
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 08:05:05
【翻译截止日期】:2011-01-07 12:00:00
【翻译评论数/总评论】:43 / 43

中国居然没有躺着中枪,芥末啊……这篇文章在主页看到的题目是 “Growth in 2011(2011年的增长)”,于是俺穿着加厚防弹衣前往围观。但是由于这个相当恶毒的标题,导致多国人民的混合PK;然后又莫名的拐去了波多黎各。

第一次翻译,非专业人员,请多包涵 > <

Countries with the fastest and slowest growth forecasts

THE cost of insuring Ireland’s debt against default is now higher than insuring Argentina’s. Five-year Argentinean credit-default swaps (CDS) have been tightening, whilst Ireland’s have widened to 609 basis points, the third highest in the world, after Greece and Venezuela. GDP growth forecasts for 2011 are not much more optimistic for these European countries. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, a sister company of The Economist, Ireland’s and Greece’s GDP will decline by 0.9% and 3.6% respectively. The PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain), find themselves among the slowest growers this year. In contrast, after avoiding recession in 2008 and 2009, and enjoying the global recovery in 2010, Qatar is set to grow by 15.8% this year. Strong growth is largely due to its liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects and an expansionary fiscal policy focused on infrastructure. China and India are also projected another year of strong growth, 8.9% and 8.6%, respectively.
现在爱尔兰的债务违约保险成本比阿根廷还高。阿根廷的五年期信贷违约互换(CDS)已经在收紧,而爱尔兰的已扩大到609个基点,在世界第三位,仅次于希腊和委内瑞拉。2011年的GDP增长预测对这些欧洲国家来说并不乐观。根据经济学人情报组(EIU),经济学人的姐妹公司,爱尔兰和希腊的GDP将会为-0.9%和-3.6%。“欧洲猪国”(葡萄牙、爱尔兰、意大利、希腊和西班牙)发现他们处于今年增长最慢的国家之中。作为对比,在2008和2009年避免了衰退,并在2010年受惠于全球复苏的卡塔尔,今年将会增长15.8%。强势增长很大程度上是因为该国的液化天然气(LNG)工程和聚焦于基础设施的扩张性财政政策。中国和印度同样规划了又一年的强势增长,分别为8.9% 和 8.6%。

(公司内不可上传文件,俺回去了再贴图 = =|||)
评论翻译 Michael Dunne wrote:

Jan 4th 2011 3:04 GMT
I wonder why Puerto Rico is forecasted to experience a decline in GPD?
Recommend (53)


pedrolx wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 3:29 GMT
This is according to the ever so wonderful IMF. The government here expects Portugal to grow by 0.2% , and the EU is also kinder in its forecasts. In any case, forecasts are forecasts, everyone said Portugal wouldn't grow this year, and it will present a growth of 1.5%! ;-)
Recommend (22)


Carlos Collaco wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 3:36 GMT
Forecasts are what they are.
Coming from the EIU they should deservedly get a second look despite recent misses.But then everybody else failed too...
In the lucky lot all except Qatar are impressive on their own.
Fast growth is taking place where it's needed.
Ghana and Timor-Leste are especially heartening.
The slowest ten are striking for comprising the majors of ClubMed - literally crawling - plus Portugal, Ireland and Iceland, oil-rich Venezuela, small Caribbean island-nations and oddly, Puerto Rico(!).
Greece remains in deep trouble while in the Iberian Peninsula Spain hopefully returns to feeble growth.
Portugal double dips into recession unless it manages to export its way out to narrowly avoid one.
Recommend (11)
最慢的十个国家由地中海俱乐部组成 – 正如字面意思 – 加上葡萄牙,爱尔兰和冰岛,石油富足的委内瑞拉,小加勒比海岛屿国家和奇怪的,波多黎各(!)。


__jaime__ wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 3:50 GMT
It is incredible how disrespectful british finance press can be. Which is forecasted growth for UK? As bad as the PIIGS one. Britain once dominated the world, as Spain did, but that is no longer true.
All PIIGS countries are performing terribly bad, as UK does. So don't think you are much different.
I'm from Spain and I'm specally critical with my country. I think it should fall and Europe should let us fall, so people will learn the lesson and changes have to done will finally implemented. But even if I was German, a country that is teaching all us how we should be, I would never use a term like that. Calling these countries "pigs" you are playing a dangerous game, a game of segregation and disrespect.
British, if we, Mediterraneans, are "pigs" remember most powerful people of your country or union of countries, as you want, are a branch of snobs that only know how to move other's people money. You have no industry left, a strong coin, thousands of people living from subsidies and very poor prospects.
Recommend (65)


