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在1895年, 一大群日本军人,外交官,新闻工作者和浪人在10月8日早晨开始了%作“狐狸打猎”。它的目标是要除去阻挡日本与朝鲜合并的朝鲜皇后。因为宫殿在日本保护下, 很少困难使刺客向宫殿渗透。他们杀害了在宫殿大门阻拦的侍卫队长Hong Geh-bong (??? 洪启薰)和他的人。高宗国王苦涩地抗议了日本闯入他的私人处所,但他由日本人下来推挤了国王,并撕毁他的衣裳。王子走向他的父亲,这个年轻男人的头被撞在地板上并遭到剑击。另一组刺客小组冲了对皇后的寝宫。宫殿内官Lee Gyung-sik (李景稙)设法阻止他们,但是被射死。他的尸体刚好倒在高宗国王面前。  


皇后的谋杀的官方版本:日本士兵的A小组杀死了皇后并烧毁她的身体。这是关于我们了解Ulmi事变,直到Eijoh报告第一次全面地揭露的所有事情。报告上面写到1895年10月9日, 皇后被杀死了。Isujuka Eijoh (石冢英藏)是个作家,给Suehmatsu Kanejuma(末松谦澄)充当顾问。显然,他希望公正地调查这个事变。他实际是涉及皇后的强奸和谋杀中的一个日本浪人。他宣称对内部的朝鲜是顾问,但是实际上,他没收到任何薪水或者有任何官方职能。在那时候,浪人做了奇特的工作。  

Eijoh 为什么向 Suehmasu 部长报告了他的谋杀的报告? Husako陈述,Eijoh在来到朝鲜前作为助手为Suehmasu工作。Miura Koro , 汉城的日本领事,是刺杀的领导者。Eijoh‘s 的表面的意图是要告诉Suehmasu 部长实际上发生了什么。  

如何泄漏了Eijoh 报告? Eijoh 报告保持隐藏了70年,直到日本的历史学家Ahmabe Gentaro ( 1905--1977 ) 发现了它并在他的书提到它。然而,他说皇后在她的死以后被调戏。大约16年当Ahn Byong Bu,神学学生,把他的出版物带到朝鲜。朝鲜注意了Ahmabe的书并出版翻译版本。该书陈述到“1895年10月7日夜晚,尽管训练中的朝鲜军队捍卫了王宫,但是日本军人小组和浪人侵犯宫殿。他们杀死了皇后,猥亵了她的尸体。然后烧毁了它。” 很明显,书的皇后的谋杀的报告是基于Eojoh的报告,但是对报告没有参考。Ahmabe在1966年9月第一次揭露了Eijoh的报告的存在。由于在南朝鲜禁止出版该书,因此由亲北方的出版社出版了该书。  

Eijoh报告中的内容? 报告12页长,由几个部分组成:这个阴谋计划组成,这些密谋者,这些刺客,行为并且依此类推。Miura(三浦梧楼),日本领事,是阴谋计划的主要教唆者。Miura 应该为他的犯罪行为承担法律责任。Eijoh报告使用今天不再使用的日本词。朝鲜译者发现难以精确翻译。其结果是Kim Ung Yong,日本的朝鲜历史学家写了书“日本-朝鲜合并的外交文献”。这本书引用了Eijoh的报告的大约百分之10。  




Eijoh 说明皇后先被刺伤,又被猥亵,然后被烧毁。皇后在她被放火以前,Eijoh提到她没有死。由宣称皇后被在胸部上践踏的朝鲜证言部分地证实Eijoh的报告。除了这些朝鲜报告以外的,没有提到她被剥光裸露和猥亵。实际上没有朝鲜的证人目睹了谋杀,并且他们的报告是转手或者三手。  

日本历史学家通过掩藏Eijoh的报告全文和宣称当她被猥亵时, 皇后已经死亡来试图掩盖这个野蛮的犯罪。Eijoh的报告强烈提到伤害了皇后,剥光裸露,猥亵,然后尽管皇后活着,就放火烧毁。  

