从韩国网民的优管评论来观察他们的历史观与民族观(转龙 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/26 18:06:35
一个韩国人做的视频,标题为:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com
  Chinese History, the Origin of Chi-Na(支那), Chinese ancestors, Chinese



good video, i learned china history.
  thank you
  altaitiger 2 years ago (韩国人)
  Very interesting video! Keep up the good work, buddy Cheon1Son!
  samlorson 2 years ago (美国亚裔,苗族)
  非常有趣的视频,请继续努力,Cheon1son !
  My friends (Korean ,Chinese,Japanese),you have to be careful of this Cheon1 son,he is the impostor of a country that try to create havoc between Korea and China,so that these 2 countries fight then his country benefited.You know what I meant.
  europp 2 years ago (欧洲华裔)
  europp-->fake european....
  chiness always lie and make laughing another people
  and 韓 is only china charaters problem
  our hankuk,han word's origin is khan(king.great) altai language
  korea is very very different with china
  altaitiger 2 years ago
  altaitiger ,
  if you really believe that then i got nothing to say ot. maybe one word since i find you pathetic: educate yourself
  torelloBank 2 years ago (海外中国人,汉族)
  you are stupid. korea was infected by india not china. mini china? hahahaha.
  you like chiness always think all developed by china.
  search book about korea
  altaitiger 2 years ago
  Kimchi is one of wonderful things about Korea. Korea is father of NorthEastern Asia ^^.
  Cheon1Son 2 years ago (韩国人,视频主人)
  are you stupid? korea was mini china and absorb many of the culture! read online history news or better yet visit library.
  being a denial make you like an idiot which is fine by me.
  torelloBank 2 years ago
  chiness were slave, most china emperors are foreigners.
  korea never were china's vassal nation.
  korea always were independent
  korea dynasty had long peorid(basic 500years)
  on contrast china were controled by another people.
  korea cuthre were never influenced by china but glory india,
  altaitiger 2 years ago
  china korea and japan unite as one to form a new world order oriental caliphate
  decapitatingcharge 2 years ago
  中日韩三国应该团结一致以达成东方黄种人所主导的新的世界秩序 (又是一个热恋贴冷屁股的华裔)
  lol, How the hell VN is the descendants of China. China also said that Japan was the descendants too lol China will see what happen if they tell that to the Japanese. China is best know of "Claiming things that not belong to China." So sick of it.
  chrl007 2 years ago (越南人)
  笑,越南人如何是中国的子孙了? 中国也总是说日本是中国的后裔,中国人应该看看当你们当着日本人的面说这种事情的时候日本人是如何反应的,中国喜欢宣称他人的事物属于自己是世界上闻名的,真恶心。
  @altaitiger ,@Cheon1Son ,
  instead of absording chinese culture like tao,confucius etc you should now removed them and embrace your altaic brother culture. Embrace the islam since it is the true culture of the altaic people. look at nowadays altaic people in central asia and turk. they all islam lover.
  pls do us a favour. koreans be a muslim. that way the future generation of chinese know that korean never had any chinese influence and all the way like the turks who is now 100% arab
  torelloBank 2 years ago
  altaitiger 跟 Cheon1Son ,既然你们这么热爱所谓的阿尔泰游牧系的文化你们应该彻底去除中华文化比如孔子跟道教等等。并请接受伊斯兰因为许多阿尔泰语系的民族都是伊斯兰的信奉者。
  Confucius is korean? hahahaha what the hell you? korea never need a such fucking chiness korean know who are Confucius only chiness insist he is korean. i quest chiness who claim that a chiness is korean? where? when? korean disgust chiness and china china culture? it's ridiculous
  altaitiger 2 years ago
  孔子是韩国人? 哈哈哈你算个鸟?咱们韩国从来不需要这样的傻逼中国人,只有中国人喜欢造这样的谣。我们韩国人对汉人及其文化倍感恶心。
  Since they DON'T have their own tratditions and cultures they are now claiming that : "China is a MULTI CULTURAL NATION FROM MULT-ETHNIC PEOPLES ^^ . have you watched the MBC TV documentary that reported how Chinese distort and stain non-chinese peoples' traditions a few years ago? Chinese government use non-Chinese ethnics' tradition to gain their own fat.  Most of TV shows that show non-Chinese dancs and songs are fabricated by Chines government.
  Cheon1Son 2 years ago
  It is sad that Hmong/Miao land, inventions were copied and stolen. The Huaxia (Han) later ascribed them into their own culture heroes. : (
  samlorson 2 years ago (美国亚裔,苗族)
  据说苗人的文化发明被华夏盗走了并且将其加入自己文化传说的英雄行列当中 。囧
  well, i am wont take up a quarrel with you.ming dynasty admit the vietnam indepence. i think since vietnese give up chinese writing system,the more and more numerous difference and misunderstanding was occurred
  yes,ancient China=oriental Roman empire
  vietnam was a part of china long for 1000 years,ofcourse,today vietnam was a indepence country
  but you cant deny history fact
  in ancient,vietnam was a part of china
  chinafuckaltaipig 2 years ago
  China is a scumbag that always claim that everything related to China. There wasTibet, then Korea, and Japan now is VN lol . What's next?? The World or Amerioca?? China is nothing but a cold-blooded, barbaric, inhuman, cunning DOG. It always talks about Virtue, Morality, Peace & Wisdom but it ended up doing all the opposite.
  chrl007 2 years ago 4
  中国垃圾总是宣称所有一切跟中国联系的。藏 韩 日,现在越南也? 下一个是啥? 美国吗? 中国不过是一个冷血 野蛮 非人性 狡诈的狗。它总是宣扬美德 和平 与智慧,但总是做出与之相反的事情。
  That mean China was part of the Mongol since Mongol took over China for centuries? is Mexico belong to Spain since Spain took over mexico one? U cant say that VN belong to China becuz China colonized VN for 1000 years. VN & China r 2 different race, ect.. but just that China ,by it nature, it always like to claim everything belong or related to China. The only reason that VN lost to China becuz of Mass Population, but when it come to Intelligent, courage, ect.. VN is even or better than China
  chrl007 2 years ago 2
  China was a pet in Dongyi 3000 years.