Besitz Belastet wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 4:26 GMT
Does someone have evidence for that Anglo-Saxons, or the British press in particular, coined the acronym "Pigs/Piigs"? I suspect an analyst in an investment bank - who is as likely to have been Spanish or Italian as s/he was British - started using it. An over-sensitive reaction to a mildly ironic acronym is not unlike that of insecure Islamists to the Danish cartoons - what does it really matter? Spain and Greece have deep structural economic problems. Britain too has structural economic problems (but less acute). So be it.
Recommend (33)
有人能拿出证据是盎格鲁-撒克逊人,或者说不列颠人的新闻中特别使用首字母创造了“Pigs/Piigs”吗?我猜是一个投行里的分析员 – 也许她/他曾是不列颠人而现在是西班牙或意大利人 – 开始使用这个词。对一个带有温和讽刺意味的缩写而过度敏感,与对丹麦动画而缺乏安全感的伊斯兰教徒没有什么不同 - 这事有什么大不了的?西班牙和希腊有深刻的结构性经济问题。不列颠同样有着结构性经济问题(不那么严重)。就是这样。


mename2332 wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 4:32 GMT
where is singapore?
Recommend (7)


hedgefundguy wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 4:45 GMT
I'll guess that PIIGS is a more politically correct name than
GIPSI - gypsy
Recommend (37)
GIPSI – 吉普赛人


Jonas_BsAs wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 5:05 GMT
Oh Jaime,cry me a river.
We Latin Americans have been the victims of spanish arrogance since forever and now, when you have mangaged to screw up your own economy, you cry for mercy?
Recommend (46)


VK1961 wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 5:14 GMT
The economic measurement is, of course, distorted by the *political* circumstances. Venezuela is where it is largely because of its, ah... ~extraordinary~ way of doing business with its trade partners; Puerto Rico's state of affairs is neither here nor there, due to its ancillary status, vis-a-vis the US; some other Caribbean islands are offshore havens for American and European tax-dodgers, so I'm not entirely sure that their "growth" should be applauded; Spain is still deflating its housing bubble (as is the US), caused in turn by grave political oversight, or even encouragement-- all in the wrong direction.
So tables, charts, etc. are all fine and good, but tell a partial, and often lopsided story.
Recommend (9)
对经济的衡量当然会受到“政治”环境的歪曲。委内瑞拉之所以是这样很大程度上是因为它的,呃……~非同寻常的~与贸易伙伴做生意的方式;波多黎各的形势非此也非彼,而是由于它的附属状态,面对美国的时候;其他的一些加勒比岛屿是美国和欧洲逃税者的离岸天堂,因此我不确定是否应该为他们的“增长”而鼓掌;西班牙仍因房地产泡沫而通缩(正如美国),由严重的政治失误,或者甚至是鼓励而导致 – 全都在错误的方向上。


inrio wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 7:28 GMT
Puerto Rico's constant and sharp decline has a direct relationship with it's lack of sovereignty which unables this latin and caribbean country to sign agreements and international treaties, just like the rest of Latin America, with emerging economies.
Recommend (16)


hedgefundguy wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 7:45 GMT
Puerto Rico, blame it on the Captain!
"Diageo’s Captain Morgan Rum’s distillery in the U.S. Virgin Islands is finally scheduled to produce rum by the end of the year."
"For many years, a third party distiller in Puerto Rico has been producing Captain Morgan Rum and selling it to Seagram’s. Diageo bought the Captain Morgan Rum label in 2001 inheriting this third party manufacturing agreement. They have looking for years how to arrange a way for them to produce their own rum under the Captain Morgan Rum label. With the manufacturing plant now being built for Diageo to produce the rum themselves, Puerto Rico will be losing millions of dollars that were coming to their territory from the rum excise tax."
http://www.caribbeanislandsrealt ... ns-rum-produced-...
Recommend (6)
“Diageo【总部在伦敦的高档酒业集团】在美国维尔京群岛【应为英属维尔京群岛,疑为发帖人笔误】的某朗姆酿酒厂在今年年底时终于准备生产朗姆酒了。”【Captain Morgan,一种朗姆酒商标】
http://www.caribbeanislandsrealt ... ns-rum-produced-...


