
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 23:05:17

南亚 2009年2月20日 印度的核潜艇计划表面 Siddharth Srivastava 新德里-表现出对跨越边界恐怖主义的恐惧由于11月26日Mumbai攻击和照看中国军事扩展,印度宣布计划这个星期远足它的国防预算根据34%到1.4兆卢比(US$30十亿)和上星期显露制造它的项目三艘核动力潜水艇临近完成。 " 事现在进入最后阶段在先进技术船[核潜水艇]项目。 有[主要技术]堵塞及早…他们现在结束, " K安东尼在2月12日说的国防部长。先进技术船(ATV)项目是India'的一部分; s $3十亿制造五艘潜水艇和完成什么的计划它叫 一" 三位一体" 核武器发射能力-从空气、土地和海。 印度同时发展K-15弹道导弹,可以是核弹头装备和发射从潜水艇。防御来源有在网上告诉亚洲时间新德里有效地寻找从法国的协助ATV项目的实施的,并且俄国工程师已经是包含的。来源说核动力潜水艇的海上试航应该开始这个月,并且潜水艇应该是操作的在以后三年之内。秘密的ATV核支持的弹道导弹水下(SSBN)项目在1970'末期开始了; s和在Visakhapatnam的, India'一个秘密干船坞被实施; s东部海军命令基地。 观察员说潜水艇是重要加法对India' s武器能力。在面对从海的可能的危险的一个冷面提示印度, India' s海军首要海军上将Suresh Mehta警告了这个星期恐怖分子可能走私" dirty" 核弹通过nation' 当他们缺乏充分安全措施, s端起。 恐怖分子也使用一条海路渗入Mumbai。与他们更加了不起的速度、力量、范围和他们可以停留淹没与常规柴油电潜水艇比较为突然的停工是有效的时间的核动力潜水艇以及快速地和秘密保护免受攻击。新德里关注Beijing' 与伊斯兰堡的双边关系,特别指定的s加强在海的最近紧张射出例如在Gwadar口岸。中国也开发与斯里南卡和缅甸的联系加深它的对在这个区域积极地被使用的一种复杂能量安全冲突的控制。假使在控制印度洋的水的印度和中国之间的持续的格斗,新德里政府被投入了在从海军的巨大压力下ramp India' s海军。中国已经讲了话创建三个行驶远洋的舰队巡逻日本的地区和韩国,西太平洋、马六甲海峡和印度洋。 ATV项目在聚光灯作为India' s其他尝试获得一艘核潜艇今年接受了一个挫折,当俄国" 无限期" Akula-II类Nerpa核潜艇的被延期的交付,援引残缺不全的海上试航和缺乏资金。进一步, Russia'的阿穆尔河造船厂; s远东,潜水艇被制造,是完成跟随一次事故的一个新的队在20名成员被杀害的11月。事故带领印第安媒介描述潜水艇作为" cursed"。印度看在海中开发能力在获取在基于陆地的核交付平台的一些能力以后发射核武器,国内被发展的弹道导弹的Prithvi和Agni。印度已经开发了一枚潜水艇发射的超音速导弹、BrahMos寻呼台的修改,一个成就以前被限制的对仅先进的国家例如美国,法国和俄国。运送,并且土地BrahMos的发行的版本在海军和军队被介绍。国家编制的防御研究与开发组织也承担与以色列航天工业的一个联合开发项目发展可以从土地和船发射的一枚地对空导弹。 India'的升级和整修; s海军将是India'的一个重要方面; s US$50十亿防御现代化锻炼。根据计划,项目命名为75,并且76需要24水下舰船的生产被重视在US$20十亿接受横跨印度洋的挑战。作为六艘这样法国潜水艇的,一个US$3.5十亿成交一部分在2007年,高先进的Scorpene潜水艇的建筑在Mumbai的被升级的Mazgon船坞开始了。 因为Scorpene成交介入技术转让,应该是有利的为国家,当印度获取新技术,并且法国企业在大印第安市场上得以可能的立足。但是重大延迟在India'现在期望; 在家被开发航空母舰海军上将Gorskov的s承购从俄国的和二。在2007年初,印度购买了36岁的美国军舰与16,900吨总吨位的USS特伦顿(再洗礼的INS Jalashwa) US$50的百万。特伦顿是印第安海军和印度在INS Viraat航空母舰以后拥有的第二大拥有的第一艘美国军舰。印地安人海军计划增加40艘新的军舰到它的舰队和政府计划投资500十亿卢比(在US$12十亿)在军舰的以后10年。政府在nation'鼓励私人部门扮演一个更大的角色; s防御和India' s最大的工程学和建筑公司拉尔森& Toubro宣布计划修造防御军舰和准军事性的船在一种提出的设施在Tamil Nadu。在粗鲁唤醒Mumbai恐怖攻击,其他分支军事现在也争取更多升级和加法之后。例如,印第安空军寻求42个战斗中队从当前32个或33个分谴舰队(中的每一个与14架到18架喷气机),抵销逐步淘汰更旧的俄国飞机。军队,分配了军事费用额的一个大片断,寻找更多坦克和短程高射炮野战炮。 Siddharth Srivastava是一位新的基于德里的新闻工作者。 他可以被到达在sidsri@yahoo.com

