
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/05/05 18:20:43
<p>27日世界杯1/8意大利对澳大利亚的比赛中黄健翔先生疯狂的最后三分钟解说不但在中国球迷中引起轩然大波也引起了世界各大媒体的关注,<font color="#05006c">路透社;法新社等都发表了评论,在</font><font color="#000000">澳大利亚国内据悉也有了很大反响,据此下去黄健翔解说事件是否会引发国际事件????尤其是黄健翔解说中一句不负责任的"让他们滚蛋吧"是否会引起外交纠纷??</font></p><p>27日世界杯1/8意大利对澳大利亚的比赛中黄健翔先生疯狂的最后三分钟解说不但在中国球迷中引起轩然大波也引起了世界各大媒体的关注,<font color="#05006c">路透社;法新社等都发表了评论,在</font><font color="#000000">澳大利亚国内据悉也有了很大反响,据此下去黄健翔解说事件是否会引发国际事件????尤其是黄健翔解说中一句不负责任的"让他们滚蛋吧"是否会引起外交纠纷??</font></p>
<p><strong>黄健翔惹争议的解说原文:</strong></p><p>——托蒂,布冯,过他,进入了,亚坤塔,点球!点球!点球!格罗索立功了,格罗索立功了!不要给澳大利亚人任何的机会。<br/><br/>  伟大的意大利的左后卫!他继承了意大利的光荣的传统。法切蒂、卡布里尼、马尔蒂尼在这一刻灵魂附体!格罗索一个人他代表了意大利足球悠久的历史和传统,在这一刻他不是一个人在战斗,他不是一个人!<br/><br/>  托蒂!托蒂面对这个点球。他面对的是全世界意大利球迷的目光和期待。<br/><br/>  施瓦泽曾经在附加赛当中、世界杯预选赛的附加赛中扑出过两个点球,托蒂肯定深知这一点。他还能够微笑着面对他面前的这个人吗?10秒钟以后他会是怎样的表情?<br/><br/>  球进了!比赛结束了!意大利队获得了胜利!淘汰了澳大利亚队!他们没有再一次倒在希丁克的球队面前。伟大的意大利!伟大的意大利的左后卫!马尔蒂尼今天生日快乐!意大利万岁!<br/><br/>这个点球是一个绝对理论上的决杀。绝对的死角。<br/><br/>意大利队进入了八强。<br/><br/>  胜利属于意大利,属于格罗索,属于卡纳瓦罗,属于赞布罗塔,属于布冯,属于马尔蒂尼,属于所有热爱意大利足球的人!<br/><br/>(低声发狠)让他们滚蛋吧!<br/><br/>  澳大利亚队也许会后悔的,希丁克!他在下半场多打一人的情况下他打得太保守、太沉稳了,他失去了自己的勇气,面对意大利足球悠久的历史和传统,他没有再拿出小组赛那样的猛扑猛打的作风,他终于自食其果!他们该回家了!他们不用回遥远的澳大利亚。他们到处都在欧洲生活。再见!<br/></p>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="560" border="0"><tbody><tr><th class="f21"><font color="#05006c">路透社点评黄健翔激昂解说:热爱意大利引发危机</font></th></tr><tr><td><hr size="1" bgcolor="#d9d9d9"/></td></tr><tr><td align="center" height="20">http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年06月27日17:05 <font color="#a20010">新浪体育</font></td></tr><tr><td height="15"></td></tr><tr><td class="l17"><font class="f14" id="zoom"><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" border="0"><tbody><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img height="7" src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/ty/2006worldcup/imgbag/2006_jago_9.jpg" width="9" alt=""/></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" height="7"></td><td><img height="7" src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/ty/2006worldcup/imgbag/2006_jago_8.jpg" width="9" alt=""/></td></tr><tr><td background="http://image2.sina.com.cn/ty/2006worldcup/imgbag/2006_jago_6.jpg"><img height="1" src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/home/c.gif" width="1" alt=""/></td><td><img alt="路透社点评黄健翔激昂解说:热爱意大利引发危机" src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/2006/ita/2006-06-27/U1166P427T6D76977F172DT20060627194849.jpg" border="1"/></td><td width="9" background="http://image2.sina.com.cn/ty/2006worldcup/imgbag/2006_jago_7.jpg"></td></tr><tr><td><img height="33" src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/ty/2006worldcup/imgbag/2006_jago_3.jpg" width="9" alt=""/></td><td align="center" background="http://image2.sina.com.cn/ty/2006worldcup/imgbag/2006_jago_5.jpg"><a href="http://sina.allyes.com/main/adfclick?db=sina&amp;bid=37048,72954,73003&amp;cid=0,0,0&amp;sid=69149&amp;advid=1954&amp;camid=9335&amp;show=ignore&amp;url=http://www.nikefootball.com.cn/" target="_blank"><img height="33" src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/ty/2006worldcup/imgbag/2006_jago_5.GIF" width="145" border="0" alt=""/></a></td><td><img height="33" src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/ty/2006worldcup/imgbag/2006_jago_4.jpg" width="9" alt=""/></td></tr><tr><td class="title12" align="center" colspan="3" height="25"><font class="f14">路透社新闻截屏图</font>
                                                                                <b><font class="title12"><a href="http://2006.sina.com.cn/photo/">查看全部体育图片</a>
                                                                                                <a href="http://sports.sina.com.cn/photo_xh/">循环图片</a></font></b>
                                                                        </td></tr></tbody></table><br/><br/><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><p>  新浪体育讯 在北京时间今天凌晨结束的德国世界杯一场八分之一决赛当中,意大利队在中后卫马特拉奇被罚下场的情况下凭借托蒂在最后一刻的点球淘汰掉了荷兰人希拉克执教的澳大利亚队。中国中央电视台的足球名嘴、当场比赛的解说员黄健翔用嘶哑的声音激动地高喊起来,为意大利队的晋级呐喊,而且他的一些过于偏向意大利的评论引起了球迷的争议,事后,路透社对于黄健翔的解说进行了点评现翻译如下:意大利队戏剧性地以1比0战胜了澳大利亚队,而且这粒点球出现在比赛的最后十几秒种,这个高潮场面显然对中国最受欢迎的电视足球解说员黄健翔而言有点太刺激了,他用充满激情的声音表达了对意大利足球的赞美,而没有象以往一样站在一个解说员的客观立场上来解说这个进球。</p><p>  黄健翔是在给中国<span class="yqlink">
                                                                <form class="yqin" action="http://www.iask.com/n" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="k"/></form><a class="akey" title="中央电视台" href="http://www.iask.com/n?k=中央电视台" target="_blank">中央电视台</a></span>的数百万球迷受众解说这场比赛,他却未能在意大利队的后卫格罗索在澳大利亚球员的防守下倒在澳大利亚禁区内并在最后一分钟为意大利创造一个点球时控制住自己的激动。</p><p>  黄健翔在看到裁判判给意大利队一粒点球后顿时尖叫起来,他尖声喊道:“点球!点球!点球!格罗索立功了,格罗索立功了!不要给澳大利亚人任何的机会!伟大的意大利的左后卫,他继承了意大利的光荣的传统!法切蒂、卡布里尼、马尔蒂尼在这一刻灵魂附体!格罗索一个人,他代表了意大利悠久的历史和传统,在这一刻,他不是一个人在战斗,他不是一个人!”</p><p>  中国电视观众并不经常听到这样类似南美风格的激情解说,黄健翔在解说中流露出来的明显的偏向也在中国媒体界引起了轩然大波和广泛争议。</p><p>  当托蒂将点球罚入帮助意大利队晋级8强后,黄健翔更是特别提到了澳大利亚队主帅希丁克的名字,4年前的韩日<span class="yqlink">
                                                                <form class="yqin" action="http://www.iask.com/n" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="k"/></form><a class="akey" title="世界杯" href="http://www.iask.com/n?k=世界杯" target="_blank">世界杯</a></span>上正是希丁克率领的韩国队在八分之一决赛中淘汰了意大利队。</p><p>  黄健翔继续高喊,他的声音已经明显嘶哑,“球进了!比赛结束了!意大利队获得了胜利!淘汰了澳大利亚队!他们没有再一次倒在希丁克的球队面前!伟大的意大利!伟大的意大利左后卫!马尔蒂尼今天生日快乐!意大利万岁!意大利队进入了8强。胜利属于意大利、属于格罗索,属于卡纳瓦罗、属于赞布罗塔、属于布冯、属于马尔蒂尼,属于所有热爱意大利足球的人!希丁克,面对意大利悠久的历史和传统,他失去了自己的勇气,他终于自食其果!他们该回家了,他们不用回遥远的澳大利亚,他们大多数都在欧洲生活,再见!”</p><p>  事后,并无歉意的黄健翔表示,他已经不记得自己在那个激动的时刻都说了些什么,他说自己之所以喜爱意大利队是因为他多年来一直解说意甲联赛。他说:“我对意大利球员更加熟悉,我真的不喜欢澳大利亚队,我希望他们遭到淘汰。”</p><p>  澳大利亚最近加入了亚足联,从下一届世界杯赛开始,澳大利亚将参加亚洲的<span class="yqlink">
