
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/26 17:44:49
听说过这么一个故事,现在关于直升机的讨论很多,就查一下供大家参考。大意是99年的弗洛依德飓风,在佛罗里达附近的外海。当肯尼迪航母确认自己是唯一能救助一条拖轮(Gulf Majesty号)上的三名落水船员后,就驶向出事海域,出动直升机将三人捞起。应该是海种马直升机吧。出动航母,大型直升机,对军事迷们来说很精彩。船、机尺寸大,抗风浪能力应该会好不少。

Dateline 09/17/99

While any sailor worth his salt was steaming away from Hurricane Floyd just as fast as they could go, the crew of the U.S Navy Aircraft Carrier, USS John F. Kennedy turned away from safety and headed straight into the storm.

At 0830 AM (EST) the crew intercepted a distress call from the 150 foot Gulf Majesty, which was reported sinking about 300 miles east of Daytona Beach, Florida, right in the eye of Hurricane Floyd. Determining that they were the only ship in the area who could possibly withstand the high waves, and winds, the crew of the USS John F. Kennedy never hesitated. They turned back into the full fury of the storm.

The aircraft carrier started about 150 miles away from the tug, and sped into danger at full speed. The aircraft carrier tracked an electronic beacon from the tug and launched its rescue helicopters as soon as it got into range. According to Navy spokesman Cmdr. Bill Spann, the carrier slammed into winds which were at least 100 mph, and waves were breaking over the carrier flight deck.

The Flight Deck of the Kennedy is a full 60 feet above the sea level.

Despite the storm, the crew of the helicopter flew directly to the beacon source and located three survivors.

``They were just three orange dots,'' said Petty Officer 3rd Class Shad Hernandez, a rescue swimmer who jumped into the angry ocean to help pull the three to the safety of the helicopter. This was PO3's Hernandez's first rescue.

As the helicopter piloted struggled to keep the aircraft steady in the 60-knot winds, Hernandez attached rescue straps to two men to be hoisted aboard. He rode up with the third.

``It went real quick. I was in the water only 11 minutes,'' Hernandez said of the team rescue.

It was not until the Navy rescue swimmer got the divers aboard, that they were to learn that there were five other people somewhere in the water. Low on fuel, the helicopter returned through the storm back to the carrier to unload the survivors, while another helicopter took up the search effort in the dangerous storm.

``There was a number of times when I doubted they would find us,'' crew member Gerald Keeth said Thursday, in a telephone interview from the Kennedy, where the tug crew was recuperating from their ordeal. ``I was trying to keep my spirits up.''

Upon returning to the scene the rescue crews were able to locate the survivors, who were afloat in a rescue raft, riding out the towering waves. Again, the Navy rescue divers took to the high seas without hesitation to "do their job."听说过这么一个故事,现在关于直升机的讨论很多,就查一下供大家参考。大意是99年的弗洛依德飓风,在佛罗里达附近的外海。当肯尼迪航母确认自己是唯一能救助一条拖轮(Gulf Majesty号)上的三名落水船员后,就驶向出事海域,出动直升机将三人捞起。应该是海种马直升机吧。出动航母,大型直升机,对军事迷们来说很精彩。船、机尺寸大,抗风浪能力应该会好不少。

Dateline 09/17/99

While any sailor worth his salt was steaming away from Hurricane Floyd just as fast as they could go, the crew of the U.S Navy Aircraft Carrier, USS John F. Kennedy turned away from safety and headed straight into the storm.

At 0830 AM (EST) the crew intercepted a distress call from the 150 foot Gulf Majesty, which was reported sinking about 300 miles east of Daytona Beach, Florida, right in the eye of Hurricane Floyd. Determining that they were the only ship in the area who could possibly withstand the high waves, and winds, the crew of the USS John F. Kennedy never hesitated. They turned back into the full fury of the storm.

The aircraft carrier started about 150 miles away from the tug, and sped into danger at full speed. The aircraft carrier tracked an electronic beacon from the tug and launched its rescue helicopters as soon as it got into range. According to Navy spokesman Cmdr. Bill Spann, the carrier slammed into winds which were at least 100 mph, and waves were breaking over the carrier flight deck.

The Flight Deck of the Kennedy is a full 60 feet above the sea level.

Despite the storm, the crew of the helicopter flew directly to the beacon source and located three survivors.

``They were just three orange dots,'' said Petty Officer 3rd Class Shad Hernandez, a rescue swimmer who jumped into the angry ocean to help pull the three to the safety of the helicopter. This was PO3's Hernandez's first rescue.

As the helicopter piloted struggled to keep the aircraft steady in the 60-knot winds, Hernandez attached rescue straps to two men to be hoisted aboard. He rode up with the third.

``It went real quick. I was in the water only 11 minutes,'' Hernandez said of the team rescue.

It was not until the Navy rescue swimmer got the divers aboard, that they were to learn that there were five other people somewhere in the water. Low on fuel, the helicopter returned through the storm back to the carrier to unload the survivors, while another helicopter took up the search effort in the dangerous storm.

``There was a number of times when I doubted they would find us,'' crew member Gerald Keeth said Thursday, in a telephone interview from the Kennedy, where the tug crew was recuperating from their ordeal. ``I was trying to keep my spirits up.''

Upon returning to the scene the rescue crews were able to locate the survivors, who were afloat in a rescue raft, riding out the towering waves. Again, the Navy rescue divers took to the high seas without hesitation to "do their job."
小肥羊过来.给额这E文盲翻译下:Q :Q

在早上8:30,船员收到一个来自Gulf Majesty的不幸的消息,它正在佛罗里达的戴淘娜海滩以东300英里处下沉,那里正是风暴眼。该航母是该地区唯一能低档巨浪和大风的船只,航母的船员毫不犹豫地调头进入风暴。
个人认为,失事船只和遇难人员漂流的海域就如文中所说,已经是台风眼,风浪很小,所以救人的过程有所保证。然后直升机还需要飞出飓风眼回到飓风中,所以文中有'return through the storm back' 之说。

miles per hour?=100*1.6*1000/3600=44米/秒

the 60-knot winds是什么意思呢?
the 60-knot winds是什么意思呢?

我猜是 : 60节风速
原帖由 cy1222 于 2008-5-16 02:15 发表

在早上8:30,船员收到一个来自Gulf Majesty的不幸的消息, ...

原帖由 林青豪 于 2008-5-17 22:07 发表


on his salt意思是称职的,我觉得在这里可以译作经验老道的