  China was a pet in Mongol for 150 years.
  China was a pet in Manchus for 400 years.
  China was a pet in Japan for 35 years.
  China was a pet in United Kingdom for 35 years.
  China was a pet in France.Spain.Portugal for 35 years
  China was a pet in Xianbei 430 ears China says.
  altaitiger 2 years ago
  中国是东夷族3000的奴隶,蒙古150年的奴隶,满族400年的奴隶,日本35年的奴隶,英国35年的奴隶,法国/西班牙/葡萄牙 35年的奴隶,鲜卑族430年的奴隶。
  Chinese have never built their own dynasty nor nation. Han dynasty was not even by one single ethic group. Sui and Tang, which they are so proud of, were built by the Xianbei and these two followed the Northern Dynasty's or other northern ethnics' systems to rule their dynasties. If the Chinese were so proud of Tang, why don't they try to revive Tang clothings, instead of Hanfu or something?
  1. Now, China needs Qing dynasty, Manchu and other minorities to create their own history and cultures. They already have made the Manchu and other minorities their blood brothers. Watch those Youtube craps fabricated by the Chinese.
  2. Spreading fabricated minoritis' cultural and historical videos claiming the historical and genetic relationship, which are all lie, between the Chinese and the non-Chinese, they are stealing non-Chinese history and creating their brand new history and socalled Chinese culture.
  Cheon1Son 2 years ago
  汉人从来没有建立过自己的王朝过国家,首先汉朝不是完全由单一民族建立的,连他们倍感骄傲的隋唐都是由鲜卑人建立的。他们既然这么喜爱唐朝,为何不复性唐朝的服装而非得搞什么汉服呢? 现在,中国需要清朝跟满族以及其他少数民族的的文化,他们已经在宣扬所谓的汉夷一家亲了。汉族在盗窃少数民族的历史跟文化并把他们加入自己的文化历史当中。
  Also, it is clear that your definition of Chinese is lacking.
  China is composed of 56 ethnic group, Han being the most dominant.
  Chinese Laws define Chinese as someone who holds Chinese citizenship. No where does it claims that you have to be a Han.
  However, I do have to admit one thing: pure Han do not exist in a country with 56 ethnic groups.
  hankpin 2 years ago (台湾人,满族)
  For me, you are not a man with Manchu identity. you are chinese pretending to be a manchu.
  Cheon1Son 2 years ago
  For me, you are nothing but a Korean slave.
  Guess what? We are not the only ethnic minorities in China.
  In fact, the Korean ethnic minority group is right next to us.
  Also, yes, I have been assimilated into Chinese culture, so what?
  Being Han or not Han does not determine whether or not you are Chinese.
  hankpin 2 years ago
  its very rude for koreans to try lecture
  on another nations own history.Koreans
  also said they are japanese' ancestors.
  Korea is a shameless nation
  poortaiwanese 2 years ago (海外中国人)
  hahahaha, by doing so you lowly o2b monkeys wont change anything, you are still the monkeys that even the africentric look down on you so they dont even bother to make fake claim to say you are one of them,hahaha
  Truly pathetic, even niggers think they are higher than you, I must agree with them on this one, hahahah
  52051 2 years ago (海外中国人)
  LOL, why do you keep talking about O2b? ^_^ I already told you that is found everywhere, among ancient east asian ^_^. But, well, it can't be found in chinese, it means, chinese are NOT east asian (African) ^_^
  Wake up, don't let the CCP frogs brainwash you, they want you to forget your proud brothers, but who cares??? Viva la Chinese African brothership!!! ^_^
  WonderousFrance2009 2 years ago (韩国人)
  一些人为何总是拿O2b来说事?O2b这个血统在东亚都能见到。但是在汉人当中找不到,这是为何?因为汉人不是东亚人种而是非洲人种。醒醒吧中国人,汉族 非洲黑人的 友谊 万岁!