                                                                <form class="yqin" action="http://www.iask.com/n" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="k"/></form><a class="akey" title="预选赛" href="http://www.iask.com/n?k=预选赛" target="_blank">预选赛</a></span>角逐争夺出线席位。</p><p>  黄健翔说:“你们还记得在1981年中国队是怎样在西班牙世界杯预选赛中失利的吗?当时那支新西兰队就象现在这支澳大利亚队,他们都在英格兰生活和踢球,但持有新西兰的护照,当年的伤痛仍然令人难过,2009年,澳大利亚就会象81年的新西兰一样和中国队一起参加亚洲的世界杯预选赛。</p></font></td></tr></tbody></table>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="560" border="0"><tbody><tr><th class="f21"><font color="#05006c">新华社外电点评黄健翔解说:失去镇定成焦点人物</font></th></tr><tr><td><hr size="1" bgcolor="#d9d9d9"/></td></tr><tr><td align="center" height="20">http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年06月27日19:47 <font color="#a20010">新浪体育</font></td></tr><tr><td height="15"></td></tr><tr><td class="l17"><font class="f14" id="zoom"><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" border="0"><tbody><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img height="7" src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/ty/2006worldcup/imgbag/2006_jago_9.jpg" width="9" alt=""/></td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" height="7"></td><td><img height="7" src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/ty/2006worldcup/imgbag/2006_jago_8.jpg" width="9" alt=""/></td></tr><tr><td background="http://image2.sina.com.cn/ty/2006worldcup/imgbag/2006_jago_6.jpg"><img height="1" src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/home/c.gif" width="1" alt=""/></td><td><img alt="新华社外电点评黄健翔解说:失去镇定成焦点人物" src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/2006/ita/2006-06-27/U347P427T6D77063F172DT20060627200628.jpg" border="1"/></td><td width="9" background="http://image2.sina.com.cn/ty/2006worldcup/imgbag/2006_jago_7.jpg"></td></tr><tr><td><img height="33" src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/ty/2006worldcup/imgbag/2006_jago_3.jpg" width="9" alt=""/></td><td align="center" background="http://image2.sina.com.cn/ty/2006worldcup/imgbag/2006_jago_5.jpg"><a href="http://sina.allyes.com/main/adfclick?db=sina&amp;bid=37048,72954,73003&amp;cid=0,0,0&amp;sid=69149&amp;advid=1954&amp;camid=9335&amp;show=ignore&amp;url=http://www.nikefootball.com.cn/" target="_blank"><img height="33" src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/ty/2006worldcup/imgbag/2006_jago_5.GIF" width="145" border="0" alt=""/></a></td><td><img height="33" src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/ty/2006worldcup/imgbag/2006_jago_4.jpg" width="9" alt=""/></td></tr><tr><td class="title12" align="center" colspan="3" height="25"><font class="f14"></font><b><font class="title12"><a href="http://2006.sina.com.cn/photo/">查看全部体育图片</a>
                                                                                                <a href="http://sports.sina.com.cn/photo_xh/">循环图片</a></font></b>
                                                                        </td></tr></tbody></table><br/><br/><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><p>  新浪体育讯 在北京时间今天凌晨结束的德国世界杯一场八分之一决赛当中,意大利队在中后卫马特拉奇被罚下场的情况下凭借托蒂在最后一刻的点球淘汰掉了荷兰人希拉克执教的澳大利亚队。中国中央电视台的足球名嘴、当场比赛的解说员黄健翔用嘶哑的声音激动地高喊起来,为意大利队的晋级呐喊,而且他的一些过于偏向意大利的评论引起了球迷的争议,事后新华社外电对于黄健翔的解说进行了点评,现翻译如下:中国一名世界杯解说员因为在解说意大利和澳大利亚队的比赛后喊出了“意大利万岁!”以及宣称“我不喜欢澳大利亚队”而在中国引起了轩然大波。这场比赛中,意大利队在最后一分钟获得了一粒点球并罚进将澳大利亚队淘汰出了8强。</p><p>  上述解说员黄健翔是中国<span class="yqlink">
                                                                <form class="yqin" action="http://www.iask.com/n" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="k"/></form><a class="akey" title="中央电视台" href="http://www.iask.com/n?k=中央电视台" target="_blank">中央电视台</a></span>的解说员,当意大利队的托蒂将点球罚进使得只有10人应战的意大利队1球小胜澳大利亚挺进四分之一决赛后,他失去了镇定。</p><p>  今年38岁的黄健翔把他的嗓子都喊哑了,当时意大利队的左后卫格罗索在澳大利亚禁区内被对方球员拌倒,主裁判判罚了点球,托蒂主罚命中,黄顿时兴奋地尖叫起来。</p><p>  一个网友在新华社网站Xinhuanet.com上针对黄的表现留言说:“黄健翔有点发疯而且言辞明显偏向意大利队,他应该辞去足球解说员的职务。”</p><p>  周二,包括新浪和搜狐在内的受欢迎的中国门户网站的在线评论论坛里充斥了有关对黄这次解说的评论,对黄表示不满的网友的人数超过了对他表示支持的人数。新浪论坛里的一个留言说:“黄太过份了,他不应该为打法丑陋的意大利队击掌叫好,也不应该嘲笑勇敢的澳大利亚队。”</p><p>  在澳大利亚队的荷兰主帅希丁克对执法这场比赛的西班牙裁判路易斯-坎塔尔耶击碎了澳大利亚队的<span class="yqlink">
                                                                <form class="yqin" action="http://www.iask.com/n" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="k"/></form><a class="akey" title="世界杯" href="http://www.iask.com/n?k=世界杯" target="_blank">世界杯</a></span>梦想的点球判罚提出异议时,黄却表示这位裁判的判罚是明智的。黄在比赛最后时刻高喊:“这粒点球无可争议。”</p><p>  黄还喊道:“点球!点球!点球!格罗索立功了,格罗索立功了!不要给澳大利亚人任何的机会!伟大的意大利的左后卫,他继承了意大利的光荣的传统!法切蒂、卡布里尼、马尔蒂尼在这一刻灵魂附体!格罗索一个人,他代表了意大利悠久的历史和传统,在这一刻,他不是一个人在战斗,他不是一个人!托蒂将主罚这粒点球,他肩上承载着全世界球迷的期望。球进了!比赛结束了!意大利队获得了胜利!淘汰了澳大利亚队!他们没有再一次倒在希丁克的球队面前!马尔蒂尼今天生日快乐!意大利万岁!”随后黄还提到了澳大利亚队,他喊道:“他们该回家了,他们不用回遥远的澳大利亚,他们大多数都在欧洲生活,再见!”</p><p>  在与位于北京的演播室进行赛后卫星联线的对话时,黄对于他引起争议的解说并无悔意。他说:“我也是人,不是机器,我不可能在所有时间里都做到不偏不倚。澳大利亚队让我回忆起了1981年在西班牙世界杯<span class="yqlink">
                                                                <form class="yqin" action="http://www.iask.com/n" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="k"/></form><a class="akey" title="预选赛" href="http://www.iask.com/n?k=预选赛" target="_blank">预选赛</a></span>中淘汰中国队的另一支烂队,现在这支澳大利亚队就象当年那支击败了我们的新西兰队。这支澳大利亚队里都是在英格兰生活和踢球的澳大利亚移民,我看不上这支澳大利亚队,也不希望看到他们在世界杯上有好的成绩。”</p><p>  黄还说:“(已经加入了亚足联的)澳大利亚队现在将在亚洲争夺世界杯入场券,也许这对日本和韩国的影响不大,但极有可能会影响到中国队的出线,所以我很不愿意看到这一幕。”</p><p>  北京演播室的主持人张斌试图多次打断黄的谈话,以便避免进一步的争议,但黄一直滔滔不绝,直到卫星连线被切断。在随后的节目当中,张试图弥补一下黄的说法,他不停地夸奖澳大利亚队踢得顽强并赞扬希丁克执教有方。</p><p>  虽然中国的足球水平仍然较低,但中国的足球评论媒体却和英国及德国的足球媒体一样发达。中国电视主持人的喜好经常会在他们的解说中听到,中央台的记者和评论员一般都看好传统的强队,诸如英格兰、意大利、阿根廷以及德国。在2002年的韩日世界杯上,中央台的女主持沈冰在阿根廷队小组赛后即遭淘汰时竟然当众流下眼泪,这一举动让数百万中国电视观众感到震惊。</p><p>  中国的体育媒体从中国于1994年开始职业足球联赛以及在国家电视台上开始转播英超和意甲联赛以来迅速腾飞。中国球迷对于足球的激情,再加上民众的收入日益增加,使得观众对于更丰富多彩的足球信息的需求也随之增长。随着市场竞争日益加剧,中国羽翼未丰的足球狗仔队们为了捕捉到一条消息可以不惜一切。</p></font></td></tr></tbody></table>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="560" border="0"><tbody><tr><th class="f21"><font color="#05006c">法新社点评黄健翔解说:他放弃了一切中立立场</font></th></tr><tr><td><hr size="1" bgcolor="#d9d9d9"/></td></tr><tr><td align="center" height="20">http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年06月27日22:10 <font color="#a20010">新浪体育</font></td></tr><tr><td height="15"></td></tr><tr><td class="l17"><font class="f14" id="zoom"><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><p>  新浪体育讯 在北京时间今天凌晨结束的德国世界杯一场八分之一决赛当中,意大利队在中后卫马特拉奇被罚下场的情况下凭借托蒂在最后一刻的点球淘汰掉了荷兰人希拉克执教的澳大利亚队。中国中央电视台的足球名嘴、当场比赛的解说员黄健翔用嘶哑的声音激动地高喊起来,为意大利队的晋级呐喊,而且他的一些过于偏向意大利的评论引起了球迷的争议,事后,法新社对于黄健翔的解说进行了点评现翻译如下:中国一位知名的电视解说员因为在意大利淘汰澳大利亚的世界杯八分之一决赛后放弃了所有的中立立场狂赞意大利队而引起了争议。</p><p>  在托蒂在比赛最后几秒钟时将点球罚入终止了<span class="yqlink">
