
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/30 00:44:16
<br /><br />如题,印象中是没有的,但有说法有几枚飞毛腿<br /><br />如题,印象中是没有的,但有说法有几枚飞毛腿
In 1980s, Vietnam was reported to receive a small quantity of Soviet Union's Scud-B SRBMs.
内阁首辅 发表于 2010-8-13 23:32

一看标题俺就想歪了,以为安南人现在有了ICBM+SLBM 涅。。。
内阁首辅 发表于 2010-8-13 23:32

这些东西在俺们打猴时威胁很大 尤其是对昆明南宁这些大城市来说
The Straits Times (Singapore)
May 10, 2010 Monday
Vietnam bolstering Spratlys firepower

Robert Karniol, Defence Writer
With an eye apparently fixed on strengthening its defensive posture in the disputed Spratly Islands, Vietnam is in the final stages of negotiating the purchase from Israel of a new short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) system. The deal, sources told The Straits Times, could be concluded by the end of this month - and would be Israel's first sale to Vietnam of a lethal system.

The SRBM under discussion is called the Extended Range Artillery Munition, or Extra. It was jointly developed by Israel Military Industries and the MLM Systems Division of Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI), and was publicly unveiled at the 2005 Paris Air Show.

'Extra munitions have a range in excess of 150km and carry a 125kg warhead,' IAI states on its website, adding that they have a circular error of probability (CEP) of about 10m.

CEP is a measure of precision, indicating the radius within which a projectile is likely to strike at least half the time. Standard American 155mm artillery shells reportedly have a CEP of 200m to 300m at moderate ranges.

'Extra is capable of being launched from multiple platforms... (and) is packed in a four-unit pod configuration for land-based launches. It can be installed on a high-mobility truck or in a fixed installation,' IAI further notes.
Early 1990s, following the relations normalization with PRC, relations between Vietnam and North Korea became warmer. A number of military delegations was exchanged between two countries.

In 1996, Vietnam's Defense Deputy Minister Nguyen Thoi Bung visited North Korea and signed a defense contract which amounted to 100 millions USD.

In 1999, Vietnam was reported to received a number of Scud-C or Hwasong-6 SRBMs. This upgraded version of Scud-B had a smaller payload of 770kg but a longer range of 550km.

In January 2009, Vietnam television aired the first scene of an unknown verion of Scud including a TEL and a transportation vehicle (seemed to be Scud-B) in a program about artilery force of Vietnam People's Army.

In February 2009, Vietnam and North Korea held a dicussion about North Korea's assistant to upgrade Vietnam's stock of Scud SRBMs. North Korea technicians were rumoured to be seen in a military base in the north of Hanoi.

In September 2009, Vietnam stated that it was considering to put the second satellite VINASAT-2 into space by a domestic launch. It was unclear they wanted to buy missile and launching system from another country or they implied they were mastering the technology of midle/long range ballistic missile.

In January 2010, Vietnam television aired another program with clearer scene of an, still, unknown Scud system (seemed to be Scud-B). The program also revealed location of Vietnam's ballistic missile unit in Quang Ninh province, right on the border with China and not far away from PLAN's base in Hainan.
回复 11# 隼鹰

chuanhua 发表于 2010-8-14 17:53

在网上搜索了一下 猴子好像还真有一些飞毛腿B和C型 部署在中越边境山区 其300-550KM的射程能覆盖我西南地区大部分主要城市和军事基地 如 昆明 贵阳 南宁 湛江 海口 三亚

未来TG收复南沙 越南猴子在海上吃亏的话 要报复TG的唯一远程武器就是SRBM 到时候上述地区附近最好有S-300PMU2进驻 预防猴子狗急跳墙干生化弹头

emellzzq 发表于 2010-8-14 18:32

所以TG收复南沙时最好同时派飞机低空突击猴子的SRBM基地 一次性把猴子的飞毛腿TEL车全部炸了
回复 15# 隼鹰

emellzzq 发表于 2010-8-14 19:03

俗话说 有备无患 部署S-300PMU2和通过各种手段威慑猴子并不矛盾
隼鹰 发表于 2010-8-14 19:10

emellzzq 发表于 2010-8-14 20:47

偶说的就是临时派遣 每个城市临时部署一个营 摆平猴子后再撤出 PMU2貌似TG有12个营呢

PS:目前TG手里最好的ABM就是PMU2了吧?国产的HQ-9A只有有限的反导能力 如果PMU2对付飞毛腿B/C这种水平的SRBM都够呛 那TG也不用混了
回复 20# 隼鹰

emellzzq 发表于 2010-8-14 21:22

12个PMU2营临时抽出5个短期部署在西南几个重要城市附近 这5个营的空白临时由HQ-9A补上 这点数量TG应该还是抽得出的 而且随着HQ-9A反导能力增强 未来直接上HQ-9A改进型甚至HQ-19了

至于拦截率 本来对BM的概率就有疑问 何况还是SRBM这种反应时间极短的东西 也就靠末端拦截了 PMU2虽然不完全可靠也比没有强 万一弹弹落在任何一个城市 就是极大的政治问题了
隼鹰 发表于 2010-8-14 21:36

    如果射按300KM算,5个营都不一定够。如果按550KM算,12个全来都不够。而且就像你说的“万一弹弹落在任何一个城市 就是极大的政治问题了”。考虑拦截成功率,来多少个PMU2营都是尽人事。威慑力,由其是要有“杀我一人,要你十人抵命”式的威慑力,才是现有条件下这些城市安全的最有力的保证。
隼鹰 发表于 2010-8-14 18:46

回复 24# yhmbgm

恭喜 恭喜  房价会大降啊 ~~
回复 33# f117d

emellzzq 发表于 2010-8-14 20:47