
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 12:47:15

Chinese Missile Destroys Satellite in 500-Mile Orbit

by David Kestenbaum

All Things Considered, January 19, 2007 · The governments of Britain, Japan and Australia are voicing concern over China's apparent test of an anti-satellite missile. The United States says China shot down one of its own aging weather satellites last week, in a kind of target practice in low Earth orbit.

综述 ,2007。1。19日,英,日,澳,政府对中国实验反卫星武器表示关注。美国政府声称,中国上周击落了一颗废弃的卫星,以某种地轨道为目标的实验。

Not much information about the event has been released. But scientists say hitting a satellite from the ground takes fairly sophisticated technology.

没有具体信息被披露,但,专家认为,从陆地击落卫星的技术那是相当的 高。

The satellite was 500 miles above the Earth's surface. The explosion created a cloud of debris in space, adding to the amount of "space junk" circling the Earth.

卫星轨道距地面500 英里,炸了,碎片成为太空垃圾。

Hans Kristensen, a weapons expert at the Federation of American Scientists, says that while it has been assumed that China was working to develop such capabilities, the satellite strike still surprised him.

Hans Kristensen,FAS的武器专家,说,虽说大家知道中国正在试图发展这种能力,


"I was surprised that they were able to do it," Kristensen says.


U.S. officials say the Chinese hit the satellite with the help of a medium-range ballistic missile — most likely the DF-21.

U.S 官员说,击毁卫星得益于中程弹道导弹-很可能是DF-21

A satellite is a fairly small thing to hit with a missile. Kristensen says the DF-21 can probably hit a spot on the ground with an accuracy of several hundred feet. But the satellite was probably close to the size of a refrigerator.

DF-21 击中地面目标的精确度是几百米,打卫星如同高射炮打蚊子。Kristensen表示。

So the assumption is that the Chinese device had some sort of advanced guidance system — maybe a kind of telescope to pick out the satellite. Then, it used thrusters to steer it toward the target. The force of the collision would have destroyed the satellite.


Kristensen says that when the United States and Russia were developing anti-satellite missiles in the 1980s, hitting the target was the hard part.

Kristensen 说,80年代俄美试验反卫星武器,击中目标是困难的一步。

The United States successfully shot down one of its own satellites in 1985. So could a Chinese missile now take out a U.S. satellite? A rule of thumb is that a missile can go to a height about half of its horizontal range. So this missile might be able to reach an altitude of 600 miles.


The Global Positioning System satellites, now in common use, are much higher, tens of thousands of miles out.


But Kristensen says there are plenty of targets lower in the atmosphere. Spy satellites tend to be very low," he says, "because you need to get close."


David Wright, a physicist with the Union of Concerned Scientists, has been using computer models created by NASA to estimate debris from collisions. He says the latest smash-up would have been the equivalent of a half ton of high explosives going off.

物理学家David Wright,计算机模拟计算评估了碰撞。他说,最新的撞击等价于半吨的高爆能量释放。This satellite was maybe 3/4 of a ton in mass," Wright says. "And it would have thrown off about 2 million pieces that were bigger than a millimeter in size. Sounds pretty small but at speed going a millimeter object could be deadly."


Deadly, that is, for other satellites. The odds of the debris hitting something look small he says. But this single event probably doubled the number of pieces of space junk at its altitude range


Chinese Missile Destroys Satellite in 500-Mile Orbit

by David Kestenbaum

All Things Considered, January 19, 2007 · The governments of Britain, Japan and Australia are voicing concern over China's apparent test of an anti-satellite missile. The United States says China shot down one of its own aging weather satellites last week, in a kind of target practice in low Earth orbit.

综述 ,2007。1。19日,英,日,澳,政府对中国实验反卫星武器表示关注。美国政府声称,中国上周击落了一颗废弃的卫星,以某种地轨道为目标的实验。

Not much information about the event has been released. But scientists say hitting a satellite from the ground takes fairly sophisticated technology.