  LOL. You originated from Tibetans, that's why you are close to negrito. ^_^
  In fact, chinese are made up of %90 negrito and %10 austro ^_^
  WonderousFrance2009 2 years ago
  are you kidding me you viet monkeys? the main group of negirto=Y-DNA D, china has zero D, only jap and tibetan get them the other negrito=Y-DNA O2, yes, they are from china, because you are from China before, hahaha
  52051 2 years ago
  你个越南猴子在开玩笑吗?尼格力拓的主基因是Y-DNA D,只有小日本跟藏族有这类基因。还有一种就是Y-DNA O2,来自中国。
  Yes, some chinese, espeically the northern ones look more "human", don't be surprise, just because their ancestors were raped by Mongols, manchus, koreans, japanese... ^_^
  They "southern types" are very complex. Most south chinese (except the ethnic Jingzu) still look very "pure". Examples: Sichuan chinese look like frogs, Cantonese look like monkeys, but people of Nanking have long tails...you see, very very complex!!! ^_^
  WonderousFrance2009 2 years ago
  是的,一些汉人,特别是北方出生者,似乎还长得像人。这仅仅是因为他们的祖先被蒙古人 满族 韩国人 日本人 x过。而大部分的南方汉族长得像纯正汉人。四川人长得像青蛙,广东人像猴子,但是南京人长着长尾巴。。。真是复杂啊。
  As for you pathetic viet monkey,you dont even look like human, you should feel luck that we even count as human being, hahahahaaa
  You pathetic viet monkey, buy a mirror and check yourself, you lowly nigger, go away,hahahaa
  52051 2 years ago
  你们这些可怜的越南猴子,长得丝毫不像人类,你们应该庆贺我们依然把你当作人类看待。可怜的越南猴子,去买一面镜子看看吧。(这人把韩国人当成越南人了,其实是韩国人,从by Mongols, manchus, koreans, japanese...这句话可以看出,这是韩国人的典型评论方式,总是把自己跟北方的骑马民族还有日本人并论,然后说北方汉族是这些人群的混血后代)。
  are you kidding me you o2b monkey shit? almost all the asisns have been fucked by us, its not the otherway around, check your father ancetors.
  Without us, you are just fully o2b monkeys in viet and indonesia, get lost,
  52051 2 years ago
  Lmao, check the tags "the untold black history, the black chinese" on youtube son ^_^ LOL, that's why most chinese are dark-skinned, freaked out and look like Filipinos ^_^
  WonderousFrance2009 2 years ago
  hahahah, chinese are dark skinned africans?
  Then there is no word in the world to describe your pathetic shity subhuman looks, hahaha
  52051 2 years ago
  哈哈哈,汉族是深肤色的黑种人? 那么看来就找不到词汇可以形容你们这些垃圾劣等人种的的的形象了。
  hahahaha, this pathetic weakass gook delete my comments
  hahahahaha, get lost you pathetic weakling joking gook, you are even weaker than your ancestors, HAHAHAHA
  52051 2 years ago
  if you and your relatives ever have Korean or Manchurian physical features, it is the result of Korean rulers over Chinese.
  Cheon1Son 2 years ago
  Chinese names, are you refeering to china ruled by Mongol, Manchu, or Korean, be more specifice. Many ruler ruled china.  Their combined history in china is much longer than hanchinese(ethnic) combined.
  klee4 2 years ago (韩国人)
  中国人被蒙古 满族 朝鲜人统治过,更确切地说,这些异族统治者统治时期总合的时间长度甚至要长于汉族统治自己的时间长度。
  What a shame u Korean gooks are still arrogant and yet Korea is still 2 separate countries..
  2 nukes goes from North Korea..South Korea goes to Bye Bye... lol...
  hochentis 2 years ago (海外中国人)
  Kimchi Gook
  VivalaChina 2 years ago
  You know very well that Dongyi (Guyi/Nine Yi) are not Chinese ancestors. Dongyi / Gu Yi / Nine Yi = Korean
  Cheon1Son 2 years ago
  Koreans have nothing to do with Siberia and Northern China.Your three ancestors had lived in Korean peninsula for thousand of years.Dongyi are Chinese ancestors,Korean ancestors are Chen Kan(辰韩),Ma Kan(马韩) and Bing Kan(幷韩).These three Korean tribes lived in the southern part of Korean peninsula.
  VivalaChina 2 years ago
  enslaved past of the ethnic Chinese : Slaves of Koguryeo of Korean. Slaves of Kithan. slaves of the Xianbei of Tang. Salves of Yuan. Slaves of Jin and Qing and the emperors of Jin and Qing were Korean origins. Kithans, Xianbeis were relatives of Koreans. Do you want to still say You China ever had conquered Korea? Haven't you learned about your enslaved history in your Red-Schools?
  Cheon1Son 2 years ago
  Han chinese are Australian origin
  RootOfGreatHan 2 years ago 3
  do you love Australian-fu?
  Cheon1Son 2 years ago
  There is no Australian-fu, we don't wear anything. We are Han Chinese, we get naked like our brothers Australian aborigines.
  RootOfGreatHan 2 years ago
  Great job Cheon1son! This is the conclusion I've always tryed to explain to the Chinese I debate. There was never this China (one language, one culture, one people) until now, how the CCP is trying to tie everyone under one, and thus fabricating North East history to theirs... Great video!
  hyubgaek 2 years ago (韩国人)
  干得好! Cheon1son。这个视频里的结论是我一直想在过去的辩论中跟中国人解释的。中国一直在篡改东北亚各族历史是它们的。
  I'm sure koreans don't knows their history since
  japan burned their books during annex
  period lol
  xiaoriben100 2 years ago
  Han dynasty was built based on Korean civilization. After han dynasty, Sui and Tang of the Xianbei ruled the Chinese. Later Kithan ruled them. Jin empire that was built by Silla royal family conquered Song dynasty, the king of Song being captured by Jin empire. Before Jin empire conquest, Yuan empire conquered China, making the Chinese slaves to Yuan. The last empire that ruled the Chinese as slaves was Qing empire that was built by Silla royal family descendants. This is your history. ^^
  Cheon1Son 2 years ago
  I never said that dumbfuck. BTW, in your logic, then Han dynasty was tributary to Xiongnu right??? btw, Japanese are just Korean people mixed with jomons or ainus. ^___^
  Hanul91 10 months ago (韩国人)
  汉朝是匈奴的朝贡国对吧? 顺便说一下,日本人只不过是韩国人到了日本以后跟当地的阿依努人混血的后代。
  If Korea is Chinese people, then why don't they speak a tonal language like them? Why they are their culture so different from Chinese. Sure, we adopted some aspects of Chinese, we aren't Chinese. Chinese doesn't exist as an ethnicity, but a culture.