                                                                <form class="yqin" action="http://www.iask.com/n" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="k"/></form><a class="akey" title="澳大利亚" href="http://www.iask.com/n?k=澳大利亚" target="_blank">澳大利亚</a></span>的<span class="yqlink">
                                                                <form class="yqin" action="http://www.iask.com/n" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="k"/></form><a class="akey" title="世界杯" href="http://www.iask.com/n?k=世界杯" target="_blank">世界杯</a></span>梦想时,黄健翔作为解说员高喊道:“<span class="yqlink">
                                                                <form class="yqin" action="http://www.iask.com/n" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="k"/></form><a class="akey" title="意大利" href="http://www.iask.com/n?k=意大利" target="_blank">意大利</a></span>万岁!”他还说:“澳大利亚队没必要回到遥远的澳大利亚,因为他们大多数都生活在欧洲,再见。”</p><p>  中国不少网站的论坛里的留言显示网友针对黄的解说以及他公开支持意大利的立场意见不一,一些人希望看到黄被解职,但也有人对他表示支持</p></font></td></tr></tbody></table>
如果想听<strong>黄健翔解说的原声部分请到新华论坛-体育版<<</strong><a class="txt" href="http://forum.xinhuanet.com/detail.jsp?id=32008324" target="_blank">全文:黄健翔终场前解说词实录!</a> >>一文中去听,因为我不会连接!!!<font color="#ffffff"><strong>全文:黄健翔终场前解说词实录!全文:黄健翔终场前解说词实录!</strong></font>
<p><font color="#ff0000" size="5">国外的友邦诧异了,有些国人是不是也坐不住了?</font></p>
<p><font size="2">问下:</font></p><p><font size="2">有一个身着澳大利亚队服的人(不是球员)冲进了球场,并举着有反华口号的旗帜在奔跑!</font></p><p><font size="2"></font></p><p><font size="2">----- 那场比赛有这事吗 ?</font></p>
<p>&nbsp; 庸人自扰.现在还是满清末年吗?</p><p>&nbsp; 黄的解说我也觉得有不妥的地方,不太符合中国人一贯的中庸之道.但说了就说了,有什么大不了的,没必要上纲上限.</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-28 10:19:40编辑过]
<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>sixwing</i>在2006-6-28 13:04:00的发言:</b><br/><p></p><div class="quote">现在估计被央视给KO了!</div><p></p><p>是呀,昨天下午的重播,解说员已经换了。估计原定的决赛也没有希望了。</p><p>那些批判黄健翔的人真无聊,他们自己平时都不知道是什么样,现在装起道学先生了,太无聊了。</p><p>也不知道现在澳大利亚人是什么反应。</p></div><p>无聊了????那你说什么是不无聊????作为一名国家电视台的解说员张口就骂人家"滚蛋"就对吗??当着几亿中国观众的面高喊"意大利万岁"就是可取之处吗???</p>
<p>世界杯情绪爆发:道歉了</p><p>-----------------------------------</p><p>WCUP OUTBURST: APOLOGY MADE<br/><font class="date">28.6.2006. 13:17:26</font><br/><br/><td></td><tr></tr><tr></tr><td class="body" valign="top"></td></p><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" align="right" border="0"><tbody><tr><td><img height="145" alt="" src="" width="218" border="1" bordercolor="#000000"/></td></tr><tr><td class="related"></td></tr></tbody></table><font class="intro">A Chinese sporting commentator has apologised to viewers for his outburst against Australia when the Socceroos lost to Italy in their World Cup clash on Tuesday.</font>
        <br/><br/>During a live broadcast of the clash, China Central Television commentator Huang Jianxiang shouted "Long Live Italy" and "I don't like Australia." <br/><br/>Directly after the game, Huang told viewers that the Australian team was full of naturalised Australians "who play and live in Britain." <br/><br/>Despite efforts by another on-air anchor to get him to stop talking, he kept at it. "I am a human being, not a machine, and I can't be impartial all the time," he said. <br/><br/>"I don't care about the Australian team and don't want to see Australia have good results in the World Cup." <br/><br/>Chine Central Television has read out an apology by Huang: "In the last minutes of the Italy-Australia game last night, I added too much personal emotion to my comments". <br/><br/>In the statement Huang said he had reviewed the tape after waking up the next day and he felt that some comments were "inappropriate and biased, which upset and hurt the audience". <br/><br/>It wasn't the first time a Chinese sporting commentator has become carried away covering the World Cup. In 2002, CCTV hostess Sheng Bin stunned an audience of millions as she openly wept at Argentina's early exit. <br/>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="465" border="0"><tbody><tr><td class="t18"><p>中国日报:偏见情绪爆发后,电视足球评论员羞愧地认错</p><p>------------------------------------------------</p><p>After biased outburst, TV soccer commentator eats his words</p></td></tr><tr><td align="right"><img height="13" alt="font size" src="http://english.people.com.cn/images/3zoom.gif" width="11" align="absBottom"/><script language="javascript"></script><script langage="javascript"></script> &nbsp;<a href="javascript:void(0);"><img alt="ZoomIn" src="http://english.people.com.cn/images/plus.gif" border="0"/></a><img height="1" src="http://english.people.com.cn/200606/28/images/spacer.gif" width="2" alt=""/>&nbsp;<a href="javascript:void(0);"><img alt="ZoomOut" src="http://english.people.com.cn/images/minus.gif" border="0"/></a> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </td></tr><tr><td><br/><div id="resize0"><p>Popular soccer commentator Huang Jianxiang apologized last night for his biased, emotional outburst during the <a href="http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/Italy.html" target="_blank">Italy</a>-<a href="http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/australia.html" target="_blank">Australia</a> match on Monday that caused an uproar among Chinese netizens. </p><p>"After