穿平服配军刀的日本人在中庭间走来走去,由于对于王妃的所在无法判断而逮捕打伤中庭内的下人宫女们,问他们王妃在哪里的情报。王妃隐藏于女官之间时,日本人无法得到情报而抓弱小的宫廷妇人依序杀害,日本人在袭击房间外宫中妇人时,还要求交出王妃,但是王妃的所有女官都如同嘴巴缝合一样不愿说出王妃在哪里,但是,哀伤的王妃神经紧绷到极点,突然一人从廊下逃出,被其中一名日本人像追兔般在后追击,王妃被逮捕后被刺身亡,经过很短的时间,日本人将伤害的王妃就近之树林中运出,点灯油洒在其上,放火烧掉她,1895年11月26日(阳历)的流血戏就此闭幕····当日本人进行虐杀的同时,南门外日本军官士兵与大院君,同时与三浦公使入宫,直接前往王的住所,强迫将王妃的名号剥夺,降格为平民身分,并要王在宣布的布告中署名 ····这是出自当时俄国参谋本部中佐卡鲁耶夫在--1895-1896年的朝鲜旅行记中的记载····(不过这份日文网络文章之后又注明当时日本与俄国的关系恶劣,认为这段记载有待商榷)  






俄国军官Sabatin,1895年10月8日在执勤。他目击了发生在Ok-ho-ru (玉壶楼)的整个事件。Sabatin毕业于俄国皇家军事学院,到朝鲜作为负责高宗安全的美国内战老兵Gen. Dai, 的助手。  


Sabatin 的目击者的报告被埋没,直到在一个世纪韩国研究员发现了它。  

Wu Bum-suhn (禹范善):谋杀的韩国同犯  

一个日本作家Ssunoda Husako (角田房子)在1990年写了一本名叫 "My Fatherland - わが祖国" 的书。此书是著名植物基因学家Dr. Wu Jang-chun (禹长春 - 1898 - 1959)的自传。十年前,Ssunoda 写了关于朝鲜皇后谋杀的书,然后她开始研究日韩关系。在一次赴韩国的访问中,他从一名韩国学生那里得知Dr. Wu的父亲卷入了明成皇后的谋杀。Dr. Wu 的父亲是韩国的叛国者。  
Dr. Wu的父亲,Wu Bum-suhn (1857 - 1903)从开始就介入了谋杀。Wu命令了Chosun军队的第2个营由日本使节Miura (三浦梧楼) 指挥。Wu不仅动员了他的队伍在对宫殿的攻击而且鼓动了一些暴行。Wu收集了皇后的骨灰并撒入井中。  

Chosun军队由日本人掌握。明成皇后计划解散它。Wu和其他军官想刺杀皇后以保住他们的工作。除了Wu,日本人还招募了Lee Du-whang (第一营营长)和Lee Jin-ho (第三营营长)。  
谋杀后,Wu和Lee Du-whang逃往日本。Wu与日本妇女结婚并隐居起来。1903年他是一名通缉的罪犯, 他由韩国爱国者Goh Young-gun (高永根)刺杀。











在1895年, 一大群日本军人,外交官,新闻工作者和浪人在10月8日早晨开始了%作“狐狸打猎”。它的目标是要除去阻挡日本与朝鲜合并的朝鲜皇后。因为宫殿在日本保护下, 很少困难使刺客向宫殿渗透。他们杀害了在宫殿大门阻拦的侍卫队长Hong Geh-bong (??? 洪启薰)和他的人。高宗国王苦涩地抗议了日本闯入他的私人处所,但他由日本人下来推挤了国王,并撕毁他的衣裳。王子走向他的父亲,这个年轻男人的头被撞在地板上并遭到剑击。另一组刺客小组冲了对皇后的寝宫。宫殿内官Lee Gyung-sik (李景稙)设法阻止他们,但是被射死。他的尸体刚好倒在高宗国王面前。  