South Asia
     Feb 20, 2009
India's nuclear submarine plan surfaces
Siddharth Srivastava

NEW DELHI - Expressing fears about cross-border terrorism in the wake of the November 26 Mumbai attack and keeping a close eye on China's military expansion, India announced plans this week to hike its defense budget by 34% to 1.4 trillion rupees (US$30 billion) and last week revealed that its project to build three nuclear-powered submarines is nearing completion.

"Things are in the final stage now in the Advanced Technology Vessel [nuclear-submarines] project. There were [mainly technical] bottlenecks earlier ... they are over now," Defense Minister A K Antony said on February 12.

The Advanced Technology Vessel (ATV) project is part of India's $3 billion plan to build five submarines and complete what it calls

a "triad" of nuclear weapon launch capability - from air, land and sea. India is concurrently developing the K-15 ballistic missile, which can be nuclear-tipped and launched from submarines.

Defense sources have told Asia Times Online that New Delhi has been actively seeking out assistance from France in the implementation of the ATV project, and that Russian engineers are already involved. The sources said that the sea trials of the nuclear-powered submarines should begin this month and that the submarines should be operational within the next three years.

The secretive ATV nuclear backed ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) project began in the late 1970's and is being implemented at a secret dry dock in Visakhapatnam, India's Eastern Naval command base. Observers have said that the submarines are a critical addition to India's weapons capabilities.

In a grim reminder of the possible dangers facing India from the sea, India's Naval chief Admiral Suresh Mehta warned this week that terrorists could smuggle "dirty" nuclear bombs via the nation's ports as they lack adequate security measures. Terrorists also used a sea route to infiltrate Mumbai.

Nuclear-powered submarines with their greater speed, power, range and the length of time they can stay submerged compared to conventional diesel-electric submarines are effective for sudden strikes as well as fast and stealthy protection from attacks.

New Delhi has been concerned about Beijing's strengthening of bilateral ties with Islamabad, particularly given recent tension on sea projects such as at the Gwadar port. China has also been developing ties with Sri Lanka and Myanmar to deepen its control over a complex energy-security conflict being aggressively played out in the region.

Given the ongoing tussle between India and China to control the waters of the Indian Ocean, the New Delhi government has been put under tremendous pressure from the navy to ramp up India's sea power. China has already spoken of creating three ocean-going fleets to patrol the areas of Japan and Korea, the western Pacific, the Malacca Strait and the Indian Ocean.

The ATV project has been in the spotlight as India's other attempt to procure a nuclear submarine this year received a setback when Russia "indefinitely" postponed delivery of the Akula-II class Nerpa nuclear submarine, citing incomplete sea trials and a lack of funds.

Further, the Amur shipyard in Russia's far east, where the sub is being built, is yet to finalize a new team following an accident in November in which 20 members were killed. The accident has led Indian media to describe the submarine as "cursed".

India has been looking at developing underseas capabilities to launch nuclear weapons, after gaining some competence in land-based nuclear delivery platforms for the domestically developed ballistic missiles Prithvi and Agni.

India has already developed a submarine-launched supersonic missile, a modification of the BrahMos cruise missiles, an achievement previously limited to only advanced nations such as the US, France and Russia. Ship and land launched versions of the BrahMos are being introduced in the navy and army.