Mago911 wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 8:08 GMT
Just for the record; Peru&acute;s economy grew at a 9.0 % rate in 2010.
Miguel A. Guerrero
Recommend (12)


Winston C wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 8:21 GMT
Well it is good to see that Africa is on a good economical edge and what about Ghana... this country impresses me economically but mostly politically with a solid democracy; Africa should be inspired.
Recommend (17)


JRafael wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 8:33 GMT
The reason for Puerto Rico's negative forecast is a mix of historically low employment participation rates (due to the application of United States' generous welfare programs in a weaker economy such as Puerto Rico's), government budgetary deficits, and more recently, the sudden approval (without any public hearing or input from the industries) by the Puerto Rico Government of a new tax to the pharmaceutical industry in Puerto Rico, which during the last two decades has been the main investor in the Island. This new tax was approved notwithstanding taxes agreements that have been previously agreed to between the government and each of the pharmaceutical companies with manufacturing operations in the Island. Once the main industries in Puerto Rico have felt betrayed by the govenrment, rumors about their departure from the Island have been growing and therefor investors have also been discouraged from investing and trusting Puerto Rico's "Republican" and Pro-Statehood government.
Recommend (11)


An Drew wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 9:22 GMT
Wow, just following the wave of nationalism in the comments section.
Recommend (16)


Fernandi wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 9:41 GMT
It is time for Puerto Rico to become a fully sovereign nation. The neo-colonial relationship of Puerto Rico with the United States established during the cold war era (1952) has brought the island nation to it's knees. With one of the highest unemployment rates in Latin America at 17% (december 2010) and one of the highest rate of homicides in the region per capita with 268 per 100.000.000, higher than Mexico in 2010.
Puerto Rico's social and financial meltdown is now visible for the whole world to see. The only solution is for Puerto Rico to become fully sovereign: to have full control of it's economy and future, right now Puerto Rico does not have full control of it's destiny and it is falling apart at its seams. This is brand new news for many but it is not news for us who watch Latin America closely and who know that Puerto Rico is the only nation in Latin America which can not sign today a free trade treaty with China, Japan or with the European Union because it is not a fully sovereign nation.
Recommend (20)


mcjpaterson wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 10:23 GMT
Why is puert Rico on your list of slowest GDP growth when you forecast over 4%
do you mean it is slowing
Surely it is not the 10th slowest grower in 2011
You are usually precise
Recommend (6)


mcjpaterson wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 10:23 GMT
Sorry I misread the chart
Pl ignore
Recommend (6)


mopoga wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 10:25 GMT
Are these numbers in real or nominal terms?
Recommend (6)


perspectivist wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 10:53 GMT
The Economist should clearly state whether the list includes all countries in the world or just a list of selected countries.
Recommend (9)


portoricensis wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 11:52 GMT
I do not think it is fair to compare the development a free nations with colonies like Puerto Rico. With recognized sovereingty Puerto Rico would be one of the most productive nations in Latin America. But it is not much you can do with both hands held by foreign political and economic interference. Puert Rico's real problem is lack of political power.
Recommend (5)


Michael Dunne wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 11:57 GMT
Interesting comments particularly concerning Puerto Rico.
Seems like it has been declining for a couple of years now.
However, it also seems to be one of the wealthier countries in Latin American (GPD per capita income: 69th position, at $ 17,100 PPP (2009 est.)); and just behind Antiqua and Barbaduda for Caribbean countries.
Literacy seems to be in teh middle ranks of major Latin American countries too - total population older than 15 that can read and right: 94.1% (Chile is something like 96.7%; Argentina,97.7%; Brazil, 90%; Columbia, 92.7%; Mexico, 92.8%; Uruguay, 97.9%; Peru, 89.6%)
Interesting that the UN Human Development site doesn't compile stats for Puerto Rico (at least I have not been able to find them)
I take it tourism may not have completely recovered too?
Recommend (1)
识字率似乎也在拉丁美洲主要国家的中流 – 大于15岁可读写的人占总人口:94.1%(智力差不多在96.7%;阿根廷,97.7%;巴西,90%;哥伦比亚,92.7%;墨西哥,92.8%;乌拉圭,97.9%;秘鲁,89.6%)


Michael Dunne wrote:
Jan 5th 2011 12:05 GMT
Actually I stand corrected about Puerto Rico and the UN Human Development Index. They do have some details; and it seems the UN has info different from the CIA factbook (literacy of 89.6% vs the CIA's 94.1%).
Otherwise, good thing none of the current cultures of the "PIIGS" countries are guided by judeo-islamic dietary attitudes (or related taboos/dispositions toward our porcine friends).
Of course Greece, most of Spain and Portugal were once run by followers of Islam and now there may be growing minority populations in a P, or an I and likely the S country where they would not take kindly to the reference.
Maybe the "coiner"(s) of the phrase are Pink Floyd fans; in finance, who relish the lyrical animal allegories/screeds crafted by Roger Waters? But I digress.....
Recommend (1)
【还是上面那个发帖人】事实上我来更正关于波多黎各和联合国人类发展指数。他们是有一些详细资料的;而且看起来联合国的信息与CIA factbook不同(识字率89.6%,而CIA是94.1%)。
也许(“猪国”)这个词的创造人是Pink Floyd【一个摇滚乐队】的粉丝;在金融领域,谁会对Roger Waters【Pink Floyd乐队的创作主脑】写下的关于动物寓言/冗言的歌词津津乐道?我歪楼了……【原文地址】:http://www.economist.com/blogs/dailychart/2011/01/gdp_forecasts
【翻译截止日期】:2011-01-07 12:00:00
【翻译评论数/总评论】:43 / 43

