【原创翻译】《NATURE》上的《地心引力》影评:壮丽的宇 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/30 13:58:20
Space spectacular

Nature doesn’t usually do film reviews, but Gravity is a true great.

20 November 2013
In his book An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth, Chris Hadfield, former commander of the International Space Station (ISS), takes aim at the empty optimism of self-help books. Never mind thinking positive, he says — the real benefits come from preparing for the worst. This philosophy is common and necessary in space flight, and so, during ‘contingency sims’ on the ground, NASA officials would throw a series of unexpected and unfortunate events at Hadfield and his fellow astronauts, to test their responses and to work out how they could be improved. Busy dealing with an already deadly technical threat to their lives in orbit, such as a medical emergency, the trainee spacemen and women would be told: oh, sorry, but now a fire has broken out. And by the way, you’re leaking oxygen. Hadfield says he found it oddly comforting to be sitting around a table with friends and colleagues discussing, for example, how they would dispose of his corpse if he died in space.
在《宇航员返回地球指南》中,Chris Hadfield,一位前国际空间站(ISS)的指令长,将矛头指向了自救书籍中的乐观主义。无视可能性,他说——真正有价值的是对最坏状态的准备。这一道理很浅显,而且对太空飞行是必需的,所以,在地面上进行的“应急模拟”中,NASA都会“抛出”一系列未经告知的棘手情况给Hadfield和他的宇航员伙伴们,来检验他们的反应,以及了解如何提高他们。在轨道上处理一个致命的危险,比如急病时,这些训练中的男女宇航员们会被告知:哦,抱歉,着火了。顺便说一句,你们的氧气正在泄漏。Hadfield说,他发现与几个朋友和同事一起坐在桌子周围讨论,比如,如何处理他在太空中死去之后留下的尸体,是一件很惬意的事情。

Such a cascade of bad luck could have inspired the script of the deserved cinematic smash hit Gravity. (Yes, Nature is late to this, but the film only arrived in UK cinemas this month.) Just about everything that could go wrong for the astronauts played by George Clooney and Sandra Bullock does go wrong, so much so — and if you hate even the mildest of spoilers, then stop reading now — that when Bullock eventually splashes back down to Earth in a remote lake, the viewer is waiting for the two-tone soundtrack and the mechanical model shark from Jaws to appear stage right.
像这样的坏运气连环可能会粉碎《地心引力》的上座率。(是的,Nature对此有点迟,但这部电影这个月才在英国上映。)George Clooney和Sandra Bullock犯下了宇航员所可能犯的错有错误,所以——如果你连最轻微的破坏者都恨的话,那么请你现在停止阅读本文——当Bullock最终溅落到地球上一个偏僻湖泊上的时候,观众们在等待着两个不同的音轨,以及Jaws的机械模型鲨鱼的出现。

As Colin Macilwain explores in a World View this week on page 313, Gravity is loaded with political and scientific symbolism, some subtle and some less so. The three major space-flight powers — the United States, Russia and now China — are all represented on screen, and their differing roles in the plot say much about the status of space science back on the ground in the real world.
正如Colin Macilwain这个星期在World View的第313页上所作的探索,《地心引力》承载着政治和科学象征,有些很巧妙,有些不怎么巧妙。三个太空强权——美国,俄罗斯和中国——都在银幕上有自己的代表,电影用很多情节叙述了关于真实世界中它们各自的不同角色在返回技术上的地位。

Macilwain also celebrates the benefits the film could have for the public perception of space science, which, he summarizes, can be indistinguishable from space exploration in the public eye. Funders and scientists have quibbled for decades over the true benefit of research conducted in orbit, especially aboard the horribly expensive ISS, but there is something glorious in the fact that it is there at all.

The best stories are true, they say, and even the most spectacular film is unlikely to enthrall and enthuse a generation like the grainy pictures from the Moon landings of July 1969. Gravity is a work of fiction, and ardent science-fiction fans will argue for years over how good it really is. (The Oscar meanwhile, seems to be in the bag.) With tongues somewhat in cheeks, physicists have been picking holes in the depiction of Bullock’s hair in zero gravity, and complaining about how the orbits of the space hardware seem to be aligned so conveniently for the plot.

But when you watch it, none of that matters. Gravity is a brilliant, dizzying, awe-inspiring and downright thrilling 90 minutes. And it will both enthuse and inspire. Go and see it on the big screen while you can. And, more importantly, take an impressionable teenager with you.

Nature503,312(21 November 2013)doi:10.1038/503312a

http://www.nature.com/news/space-spectacular-1.14201Space spectacular

Nature doesn’t usually do film reviews, but Gravity is a true great.