The state-controlled Defense Research and Development Organization is also undertaking a joint development project with Israel Aerospace Industries to develop a surface-to-air missile which can be launched from land and ships.

Upgrade and renovation of India's navy will be an important aspect of India's US$50 billion defense modernization exercise. Under the plan, the projects code named 75 and 76 entail the production of 24 underwater vessels valued at US$20 billion to meet the challenges across the Indian Ocean.

In 2007, construction of the highly-advanced Scorpene submarine began at the upgraded Mazgon Dock in Mumbai as part of a US$3.5 billion deal for six such French submarines. As the Scorpene deal involves transfer of technology, it should be beneficial for both nations as India gains new technology and French firms gain a possible foothold in the big Indian market.

But significant delays are now expected in India's acquisition of the aircraft carriers Admiral Gorskov from Russia and two that are being developed at home. In early 2007, India purchased the 36-year-old US warship the USS Trenton (re-christened INS Jalashwa) with a gross tonnage of 16,900 tons for US$50 million.

The Trenton is the first ever US warship owned by the Indian Navy and the second largest that India possesses after the INS Viraat aircraft carrier. The Indian Navy plans to add 40 new warships to its fleet and the government plans to invest over 500 billion rupees (over US$12 billion) over the next 10 years on warships.

The government has encouraged the private sector to play a bigger role in the nation's defense, and India's largest engineering and construction firm Larsen & Toubro has announced plans to build defense warships and paramilitary vessels at a proposed facility in Tamil Nadu.

After the rude awakening of the Mumbai terror attacks, others branches of the military are also now pushing for more upgrades and additions.

The Indian Air Force, for example, is seeking 42 fighter squadrons up from the current 32 or 33 squadrons (each with 14 to 18 jets), to offset the phasing out of older Russian planes. The army, which has been allocated a large piece of the military outlay, is seeking more tanks and howitzer field guns.

Siddharth Srivastava is a New Delhi-based journalist. He can be reached at sidsri@yahoo.com.http://www.atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/KB20Df02.html