中国居然没有躺着中枪,芥末啊……这篇文章在主页看到的题目是 “Growth in 2011(2011年的增长)”,于是俺穿着加厚防弹衣前往围观。但是由于这个相当恶毒的标题,导致多国人民的混合PK;然后又莫名的拐去了波多黎各。

第一次翻译,非专业人员,请多包涵 > <

Countries with the fastest and slowest growth forecasts

THE cost of insuring Ireland’s debt against default is now higher than insuring Argentina’s. Five-year Argentinean credit-default swaps (CDS) have been tightening, whilst Ireland’s have widened to 609 basis points, the third highest in the world, after Greece and Venezuela. GDP growth forecasts for 2011 are not much more optimistic for these European countries. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, a sister company of The Economist, Ireland’s and Greece’s GDP will decline by 0.9% and 3.6% respectively. The PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain), find themselves among the slowest growers this year. In contrast, after avoiding recession in 2008 and 2009, and enjoying the global recovery in 2010, Qatar is set to grow by 15.8% this year. Strong growth is largely due to its liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects and an expansionary fiscal policy focused on infrastructure. China and India are also projected another year of strong growth, 8.9% and 8.6%, respectively.
现在爱尔兰的债务违约保险成本比阿根廷还高。阿根廷的五年期信贷违约互换(CDS)已经在收紧,而爱尔兰的已扩大到609个基点,在世界第三位,仅次于希腊和委内瑞拉。2011年的GDP增长预测对这些欧洲国家来说并不乐观。根据经济学人情报组(EIU),经济学人的姐妹公司,爱尔兰和希腊的GDP将会为-0.9%和-3.6%。“欧洲猪国”(葡萄牙、爱尔兰、意大利、希腊和西班牙)发现他们处于今年增长最慢的国家之中。作为对比,在2008和2009年避免了衰退,并在2010年受惠于全球复苏的卡塔尔,今年将会增长15.8%。强势增长很大程度上是因为该国的液化天然气(LNG)工程和聚焦于基础设施的扩张性财政政策。中国和印度同样规划了又一年的强势增长,分别为8.9% 和 8.6%。

(公司内不可上传文件,俺回去了再贴图 = =|||)
评论翻译 Michael Dunne wrote:

Jan 4th 2011 3:04 GMT
I wonder why Puerto Rico is forecasted to experience a decline in GPD?
Recommend (53)


pedrolx wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 3:29 GMT
This is according to the ever so wonderful IMF. The government here expects Portugal to grow by 0.2% , and the EU is also kinder in its forecasts. In any case, forecasts are forecasts, everyone said Portugal wouldn't grow this year, and it will present a growth of 1.5%! ;-)
Recommend (22)


Carlos Collaco wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 3:36 GMT
Forecasts are what they are.
Coming from the EIU they should deservedly get a second look despite recent misses.But then everybody else failed too...
In the lucky lot all except Qatar are impressive on their own.
Fast growth is taking place where it's needed.
Ghana and Timor-Leste are especially heartening.
The slowest ten are striking for comprising the majors of ClubMed - literally crawling - plus Portugal, Ireland and Iceland, oil-rich Venezuela, small Caribbean island-nations and oddly, Puerto Rico(!).
Greece remains in deep trouble while in the Iberian Peninsula Spain hopefully returns to feeble growth.
Portugal double dips into recession unless it manages to export its way out to narrowly avoid one.
Recommend (11)
最慢的十个国家由地中海俱乐部组成 – 正如字面意思 – 加上葡萄牙,爱尔兰和冰岛,石油富足的委内瑞拉,小加勒比海岛屿国家和奇怪的,波多黎各(!)。


__jaime__ wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 3:50 GMT
It is incredible how disrespectful british finance press can be. Which is forecasted growth for UK? As bad as the PIIGS one. Britain once dominated the world, as Spain did, but that is no longer true.
All PIIGS countries are performing terribly bad, as UK does. So don't think you are much different.
I'm from Spain and I'm specally critical with my country. I think it should fall and Europe should let us fall, so people will learn the lesson and changes have to done will finally implemented. But even if I was German, a country that is teaching all us how we should be, I would never use a term like that. Calling these countries "pigs" you are playing a dangerous game, a game of segregation and disrespect.
British, if we, Mediterraneans, are "pigs" remember most powerful people of your country or union of countries, as you want, are a branch of snobs that only know how to move other's people money. You have no industry left, a strong coin, thousands of people living from subsidies and very poor prospects.
Recommend (65)


