyuan说道,他来自江苏,正在北京的中科院研究声学。

来日上海师范大学的Lu Jie观点相同,“很多人对他们当前的生活并不满意。一个问题缠身的国家不应该叫做超级大国。”

尽管被采访的每个人都清楚中国的经济能力,一些人会质疑其持续性。在香港浸会大学读大二的云南人Wu Mian说,“这是出口导向型的经济,靠的是廉价劳动力。现在这种优势正逐渐丧失。”

And everyone believed their nation is still lagging in all other areas. For instance, the U.S. is still seen as the leading producer of innovative ideas and cutting edge technology across all industries.

“I don’t want to have my PhD education in China.  I have a dream to go to America,” said Li, the acoustics student. “America is still the scientific center of the world.”

It’s not just science and technology.

“I do believe Chinese people or at least the majority of Chinese people are enjoying a higher standard of living,” said Wu Mian. “We consume more.  We have more money in our pockets to buy more products from other countries.  But I still think we are learning from other countries and the lifestyle we are imitating now is from other countries.”

The limits of soft power



“我确实认为中国人或者至少大部分中国人的生活水平日渐提高,”Wu Mian说。“我们消费得更多了。口袋里的钱多了,买的外国产品也多了。但我还是觉得我们只是在学习其他国家并且模仿它们的生活方式。”

The limits of soft power

Chinese values might also be too esoteric for the country to have the kind of cultural influence exhibited by the U.S.  Liu Zhuo-yu, a native of Chongqing studying at Hunan’s Central South University, characterized the current national values system as having two defining features: an inferiority complex that China fell behind the West in the 19th and 20th centuries and paradoxically a deep pride in its ancient history and culture.

“There is always a gap between China and the West in this field. That is why we cannot communicate with [the West] very well,” she added.

Limits on “soft power,” an essential ingredient to achieving superpower status, might also be due to censorship in China, others noted.  “People do not have the complete freedom of speech,” said Wu Mian. “In this case, it’s too early to say whether the country’s culture is influential or not.”


中国人的价值观太内敛,不可能像美国那样展现出文化影响力。Liu Zhou-yu,在湖南中南大学读书的重庆人,他把现在的国家价值体系分成不同的两部分:19世纪和20世纪中国落后西方的“自卑情结”;却又对古代历史和文化感到深深地自豪。


“软实力”作为获得超级大国地位的重要部分,其受到限制也可能是因为中国的审查制度。Ma Mian说,“人们没有彻底的言论自由。所以,这个国家的文化影响力如何还未可知。”

“The Chinese model is not perfect, much less perfect than western countries,” said Wu Hao, a graduate student of journalism at Renmin University.

Underlying the criticism, however, was a sense of earnestness.

“I think it’s important for America to improve, because it will help China grow, too,” said He Rui. “Because then we have somewhere to turn to for direction and for learning. Of course, we have our own direction, but we want to grow with the U.S.”

“I don’t care whether China or the U.S. is a superpower,” said Wu Hao. “I just want the world to be better.” And, of course, there was a sense of anticipation, too.

“I think I can see [China becoming a superpower],” said Mandy Wu. “In my lifetime, I have seen the country become this strong.”

“But even if it rises, it doesn’t mean it’s dangerous country,” she added.

With assistance from He Xin and Zhu Tong.

中国人民大学新闻系毕业生Wu Hao“中国模式并不完美,怎么也比不上西方国家。”尽管这种批判之下,是一种真挚的情感
He Rui,“我觉得美国的增长也很重要,因为这可以帮助到中国。我们就有彼此学习和借鉴的地方。当然,我们有自己的方向,但我们想和美国一起发展。”

Wu Hao,“我不关心中国或者说美国是个超级大国,我只想世界变得更好。”当然,这里面满是期望。

Mandy Wu,“有生之年,我可以看到中国成为一个超级大国,毕竟我已经见到中国变得强大了。但中国的崛起并不意味着中国就是个危险国家。”

He Xin和Zhu Tong对此文亦有贡献。

All politicians have an agenda, as aimless as most are around the world(or even pointless). Don't matter what system is in place. The elected and appointed officials ultimately get Rich unlike the people that put them there. Ignorance is bliss...


Adam from Canada
It's true, we hear from Gates that China is a force to reckon with, that we must keep it in tow in order to secure our interests. But from this article it would seem that the Chinese people are very different from the way they are portrayed by Western politicians. Not to vindicate their politicians though, because it is probable that they are the same belligerent, hawkish, egotistical and self serving politicians as we have here in the Western world. If only our politicians would listen to the people, "live and let live."


"because it is probable that they are the same beligerent, hawkish, egotistical and self serving politicians as we have here in the Western world. If only our politicians would listen to the people, "live and let live.""
I think that's the case pretty much in every country. The governments don't often represent the sentiments of the people. Even in Iran this is the case. A lot of their younger folk would actually like to be a little more "westernized".
It's the "have mores'" at the top who "want more" that keep countries in conflict with each other. Most average people just want to live their lives and be left alone.


Adam from Canada " If only our politicians would listen to the people, "live and let live." "
How cute, but that doesn't work very well when one side (China) is taking away our means of living through unfair trade practices and stealing our industrial secrets by 'hacking' into our industrial computers - an unofficial policy of the Chinese government.