reviewing the match the next morning, I feel my comments contained too many personal feelings, which was not proper. I sincerely apologize to the audience for upsetting them," Huang said in a letter published on the China Central Television (CCTV) website. </p><p>He admitted that his performance was not befitting a sports commentator and pledged to "balance sense and sensibility" so as to remain fair and impartial. </p><p>Huang, 38, drew sharp criticism after he lost his cool during Italy's dramatic 1-0 <a href="http://english.people.com.cn/zhuanti/Zhuanti_481.html" target="_blank">World&nbsp;Cup</a> win over Australia, shouting "Long Live Italy" and declaring: "I don't like the Australian team." </p><p>Online discussion forums on popular portals such as Sina.com and Sohu.com were yesterday flooded with messages about Huang's outburst, many criticizing him for his "hysterical" ranting in favour of Italy. </p><p>"Huang is biased and crazy; and has to quit as a soccer show host," said a post on Xinhuanet.com by Ximen Yidao. </p><p>"Huang went too far," said a message on Sina. "He shouldn't have extolled an ugly-playing Italian team and ridiculed the brave Australian squad." </p><p>The CCTV commentator screamed "Penalty! Penalty! Penalty!" when Fabio Grosso went down in a challenge and a last-minute penalty was awarded to the Italians. </p><p>"Grosso's done it, Grosso's done it!" he shouted in hoarse voice. </p><p>"Grosso represents the long history and tradition of Italian soccer, he's not fighting alone at this moment! He's not alone!" </p><p>More was to come when Francesco Totti converted the penalty to win the match and Huang had a special mention for Australia's Dutch coach Guus Hiddink, whose South Korea side knocked Italy out of the last World Cup. </p><p>"Goooooal! Game over! Italy win! Beat the Australians!" he shouted, his voice now breaking. "They do not fall in front of Hiddink again! Italy the great! Left back the great! Happy birthday to Maldini! Long Live Italy! </p><p>"The victory belongs to Italy, to Grosso... to everyone who loves Italian soccer!" </p><p>"Hiddink... finally reaped what he had sown! They should go home. They don't need to go as far as Australia as most of them are living in Europe. Farewell!" </p><p>But in an online survey by Sina.com, nearly half the respondents said Huang's passionate comments were not unfair. About 32 per cent said he was too biased in favour of Italy and nearly 14 per cent said his comments were improper. </p><p>Huang's colleagues at CCTV's sports department refused to comment yesterday. </p><p>Huang remained unrepentant in a post-game satellite linkup with the <a href="http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/beijing.html" target="_blank">Beijing</a> newsroom yesterday morning. He said he could not remember what he had said in the heat of the moment and his preference for Italy was because he had commentated on Serie A for many years. </p><p>"I'm more familiar with Italian players. </p><p>"I am a human being, not a machine, not a computer program, and I can't be objective, neutral, impartial and fair all the time," he said. </p><p>Australia recently joined the Asian Football Confederation and from the next World Cup will contest for one of the qualification spots. </p><p>"Australia will fight for an Asian World Cup berth and... it will very likely take advantage of the Chinese team. So I don't like it." </p><p>"It (Australia) is full of naturalized Australians who play and live in Britain. I don't want to see Australia have good results in the World Cup." </p><p>Chinese TV hosts' preferences sometimes come to the fore in the 2002 World Cup, CCTV hostess Shen Bing stunned millions of viewers as she openly wept at <a href="http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/argentina.html" target="_blank">Argentina</a>'s early exit. </p><p><em>Source: China Daily</em></p></div></td></tr></tbody></table>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="465" border="0"><tbody><tr><td><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="465" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><h1>伟大的哭喊让Motson(BBC著名体育评论员)羞愧(这个是支持的)</h1><h1>------------------</h1><h1>The great wail of China puts Motson to shame</h1><span class="byline">By Jane Macartney</span><br/><h3>Our correspondent in Beijing on a potential 'Jaw Jaw' dropping tirade on Chinese TV</h3></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr><tr><td height="5"><img height="5" alt="" src="http://images.thetimes.co.uk/images/trans.gif" width="1" border="0"/></td></tr><tr><td><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="465" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><div class="textcopy">WHILE WORLD CUP VIEWERS IN Britain debate the performance of John Motson, the veteran BBC commentator, on the other side of the world millions of Chinese fans are in uproar over a passionate outburst by the most famous commentator on state-run Chinese Central Television (CCTV). <p>If Huang Jianxiang was not a household name among China’s hundreds of millions of football fans before the Italy-Australia match on Monday, he is now. Huang burst into an impassioned paean to Italian football and shrieked with uncontrolled delight when Fabio Grosso controversially went down after a challenge from Lucas Neill and a last-minute penalty was awarded to Italy. </p><p><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" border="0" valign="TOP"><tbody><tr><td id="mpuHeader" name="mpuHeader"><img height="1" alt="*" src="http://www.timesonline.co.uk/images/white.gif" width="10" border="0"/><img height="20" alt="" src="http://images.thetimes.co.uk/TGD/picture/0,,89474,00.gif" width="300"/></td></tr><tr align="right"><td align="right"><script type="text/javascript"></script><script language="JavaScript" src="http://ad.uk.doubleclick.net/adj/sport.timesonline.co.uk/football/worldcup;pos=middle;sz=300x250;nulltile=2;ord=1151475091000?"