Besitz Belastet wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 4:26 GMT
Does someone have evidence for that Anglo-Saxons, or the British press in particular, coined the acronym "Pigs/Piigs"? I suspect an analyst in an investment bank - who is as likely to have been Spanish or Italian as s/he was British - started using it. An over-sensitive reaction to a mildly ironic acronym is not unlike that of insecure Islamists to the Danish cartoons - what does it really matter? Spain and Greece have deep structural economic problems. Britain too has structural economic problems (but less acute). So be it.
Recommend (33)
有人能拿出证据是盎格鲁-撒克逊人,或者说不列颠人的新闻中特别使用首字母创造了“Pigs/Piigs”吗?我猜是一个投行里的分析员 – 也许她/他曾是不列颠人而现在是西班牙或意大利人 – 开始使用这个词。对一个带有温和讽刺意味的缩写而过度敏感,与对丹麦动画而缺乏安全感的伊斯兰教徒没有什么不同 - 这事有什么大不了的?西班牙和希腊有深刻的结构性经济问题。不列颠同样有着结构性经济问题(不那么严重)。就是这样。


mename2332 wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 4:32 GMT
where is singapore?
Recommend (7)


hedgefundguy wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 4:45 GMT
I'll guess that PIIGS is a more politically correct name than
GIPSI - gypsy
Recommend (37)
GIPSI – 吉普赛人


Jonas_BsAs wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 5:05 GMT
Oh Jaime,cry me a river.
We Latin Americans have been the victims of spanish arrogance since forever and now, when you have mangaged to screw up your own economy, you cry for mercy?
Recommend (46)


VK1961 wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 5:14 GMT
The economic measurement is, of course, distorted by the *political* circumstances. Venezuela is where it is largely because of its, ah... ~extraordinary~ way of doing business with its trade partners; Puerto Rico's state of affairs is neither here nor there, due to its ancillary status, vis-a-vis the US; some other Caribbean islands are offshore havens for American and European tax-dodgers, so I'm not entirely sure that their "growth" should be applauded; Spain is still deflating its housing bubble (as is the US), caused in turn by grave political oversight, or even encouragement-- all in the wrong direction.
So tables, charts, etc. are all fine and good, but tell a partial, and often lopsided story.
Recommend (9)
对经济的衡量当然会受到“政治”环境的歪曲。委内瑞拉之所以是这样很大程度上是因为它的,呃……~非同寻常的~与贸易伙伴做生意的方式;波多黎各的形势非此也非彼,而是由于它的附属状态,面对美国的时候;其他的一些加勒比岛屿是美国和欧洲逃税者的离岸天堂,因此我不确定是否应该为他们的“增长”而鼓掌;西班牙仍因房地产泡沫而通缩(正如美国),由严重的政治失误,或者甚至是鼓励而导致 – 全都在错误的方向上。


inrio wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 7:28 GMT
Puerto Rico's constant and sharp decline has a direct relationship with it's lack of sovereignty which unables this latin and caribbean country to sign agreements and international treaties, just like the rest of Latin America, with emerging economies.
Recommend (16)


hedgefundguy wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 7:45 GMT
Puerto Rico, blame it on the Captain!
"Diageo’s Captain Morgan Rum’s distillery in the U.S. Virgin Islands is finally scheduled to produce rum by the end of the year."
"For many years, a third party distiller in Puerto Rico has been producing Captain Morgan Rum and selling it to Seagram’s. Diageo bought the Captain Morgan Rum label in 2001 inheriting this third party manufacturing agreement. They have looking for years how to arrange a way for them to produce their own rum under the Captain Morgan Rum label. With the manufacturing plant now being built for Diageo to produce the rum themselves, Puerto Rico will be losing millions of dollars that were coming to their territory from the rum excise tax."
http://www.caribbeanislandsrealt ... ns-rum-produced-...
Recommend (6)
“Diageo【总部在伦敦的高档酒业集团】在美国维尔京群岛【应为英属维尔京群岛,疑为发帖人笔误】的某朗姆酿酒厂在今年年底时终于准备生产朗姆酒了。”【Captain Morgan,一种朗姆酒商标】
http://www.caribbeanislandsrealt ... ns-rum-produced-...