If I were the Chinese people, I wouldn't want superpower status. Along with that status comes a responsibility, that acted upon, in the end leaves the rest of the world end's up hating and despising you.


craig speakman
Whenever I think of China I think of the classic line; who needs enemies when you've got friends like the Chinese. There is very little that the Chinese and American people share in common outside of the zest to improve one's quality of life.
Following WWII, America was full of pride and was restless with the ambition of creating a better quality of life through inspired innovation. Now that America has achieved what can only be described as a remarkable achievement is testament to what man can achieve when one sets lofty goals for itself.
However, that is not what is propelling China's growth. China's growth is being fueled by the West's desire to exploit a cheap labor pool and the largest pool of consumers the world has ever seen. Subsequently, billion of dollars of foreign investment has been pouring into China, and with it, decades of research and development which the Chinese are exploiting by stealing all the technology created by Western corporations, universities and govts.. Asia's strength has traditionally not been innovation, but taking the innovation and tweaking it to make it better (think Japan).
The Chinese are not America's friend, they are merely exploiters of man's achilles heel, which is greed. They will continue to take everything the West is willing to give away to them in their quest for profits, but when they reach the point where they no longer need the foreign investment and innovation, they will become the worst schoolyard bully the world has ever seen. Mark my words!


Let the American's pay for fighting wars, deposing of dictators and nation building with their tax dollars and soldier citizen's. The US mantras is no spoils for the victors, allow massive immigration and spend billions to help the despicable country recover from the damages the US military and State Department causes or perceives before they leave to ruin another country. Chinese and Russians are smart.


What difference does perception make? We trade with China and there is an imbalance, not only on the books but, also in the monetary exchange. If we're going to bend over and let them do what they are doing then we will reap the rewards and be not only a debtor nation but, also a non-respected one as well. We still have plenty and we have the ability to right ourselves. All this soul searching for what we should and shouldn't do is stupid. Get leaders that have our best interest as a country and ideals at heart and not those with a particular agenda to change our whole country from a capitalist one to a socialist one like the currrent admin.


Until our students are saying they want to go to China to get their education rather than vice versa, I'm not seeing an issue. China uses a majority of the world’s oil to make petroleum based products i.e. our kids toys and our picnics forks and spoons. They are just now becoming an industrialized nation. Look up when the U.S. became industrialized. Research what it is we make. We don't need to make cheap plastic crap because our economy hasn't been geared that way since before WW2. Most of you have bought into the sell our government is giving you on China and you've done nothing to study where and why the U.S. is great. I have no problem with that sell because it's based on fear. Without that fear our fat, spoiled nation will only become more complacent and countries like China and India will become a real issue. Talking up China only works to make those that can, do.


Once the majority of the Chinese population becomes morbidly obese and start calling themselves "consumers," then we'll talk.


Jack Mack
In part through the aggressive pursuit of "free trade" agreements that open American markets but that do not enforce similar openness on the part of our partners, America has moved to a kind of post-national footing. The institutions that control our government have zero allegiance to or interest in uplifting the nation. Their interest lies exclusively in delivering value to their shareholders. If that value comes at the expense of the United States and its citizens, so be it. The shareholder, not the citizen, is the fundamental unit to whom stewardship is owed.


What this means for America the nation is that we are on a path toward greater wealth disparity. The companies that run our government will "vote themselves benefits" by ensuring that tax structures support whatever activities they deem most profitable, and that subsidies will continue as well.
Meanwhile, the Chinese model appears to be different - there, there is a government that seems to serve a national interest (though it may be more self-serving than I can see from this distant perch). Therefore, companies that want to play there must do China's bidding - whether by giving up trade secrets or otherwise submitting to the will of the Chinese government.
As long as the American Government is controlled by corporate institutions, it will do their bidding and will spin to the citizenry all manner of tales of how good it is at protecting us. China has taken excellent advantage of this imbalance and in fact this weakness in our governance and culture.


Charles E. Chessa
If one believes that China isn't a Super Power they are lacking up stairs.


12% of 1.3 Billion = 150 Million Chinese who feel like they are a superpower.
No big deal, just half the population of the U.S. or the 10th largest nation in the world.
Real question should be what happens when those 12% demand their country start acting like a superpower. I don't remember 1950-1989 being a great age of cooperation in a bipolar world.


Hob Sigmon
I read with interest the "Super Power" discussion. I spent several months in China in 2002. My hosts could not have been nicer. I enjoyed immensely the many places I was able to visit. My impressions are as follows: (1) China is definitely NOT a super power..certainly not at this time. There military capabilities are meager compared to the USA. (2) Their economy is based on export (primarily to the USA) so in a one on one show down they would be severely limited for the simple reason they would be at war with their #1 customer. (3) Have no doubt; their education system is effective..with outstanding results but because it is so controlled it lacks the ability to instill a sense of freedom and individualism that is imperative to long term successful personal growth. Sustained economic & social growth can only be achieved through a free and open society.

⑴ 中国绝不是一个超级大国,至少现在不是。军事能力无法和美国相提并论。
⑵ 中国的经济是出口带动型(主要出口到美国),所以一对一摊牌时,仅受限于这个原因,中国就不会和自己最大的客户开战。
⑶ 毫无疑问,中国的教育制度卓有成效。但这套体制管理苛刻,缺乏能力去培养学生自由理念和个人主义思维,这对成功的个人长期发展不可或缺。经济和社会的持续发展只有在自由和开发的社会中才会实现。

zhaishengmao 发表于 2011-10-24 10:15

zhaishengmao 发表于 2011-10-24 10:15

崩溃论 碰上了 带路JY;
忽悠局 喜遇见 分局同志。
zhaishengmao 发表于 2011-10-24 10:15
o(∩_∩)o 哈哈


列兵来混脸熟 支持小白兔
不要 被超级


Every dog has its day!

美国是 统治阶层的人 是精英, 智商特高,手段特犀利, 民众都是傻逼~