
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 11:09:16
<br /><br />莫斯科,11月13日报道
俄罗斯有关部门周一透露,俄联邦航天局与印度空间局签署了一项联合探索研究月球的协议。该协议是由俄联邦航天局局长Anatoly Perminov和印度空间局局长、印度空间委员会主席Madhavan Nair共同签订的。印度总理辛格近日正在莫斯科进行国事访问。

http://www.moondaily.com/reports ... earch_Deal_999.html

Russia And India Sign Joint Lunar Research Deal

The objective of the station is to detect water ice deposits in the polar zones of the Moon. The device, developed by Russian scientists, will first be tested through NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter project, to be launched in 2008.
by Staff Writers
Moscow (RIA Novosti) Nov 13, 2007
Russia's Federal Space Agency (Roskosmos) and the Indian Department of Space have signed a joint lunar research and exploration agreement, the Russian agency said on Monday. The agreement was signed by Roskosmos chief Anatoly Perminov and Madhavan Nair, secretary of India's Department of Space and chairman of the Space Commission. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is currently on an official visit to Moscow.

Georgy Polishchuk, general director of Russia's Lavochkin design bureau, said Russia would launch an unmanned mission to the Moon, Luna-Glob, in 2010. The second mission, which will include putting a new-generation 400-kg Lunokhod unmanned rover on the Moon, will start in 2011.

&quot;The first mission will be solely Russian, but the second will be carried out in conjunction with India,&quot; Polishchuk said.

He said India will provide a rocket and a flight module for the mission, which will be launched from an Indian space center.

The third and fourth stages (2012-2015) will include the study of mineral resources and other scientific and research experiments on the Moon.

Russia, a pioneer in robotic lunar research, abandoned its lunar exploration program with the end of the Moon race in the mid-1970s, but the idea of exploring the Earth's natural satellite has been revisited recently, due to ambitious international projects to develop the Moon's resources and to use it as a stepping-stone for further space exploration.

Roskosmos said earlier its first unmanned flight will include a lunar orbiter that will fire 12 penetrators across diverse regions of the Moon to create a seismic network, which will be used to study the Moon's origin.

After firing the penetrators, the mother ship will deliver a polar station, equipped with a mass spectrometer and neutron spectrometer, to the surface.

The objective of the station is to detect water ice deposits in the polar zones of the Moon. The device, developed by Russian scientists, will first be tested through NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter project, to be launched in 2008.

In the 1950s-1970s, the Soviet Union carried out 60 robotic lunar missions, of which about 20 were partially or fully successful.<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=http://ybw.cc">
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<br /><br />莫斯科,11月13日报道
俄罗斯有关部门周一透露,俄联邦航天局与印度空间局签署了一项联合探索研究月球的协议。该协议是由俄联邦航天局局长Anatoly Perminov和印度空间局局长、印度空间委员会主席Madhavan Nair共同签订的。印度总理辛格近日正在莫斯科进行国事访问。

http://www.moondaily.com/reports ... earch_Deal_999.html

Russia And India Sign Joint Lunar Research Deal

The objective of the station is to detect water ice deposits in the polar zones of the Moon. The device, developed by Russian scientists, will first be tested through NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter project, to be launched in 2008.
by Staff Writers
Moscow (RIA Novosti) Nov 13, 2007
Russia's Federal Space Agency (Roskosmos) and the Indian Department of Space have signed a joint lunar research and exploration agreement, the Russian agency said on Monday. The agreement was signed by Roskosmos chief Anatoly Perminov and Madhavan Nair, secretary of India's Department of Space and chairman of the Space Commission. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is currently on an official visit to Moscow.

Georgy Polishchuk, general director of Russia's Lavochkin design bureau, said Russia would launch an unmanned mission to the Moon, Luna-Glob, in 2010. The second mission, which will include putting a new-generation 400-kg Lunokhod unmanned rover on the Moon, will start in 2011.

&quot;The first mission will be solely Russian, but the second will be carried out in conjunction with India,&quot; Polishchuk said.

He said India will provide a rocket and a flight module for the mission, which will be launched from an Indian space center.

The third and fourth stages (2012-2015) will include the study of mineral resources and other scientific and research experiments on the Moon.

Russia, a pioneer in robotic lunar research, abandoned its lunar exploration program with the end of the Moon race in the mid-1970s, but the idea of exploring the Earth's natural satellite has been revisited recently, due to ambitious international projects to develop the Moon's resources and to use it as a stepping-stone for further space exploration.

Roskosmos said earlier its first unmanned flight will include a lunar orbiter that will fire 12 penetrators across diverse regions of the Moon to create a seismic network, which will be used to study the Moon's origin.

After firing the penetrators, the mother ship will deliver a polar station, equipped with a mass spectrometer and neutron spectrometer, to the surface.

The objective of the station is to detect water ice deposits in the polar zones of the Moon. The device, developed by Russian scientists, will first be tested through NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter project, to be launched in 2008.

In the 1950s-1970s, the Soviet Union carried out 60 robotic lunar missions, of which about 20 were partially or fully successful.<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=http://ybw.cc">
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最近都在抢月球啊 是不是先上的可以宣布为领土啊
啥事情只要土共一做,一大帮国家都要跟进:L 土共其实可以阴他们一把:D :D
严重怀疑阿三2008的发射歇菜了, 毕竟这就是LCA和阿穷的“母亲”国, 难产啊。 :D

所以干脆找个更好的借口----- 同样的道理, 我造不出, 买不行吗?

为了飚TG,  急了,  唯一现实可行的就是搭毛子的车了,

可惜, 没那么便宜的事, 想出风头不出血是没门的。
原帖由 老牛居 于 2007-11-13 18:36 发表
啥事情只要土共一做,一大帮国家都要跟进:L 土共其实可以阴他们一把:D :D

呵呵! 我也赞同这个说法,现在很多稍有些实力的国家,都是拿中国做目标的,中国搞啥,基本大家都跟进.不是很好玩吗??呵呵!

这是个有意思的游戏,TG是不是可以搞点小文章,象美国当初玩的那样? 我们需要水分更大些~~~~~~~~~~
:D  楼上!!! 那只有开发星门传送技术了.... ;P

茅山老道的穿墙术,毕竟和星门传送只是距离上的不同而异.... 占领月球和白宫,指日可待阿

原帖由 aijam 于 2007-11-13 12:28 发表
拉沃奇金设计局总负责人Georgy Polishchuk透露:俄罗斯首先将在2010发射无人的Luna-Glob到月球,接下来再把400kg重的新一代 Lunokhod月球车送上月球。第二个任务将于2011年启动。

“第一个任务将完全由俄罗斯完成 ...