Mago911 wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 8:08 GMT
Just for the record; Peru&acute;s economy grew at a 9.0 % rate in 2010.
Miguel A. Guerrero
Recommend (12)


Winston C wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 8:21 GMT
Well it is good to see that Africa is on a good economical edge and what about Ghana... this country impresses me economically but mostly politically with a solid democracy; Africa should be inspired.
Recommend (17)


JRafael wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 8:33 GMT
The reason for Puerto Rico's negative forecast is a mix of historically low employment participation rates (due to the application of United States' generous welfare programs in a weaker economy such as Puerto Rico's), government budgetary deficits, and more recently, the sudden approval (without any public hearing or input from the industries) by the Puerto Rico Government of a new tax to the pharmaceutical industry in Puerto Rico, which during the last two decades has been the main investor in the Island. This new tax was approved notwithstanding taxes agreements that have been previously agreed to between the government and each of the pharmaceutical companies with manufacturing operations in the Island. Once the main industries in Puerto Rico have felt betrayed by the govenrment, rumors about their departure from the Island have been growing and therefor investors have also been discouraged from investing and trusting Puerto Rico's "Republican" and Pro-Statehood government.
Recommend (11)


An Drew wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 9:22 GMT
Wow, just following the wave of nationalism in the comments section.
Recommend (16)


Fernandi wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 9:41 GMT
It is time for Puerto Rico to become a fully sovereign nation. The neo-colonial relationship of Puerto Rico with the United States established during the cold war era (1952) has brought the island nation to it's knees. With one of the highest unemployment rates in Latin America at 17% (december 2010) and one of the highest rate of homicides in the region per capita with 268 per 100.000.000, higher than Mexico in 2010.
Puerto Rico's social and financial meltdown is now visible for the whole world to see. The only solution is for Puerto Rico to become fully sovereign: to have full control of it's economy and future, right now Puerto Rico does not have full control of it's destiny and it is falling apart at its seams. This is brand new news for many but it is not news for us who watch Latin America closely and who know that Puerto Rico is the only nation in Latin America which can not sign today a free trade treaty with China, Japan or with the European Union because it is not a fully sovereign nation.
Recommend (20)


mcjpaterson wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 10:23 GMT
Why is puert Rico on your list of slowest GDP growth when you forecast over 4%
do you mean it is slowing
Surely it is not the 10th slowest grower in 2011
You are usually precise
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mcjpaterson wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 10:23 GMT
Sorry I misread the chart
Pl ignore
Recommend (6)


mopoga wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 10:25 GMT
Are these numbers in real or nominal terms?
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perspectivist wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 10:53 GMT
The Economist should clearly state whether the list includes all countries in the world or just a list of selected countries.
Recommend (9)


portoricensis wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 11:52 GMT
I do not think it is fair to compare the development a free nations with colonies like Puerto Rico. With recognized sovereingty Puerto Rico would be one of the most productive nations in Latin America. But it is not much you can do with both hands held by foreign political and economic interference. Puert Rico's real problem is lack of political power.
Recommend (5)


Michael Dunne wrote:
Jan 4th 2011 11:57 GMT
Interesting comments particularly concerning Puerto Rico.
Seems like it has been declining for a couple of years now.
However, it also seems to be one of the wealthier countries in Latin American (GPD per capita income: 69th position, at $ 17,100 PPP (2009 est.)); and just behind Antiqua and Barbaduda for Caribbean countries.
Literacy seems to be in teh middle ranks of major Latin American countries too - total population older than 15 that can read and right: 94.1% (Chile is something like 96.7%; Argentina,97.7%; Brazil, 90%; Columbia, 92.7%; Mexico, 92.8%; Uruguay, 97.9%; Peru, 89.6%)
Interesting that the UN Human Development site doesn't compile stats for Puerto Rico (at least I have not been able to find them)
I take it tourism may not have completely recovered too?
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识字率似乎也在拉丁美洲主要国家的中流 – 大于15岁可读写的人占总人口:94.1%(智力差不多在96.7%;阿根廷,97.7%;巴西,90%;哥伦比亚,92.7%;墨西哥,92.8%;乌拉圭,97.9%;秘鲁,89.6%)


Michael Dunne wrote:
Jan 5th 2011 12:05 GMT
Actually I stand corrected about Puerto Rico and the UN Human Development Index. They do have some details; and it seems the UN has info different from the CIA factbook (literacy of 89.6% vs the CIA's 94.1%).
Otherwise, good thing none of the current cultures of the "PIIGS" countries are guided by judeo-islamic dietary attitudes (or related taboos/dispositions toward our porcine friends).
Of course Greece, most of Spain and Portugal were once run by followers of Islam and now there may be growing minority populations in a P, or an I and likely the S country where they would not take kindly to the reference.
Maybe the "coiner"(s) of the phrase are Pink Floyd fans; in finance, who relish the lyrical animal allegories/screeds crafted by Roger Waters? But I digress.....
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【还是上面那个发帖人】事实上我来更正关于波多黎各和联合国人类发展指数。他们是有一些详细资料的;而且看起来联合国的信息与CIA factbook不同(识字率89.6%,而CIA是94.1%)。
也许(“猪国”)这个词的创造人是Pink Floyd【一个摇滚乐队】的粉丝;在金融领域,谁会对Roger Waters【Pink Floyd乐队的创作主脑】写下的关于动物寓言/冗言的歌词津津乐道?我歪楼了……