  Hanul91 1 year ago
  如果韩国是中国人,那么为什么不说一个像中国语那样的有声调的语言呢? 为什么韩国文化是跟中国文化如此不同呢? 当让,我们是接受了一点中国文明,但我们不是中国人。汉族不是以一个民族的方式存在的,而是文化。
  Gojoseon (古朝鮮) is older than Shang (商朝), go read a history book. This is from your Chinese and our books...hahahhahahahhaha
  Hanul91 1 year ago
  South Korea rocket explodes 137 seconds after lift-off
  congrats!!! (台湾人)
  paidnomind 1 year ago
  韩国的火箭的火箭在升空137秒后爆炸了 恭喜!!
  @paidnomind New melamine poisoning cases all the time, too. XD South Korea leads the world in quality...years running now. Congrats.
  blueprophet9 1 year ago (韩国人)
  祝贺!新的三据请安事件层出不穷。 韩国在质量上已经多少年是领导世界了。
  Don't forgot Great China invented SARS. It's the fifth great inventions of China.So, how was the forced slavery from your Manchu overlords? The Chinese national dress Qipao, where did you get it from?
  Hanul91 1 year ago
  金則本我國平州之人, 稱我爲父母之國, 尹灌築九城之地, 以先春嶺爲界, 終金之世, 兵不相加。(高麗史)
  新罗王金姓则金之逺派 (滿洲源流考)
  金之始祖諱函普,初從高麗來,年已六十餘矣 (金史)
  You want me to give you from Han Chinese POV also?
  Hanul91 1 year ago
  @Hanul91 tell me which history book from any country except korea had "nuzhen/jurchens were koreans" in it .爱新觉罗 and korean's金 is are 2 different meanings how does it make u koreans jurchens??? then manchu???? u cant change history, go read more history books(not the ones from korea)!!!! SMARTASS
  sodaxcandy08 1 year ago
  Koreans opening shop in smelly ass chinktown? Never heard such things. You know many chinks moving to Koreatown so much even kills the whole environment with their fugly language. Why are Chinks driving Koreans out of business in LA and NY? HAHHAHAHA
  mekon11 1 year ago (韩国人马甲 假扮日本人)
  LOL are you crazy? You whoreanese are funny, fucken thinks every1 is chinese. I met a chink who thought Koreans were chinese. LOL if you want real smell, go to chinktown. HAHHAAHAHA
  mekon11 1 year ago
  You chinkrats are useless, ugly, and a nuisance to the world especially the polluters of world. Go back to great China! HAHAHHA
  mekon11 1 year ago
  I mean't SARS. you fucken chinkrt. Doesn't matter it originated from Chinaland and they invented it. Same shit but SARS are very dangerous. Fucken dirty chinks don't have good hygienes and you tell us we're dirty? HHAHAHAHHAHA
  mekon11 1 year ago
  你麻痹的肮脏中国老从不讲卫生,却来指责说我们肮脏? 哈哈哈
  HAHHAHAHHAHA go watch our dramas and sing our songs, u fucken cunt. Yes jackie chan looks so good only if he haven't done plastic surgery. HAHHAAHHA
  mekon11 1 year ago
  I don't get it. You chinks say we have small eyes, but you chinks look more uglier with southern features. Some of you look like a fucken creature from the jungles like vietnam. No wonder Chinese and Viets almost look and sound the fucken same. Both are useless and crap countries.
  mekon11 1 year ago
  Look at mao zedong, he's look a true han pig with his fucken ugly face with a mole. He looks like a chink girl I saw in school, her name is Yoshi Lu. HAHAHAHHAHA Mad fugly.
  mekon11 1 year ago
  Dog and cat eating culture came from China. HAHHA go look at chinaland town, so dirty and ugly like your face.
  mekon11 1 year ago
  LOL go look at plastic surgery stat, Chink does more than us. You know jackie chan, jay chou, etc.. they are fucken up by plastic shit. You guys are more uglier that looks like fucken jungle monkeys with goggle eyes. HAHHAHHA
  mekon11 1 year ago
  看看整形的数据,中国老比我们做得多。你们可知道成龙 周杰伦等都做过手术。你们这些长着又圆又大眼睛的人看起来就如同热带丛林里的猴子一样丑陋。
  Master? Chinks was never a master only slaves to "Northern Barbarians". What happen to your manchu masters? Well, Kimchi is consider one of the healthiest food in the world, not your shit cat, dog, dim shits, pork fried rice garbage.
  mekon11 1 year ago
  中国佬从来没有自己当家作主过一直都是北方野蛮人统治下的奴隶。你们的满大人怎么样了?韩国泡菜是公认的世界上最健康的食物之一,而不是你们的猫肉 狗肉 猪肉炒饭之类的垃圾。
  Manchuria was stolen just like Tibet, Inner Mongolia, and Turkemistan. They all don't belong to China, never were in ancient/past history of China. Qing was a manchu dynasty that forced Chinese to follow manchu laws and customs. Nothing more.