没有具体信息被披露,但,专家认为,从陆地击落卫星的技术那是相当的 高。

The satellite was 500 miles above the Earth's surface. The explosion created a cloud of debris in space, adding to the amount of "space junk" circling the Earth.

卫星轨道距地面500 英里,炸了,碎片成为太空垃圾。

Hans Kristensen, a weapons expert at the Federation of American Scientists, says that while it has been assumed that China was working to develop such capabilities, the satellite strike still surprised him.

Hans Kristensen,FAS的武器专家,说,虽说大家知道中国正在试图发展这种能力,


"I was surprised that they were able to do it," Kristensen says.


U.S. officials say the Chinese hit the satellite with the help of a medium-range ballistic missile — most likely the DF-21.

U.S 官员说,击毁卫星得益于中程弹道导弹-很可能是DF-21

A satellite is a fairly small thing to hit with a missile. Kristensen says the DF-21 can probably hit a spot on the ground with an accuracy of several hundred feet. But the satellite was probably close to the size of a refrigerator.

DF-21 击中地面目标的精确度是几百米,打卫星如同高射炮打蚊子。Kristensen表示。

So the assumption is that the Chinese device had some sort of advanced guidance system — maybe a kind of telescope to pick out the satellite. Then, it used thrusters to steer it toward the target. The force of the collision would have destroyed the satellite.


Kristensen says that when the United States and Russia were developing anti-satellite missiles in the 1980s, hitting the target was the hard part.

Kristensen 说,80年代俄美试验反卫星武器,击中目标是困难的一步。

The United States successfully shot down one of its own satellites in 1985. So could a Chinese missile now take out a U.S. satellite? A rule of thumb is that a missile can go to a height about half of its horizontal range. So this missile might be able to reach an altitude of 600 miles.


The Global Positioning System satellites, now in common use, are much higher, tens of thousands of miles out.


But Kristensen says there are plenty of targets lower in the atmosphere. Spy satellites tend to be very low," he says, "because you need to get close."


David Wright, a physicist with the Union of Concerned Scientists, has been using computer models created by NASA to estimate debris from collisions. He says the latest smash-up would have been the equivalent of a half ton of high explosives going off.

物理学家David Wright,计算机模拟计算评估了碰撞。他说,最新的撞击等价于半吨的高爆能量释放。This satellite was maybe 3/4 of a ton in mass," Wright says. "And it would have thrown off about 2 million pieces that were bigger than a millimeter in size. Sounds pretty small but at speed going a millimeter object could be deadly."


Deadly, that is, for other satellites. The odds of the debris hitting something look small he says. But this single event probably doubled the number of pieces of space junk at its altitude range

其实中国要表演的不是打卫星, 而是那种能精确击中以十多倍音速飞行物体的能力. 有这个能力可以做什麽美国得好好掂量. 中国一早就有把火箭送入外太空的能力, 如果美国和中国开战而中国杀红了眼, 打几枚核弹上太空就全世界都得一齐陪中国打盲侠剑法, 是谁怕谁 ? 所以说美国搞的什麽导弹防御纯是浪费花钱的玩意. 说穿了其实一文不值. 这个系统严重依赖天基系统. 到了互相扔核弹的时候还不失丢几个上天灭了这些星星 ? 没了星星还防御个屁.;P
一个核蛋杀伤范围有多大 ? 跑到星星堆里去爆.;P
吃惊什么 咱比他们有段距离
原帖由 树欲静而风不止 于 2007-1-25 20:28 发表

:D :D :D :D :D :D
原帖由 dd.dragon 于 2007-1-25 21:00 发表


同种卫星轨道实际上不是很开 存在部分重叠区

真正试验过的是发射可变轨的杀手卫星 一次在哈瓦那上空杀手卫星自爆与目标同归于尽

当然 核弹炸也不是做不到

关于苏联反卫星武器以及美国反卫星武器兵器知识在TMD NMD沸沸扬扬的几年里有连载介绍。。。