皇后的谋杀的官方版本:日本士兵的A小组杀死了皇后并烧毁她的身体。这是关于我们了解Ulmi事变,直到Eijoh报告第一次全面地揭露的所有事情。报告上面写到1895年10月9日, 皇后被杀死了。Isujuka Eijoh (石冢英藏)是个作家,给Suehmatsu Kanejuma(末松谦澄)充当顾问。显然,他希望公正地调查这个事变。他实际是涉及皇后的强奸和谋杀中的一个日本浪人。他宣称对内部的朝鲜是顾问,但是实际上,他没收到任何薪水或者有任何官方职能。在那时候,浪人做了奇特的工作。  

Eijoh 为什么向 Suehmasu 部长报告了他的谋杀的报告? Husako陈述,Eijoh在来到朝鲜前作为助手为Suehmasu工作。Miura Koro , 汉城的日本领事,是刺杀的领导者。Eijoh‘s 的表面的意图是要告诉Suehmasu 部长实际上发生了什么。  

如何泄漏了Eijoh 报告? Eijoh 报告保持隐藏了70年,直到日本的历史学家Ahmabe Gentaro ( 1905--1977 ) 发现了它并在他的书提到它。然而,他说皇后在她的死以后被调戏。大约16年当Ahn Byong Bu,神学学生,把他的出版物带到朝鲜。朝鲜注意了Ahmabe的书并出版翻译版本。该书陈述到“1895年10月7日夜晚,尽管训练中的朝鲜军队捍卫了王宫,但是日本军人小组和浪人侵犯宫殿。他们杀死了皇后,猥亵了她的尸体。然后烧毁了它。” 很明显,书的皇后的谋杀的报告是基于Eojoh的报告,但是对报告没有参考。Ahmabe在1966年9月第一次揭露了Eijoh的报告的存在。由于在南朝鲜禁止出版该书,因此由亲北方的出版社出版了该书。  

Eijoh报告中的内容? 报告12页长,由几个部分组成:这个阴谋计划组成,这些密谋者,这些刺客,行为并且依此类推。Miura(三浦梧楼),日本领事,是阴谋计划的主要教唆者。Miura 应该为他的犯罪行为承担法律责任。Eijoh报告使用今天不再使用的日本词。朝鲜译者发现难以精确翻译。其结果是Kim Ung Yong,日本的朝鲜历史学家写了书“日本-朝鲜合并的外交文献”。这本书引用了Eijoh的报告的大约百分之10。  




Eijoh 说明皇后先被刺伤,又被猥亵,然后被烧毁。皇后在她被放火以前,Eijoh提到她没有死。由宣称皇后被在胸部上践踏的朝鲜证言部分地证实Eijoh的报告。除了这些朝鲜报告以外的,没有提到她被剥光裸露和猥亵。实际上没有朝鲜的证人目睹了谋杀,并且他们的报告是转手或者三手。  

日本历史学家通过掩藏Eijoh的报告全文和宣称当她被猥亵时, 皇后已经死亡来试图掩盖这个野蛮的犯罪。Eijoh的报告强烈提到伤害了皇后,剥光裸露,猥亵,然后尽管皇后活着,就放火烧毁。  