  mekon11 1 year ago
  You know according to the project, Genghis Khan was Chinese, Goguryeo (Korea) was Chinese. So by this logic, British was Chinese?
  mekon11 1 year ago
一个韩国人做的视频,标题为:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com
  Chinese History, the Origin of Chi-Na(支那), Chinese ancestors, Chinese



good video, i learned china history.
  thank you
  altaitiger 2 years ago (韩国人)
  Very interesting video! Keep up the good work, buddy Cheon1Son!
  samlorson 2 years ago (美国亚裔,苗族)
  非常有趣的视频,请继续努力,Cheon1son !
  My friends (Korean ,Chinese,Japanese),you have to be careful of this Cheon1 son,he is the impostor of a country that try to create havoc between Korea and China,so that these 2 countries fight then his country benefited.You know what I meant.
  europp 2 years ago (欧洲华裔)
  europp-->fake european....
  chiness always lie and make laughing another people
  and 韓 is only china charaters problem
  our hankuk,han word's origin is khan(king.great) altai language
  korea is very very different with china
  altaitiger 2 years ago
  altaitiger ,
  if you really believe that then i got nothing to say ot. maybe one word since i find you pathetic: educate yourself
  torelloBank 2 years ago (海外中国人,汉族)
  you are stupid. korea was infected by india not china. mini china? hahahaha.
  you like chiness always think all developed by china.
  search book about korea
  altaitiger 2 years ago
  Kimchi is one of wonderful things about Korea. Korea is father of NorthEastern Asia ^^.
  Cheon1Son 2 years ago (韩国人,视频主人)
  are you stupid? korea was mini china and absorb many of the culture! read online history news or better yet visit library.
  being a denial make you like an idiot which is fine by me.
  torelloBank 2 years ago
  chiness were slave, most china emperors are foreigners.
  korea never were china's vassal nation.
  korea always were independent
  korea dynasty had long peorid(basic 500years)
  on contrast china were controled by another people.
  korea cuthre were never influenced by china but glory india,
  altaitiger 2 years ago
  china korea and japan unite as one to form a new world order oriental caliphate
  decapitatingcharge 2 years ago
  中日韩三国应该团结一致以达成东方黄种人所主导的新的世界秩序 (又是一个热恋贴冷屁股的华裔)
  lol, How the hell VN is the descendants of China. China also said that Japan was the descendants too lol China will see what happen if they tell that to the Japanese. China is best know of "Claiming things that not belong to China." So sick of it.
  chrl007 2 years ago (越南人)
  笑,越南人如何是中国的子孙了? 中国也总是说日本是中国的后裔,中国人应该看看当你们当着日本人的面说这种事情的时候日本人是如何反应的,中国喜欢宣称他人的事物属于自己是世界上闻名的,真恶心。
  @altaitiger ,@Cheon1Son ,
  instead of absording chinese culture like tao,confucius etc you should now removed them and embrace your altaic brother culture. Embrace the islam since it is the true culture of the altaic people. look at nowadays altaic people in central asia and turk. they all islam lover.
  pls do us a favour. koreans be a muslim. that way the future generation of chinese know that korean never had any chinese influence and all the way like the turks who is now 100% arab
  torelloBank 2 years ago
  altaitiger 跟 Cheon1Son ,既然你们这么热爱所谓的阿尔泰游牧系的文化你们应该彻底去除中华文化比如孔子跟道教等等。并请接受伊斯兰因为许多阿尔泰语系的民族都是伊斯兰的信奉者。
  Confucius is korean? hahahaha what the hell you? korea never need a such fucking chiness korean know who are Confucius only chiness insist he is korean. i quest chiness who claim that a chiness is korean? where? when? korean disgust chiness and china china culture? it's ridiculous
  altaitiger 2 years ago
  孔子是韩国人? 哈哈哈你算个鸟?咱们韩国从来不需要这样的傻逼中国人,只有中国人喜欢造这样的谣。我们韩国人对汉人及其文化倍感恶心。
  Since they DON'T have their own tratditions and cultures they are now claiming that : "China is a MULTI CULTURAL NATION FROM MULT-ETHNIC PEOPLES ^^ . have you watched the MBC TV documentary that reported how Chinese distort and stain non-chinese peoples' traditions a few years ago? Chinese government use non-Chinese ethnics' tradition to gain their own fat.  Most of TV shows that show non-Chinese dancs and songs are fabricated by Chines government.