livefromCA2 wrote:
Jan 5th 2011 1:46 GMT
Well all these talk about Puerto Rican independence, how about the times they vote to become US citizens but refused by the states? Looks like you guys can't become citizens AND can't be independent, sigh.
Recommend (1)


enriquecost wrote:
Jan 5th 2011 1:47 GMT
Puerto Rico&acute;s income per head at PPP has been already surpassed by most Eastern European countries (Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Estonia), and next year will be surpassed by Russia, Chile and Argentina.
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enriquecost wrote:
Jan 5th 2011 1:48 GMT
correction: "this year will be surpassed by Russia, Chile and Argentina"
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Nirvana-bound wrote:
Jan 5th 2011 1:52 GMT
Not surprising they are labeled "PIIGS"!! Gluttons for punishment..
But one would never guess this, going by the general public's outlandish & ongoing denial of their alarming national predicaments.
Viva la ostrich syndrome!
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enriquecost wrote:
Jan 5th 2011 1:55 GMT
Spain&acute;s income per head is twice Puerto Rico&acute;s at nominal prices and 50% higher at PPP.
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enriquecost wrote:
Jan 5th 2011 2:05 GMT
Income per head in Ireland is similar to the U.S. and 30% higher than the U.K., not bad for our brothers from Ireland, an example of recent development with average 7% GDP growth during the decade before the crash.
Income per head in Spain at nominal prices, is broadly similar to the Core (France, Germany) and 30% lower at PPP.
The "PIIGS" (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain) have a combined $4 Trillion Economy, twice bigger than India&acute;s, Brazil&acute;s or Russia&acute;s, and 70% of the GDP of China at nominal prices....but with an average income per head of $30,000, five times higher than China.
The "PIIGS" is an stable region, with a high level of state capability, and in the case of Ireland, Spain and Portugal a low level of corruption according to the Transparency index. In fact, the "PIIGS" region is the richest and more stable region in the World, just surpassed by Northern Europe and North America. The level of criminality and homicides is lower than in the U.S.
Recommend (3)


Michael Dunne wrote:
Jan 5th 2011 2:14 GMT
When did Puerto Rico lobby the Congress to become a state? I thought the debate had largely remained internal, within the community(Independence proponents vs those for statehood, with the status quo with commonwealth winning out), unless I missed something.
Are you suggesting that opposition along the lines of New Mexico statehood prior to 1912 could emerge? Say, lack of excitement of the government in governing proportionally large non-English speaking populations? Nativism or a reaction from segments of the population in existing states?


enriquecost wrote:
Jan 5th 2011 2:16 GMT
English proficiency in Puerto Rico is lower than in Sweden or Denmark.
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enriquecost wrote:
Jan 5th 2011 2:27 GMT
According to The Economist&acute;s "The World in 2011". Income per head at ppp:
CZECH REP...26,400
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enriquecost wrote:
Jan 5th 2011 2:38 GMT
I forgot:
So, seven Eastern European states already have surpassed Puerto Rico&acute;s income per head at PPP, and another two are on the verge of surpassing it, and also three Latinamerican states.
By next year, nine states from Eastern Europe, the overwhelming majority (from Poland to Russia, from Slovenia to Estonia), will have surpassed Puerto Rico&acute;s income per head at PPP, and also three Latinamerican states (with Brazil&acute;s approaching fast)
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Yenu wrote:
Jan 5th 2011 9:02 GMT
It's really great to see Ethiopia up on the growth ladder but am really amazed by Eritrea that on what bases the intelligence unit predicts this growth bearing in mind that Eritrea is not either on crud oil or any other export items market to get this much growth besides that Eritrea is a country mainly funded by the diaspora citizens abroad.