穿平服配军刀的日本人在中庭间走来走去,由于对于王妃的所在无法判断而逮捕打伤中庭内的下人宫女们,问他们王妃在哪里的情报。王妃隐藏于女官之间时,日本人无法得到情报而抓弱小的宫廷妇人依序杀害,日本人在袭击房间外宫中妇人时,还要求交出王妃,但是王妃的所有女官都如同嘴巴缝合一样不愿说出王妃在哪里,但是,哀伤的王妃神经紧绷到极点,突然一人从廊下逃出,被其中一名日本人像追兔般在后追击,王妃被逮捕后被刺身亡,经过很短的时间,日本人将伤害的王妃就近之树林中运出,点灯油洒在其上,放火烧掉她,1895年11月26日(阳历)的流血戏就此闭幕····当日本人进行虐杀的同时,南门外日本军官士兵与大院君,同时与三浦公使入宫,直接前往王的住所,强迫将王妃的名号剥夺,降格为平民身分,并要王在宣布的布告中署名 ····这是出自当时俄国参谋本部中佐卡鲁耶夫在--1895-1896年的朝鲜旅行记中的记载····(不过这份日文网络文章之后又注明当时日本与俄国的关系恶劣,认为这段记载有待商榷)  






俄国军官Sabatin,1895年10月8日在执勤。他目击了发生在Ok-ho-ru (玉壶楼)的整个事件。Sabatin毕业于俄国皇家军事学院,到朝鲜作为负责高宗安全的美国内战老兵Gen. Dai, 的助手。  


Sabatin 的目击者的报告被埋没,直到在一个世纪韩国研究员发现了它。  

Wu Bum-suhn (禹范善):谋杀的韩国同犯  

一个日本作家Ssunoda Husako (角田房子)在1990年写了一本名叫 "My Fatherland - わが祖国" 的书。此书是著名植物基因学家Dr. Wu Jang-chun (禹长春 - 1898 - 1959)的自传。十年前,Ssunoda 写了关于朝鲜皇后谋杀的书,然后她开始研究日韩关系。在一次赴韩国的访问中,他从一名韩国学生那里得知Dr. Wu的父亲卷入了明成皇后的谋杀。Dr. Wu 的父亲是韩国的叛国者。  
Dr. Wu的父亲,Wu Bum-suhn (1857 - 1903)从开始就介入了谋杀。Wu命令了Chosun军队的第2个营由日本使节Miura (三浦梧楼) 指挥。Wu不仅动员了他的队伍在对宫殿的攻击而且鼓动了一些暴行。Wu收集了皇后的骨灰并撒入井中。  

Chosun军队由日本人掌握。明成皇后计划解散它。Wu和其他军官想刺杀皇后以保住他们的工作。除了Wu,日本人还招募了Lee Du-whang (第一营营长)和Lee Jin-ho (第三营营长)。  
谋杀后,Wu和Lee Du-whang逃往日本。Wu与日本妇女结婚并隐居起来。1903年他是一名通缉的罪犯, 他由韩国爱国者Goh Young-gun (高永根)刺杀。

Rape-Murder of Queen Min
Japanese Raped the Last Queen of Korea Before Burning Her Alive!
The ugly truth, the whole truth, of the Ulmi Incident 107 years ago has been revealed for the first time.  The last Queen of Korea was stripped naked, her genitals fondled, raped, and then burned alive by her Japanese assassins aided by a group of Korean traitors led by the queen's own father in law.  Korean and Japanese researchers have uncovered Japanese official documents and an eyewitness account of a Russian officer.
All books on Korean history say that the last Queen of Korea was murdered by the Japanese and that her corpse was burned.   A recent archive uncovered in Japan shows that this was not what happened.  The Korean Queen was stripped naked, her genitals fondled and then raped by the Japanese before she was set on fire.


Photo: Min-bi - the last Queen of Korea - was murdered by Japanese and pro-Japanese Koreans instigated by Dae Won-gun, the father of her husband King Kojong, because she attempted to kick out the Japanese from Korea.  

The story of the Queen's murder in the history books is what the Japanese would want the world believe and yet the Korean historians have shamelessly accepted it as a Gospel.  Even after the Japanese archive on the whole truth of the Empress' death was reported on OhMyNews, there has been virtually no inquiry on the story.  No major news organs in either North or South Korea have picked up this astonishing discovery.