></script><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><script src="http://ad.uk.doubleclick.net/879366/flashwrite_1_2.js"></script><script language="VBScript"></script><object id="FLASH_AD" height="250" width="300" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"><param value="7938" name="_cx"/><param value="6615" name="_cy"/><param value="" name="FlashVars"/><param value="http://ad.uk.doubleclick.net/720796/goodwood_300x250.swf?clickTag=http%3A//ad.uk.doubleclick.net/click%253Bh%3Dv6%7C3412%7C3%7C0%7C%252a%7Cb%253B37092593%253B0-0%253B0%253B13187929%253B4307-300%7C250%253B17017719%7C17035614%7C1%253B%253B%257Esscs%253D%253fhttp%3A//www.driving.timesonline.co.uk/section/0%2C%2C20230%2C00.html%09" name="Movie"/><param value="http://ad.uk.doubleclick.net/720796/goodwood_300x250.swf?clickTag=http%3A//ad.uk.doubleclick.net/click%253Bh%3Dv6%7C3412%7C3%7C0%7C%252a%7Cb%253B37092593%253B0-0%253B0%253B13187929%253B4307-300%7C250%253B17017719%7C17035614%7C1%253B%253B%257Esscs%253D%253fhttp%3A//www.driving.timesonline.co.uk/section/0%2C%2C20230%2C00.html%09" name="Src"/><param value="Opaque" name="WMode"/><param value="-1" name="Play"/><param value="-1" name="Loop"/><param value="High" name="Quality"/><param value="" name="SAlign"/><param value="-1" name="Menu"/><param value="" name="Base"/><param value="" name="AllowScriptAccess"/><param value="ShowAll" name="Scale"/><param value="0" name="DeviceFont"/><param value="0" name="EmbedMovie"/><param value="" name="BGColor"/><param value="" name="SWRemote"/><param value="" name="MovieData"/><param value="1" name="SeamlessTabbing"/><param value="0" name="Profile"/><param value="" name="ProfileAddress"/><param value="0" name="ProfilePort"/></object><noembed></noembed><noscript></noscript></td></tr></tbody></table>Huang screamed his enthusiasm to an audience estimated in the hundreds of millions in China, where football is a national obsession and youngsters can recite by heart the names of the entire Manchester United team. </p><p>“Goooooal! Game over! Italy win! Beat the Australians!” Huang shouted, his voice breaking, as Francesco Totti converted the penalty. “They do not fall in front of Hiddink again! Italy the great! Left back the great! Happy birthday to Maldini! <i>Forza Italia</i>!” </p><p>His less than objective outburst, however, has provoked a storm of controversy in the media and across the internet in China. Hundreds of thousands of people have responded to an online poll on China’s largest and most influential web portal, answering the question “Do you like Huang’s commentary?” So far, 219,121 people have voted and of these 49 per cent chose the response “Huang is full of passion, I like him”. Thirty-three per cent, or 137,748, opted for “He is too close to Italy, this is improper”, while the rest were neutral. </p><p>The commentator, who has won a nationwide following since he joined CCTV in 1994, was unrepentant amid the furore. In an interview with <i>The Times</i> later, he said: “I’m a human being, not a machine and I can’t be impartial all the time. I know the Italian players so well and I don’t like Australians. I wanted Australia to lose.” </p><p>He explained his outburst by remarking that he regarded it as unfair that the Australia team should be filled with players who live in Britain. He vented his anger again against the Socceroos, saying: “Australia reminded me of a lousy team which eliminated China in the World Cup qualifiers in 1981. Australia is just like the New Zealand team that beat us in 1981.” </p><p>He did not stop there. “Australia now will fight for an Asian World Cup berth and it may not be good enough to handle South Korea and Japan,” Huang said. “But it will very likely take advantage of the Chinese team. So I don’t like it.” </p><p>The 38-year-old commentator, known popularly among Chinese audiences as “Jaw Jaw”, is no stranger to controversy. During the 2002 World Cup finals he rounded on South Korea during their matches against Portugal and Italy, alleging that the team were benefiting from favourable refereeing. The previous year he criticised Bora Milutinovic, the China coach, over player errors during a match against Qatar –— and disappeared from screens for six months as a result. </p><p>On the internet, responses have been mixed, but many seem to find Huang’s enthusiasm refreshing. One contributor commented: “I think Huang did an excellent job. I’m bored of emotionless TV anchors who are like robots. Football is a man’s game and a man should be passionate. I’m grateful to Huang because although the match wasn’t exciting at all, at the last minute he gave us a wonderful moment.” </p><p>Another wrote: “Those who think he wasn’t calm enough have only to watch Chinese football because that will keep you calm. To express your true feelings is no crime.” </p><p><strong>To be honest, at the end of the day...</strong>
                                                                                </p><p>“Penalty! Penalty! Penalty! Grosso’s done it, Grosso’s done it! “The great Italian left back! He succeeded in the glorious traditions of Italy! Facchetti, Cabrini and Maldini, their souls are infused in him at this moment! “Grosso represents the long history and traditions of Italian soccer, he’s not fighting alone at this moment! He’s not alone!”</p><p><strong>...you have to say that's magnificent</strong></p><p>“Goooooal! Game over! Italy win! Beat the Australians! They do not fall in front of Hiddink again! Italy the great! Left back the great! Happy birthday to Maldini! Forza Italia! “The victory belongs to Italy, to Grosso, Cannavaro, Zambrotta, Buffon, Maldini, to everyone who loves Italian soccer! Hiddink . . . lost all his courage faced with Italian history and traditions. He finally reaped fruits which he had sown! They should go home. They don’t need to go as far away as Australia as most of them are living in Europe. Farewell!”</p></div></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table>