  Cheon1Son 2 years ago
  It is sad that Hmong/Miao land, inventions were copied and stolen. The Huaxia (Han) later ascribed them into their own culture heroes. : (
  samlorson 2 years ago (美国亚裔,苗族)
  据说苗人的文化发明被华夏盗走了并且将其加入自己文化传说的英雄行列当中 。囧
  well, i am wont take up a quarrel with you.ming dynasty admit the vietnam indepence. i think since vietnese give up chinese writing system,the more and more numerous difference and misunderstanding was occurred
  yes,ancient China=oriental Roman empire
  vietnam was a part of china long for 1000 years,ofcourse,today vietnam was a indepence country
  but you cant deny history fact
  in ancient,vietnam was a part of china
  chinafuckaltaipig 2 years ago
  China is a scumbag that always claim that everything related to China. There wasTibet, then Korea, and Japan now is VN lol . What's next?? The World or Amerioca?? China is nothing but a cold-blooded, barbaric, inhuman, cunning DOG. It always talks about Virtue, Morality, Peace & Wisdom but it ended up doing all the opposite.
  chrl007 2 years ago 4
  中国垃圾总是宣称所有一切跟中国联系的。藏 韩 日,现在越南也? 下一个是啥? 美国吗? 中国不过是一个冷血 野蛮 非人性 狡诈的狗。它总是宣扬美德 和平 与智慧,但总是做出与之相反的事情。
  That mean China was part of the Mongol since Mongol took over China for centuries? is Mexico belong to Spain since Spain took over mexico one? U cant say that VN belong to China becuz China colonized VN for 1000 years. VN & China r 2 different race, ect.. but just that China ,by it nature, it always like to claim everything belong or related to China. The only reason that VN lost to China becuz of Mass Population, but when it come to Intelligent, courage, ect.. VN is even or better than China
  chrl007 2 years ago 2
  China was a pet in Dongyi 3000 years.
  China was a pet in Mongol for 150 years.
  China was a pet in Manchus for 400 years.
  China was a pet in Japan for 35 years.
  China was a pet in United Kingdom for 35 years.
  China was a pet in France.Spain.Portugal for 35 years
  China was a pet in Xianbei 430 ears China says.
  altaitiger 2 years ago
  中国是东夷族3000的奴隶,蒙古150年的奴隶,满族400年的奴隶,日本35年的奴隶,英国35年的奴隶,法国/西班牙/葡萄牙 35年的奴隶,鲜卑族430年的奴隶。
  Chinese have never built their own dynasty nor nation. Han dynasty was not even by one single ethic group. Sui and Tang, which they are so proud of, were built by the Xianbei and these two followed the Northern Dynasty's or other northern ethnics' systems to rule their dynasties. If the Chinese were so proud of Tang, why don't they try to revive Tang clothings, instead of Hanfu or something?
  1. Now, China needs Qing dynasty, Manchu and other minorities to create their own history and cultures. They already have made the Manchu and other minorities their blood brothers. Watch those Youtube craps fabricated by the Chinese.
  2. Spreading fabricated minoritis' cultural and historical videos claiming the historical and genetic relationship, which are all lie, between the Chinese and the non-Chinese, they are stealing non-Chinese history and creating their brand new history and socalled Chinese culture.
  Cheon1Son 2 years ago
  汉人从来没有建立过自己的王朝过国家,首先汉朝不是完全由单一民族建立的,连他们倍感骄傲的隋唐都是由鲜卑人建立的。他们既然这么喜爱唐朝,为何不复性唐朝的服装而非得搞什么汉服呢? 现在,中国需要清朝跟满族以及其他少数民族的的文化,他们已经在宣扬所谓的汉夷一家亲了。汉族在盗窃少数民族的历史跟文化并把他们加入自己的文化历史当中。
  Also, it is clear that your definition of Chinese is lacking.
  China is composed of 56 ethnic group, Han being the most dominant.
  Chinese Laws define Chinese as someone who holds Chinese citizenship. No where does it claims that you have to be a Han.
  However, I do have to admit one thing: pure Han do not exist in a country with 56 ethnic groups.
  hankpin 2 years ago (台湾人,满族)
  For me, you are not a man with Manchu identity. you are chinese pretending to be a manchu.
  Cheon1Son 2 years ago
  For me, you are nothing but a Korean slave.
  Guess what? We are not the only ethnic minorities in China.
  In fact, the Korean ethnic minority group is right next to us.
  Also, yes, I have been assimilated into Chinese culture, so what?
  Being Han or not Han does not determine whether or not you are Chinese.
  hankpin 2 years ago
  its very rude for koreans to try lecture
  on another nations own history.Koreans
  also said they are japanese' ancestors.
  Korea is a shameless nation
  poortaiwanese 2 years ago (海外中国人)
  hahahaha, by doing so you lowly o2b monkeys wont change anything, you are still the monkeys that even the africentric look down on you so they dont even bother to make fake claim to say you are one of them,hahaha
  Truly pathetic, even niggers think they are higher than you, I must agree with them on this one, hahahah
  52051 2 years ago (海外中国人)
  LOL, why do you keep talking about O2b? ^_^ I already told you that is found everywhere, among ancient east asian ^_^. But, well, it can't be found in chinese, it means, chinese are NOT east asian (African) ^_^
  Wake up, don't let the CCP frogs brainwash you, they want you to forget your proud brothers, but who cares??? Viva la Chinese African brothership!!! ^_^
  WonderousFrance2009 2 years ago (韩国人)
  一些人为何总是拿O2b来说事?O2b这个血统在东亚都能见到。但是在汉人当中找不到,这是为何?因为汉人不是东亚人种而是非洲人种。醒醒吧中国人,汉族 非洲黑人的 友谊 万岁!