20 November 2013
In his book An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth, Chris Hadfield, former commander of the International Space Station (ISS), takes aim at the empty optimism of self-help books. Never mind thinking positive, he says — the real benefits come from preparing for the worst. This philosophy is common and necessary in space flight, and so, during ‘contingency sims’ on the ground, NASA officials would throw a series of unexpected and unfortunate events at Hadfield and his fellow astronauts, to test their responses and to work out how they could be improved. Busy dealing with an already deadly technical threat to their lives in orbit, such as a medical emergency, the trainee spacemen and women would be told: oh, sorry, but now a fire has broken out. And by the way, you’re leaking oxygen. Hadfield says he found it oddly comforting to be sitting around a table with friends and colleagues discussing, for example, how they would dispose of his corpse if he died in space.
在《宇航员返回地球指南》中,Chris Hadfield,一位前国际空间站(ISS)的指令长,将矛头指向了自救书籍中的乐观主义。无视可能性,他说——真正有价值的是对最坏状态的准备。这一道理很浅显,而且对太空飞行是必需的,所以,在地面上进行的“应急模拟”中,NASA都会“抛出”一系列未经告知的棘手情况给Hadfield和他的宇航员伙伴们,来检验他们的反应,以及了解如何提高他们。在轨道上处理一个致命的危险,比如急病时,这些训练中的男女宇航员们会被告知:哦,抱歉,着火了。顺便说一句,你们的氧气正在泄漏。Hadfield说,他发现与几个朋友和同事一起坐在桌子周围讨论,比如,如何处理他在太空中死去之后留下的尸体,是一件很惬意的事情。

Such a cascade of bad luck could have inspired the script of the deserved cinematic smash hit Gravity. (Yes, Nature is late to this, but the film only arrived in UK cinemas this month.) Just about everything that could go wrong for the astronauts played by George Clooney and Sandra Bullock does go wrong, so much so — and if you hate even the mildest of spoilers, then stop reading now — that when Bullock eventually splashes back down to Earth in a remote lake, the viewer is waiting for the two-tone soundtrack and the mechanical model shark from Jaws to appear stage right.
像这样的坏运气连环可能会粉碎《地心引力》的上座率。(是的,Nature对此有点迟,但这部电影这个月才在英国上映。)George Clooney和Sandra Bullock犯下了宇航员所可能犯的错有错误,所以——如果你连最轻微的破坏者都恨的话,那么请你现在停止阅读本文——当Bullock最终溅落到地球上一个偏僻湖泊上的时候,观众们在等待着两个不同的音轨,以及Jaws的机械模型鲨鱼的出现。

As Colin Macilwain explores in a World View this week on page 313, Gravity is loaded with political and scientific symbolism, some subtle and some less so. The three major space-flight powers — the United States, Russia and now China — are all represented on screen, and their differing roles in the plot say much about the status of space science back on the ground in the real world.
正如Colin Macilwain这个星期在World View的第313页上所作的探索,《地心引力》承载着政治和科学象征,有些很巧妙,有些不怎么巧妙。三个太空强权——美国,俄罗斯和中国——都在银幕上有自己的代表,电影用很多情节叙述了关于真实世界中它们各自的不同角色在返回技术上的地位。

Macilwain also celebrates the benefits the film could have for the public perception of space science, which, he summarizes, can be indistinguishable from space exploration in the public eye. Funders and scientists have quibbled for decades over the true benefit of research conducted in orbit, especially aboard the horribly expensive ISS, but there is something glorious in the fact that it is there at all.

The best stories are true, they say, and even the most spectacular film is unlikely to enthrall and enthuse a generation like the grainy pictures from the Moon landings of July 1969. Gravity is a work of fiction, and ardent science-fiction fans will argue for years over how good it really is. (The Oscar meanwhile, seems to be in the bag.) With tongues somewhat in cheeks, physicists have been picking holes in the depiction of Bullock’s hair in zero gravity, and complaining about how the orbits of the space hardware seem to be aligned so conveniently for the plot.

But when you watch it, none of that matters. Gravity is a brilliant, dizzying, awe-inspiring and downright thrilling 90 minutes. And it will both enthuse and inspire. Go and see it on the big screen while you can. And, more importantly, take an impressionable teenager with you.

Nature503,312(21 November 2013)doi:10.1038/503312a

jqqntc 发表于 2013-12-17 17:42
一直想电影院去看,但总有事没看成,前两天下了个还算清晰的枪版看了,更后悔没去电影院看了。卡梅隆的电影 ...

为这个片子花了一百多块专门看的IMAX 3D,买票晚了一点,只坐到了第6排,本以为太近,没想到,一开影,整个人就完全沉浸到太空中去了,实在是我看过的最有3D效果的电影,整个人有融入到无边无际的太空中的感觉,这个片子的3D质感,我感觉超过了我之前看过的阿凡达和其他3D大片,真正的神剧。
活着 发表于 2013-12-17 13:13
不过就是女主角这货去哪儿哪完蛋啊,最后还把兔子的天宫弄下 ...
galaxymacro 发表于 2013-12-17 21:19
呵呵,是我看错了,更正一下,是阿方索·卡隆(Alfonso Cuarón)。
不过就是女主角这货去哪儿哪完蛋啊,最后还把兔子的天宫弄下 ...
cawp 发表于 2013-12-18 12:30
一直不明白天宫为什么会坠落,为躲避绕地第三圈的碎片自找的?还是恰恰这个时点准备销毁?为何不是升高轨道 ...
尼玛!!!要不老夫也写个影评去NATURE试试!   没天理了,影评都NATURE !