南亚 2009年2月20日 印度的核潜艇计划表面 Siddharth Srivastava 新德里-表现出对跨越边界恐怖主义的恐惧由于11月26日Mumbai攻击和照看中国军事扩展,印度宣布计划这个星期远足它的国防预算根据34%到1.4兆卢比(US$30十亿)和上星期显露制造它的项目三艘核动力潜水艇临近完成。 " 事现在进入最后阶段在先进技术船[核潜水艇]项目。 有[主要技术]堵塞及早…他们现在结束, " K安东尼在2月12日说的国防部长。先进技术船(ATV)项目是India'的一部分; s $3十亿制造五艘潜水艇和完成什么的计划它叫 一" 三位一体" 核武器发射能力-从空气、土地和海。 印度同时发展K-15弹道导弹,可以是核弹头装备和发射从潜水艇。防御来源有在网上告诉亚洲时间新德里有效地寻找从法国的协助ATV项目的实施的,并且俄国工程师已经是包含的。来源说核动力潜水艇的海上试航应该开始这个月,并且潜水艇应该是操作的在以后三年之内。秘密的ATV核支持的弹道导弹水下(SSBN)项目在1970'末期开始了; s和在Visakhapatnam的, India'一个秘密干船坞被实施; s东部海军命令基地。 观察员说潜水艇是重要加法对India' s武器能力。在面对从海的可能的危险的一个冷面提示印度, India' s海军首要海军上将Suresh Mehta警告了这个星期恐怖分子可能走私" dirty" 核弹通过nation' 当他们缺乏充分安全措施, s端起。 恐怖分子也使用一条海路渗入Mumbai。与他们更加了不起的速度、力量、范围和他们可以停留淹没与常规柴油电潜水艇比较为突然的停工是有效的时间的核动力潜水艇以及快速地和秘密保护免受攻击。新德里关注Beijing' 与伊斯兰堡的双边关系,特别指定的s加强在海的最近紧张射出例如在Gwadar口岸。中国也开发与斯里南卡和缅甸的联系加深它的对在这个区域积极地被使用的一种复杂能量安全冲突的控制。假使在控制印度洋的水的印度和中国之间的持续的格斗,新德里政府被投入了在从海军的巨大压力下ramp India' s海军。中国已经讲了话创建三个行驶远洋的舰队巡逻日本的地区和韩国,西太平洋、马六甲海峡和印度洋。 ATV项目在聚光灯作为India' s其他尝试获得一艘核潜艇今年接受了一个挫折,当俄国" 无限期" Akula-II类Nerpa核潜艇的被延期的交付,援引残缺不全的海上试航和缺乏资金。进一步, Russia'的阿穆尔河造船厂; s远东,潜水艇被制造,是完成跟随一次事故的一个新的队在20名成员被杀害的11月。事故带领印第安媒介描述潜水艇作为" cursed"。印度看在海中开发能力在获取在基于陆地的核交付平台的一些能力以后发射核武器,国内被发展的弹道导弹的Prithvi和Agni。印度已经开发了一枚潜水艇发射的超音速导弹、BrahMos寻呼台的修改,一个成就以前被限制的对仅先进的国家例如美国,法国和俄国。运送,并且土地BrahMos的发行的版本在海军和军队被介绍。国家编制的防御研究与开发组织也承担与以色列航天工业的一个联合开发项目发展可以从土地和船发射的一枚地对空导弹。 India'的升级和整修; s海军将是India'的一个重要方面; s US$50十亿防御现代化锻炼。根据计划,项目命名为75,并且76需要24水下舰船的生产被重视在US$20十亿接受横跨印度洋的挑战。作为六艘这样法国潜水艇的,一个US$3.5十亿成交一部分在2007年,高先进的Scorpene潜水艇的建筑在Mumbai的被升级的Mazgon船坞开始了。 因为Scorpene成交介入技术转让,应该是有利的为国家,当印度获取新技术,并且法国企业在大印第安市场上得以可能的立足。但是重大延迟在India'现在期望; 在家被开发航空母舰海军上将Gorskov的s承购从俄国的和二。在2007年初,印度购买了36岁的美国军舰与16,900吨总吨位的USS特伦顿(再洗礼的INS Jalashwa) US$50的百万。特伦顿是印第安海军和印度在INS Viraat航空母舰以后拥有的第二大拥有的第一艘美国军舰。印地安人海军计划增加40艘新的军舰到它的舰队和政府计划投资500十亿卢比(在US$12十亿)在军舰的以后10年。政府在nation'鼓励私人部门扮演一个更大的角色; s防御和India' s最大的工程学和建筑公司拉尔森& Toubro宣布计划修造防御军舰和准军事性的船在一种提出的设施在Tamil Nadu。在粗鲁唤醒Mumbai恐怖攻击,其他分支军事现在也争取更多升级和加法之后。例如,印第安空军寻求42个战斗中队从当前32个或33个分谴舰队(中的每一个与14架到18架喷气机),抵销逐步淘汰更旧的俄国飞机。军队,分配了军事费用额的一个大片断,寻找更多坦克和短程高射炮野战炮。 Siddharth Srivastava是一位新的基于德里的新闻工作者。 他可以被到达在sidsri@yahoo.com。

South Asia
     Feb 20, 2009
India's nuclear submarine plan surfaces
Siddharth Srivastava

NEW DELHI - Expressing fears about cross-border terrorism in the wake of the November 26 Mumbai attack and keeping a close eye on China's military expansion, India announced plans this week to hike its defense budget by 34% to 1.4 trillion rupees (US$30 billion) and last week revealed that its project to build three nuclear-powered submarines is nearing completion.

"Things are in the final stage now in the Advanced Technology Vessel [nuclear-submarines] project. There were [mainly technical] bottlenecks earlier ... they are over now," Defense Minister A K Antony said on February 12.

The Advanced Technology Vessel (ATV) project is part of India's $3 billion plan to build five submarines and complete what it calls

a "triad" of nuclear weapon launch capability - from air, land and sea. India is concurrently developing the K-15 ballistic missile, which can be nuclear-tipped and launched from submarines.

Defense sources have told Asia Times Online that New Delhi has been actively seeking out assistance from France in the implementation of the ATV project, and that Russian engineers are already involved. The sources said that the sea trials of the nuclear-powered submarines should begin this month and that the submarines should be operational within the next three years.