  LOL. You originated from Tibetans, that's why you are close to negrito. ^_^
  In fact, chinese are made up of %90 negrito and %10 austro ^_^
  WonderousFrance2009 2 years ago
  are you kidding me you viet monkeys? the main group of negirto=Y-DNA D, china has zero D, only jap and tibetan get them the other negrito=Y-DNA O2, yes, they are from china, because you are from China before, hahaha
  52051 2 years ago
  你个越南猴子在开玩笑吗?尼格力拓的主基因是Y-DNA D,只有小日本跟藏族有这类基因。还有一种就是Y-DNA O2,来自中国。
  Yes, some chinese, espeically the northern ones look more "human", don't be surprise, just because their ancestors were raped by Mongols, manchus, koreans, japanese... ^_^
  They "southern types" are very complex. Most south chinese (except the ethnic Jingzu) still look very "pure". Examples: Sichuan chinese look like frogs, Cantonese look like monkeys, but people of Nanking have long tails...you see, very very complex!!! ^_^
  WonderousFrance2009 2 years ago
  是的,一些汉人,特别是北方出生者,似乎还长得像人。这仅仅是因为他们的祖先被蒙古人 满族 韩国人 日本人 x过。而大部分的南方汉族长得像纯正汉人。四川人长得像青蛙,广东人像猴子,但是南京人长着长尾巴。。。真是复杂啊。
  As for you pathetic viet monkey,you dont even look like human, you should feel luck that we even count as human being, hahahahaaa
  You pathetic viet monkey, buy a mirror and check yourself, you lowly nigger, go away,hahahaa
  52051 2 years ago
  你们这些可怜的越南猴子,长得丝毫不像人类,你们应该庆贺我们依然把你当作人类看待。可怜的越南猴子,去买一面镜子看看吧。(这人把韩国人当成越南人了,其实是韩国人,从by Mongols, manchus, koreans, japanese...这句话可以看出,这是韩国人的典型评论方式,总是把自己跟北方的骑马民族还有日本人并论,然后说北方汉族是这些人群的混血后代)。
  are you kidding me you o2b monkey shit? almost all the asisns have been fucked by us, its not the otherway around, check your father ancetors.
  Without us, you are just fully o2b monkeys in viet and indonesia, get lost,
  52051 2 years ago
  Lmao, check the tags "the untold black history, the black chinese" on youtube son ^_^ LOL, that's why most chinese are dark-skinned, freaked out and look like Filipinos ^_^
  WonderousFrance2009 2 years ago
  hahahah, chinese are dark skinned africans?
  Then there is no word in the world to describe your pathetic shity subhuman looks, hahaha
  52051 2 years ago
  哈哈哈,汉族是深肤色的黑种人? 那么看来就找不到词汇可以形容你们这些垃圾劣等人种的的的形象了。
  hahahaha, this pathetic weakass gook delete my comments
  hahahahaha, get lost you pathetic weakling joking gook, you are even weaker than your ancestors, HAHAHAHA
  52051 2 years ago
  if you and your relatives ever have Korean or Manchurian physical features, it is the result of Korean rulers over Chinese.
  Cheon1Son 2 years ago
  Chinese names, are you refeering to china ruled by Mongol, Manchu, or Korean, be more specifice. Many ruler ruled china.  Their combined history in china is much longer than hanchinese(ethnic) combined.
  klee4 2 years ago (韩国人)
  中国人被蒙古 满族 朝鲜人统治过,更确切地说,这些异族统治者统治时期总合的时间长度甚至要长于汉族统治自己的时间长度。
  What a shame u Korean gooks are still arrogant and yet Korea is still 2 separate countries..
  2 nukes goes from North Korea..South Korea goes to Bye Bye... lol...
  hochentis 2 years ago (海外中国人)
  Kimchi Gook
  VivalaChina 2 years ago
  You know very well that Dongyi (Guyi/Nine Yi) are not Chinese ancestors. Dongyi / Gu Yi / Nine Yi = Korean
  Cheon1Son 2 years ago
  Koreans have nothing to do with Siberia and Northern China.Your three ancestors had lived in Korean peninsula for thousand of years.Dongyi are Chinese ancestors,Korean ancestors are Chen Kan(辰韩),Ma Kan(马韩) and Bing Kan(幷韩).These three Korean tribes lived in the southern part of Korean peninsula.
  VivalaChina 2 years ago
  enslaved past of the ethnic Chinese : Slaves of Koguryeo of Korean. Slaves of Kithan. slaves of the Xianbei of Tang. Salves of Yuan. Slaves of Jin and Qing and the emperors of Jin and Qing were Korean origins. Kithans, Xianbeis were relatives of Koreans. Do you want to still say You China ever had conquered Korea? Haven't you learned about your enslaved history in your Red-Schools?
  Cheon1Son 2 years ago
  Han chinese are Australian origin
  RootOfGreatHan 2 years ago 3
  do you love Australian-fu?
  Cheon1Son 2 years ago
  There is no Australian-fu, we don't wear anything. We are Han Chinese, we get naked like our brothers Australian aborigines.