In the waning days of the Chosun dynasty, hordes of jobless drifters and street brigands crossed the channel from Japan to the Land of Opportunity. These scum of the Japanese society (낭인 浪人 - rohnin in Japanese) found odd jobs with the decaying ruling class of Korea.   Some of these Japanese drifters were involved in the rape and murder of the Queen and one of them sent a detailed account of the incident to the Japanese government.   

This report was discovered by a Japanese historian in 1966, some 71 years after her rape and murder.  The document became known as the Ei-joh (英臟) report. Consequently, some Japanese historians passed around a doctored version of Ei-joh's account, according to which the Queen was stripped, killed and raped.  Even though some Korean historians knew about the existence of this report, shockingly, none had read the complete text of the report until now.   

Who filed the Ei-joh Report?

At about 5:30 of October 8, 1895, a group of Japanese military and people in Japanese attires began Operation Fox Hunt, the objective of which was to eliminate the Korean Queen who stood in the way of the Japanese annexation of Korea.   The assassins infiltrated the Gyongbok Palace with little difficulty because the Palace was under Japanese protection.  They killed Hong Geh-bong (홍계훈 洪啓薰), the commander of a guard unit, and his men, who blocked the entrance to the palace


King Kojong bitterly protested the Japanese intrusion into his private quarters but he was pushed down by the Japanese. The King's clothes were torn. The Prince came to his father's rescue but the young man was thrown on the floor by his hair knot and was beaten with a sword.   


Another group of the assassins rushed to the queen's sleeping area.  The palace minister Lee Gyung-sik (李景稙) tried to stop them but he was shot dead and then mutilated hi body right in front of King Kojong. The Queen was molested and burned right on the palace ground. The assassins wrapped the dead queen's body in a blanket and burned it in a nearby bush. This much is on the history books.  Newly discovered documents show that the queen was sexually molested before her body was cremated.   

At 9:30 am, Maj. Niiro sent a secret cable to the Japanese Army Chief of Staff:  the top secret cable read - "Queen dead and King safe."  The cable signaled the successful execution of Operation Fox Hunt. This shows that the order to kill the Queen came from the top.

Photo: the Eijoh Report.

The official version of the Queen's murder reads: "A group of Japanese soldiers killed the Queen and burned her body."  This is about all we knew about the Ulmi Incident (乙未事變) until the Eijoh report was disclosed in full for the first time.  The report was dispatched on October 9, 1895, the day after the Queen was killed.  Isujuka Eijoh (石塚英藏) was the author.  He worked as a consultant to the Korean ministry of interior at the time and sent an eyewitness account of the murder to Suehmatsu Kanejuma ((末松謙澄), the Japanese Minister of Justice apparently hoping that the incident would be investigated and the guilty parties punished.  

Who was Isujuka Eijoh?

He was one of the Japanese drifters involved in the Queen's rape and murder.  He was about 20 at the time and was at the scene and witnessed the demise of the Queen.   He claimed to be an advisor to the Korean Ministry of Interior but in reality, he did not receive any wage or had any official function.  In those days, Japanese drifters did odd jobs and gave themselves fancy titles.  Eijoj's claim that he was at the murder scene was verified by Sunoda Husako (角田房子), a noted Japanese author of the "Murder of the Last Queen of Korea."   

Why did Eijoh report his account of the murder to Minister Suehmasu?  Husako states that Eijoh had worked for Suehmasu as an assistant before coming to Korea. Miura Koro (三浦梧樓), the Japanese Consul in Seoul, was the ring leader of the assassins.  Eijoh's apparent intent was to tell Minister Suehmasu what had actually happened so that the perpetrators of the crime, including Miura, would be punished. Eijoh disputes many of the findings of the Uchida investigation report of the Queen's murder and the trial records of the Hiroshima court that went through the motion of trying the criminals.      

How was Eijoh's report discovered?

