(军事科技) 迷彩使用的前景:一种可以让你无论隐逸在哪里 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/30 13:15:02

Invisible Warriors: The Future of Camo
Clothing that adapts to hide you whatever your surroundings are

Camouflage works by confusing the brain. Disruptive patterns obscure a form’s outline, making objects less likely to stand out. But camo has a weakness: No pattern works for every environment. A software design firm in Wilmington, N.C., has developed a process to make site-specific camouflage.

The software combines photographs of a given location, taken by satellites, drones or reconnaissance teams, into customized, terrain-specific patterns that can be printed directly on a garment. Because the pattern is made from images taken at various focal lengths, it also inhibits depth perception, making it more difficult for the brain to process camouflaged surfaces into a single object. For now, use of site-specific camouflage will be limited to Special Operations units. And it could be short-lived.


隐形战士: 迷彩使用的前景

伪装目的就是让你的大脑无法正常地辨识物体. 那些扰人的图案会使物件的轮廓变得模糊从而不会太脱颖而出. 但是迷彩有一个弱点: 没有某一种迷彩可以适用于任何环境. 但在北卡罗莱纳州威尔明顿的一个软件设计公司,已经开发出了一种可以使在特定地点的伪装.

这个软件结合了卫星, 无人机或侦察队通过对当前位置所拍摄的照片, 直接将当前位置的地貌图片展现在衣服上. 但因为这种图案是通过不同焦距所拍摄到的图像, 所以缺乏一定的深度感, 反而使得大脑难以将背景与迷彩看成一体. 到目前来看, 这样的迷彩只能将特种部队限制在某一地区, 而且有可能是短命的.

Invisible Warriors: The Future of Camo
Clothing that adapts to hide you whatever your surroundings are

Camouflage works by confusing the brain. Disruptive patterns obscure a form’s outline, making objects less likely to stand out. But camo has a weakness: No pattern works for every environment. A software design firm in Wilmington, N.C., has developed a process to make site-specific camouflage.

The software combines photographs of a given location, taken by satellites, drones or reconnaissance teams, into customized, terrain-specific patterns that can be printed directly on a garment. Because the pattern is made from images taken at various focal lengths, it also inhibits depth perception, making it more difficult for the brain to process camouflaged surfaces into a single object. For now, use of site-specific camouflage will be limited to Special Operations units. And it could be short-lived.


隐形战士: 迷彩使用的前景

伪装目的就是让你的大脑无法正常地辨识物体. 那些扰人的图案会使物件的轮廓变得模糊从而不会太脱颖而出. 但是迷彩有一个弱点: 没有某一种迷彩可以适用于任何环境. 但在北卡罗莱纳州威尔明顿的一个软件设计公司,已经开发出了一种可以使在特定地点的伪装.

这个软件结合了卫星, 无人机或侦察队通过对当前位置所拍摄的照片, 直接将当前位置的地貌图片展现在衣服上. 但因为这种图案是通过不同焦距所拍摄到的图像, 所以缺乏一定的深度感, 反而使得大脑难以将背景与迷彩看成一体. 到目前来看, 这样的迷彩只能将特种部队限制在某一地区, 而且有可能是短命的.