The secretive ATV nuclear backed ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) project began in the late 1970's and is being implemented at a secret dry dock in Visakhapatnam, India's Eastern Naval command base. Observers have said that the submarines are a critical addition to India's weapons capabilities.

In a grim reminder of the possible dangers facing India from the sea, India's Naval chief Admiral Suresh Mehta warned this week that terrorists could smuggle "dirty" nuclear bombs via the nation's ports as they lack adequate security measures. Terrorists also used a sea route to infiltrate Mumbai.

Nuclear-powered submarines with their greater speed, power, range and the length of time they can stay submerged compared to conventional diesel-electric submarines are effective for sudden strikes as well as fast and stealthy protection from attacks.

New Delhi has been concerned about Beijing's strengthening of bilateral ties with Islamabad, particularly given recent tension on sea projects such as at the Gwadar port. China has also been developing ties with Sri Lanka and Myanmar to deepen its control over a complex energy-security conflict being aggressively played out in the region.

Given the ongoing tussle between India and China to control the waters of the Indian Ocean, the New Delhi government has been put under tremendous pressure from the navy to ramp up India's sea power. China has already spoken of creating three ocean-going fleets to patrol the areas of Japan and Korea, the western Pacific, the Malacca Strait and the Indian Ocean.

The ATV project has been in the spotlight as India's other attempt to procure a nuclear submarine this year received a setback when Russia "indefinitely" postponed delivery of the Akula-II class Nerpa nuclear submarine, citing incomplete sea trials and a lack of funds.

Further, the Amur shipyard in Russia's far east, where the sub is being built, is yet to finalize a new team following an accident in November in which 20 members were killed. The accident has led Indian media to describe the submarine as "cursed".

India has been looking at developing underseas capabilities to launch nuclear weapons, after gaining some competence in land-based nuclear delivery platforms for the domestically developed ballistic missiles Prithvi and Agni.

India has already developed a submarine-launched supersonic missile, a modification of the BrahMos cruise missiles, an achievement previously limited to only advanced nations such as the US, France and Russia. Ship and land launched versions of the BrahMos are being introduced in the navy and army.

The state-controlled Defense Research and Development Organization is also undertaking a joint development project with Israel Aerospace Industries to develop a surface-to-air missile which can be launched from land and ships.

Upgrade and renovation of India's navy will be an important aspect of India's US$50 billion defense modernization exercise. Under the plan, the projects code named 75 and 76 entail the production of 24 underwater vessels valued at US$20 billion to meet the challenges across the Indian Ocean.

In 2007, construction of the highly-advanced Scorpene submarine began at the upgraded Mazgon Dock in Mumbai as part of a US$3.5 billion deal for six such French submarines. As the Scorpene deal involves transfer of technology, it should be beneficial for both nations as India gains new technology and French firms gain a possible foothold in the big Indian market.

But significant delays are now expected in India's acquisition of the aircraft carriers Admiral Gorskov from Russia and two that are being developed at home. In early 2007, India purchased the 36-year-old US warship the USS Trenton (re-christened INS Jalashwa) with a gross tonnage of 16,900 tons for US$50 million.

The Trenton is the first ever US warship owned by the Indian Navy and the second largest that India possesses after the INS Viraat aircraft carrier. The Indian Navy plans to add 40 new warships to its fleet and the government plans to invest over 500 billion rupees (over US$12 billion) over the next 10 years on warships.

The government has encouraged the private sector to play a bigger role in the nation's defense, and India's largest engineering and construction firm Larsen & Toubro has announced plans to build defense warships and paramilitary vessels at a proposed facility in Tamil Nadu.

After the rude awakening of the Mumbai terror attacks, others branches of the military are also now pushing for more upgrades and additions.

The Indian Air Force, for example, is seeking 42 fighter squadrons up from the current 32 or 33 squadrons (each with 14 to 18 jets), to offset the phasing out of older Russian planes. The army, which has been allocated a large piece of the military outlay, is seeking more tanks and howitzer field guns.

Siddharth Srivastava is a New Delhi-based journalist. He can be reached at sidsri@yahoo.com.
原帖由 Kuraki 于 2009-2-23 17:48 发表

[:a6:] 不要老讲实话嘛~~
A3 的“核”应该相当有特色, 应该不是真正的核潜艇。