<p><span class="reportHeadLine">印度媒体引用路透的消息,标题颇有诗意:</span></p><p><span class="reportHeadLine"><strong>因为对意大利的爱,这个男人迷失了自己</strong></span></p><p><span class="reportHeadLine">------------------------------------------</span></p><p><span class="reportHeadLine">This man lost it, for the love of Italy</span><br/></p><div><span class="serviceName">Reuters</span>
        </div><span class="displayDate">Tuesday, June 27, 2006 &nbsp;21:37 IST<br/><br/></span><br/><div class="content" style="COLOR: #444444;"><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;"><city><place>BEIJING</place></city>: The dramatic climax of <country-region><place>Italy</place></country-region>’s 1-0 victory over <country-region><place>Australia</place></country-region> proved too much for <country-region><place>China</place></country-region>’s most popular television commentator, who departed from his normal objectivity with a passionate paean to Italian football.<p></p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;"><p>&nbsp;</p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;">Huang Jianxiang, who was commentating for an audience of millions on the state-run CCTV, was unable to control his enthusiasm when Fabio Grosso went down in a challenge and a last-minute penalty was awarded to the Italians.<p></p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;"><p>&nbsp;</p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;">“Penalty! Penalty! Penalty!” he screamed. “Grosso’s done it, Grosso’s done it!<p></p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;"><p>&nbsp;</p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;">“The great Italian left back! He succeeded in the glorious traditions of <country-region><place>Italy</place></country-region>! Facchetti, Cabrini and Maldini, their souls are infused in him at this moment!<p></p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;"><p>&nbsp;</p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;">“Grosso represents the long history and traditions of Italian football; he’s not fighting alone at this moment! He’s not alone!”<p></p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;"><p>&nbsp;</p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;">Chinese television audiences, expected to rise to an accumulated total of 10 billion before the end of the tournament, are not often served up such South American-style passion and Huang’s bias has provoked a storm of controversy in the media.<p></p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;"><p>&nbsp;</p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;">More was to come when Francesco Totti converted the penalty to win the match and Huang had a special mention for <country-region><place>Australia</place></country-region>’s Dutch coach Guus Hiddink, whose <country-region><place>South Korea</place></country-region> side knocked <country-region><place>Italy</place></country-region> out of the last World Cup.<p></p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;"><p>&nbsp;</p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;">“Goooooal! Game over! <country-region><place>Italy</place></country-region> win! Beat the Australians!” he shouted, his voice now breaking. “They do not fall in front of Hiddink again! <country-region><place>Italy</place></country-region> the great! Left back the great! Happy birthday to Maldini! Forza Italia!<p></p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;"><p>&nbsp;</p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;">“The victory belongs to <country-region><place>Italy</place></country-region>, to Grosso, to Cannavaro, to Zambrotta, to Buffon, to Maldini, to everyone who loves Italian football!”<p></p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;"><p>&nbsp;</p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;">“Hiddink… lost all his courage faced with Italian history and traditions… He finally reaped fruits which he had sown! They should go home. They don’t need to go as far away as <country-region><place>Australia</place></country-region> as most of them are living in <place>Europe</place>. Farewell!”<p></p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;"><p>&nbsp;</p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;">An unapologetic Huang later said he could not remember what he had said in the heat of the moment and his preference for <country-region><place>Italy</place></country-region> was because he had commentated on Serie A for many years.<p></p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;"><p>&nbsp;</p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;">“I’m more familiar with Italian players… and I don’t like Australians indeed,” he said. “I was hoping they’d do badly here.” <country-region><place>Australia</place></country-region> recently joined the Asian Football Confederation and from the next World Cup will contest for one of their qualification spots.<p></p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;"><p>&nbsp;</p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;">“Do you remember how <country-region><place>China</place></country-region> were blocked from going to the Spain World Cup in a qualifier in 1981?” Huang said.<p></p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;"><p>&nbsp;</p></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt;">“It was a team just like <country-region><place>Australia</place></country-region>, all of whom were living and playing in <country-region><place>England</place></country-region> but with <country-region><place>New Zealand</place></country-region> passports. It still hurts… and in 2009, <country-region><place>Australia</place></country-region> will be just like <country-region><place>New Zealand</place></country-region> at that time.”<p></p></p></div><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment-->