El Toro Miura wrote:
Jan 5th 2011 9:08 GMT
These type of statistics can be juggled anyway you want and fit the theory that is been pushed.
Greece and Puerto Rico are whammed yet grow some 4-5 % ?. Those in the fast lane will get the inflation risk on their report card.
The much hailed German economy grew under 2% in the last decade and is scheduled to return there by 2012 or before.
Now tell me something new or original or maybe it is better to go back and study the tea leaves resting in the bottom of my cup. This has the same scientific rigour as many of the so called sophisticated methods used by the "experts"
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bjd2 wrote:
Jan 5th 2011 10:17 GMT
Puerto Rico today is just a disadvantaged, disenfranchised part of the United States. It should not be charted as a separate country, but, rather, compared to say, Alabama or South Dakota.
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Snukes wrote:
Jan 5th 2011 10:21 GMT
if someone thinks that the italian economy is going to grow next year, they have been swayed more by grape than grain.
the only Italian things that are going to increase, are rubbish, Berlusconi Bull and waistlines!
La dolce vitae will continue but at a reduced pace


Felipe Coelho wrote:
Jan 5th 2011 10:53 GMT
The full list would certainly be more interesting but even so, The Economist makes a point for (a) Porto Rico must be either independent or a full American state and (b) small countries devastated by wars (Eritrea and Timor Leste) will have a good time.
All the rest is rather predictable, e.g. Greece economy is in very bad shape, China and India will continue growing fastly and the TE expects no growth for the so called PIIGS countries. The last is a self fulfilling prophecy, as Spaniards and Portuguese have repeatedly stated.


hedgefundguy wrote:
Jan 5th 2011 12:48 GMT
Looks like someone complained about my
GIPSI - gypsy

I told you PIIGS is more politically correct than GIPSI.
And the Economist proves me correct again!
Recommend (2)
GIPSI – 吉普赛


Nirvana-bound wrote:
Jan 5th 2011 2:03 GMT
UK can't be far behind on the "slowest" group. Definitely in the Slowest Fifteen. Wonder where the not-so-great USofA, falls..
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Mike2100 wrote:
Jan 5th 2011 5:39 GMT

No one talks about Portuguese gold reserves worthing around 13 billion Euros. It's not enough but is something to be taken into account. Portugal will not broke that easy. I bet in this one. Markets are nervous and will do everything to knock-out Portugal. I suggest to them to pick another one.
regards from http://lusitanaehabilitas.blogspot.com


Mike2100 wrote:
Jan 5th 2011 5:43 GMT

Portugal in 2010 had nice numbers for exports at 15% rose and GDP of about 1.5%. For next year Portugal's gov is forecasting 0.2% and not -1% as we can see here.
I remember about what was ECB forecast for Portugal in 2009 to growth only 0.3% and the number comes to be 1.3 or 1.5% not yet confirmed.
And I bet this forecast for -1% will be knock-out once again.
You guys don't know what Portuguese people can do when other put some pressure on us. We are not Greeks or Irish, do not underestimate Portuguese people.
我打赌这个预测 -1%会再一次被推翻。


PuertoRican wrote:
Jan 5th 2011 10:11 GMT

I am a Puerto Rican living in Puerto Rico most of my life and even now.

One reader talked about applying for citizenship. Not sure what he meant. Puerto Ricans have been US citizens since 1917. PR has never applied to become a state of the US.

I do agree that it is strange to see a colonial territory be compared with independent countries. I am not sure what the Economist's rationale is for that.

Rum tax revenues and tourism are only small parts of the story. Our main industry is actually pharmaceutical manufacturing.

Several here have argued that our problem is simply lack of sovereignty. They cite Eastern European's countries higher income levels and the fact that most Latin American countries are growing faster than PR. That is a very simplistic argument. PR has never been sovereign yet it managed to achieve higher income levels than all Latin American countries for many years. I would think the fast growth in SOME of the Eastern European countries is due to other factors that they share. All the countries of the world have sovereignty but there is a wide gap in their present economic status and in their growth rates. Such diversity cannot be ascribed simply to sovereignty. I should mention that I agree that PR should change its present political status but the reasons that change is to be desired are not mainly economic in my view. In other words, sovereignty is not going to magically solve our growth problems. PR has very particular circumstances of a densely populated island in the Caribbean which has a relatively high income level already. It's easier to grow if you are starting low. Those circumstances are much more relevant to the question at hand than the question of sovereignty.


TigerEconomist wrote:
Jan 6th 2011 6:12 GMT

Being a Brit living in Puerto Rico for the past year, I believe that PR's troubles run deeper than a simple question of sovereignty or which pseudo-party is in power. When the central facet of political motivation in a country is a question of statehood (of which the population has no say) then how can one select a suitable leadership..?

The Puerto Rican people suffer under a hyper-inefficient administration and infrastructure that rivals Vietnams. The per capita income may be higher than Latin America but the cost of living rivals most US states. In recent years the tourism industry has fallen into decline and the country's best and brightest are leaving for greener fields.

I don't claim to have the answer but I would start by forgetting about Issues of Sovereignty and feeding the people.