
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/27 21:00:55
<P>J-12 fighter is the first jet fighter designed and produced all by Chinese technology itself. It is also the first fighter of China not following the design of USSR, which grounds the basic of China jet fighter developing projects. But J-12 never entered the service because of its own death-wound.</P>
<P>Before the Culture Revolution, the PLA airforce started the "Small Fighter" project during Apr 1967, which was greatly effected by the political thoughts and leaders` preach. The project emphasized that the new fighter should be smaller, lighter and more agile. This was based on the theroy of "Air bushfighting" and carried out a agile, short distance takeoff and landing, easy maintenance and low cost small fighter. In 1969 Nanchang Airplane Company took the job and denominated it "J-12" the next year. The main director is Mr.Lu Xiao Peng. J-12 first flied in Dec 1970, then made a great air show for the leaders of the PLA. Marshal Ye Jianying called J-12 "Air Li Xiangyang" after the show, and Li Xiangyang is a famous guerilla captain in Chinese movie. The Marshal hoped that J-12 would be as heroism as Li Xiangyang and J-12 did it in maneuverability area. The pilots of J-12 all admirationd this.</P>

<P>The takeoff weight of J-12 is 4,450kg as well as the fuselage weight is just 3,100kg, both are the lightest record of jet fighters in the world. Due to the body is so small, the thrust of the engine is quite large. But the weight and size are just the death-wounds of J-12, too. There`s limited space of weapons, the weapon includes one 23mm gun and one 30mm gun, which are internal. And it can carry two air-to-air short range missles. This might be the weakest scheme of jet fighters. Because of the limited weight and head air intake design, the aviatic eletronic suites were cut down. There was no radar in the plane which damage the effetion of the fighter. Another problem is that there`s not enough space for fuel so that J-12`s voyage is very poor. These all caused the death of the J-12.</P>
<P>Though J-12 has all these problems, considering the situation and the technology at that time, Nanchang Airplane Company used many new technique and made some great achievement in certain areas of the fighter. This are the good side of the J-12 project.</P>
<P>尽管歼-12有种种弱点,但南昌飞机公司在当时的大环境和技术条件下,采用诸多新颖技术,在飞机性能的某些方面获得了很大成功,这是歼-12研制中可取的地方。参加过歼-12试飞的飞行员都交口称赞它的机动灵活的特点。其出色的机动飞行能力,给人们留下了深刻的印象。由于轻巧,歼-12战斗机在某些指标上非常优秀。例如海平面高度上的最大爬升率是 180米/秒。而和歼-12同年同月首次试飞的美国F-14战斗机的这一项指标是200米/秒;专门针对米格-21而设计的F-5E是160米/秒。歼-12在5,000 米高度上的最小盘旋半径是1,140米。而中低空机动性能突出的歼-6是1,200米;美国刻意改善盘旋性能的F-5E是1,080米,为此在该机机翼上安装了新的前后缘襟翼系统。歼-12在5,000米高度上,从M0.9水平加速到M1.2,所需时间为65秒。而歼-6是85秒;美国的F-5A是140秒。歼-12的水平是比较先进的。再看歼-12的地面机动性能,也就是它的短距起落性能。其起飞滑跑距离500米,着陆滑跑距离是510米。与歼-12重量相当的亚音速战斗机歼-5的起飞滑跑距离是590米,着陆滑跑距离是825米。歼-12能做到比歼-5的滑跑距离还要短是很不容易的,并且具有防尘装置,可在短土跑道上起落。歼-12的最大平飞速度,在11,000米高度上,最大M数1.5,优于歼-6;实用升限17,410米,与歼-6相当。歼-12在高空的巡航速度是M0.95,虽不能超音速巡航,但以能接近音速巡航。歼-12是迄今世界上最轻的超音速战斗机。它的正常起飞重量为4,450千克,最大正常起飞重量5,295千克,空机重量只有3,100千克。它装有一台涡喷6乙型喷气发动机,加力推力39.72千牛(4,050千克力),全机推重比可达0.91。歼-12的优越性能主要是靠机体重量轻和大的推重比而得到的。</P>
<P>There are two different design of J-12s, one contains a cone shaped centrebody in the air intake, the speed pipe are at the bottom of the edge of air intake. Another design has no centerbody and the pipe is on the top of the air intake.</P>80年代初,陆总师曾向海军航空兵提出以歼-12担当“岛载机”,利用该型号起飞距离“短”的特点,作一些适应性的改型后,把它放到国防边疆的岛屿上,承担大陆基地歼击机航程不足而无法担当的国土防空任务。到90年代初,国内论证发展舰载机,针对歼-12飞机的轻小、短距起降的特点,陆总师又极力推荐歼-12改舰载机。进入“九五”规划以后,随着国外出现像F-22、JSF等先进战斗机,陆总师提出了以F-22为作战目标的新型空中优势歼击机研究蓝图,以歼-12为基本型,取歼-12飞机的基本特点,改进机体结构、矢量推力、相控阵雷达、空中加油装置、两余度火控计算机、1553B总线、隐身附加材料和涂料、中距主动雷达制导导弹等,作为重型四代机的配套机与补充。但站长认为,该设想基于太多尚未成熟的设备,例如要在歼-12的机体上安装有足够探测距离的相控阵雷达,这是美俄都无法做到的,陆总师的想法只能是一厢情愿。

<P>航空博物馆的歼-12,可以看到底部细节 —— 工艺实在不好 ……  </P>不知道什么原因,我在该论坛发的图片无法显示,没办法,我只好把图片的连接帖出来:


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-29 14:12:15编辑过]
<P>J-12 fighter is the first jet fighter designed and produced all by Chinese technology itself. It is also the first fighter of China not following the design of USSR, which grounds the basic of China jet fighter developing projects. But J-12 never entered the service because of its own death-wound.</P>
<P>Before the Culture Revolution, the PLA airforce started the "Small Fighter" project during Apr 1967, which was greatly effected by the political thoughts and leaders` preach. The project emphasized that the new fighter should be smaller, lighter and more agile. This was based on the theroy of "Air bushfighting" and carried out a agile, short distance takeoff and landing, easy maintenance and low cost small fighter. In 1969 Nanchang Airplane Company took the job and denominated it "J-12" the next year. The main director is Mr.Lu Xiao Peng. J-12 first flied in Dec 1970, then made a great air show for the leaders of the PLA. Marshal Ye Jianying called J-12 "Air Li Xiangyang" after the show, and Li Xiangyang is a famous guerilla captain in Chinese movie. The Marshal hoped that J-12 would be as heroism as Li Xiangyang and J-12 did it in maneuverability area. The pilots of J-12 all admirationd this.</P>

<P>The takeoff weight of J-12 is 4,450kg as well as the fuselage weight is just 3,100kg, both are the lightest record of jet fighters in the world. Due to the body is so small, the thrust of the engine is quite large. But the weight and size are just the death-wounds of J-12, too. There`s limited space of weapons, the weapon includes one 23mm gun and one 30mm gun, which are internal. And it can carry two air-to-air short range missles. This might be the weakest scheme of jet fighters. Because of the limited weight and head air intake design, the aviatic eletronic suites were cut down. There was no radar in the plane which damage the effetion of the fighter. Another problem is that there`s not enough space for fuel so that J-12`s voyage is very poor. These all caused the death of the J-12.</P>
<P>Though J-12 has all these problems, considering the situation and the technology at that time, Nanchang Airplane Company used many new technique and made some great achievement in certain areas of the fighter. This are the good side of the J-12 project.</P>
<P>尽管歼-12有种种弱点,但南昌飞机公司在当时的大环境和技术条件下,采用诸多新颖技术,在飞机性能的某些方面获得了很大成功,这是歼-12研制中可取的地方。参加过歼-12试飞的飞行员都交口称赞它的机动灵活的特点。其出色的机动飞行能力,给人们留下了深刻的印象。由于轻巧,歼-12战斗机在某些指标上非常优秀。例如海平面高度上的最大爬升率是 180米/秒。而和歼-12同年同月首次试飞的美国F-14战斗机的这一项指标是200米/秒;专门针对米格-21而设计的F-5E是160米/秒。歼-12在5,000 米高度上的最小盘旋半径是1,140米。而中低空机动性能突出的歼-6是1,200米;美国刻意改善盘旋性能的F-5E是1,080米,为此在该机机翼上安装了新的前后缘襟翼系统。歼-12在5,000米高度上,从M0.9水平加速到M1.2,所需时间为65秒。而歼-6是85秒;美国的F-5A是140秒。歼-12的水平是比较先进的。再看歼-12的地面机动性能,也就是它的短距起落性能。其起飞滑跑距离500米,着陆滑跑距离是510米。与歼-12重量相当的亚音速战斗机歼-5的起飞滑跑距离是590米,着陆滑跑距离是825米。歼-12能做到比歼-5的滑跑距离还要短是很不容易的,并且具有防尘装置,可在短土跑道上起落。歼-12的最大平飞速度,在11,000米高度上,最大M数1.5,优于歼-6;实用升限17,410米,与歼-6相当。歼-12在高空的巡航速度是M0.95,虽不能超音速巡航,但以能接近音速巡航。歼-12是迄今世界上最轻的超音速战斗机。它的正常起飞重量为4,450千克,最大正常起飞重量5,295千克,空机重量只有3,100千克。它装有一台涡喷6乙型喷气发动机,加力推力39.72千牛(4,050千克力),全机推重比可达0.91。歼-12的优越性能主要是靠机体重量轻和大的推重比而得到的。</P>
<P>There are two different design of J-12s, one contains a cone shaped centrebody in the air intake, the speed pipe are at the bottom of the edge of air intake. Another design has no centerbody and the pipe is on the top of the air intake.</P>80年代初,陆总师曾向海军航空兵提出以歼-12担当“岛载机”,利用该型号起飞距离“短”的特点,作一些适应性的改型后,把它放到国防边疆的岛屿上,承担大陆基地歼击机航程不足而无法担当的国土防空任务。到90年代初,国内论证发展舰载机,针对歼-12飞机的轻小、短距起降的特点,陆总师又极力推荐歼-12改舰载机。进入“九五”规划以后,随着国外出现像F-22、JSF等先进战斗机,陆总师提出了以F-22为作战目标的新型空中优势歼击机研究蓝图,以歼-12为基本型,取歼-12飞机的基本特点,改进机体结构、矢量推力、相控阵雷达、空中加油装置、两余度火控计算机、1553B总线、隐身附加材料和涂料、中距主动雷达制导导弹等,作为重型四代机的配套机与补充。但站长认为,该设想基于太多尚未成熟的设备,例如要在歼-12的机体上安装有足够探测距离的相控阵雷达,这是美俄都无法做到的,陆总师的想法只能是一厢情愿。

<P>航空博物馆的歼-12,可以看到底部细节 —— 工艺实在不好 ……  </P>不知道什么原因,我在该论坛发的图片无法显示,没办法,我只好把图片的连接帖出来:


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-29 14:12:15编辑过]
空中李向阳 !
<B>以下是引用<I>zyuk111</I>在2004-9-30 21:16:00的发言:</B>



近视眼, 火力弱, 腿短. 这三点都是致命伤啊...
<B>以下是引用<i>cookship</i>在2004-10-2 9:32:00的发言:</B>