<div class="article_title">&nbsp;上海日报:评论员应该为偏见道歉</div><div class="article_title">--------------------------------------------</div><div class="article_title">Commentator should apologize for bias</div><div class="article_author">Wang Yong</div><div class="article_date">2006-06-28 </div><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><div class="article_text">A good soccer game commentator should never be hysterical or biased. <br/><br/>Yet Huang Jianxiang, one of the best TV commentators in China, went literally mad on Tuesday when he yelled - his vocal cords almost breaking - "Long live Italy!" and "No more chances for Australia!" <br/><br/>After the game between Italy and Australia at the World Cup was over with Italy blasting home a controversial penalty, Huang justified his hysteria by saying that he had never liked Australia. <br/><br/>The reason: Australia is now a member of the Asian Football Confederation, which means China will face one more rival in any future games. It's ok for Huang to have a favorite team. But it's unforgivable for him to hate Australia simply because it will be our rival. <br/><br/>China's mens soccer team is notoriously hopeless as most of its players care more about money than about professionalism. <br/><br/>Although beaten by Italy, Australia is one thousand times better than the Chinese team. Period. <br/><br/>Huang owes the nation an apology for his lack of professional spirit and the lack of sensible judgment of what is good and what is bad. <br/><br/></div>
<font size="5">"I am a human being, not a machine, and I can't be impartial all the time," he said. </font><br/>
<p id="storyfullparagraphentete">欧洲一个体育网站,有点讥讽:</p><p id="storyfullparagraphentete">别在意巴拉克们:格罗索增进了两国关系</p><p id="storyfullparagraphentete">----------------------------------------------------</p><p id="storyfullparagraphentete">Never mind the Ballacks: Grosso improves relations</p><p><strong>With a little help from Fabio Grosso and a crazed commentator, relations between Italy and China are at an all-time high on Tuesday, as NMTB reveals the real reasons for Harry Kewell's absence from his side's defeat at the hands of the Italians and Cristoph Metzelder's copious facial hair growth.</strong></p><div id="storyfullparagraph"><p><img class="left" alt="" src="http://i.eurosport.com/2006/06/26/291539-1221466-151-113.jpg"/><strong>China and Italy may outwardly have little in common, and the two nations - traditionally at opposing ends of the political spectrum - could never be classed in the 'best mates' category.</strong></p><p>But a public outpouring of passion for Italian football from a well-respected football commentator on live television on Monday could have changed the two nations' relationship forever.</p><p>Huang Jianxiang - a commentator for the state-run CCTV - found Fabio Grosso's last gasp dive to win a penalty in injury time simply too much to handle, as he delivered a pro-Italy rant not seen since the days of Il Duce to millions of shocked spectators.</p><p>"Penalty! Penalty! Penalty!" he screamed. "Grosso's done it, Grosso's done it!</p><p>"The great Italian left back!" he continued, clearly forgetting that Grosso had just fallen over without so much as a whiff of contact with the prone Lucas Neill.</p><p>"He succeeded in the glorious traditions of Italy!" he added, clearly remembering that the Italians are the masters of such dark arts. "Facchetti, Cabrini and Maldini, their souls are infused in him at this moment!</p><p>"Grosso represents the long history and traditions of Italian soccer, he's not fighting alone at this moment! He's not alone!"</p><p><img class="right" alt="" src="http://i.eurosport.com/2006/06/26/291536-1221435-151-113.jpg"/>More of the same was to follow after substitute Francesco Totti managed to keep his calm to slot home the spot kick and book Italy's place in the quarter finals.</p><p>"Goooooal! Game over! Italy win! Beat the Australians!" he shouted, his voice now breaking. "They do not fall in front of Hiddink again! Italy the great! Left back the great! Happy birthday to Maldini! Forza Italia!</p><p>"The victory belongs to Italy, to Grosso, to Cannavaro, to Zambrotta, to Buffon, to Maldini, to everyone who loves Italian soccer!"</p><p>Huang's outburst - clearly influenced by his South American counterparts - has caused a storm in China, although the man himself is refusing to take responsibility, claiming that he cannot remember what came out of his mouth in the heat of the moment.</p><p>We'll remind you then Huang - a load of old claptrap.</p></div>
<p>澳大利亚人不干了:</p><p>中国评论员的反澳洲球员的情绪化言论(Socceroo 指像袋鼠一样会踢球的澳大利亚球员)<br/>----------------------------------------------------</p><p>Chinese commentator's anti-Socceroo rant<br/>Print <br/>Normal font <br/>Large font <br/>Advertisement <br/>China's most popular television football commentator has been forced to apologise for an extraordinary outburst of pro-Italy bias during his call as the Azzurri knocked Australia out of the World Cup.</p><p></p><p><br/>Huang Jianxiang, who was commentating for an audience of millions on the state-run CCTV, was unable to control his enthusiasm when Fabio Grosso went down in a challenge and a last-minute penalty was awarded to the Italians.</p><p>"Penalty! Penalty! Penalty!" he screamed. "Grosso's done it, Grosso's done it!</p><p>[Full story here]</p><p>Here's a vid of the broadcast. Even if you don't understand Chinese, you can tell he's pretty excited by the penalty.<br/></p>