The Eijoh report had remained hidden for 70 years until a Japanese historian, Ahmabe Gentaro (1905-1977) discovered it and referred to it in his book the History of the Japan-Korea Merger in 1966.  However, he stated that the Queen was 'molested' after her death.   Ahmabe's book was noticed in Korea some 16 years after its publication when Ahn Byong Bu, a theology scholar, translated it into Korean and published it. The book states that "During the night of October 7, 1895 and early next morning, while the Korean Army in training guarded Daewong-gun, a  group of Japanese guards and drifters invaded the Palace wielding swords. They killed the Queen, sexually molested her corpse and then burned it."

It is clear that the book's account of the Queen's murder was based on Eojoh's report but there is no reference to the report.   Ahmabe disclosed the existence of Eijoh's report for the first time in September 1966 when his book The Japanese Annexation of Korea was published by a pro-North publishing house, because of which the book was banned in South Korea.   Although some historians in Japan have alluded to 'sexual molestation' of the Queen, none of them has mentioned the Eijoh report, the main source of the 'molestation' account.   

Sunoda Husako's book, The Assassination of the Last Queen of Korea, briefly refers to the Eijoh report. Her book was published in 1988 and a few months later, it was translated into Korean by Chosun Ilbo.   Husako quotes from Eijoh's report: "In particular, some Japanese performed disgusting acts with the Queen's body. I had worked for the Justice Ministry of Japan and am now an adviser to the Korean Ministry of Interior.  It is extremely difficult for me to describe what happened to the Queen."   But Husako did not mention what was troubling Eojoh so much.

Strange though it may sound, no Korean historian has attempted to obtain the full text of Eijoh's report.  They accepted what was reported by the Japanese writers who had little to gain but domestic criticism to disclose the whole truth.  

How was the full text of Eijoh's report obtained?

Kim Jin Myong, a Korean author of historical novels, was researching the killing of the Queen when he ran into Husako's book, The Assassination of the Last Queen of Korea.  Kim suspected that Husako was hiding some facts and contacted Prof. Kim Un Suk, who had translated the book into Korean.  Prof. Kim contacted Husako and obtained several references.  Kim Jin Myong went to Japan to track down the references but none of them had the full text of Eijoh's report.  Husako begged off blaming her faulty memory.  Frustrated Kim Jin Myong gave up and returned home.  But before leaving Japan, he looked up a friend, Kwon Yong Suk, a student of the history of Japan's foreign affairs, to look for Eijoh's report.  

Sometime later, Kwon sent Kim several books and other documents on the Queen's murder.  Kendaro's Japan's Annexation of Korea was among the books Kwon shipped.  The book briefly refers to 'molestation' of the Queen by the Japanese but no details.  But, to Kim's utter surprise, on page 223 of the book, Kendaro tells where to find Eijoh's report!  "국립국회도서관(國立國會圖書館) 헌정자료실(憲政資料室) 장(藏) <헌정사편찬회문서(憲政史編纂會文書)>"  - The Japanese National Diet Library, Constitutional Government Collection Gallery, Historical Documents Section.  There it was - Kendaro told the world where Eijoh's report is kept but no Korean historian has noticed it.  It took Kim Jin Myong, a fiction writer, to track down Eijoh's report, one of the most significant documents in Korea's modern history.

Kim Jin Myong called up his friend Kwon in Japan and asked him to make a copy of Eijoh's report.  Kwon had not problem locating the document and faxed a copy to Kim.  Thus Eijoh's report returned to its place of origin after 107 years.   

What is in Eijoh's Report?

The report is 12-pages long, consisting of several sections: the plot, the plotters, the assassins, the acts and so on.  Eijoh states that Miura, the Japanese Consul, was the chief instigator of the plot and suggests that Miura should be punished for his criminal acts and dereliction of his duty to uphold the law.  

Eijoh's report was written more than a century ago and uses Japanese words that are no longer in use today.  Korean translators found it difficult to translate accurately.  It turned out that Kim Ung Yong, a Korean historian in Japan, wrote a book, Japan's Annexation of Korea from Diplomatic Documents, published in 1996. This book cited about 10 percent of Eijoh's report.  