<p><strong>With a little help from Fabio Grosso and a crazed commentator, relations between Italy and China are at an all-time high on Tuesday, as NMTB reveals the real reasons for Harry Kewell's absence from his side's defeat at the hands of the Italians and Cristoph Metzelder's copious facial hair growth.</strong></p><div id="storyfullparagraph"><p><strong>China and Italy may outwardly have little in common, and the two nations - traditionally at opposing ends of the political spectrum - could never be classed in the 'best mates' category.</strong></p>
<p style="MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 12px;"><span class="headline18">另外一家澳大利亚媒体:意大利偏见并不是中国人的私语(或者说,中国人大声地喊出了对于意大利的偏见)</span></p><p style="MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 12px;"><span class="headline18">----------------------------------------------</span></p><p style="MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 12px;"><span class="headline18">Italy bias no Chinese whisper</span><br/><span class="subHeading">From Nick Mulvenney in Beijing</span><br/><span class="subHeading">June 28, 2006</span><br/><br/><b>THE dramatic climax of Italy's 1-0 victory over Australia yesterday proved too much for China's most popular television commentator.</b><br/><br/></p><p style="MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 12px;"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="170" align="right" border="0"><tbody><tr><td align="center"><img class="imgBorder" height="259" src="http://foxsports.news.com.au/common/imagedata/0,5001,5176986,00.jpg" width="170" border="0" alt=""/>
                                                <div class="grey10n" style="PADDING-RIGHT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; PADDING-TOP: 2px;">That's Grosso ... Buffon gives his defender some love. <i>Pic: AFP</i></div></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" height="10"></td></tr></tbody></table></p><p style="MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 12px;"><a href="http://foxsports.news.com.au/story/0,8659,19616401-23215,00.html#"><img height="9" alt="" src="http://foxsports.news.com.au/images/video/red_video.gif" width="11" border="0"/>
                        <u><strong>Video:</strong> Highlights from Germany 2006</u></a>
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        </p><p>He departed from his normal objectivity with a passionate paean to Italian football. </p><p>Huang Jianxiang, who was commentating for an audience of millions on the state-run CCTV, was unable to control his enthusiasm when Fabio Grosso went down in a challenge and a last-minute penalty was awarded to the Azzurri. </p><p>"Penalty! Penalty! Penalty!" he screamed. "Grosso's done it, Grosso's done it! </p><p>"The great Italian left back! He succeeded in the glorious traditions of Italy! Facchetti, Cabrini and Maldini, their souls are infused in him at this moment! </p><p>"Grosso represents the long history and traditions of Italian football, he's not fighting alone at this moment! He's not alone!" </p><p>Chinese television audiences, expected to rise to an accumulated total of 10 billion before the end of the tournament, are not often served up such South American-style passion and Huang's bias has provoked a storm of controversy in the media. </p><p>More was to come when Francesco Totti converted the penalty to win the match and Huang had a special mention for Australia's Dutch coach Guus Hiddink, whose Korea Republic side knocked Italy out of the last World Cup. </p><p></p><div id="promoIslandRight">Advertisement:<br/><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="http://mercury.tiser.com.au/jserver/acc_random=24130213/SITE=FOXS/AREA=SPORT.FOOTBALL.STORY/AAMSZ=300X250/pageid=26745241" type="TEXT/JAVASCRIPT"></script><iframe marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" src="http://view.atdmt.com/MOS/iview/nwsnvrrs0050000007mos/direct/01/24130213?click=http://mercury.tiser.com.au/ADCLICK/CID=000015b22988b24200000000/acc_random=24130213/SITE=FOXS/AREA=SPORT.FOOTBALL.STORY/AAMSZ=300X250/pageid=26745241" frameborder="0" width="300" scrolling="no" height="250" allowtransparency="allowtransparency" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0"></iframe><noscript></noscript><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--></div>"Goooooal! Game over! Italy win! Beat the Australians!" he shouted, his voice now breaking. <p></p><p>"They do not fall in front of Hiddink again! Italy the great! Left back the great! Happy birthday to Maldini! Forza Italia! </p><p>"The victory belongs to Italy, to Grosso, to Cannavaro, to Zambrotta, to Buffon, to Maldini, to everyone who loves Italian football!" </p><p>"Hiddink ... lost all his courage faced with Italian history and traditions ... He finally reaped fruits which he had sown! They should go home. They don't need to go as far away as Australia as most of them are living in Europe. Farewell!" </p><p>An unapologetic Huang later said he could not remember what he had said in the heat of the moment and his preference for Italy was because he had commentated on Serie A for many years. </p><p>"I'm more familiar with Italian players ... and I don't like Australians indeed," he said. "I was hoping they'd do badly here." </p><p>Australia recently joined the Asian Football Confederation and from the next World Cup will contest for one of their qualification spots. </p><p>"Do you remember how China were blocked from going to the Spain World Cup in a qualifier in 1981?" Huang said. </p><p>"It was a team just like Australia, all of whom were living and playing in England but with New Zealand passports. It still hurts ... and in 2009, Australia will be just like New Zealand at that time."</p>