Kim Ung Young wrote: "Eijoh wrote in his preface that the Queen's murder was planned far in advance by the Japanese in Korea.  Miura, the Japanese Consul, thought about killing the Queen for a long time. Eijoh states that the Japanese guards of the Palace played the main role in the killing.  He describes in detail how the Queen was murdered and sexually molested.  The assassins brought in foreigners to view the murder scene and got into verbal fights with some of the foreigners."  So, Kim, too, was reciting what the Japanese had said.

Eijoh's report indicates that the Queen was still alive when she was doused with oil and set on fire.  She was sexually molested by the Japanese assassins.  Shown at the left is the part of Eijoh's report that describes the murder.  It reads:

"We rushed deep into the royal chamber and dragged out the Queen.  We stabbed her several times and stripped her stark naked. We examined her genitals (we could laugh or cry in anger) and then poured oil on her body and set her on fire."

Eijoh states that the Queen was stabbed several times, sexually molested and then burned.   Eijoh does not mention the Queen was killed before she was set on fire.  Eijoh's account is partially corroborated by Korean testimonies that claim that the Queen was stomped on the chest and then knifed.  But the Korean accounts do not mention that she was stripped naked and molested.  None of the Korean 'witnesses' had actually witnessed the murder and their accounts were second-hand or third-hand.  

The Japanese historians have attempted to distort this barbaric crime by hiding the full text of Eijoh's report and claiming that the Queen was already dead when she was sexually molested and burned.  Eijoh's report suggests strongly that the Queen was wounded, stripped naked, sexually molested and then set on fire - while still alive.

A Russian Eyewitness:

The grisly murder of Queen Min was witnessed by a Russian officer Sabatin, who was on duty in the early morning of October 8, 1895. He saw the whole even up close at Ok-ho-ru (玉壺樓), the queen's living quarter.   Sabatin graduated from the Russian Imperial Military Academy and came to Korea as an aide to Gen. Dai, an American Civil War veteran.  Gen. Dai was in charge of King Kojong's security.  

Sabatin wrote down in detail what he saw and reported the incident to the Russian government.  Sabatin wrote that the palace guards did not fire a single shot at the invaders and ran away, while the palace ladies in attendance stood ground.  The women were thrown around but nine of them cried or tried to flee.  Sabatin was captured by the Japanese and a Korean officer told the Japanese that the Russian should be killed.

At about six o'clock, Sabatin broke away from his captors. On the way out, he passed by King Kojong's father conversing with the Japanese envoy and the German envoy.  The old man was all smiles, apparently satisfied with the queen's murder.  The Japanese attempted to bribe Sabatin into silence but he refused and left Korea in the following year.  Sabatin's eyewitness account remained buried over a century until a Korean researcher discovered it.

The Russian government told its envoy to Korea, Bebel, to stay clear in order not to offend the Japanese officials. Bebel read Sabatin's report and made public the Japanese involvement in the queen's murder - in spite his superiors' order, and for his insubordination, Bebel was relieved of his position.

Wu Bum-suhn (禹範善) - The Korean Accomplice of the Murder
A Japanese author, Ssunoda Husako (角田房子) wrote a book called - "My Fatherland - わが祖國" in 1990. The book is a biography of Dr. Wu Jang-chun (禹長春 - 1898 - 1959), a famous plant genetist who created seedless melons and other useful plants.  A decade earlier, Ssunoda wrote a book on Queen Min's murder, and since then, she devoted herself to the study of Japan-Korea relations.   On one of  her trips to Korea, she heard from a Korean student that Dr. Wu's father was involved in Queen Min's murder.  Dr. Wu was well-respected both in Japan and Korea and the revelation that his father was a Korean traitor came as a shock.  She tracked down Dr. Wu's close relatives and put together their family history.

Dr. Wu's father, Wu Bum-suhn (1857 - 1903) was involved in the plot from the very beginning.  Wu commanded the 2nd Battalion of the Chosun Army and was recruited by the Japanese envoy, Miura (三浦梧樓).  Wu not only mobilized his troops in the assault on the palace but also instigated some of the atrocities.  Wu gathered up Queen Min's ashes and threw them into a well.

Photo: Major Wu Bum-suhn, his Japanese wife, and son Wu Jang-chun.  Wu was one the earliest pro-Japanese traitors and was directly involved in Queen Min's rape-murder.

The Chosun Army was run by the Japanese and Queen Min planned to disband it as a step toward her goal of breaking away from Japan.  Wu and other officers of the army wanted to eliminate the queen in order to save their jobs.  In addition to Wu, the Japanese recruited Lee Du-whang (The First Battalion commander) and Lee Jin-ho (The Third Battalion commander).

After the murder, Wu and Lee Du-whang escaped to Japan. Wu met and married a Japanese woman and lived in hiding.  He was a wanted criminal and in 1903, he was assassinated by a Korean patriot, Goh Young-gun (高永根).  Wu's first-born son, Dr. Wu Jang-chun returned to Korea after the Korean War and dedicated his life to improving Korea's agriculture.  That was his way of atoning for his father crime against the Korean people.  

The Korean people hold the Japanese people accountable for this crime of the century and let the whole world know how savage the Japanese can be.  "Don't ever forget how I was killed by the Japanese!" rings out our Queen's voice loud to any one claiming to be a Korean.  

Related Webs:

Descendants of Korean Queen's Assassins Apologize (Chosun) -- Two descendants of the assassins of Empress Myeongseong, also known as Queen Min, visited Korea on Monday to apologize 110 years after her brutal slaying. The two are Tatsumi Kawano, the grandson of Shigeaki Kunitomo, a key figure in the assassination, and Keiko Ieiri, the wife of the grandson of Kakitsu Ieiri.  

Japanese Document Sheds New Light on Korean Queen's Murder (Chosun) -- Newly-released Japanese material provides important information about the notorious 1895 murder of Empress Myeongseong -- also known as Queen Min -- by Japanese thugs. The material reveals that although it is commonly believed that the empress was killed in her bedroom, she was actually dragged outdoors and publicly hacked to death with a sword.  

Japanese Illustration of Last Korean Queen Discovered (Chosun)  -- After fresh documentary evidence rekindled interest in Korea's assassinated last empress Myeongseong (1851~1895), a depiction of the empress thought to be drawn from life has come to light. So far, no photos and paintings have been confirmed as definitely depicting the empress.   

Account Describes Empress Myongsong's Assassination (KoreTimes) -- A written account by a foreigner who witnessed the events leading up to the murder of Empress Myongsong of the Choson Kingdom on an October night in 1895 was made public for the first time Wednesday.   

原帖由 zhser 于 2007-11-6 10:22 发表
:hug: 任何国家在国际法中拥有独立地位都是好事,唯有朝鲜:D

原帖由 type55c 于 2007-11-6 11:45 发表

原帖由 korn 于 2007-11-6 11:50 发表
别这么讽制人家,朝鲜历来是我属国,晚清腐败无能,"圣人迭出","号为中兴",倭狗踢馆时,输得屁滚尿流,只顾自个跑路,连自己的小弟也顾不上,琉球如是,安南如是,缅甸如是,朝鲜也如是,明成皇后在自己国家危亡之时,没有逃避自 ...

:L :L
原帖由 dj98dx 于 2007-11-6 11:42 发表

原帖由 不是光棍 于 2007-11-6 11:53 发表


原帖由 不是光棍 于 2007-11-6 12:02 发表

原帖由 国务顾问 于 2007-11-6 12:28 发表



原帖由 type55c 于 2007-11-6 11:45 发表

原帖由 不是光棍 于 2007-11-6 12:33 发表