  RootOfGreatHan 2 years ago
  Great job Cheon1son! This is the conclusion I've always tryed to explain to the Chinese I debate. There was never this China (one language, one culture, one people) until now, how the CCP is trying to tie everyone under one, and thus fabricating North East history to theirs... Great video!
  hyubgaek 2 years ago (韩国人)
  干得好! Cheon1son。这个视频里的结论是我一直想在过去的辩论中跟中国人解释的。中国一直在篡改东北亚各族历史是它们的。
  I'm sure koreans don't knows their history since
  japan burned their books during annex
  period lol
  xiaoriben100 2 years ago
  Han dynasty was built based on Korean civilization. After han dynasty, Sui and Tang of the Xianbei ruled the Chinese. Later Kithan ruled them. Jin empire that was built by Silla royal family conquered Song dynasty, the king of Song being captured by Jin empire. Before Jin empire conquest, Yuan empire conquered China, making the Chinese slaves to Yuan. The last empire that ruled the Chinese as slaves was Qing empire that was built by Silla royal family descendants. This is your history. ^^
  Cheon1Son 2 years ago
  I never said that dumbfuck. BTW, in your logic, then Han dynasty was tributary to Xiongnu right??? btw, Japanese are just Korean people mixed with jomons or ainus. ^___^
  Hanul91 10 months ago (韩国人)
  汉朝是匈奴的朝贡国对吧? 顺便说一下,日本人只不过是韩国人到了日本以后跟当地的阿依努人混血的后代。
  If Korea is Chinese people, then why don't they speak a tonal language like them? Why they are their culture so different from Chinese. Sure, we adopted some aspects of Chinese, we aren't Chinese. Chinese doesn't exist as an ethnicity, but a culture.
  Hanul91 1 year ago
  如果韩国是中国人,那么为什么不说一个像中国语那样的有声调的语言呢? 为什么韩国文化是跟中国文化如此不同呢? 当让,我们是接受了一点中国文明,但我们不是中国人。汉族不是以一个民族的方式存在的,而是文化。
  Gojoseon (古朝鮮) is older than Shang (商朝), go read a history book. This is from your Chinese and our books...hahahhahahahhaha
  Hanul91 1 year ago
  South Korea rocket explodes 137 seconds after lift-off
  congrats!!! (台湾人)
  paidnomind 1 year ago
  韩国的火箭的火箭在升空137秒后爆炸了 恭喜!!
  @paidnomind New melamine poisoning cases all the time, too. XD South Korea leads the world in quality...years running now. Congrats.
  blueprophet9 1 year ago (韩国人)
  祝贺!新的三据请安事件层出不穷。 韩国在质量上已经多少年是领导世界了。
  Don't forgot Great China invented SARS. It's the fifth great inventions of China.So, how was the forced slavery from your Manchu overlords? The Chinese national dress Qipao, where did you get it from?
  Hanul91 1 year ago
  金則本我國平州之人, 稱我爲父母之國, 尹灌築九城之地, 以先春嶺爲界, 終金之世, 兵不相加。(高麗史)
  新罗王金姓则金之逺派 (滿洲源流考)
  金之始祖諱函普,初從高麗來,年已六十餘矣 (金史)
  You want me to give you from Han Chinese POV also?
  Hanul91 1 year ago
  @Hanul91 tell me which history book from any country except korea had "nuzhen/jurchens were koreans" in it .爱新觉罗 and korean's金 is are 2 different meanings how does it make u koreans jurchens??? then manchu???? u cant change history, go read more history books(not the ones from korea)!!!! SMARTASS
  sodaxcandy08 1 year ago
  Koreans opening shop in smelly ass chinktown? Never heard such things. You know many chinks moving to Koreatown so much even kills the whole environment with their fugly language. Why are Chinks driving Koreans out of business in LA and NY? HAHHAHAHA
  mekon11 1 year ago (韩国人马甲 假扮日本人)
  LOL are you crazy? You whoreanese are funny, fucken thinks every1 is chinese. I met a chink who thought Koreans were chinese. LOL if you want real smell, go to chinktown. HAHHAAHAHA
  mekon11 1 year ago
  You chinkrats are useless, ugly, and a nuisance to the world especially the polluters of world. Go back to great China! HAHAHHA
  mekon11 1 year ago
  I mean't SARS. you fucken chinkrt. Doesn't matter it originated from Chinaland and they invented it. Same shit but SARS are very dangerous. Fucken dirty chinks don't have good hygienes and you tell us we're dirty? HHAHAHAHHAHA
  mekon11 1 year ago
  你麻痹的肮脏中国老从不讲卫生,却来指责说我们肮脏? 哈哈哈
  HAHHAHAHHAHA go watch our dramas and sing our songs, u fucken cunt. Yes jackie chan looks so good only if he haven't done plastic surgery. HAHHAAHHA
  mekon11 1 year ago
  I don't get it. You chinks say we have small eyes, but you chinks look more uglier with southern features. Some of you look like a fucken creature from the jungles like vietnam. No wonder Chinese and Viets almost look and sound the fucken same. Both are useless and crap countries.
  mekon11 1 year ago
  Look at mao zedong, he's look a true han pig with his fucken ugly face with a mole. He looks like a chink girl I saw in school, her name is Yoshi Lu. HAHAHAHHAHA Mad fugly.
  mekon11 1 year ago
  Dog and cat eating culture came from China. HAHHA go look at chinaland town, so dirty and ugly like your face.
  mekon11 1 year ago
  LOL go look at plastic surgery stat, Chink does more than us. You know jackie chan, jay chou, etc.. they are fucken up by plastic shit. You guys are more uglier that looks like fucken jungle monkeys with goggle eyes. HAHHAHHA
  mekon11 1 year ago
  看看整形的数据,中国老比我们做得多。你们可知道成龙 周杰伦等都做过手术。你们这些长着又圆又大眼睛的人看起来就如同热带丛林里的猴子一样丑陋。
  Master? Chinks was never a master only slaves to "Northern Barbarians". What happen to your manchu masters? Well, Kimchi is consider one of the healthiest food in the world, not your shit cat, dog, dim shits, pork fried rice garbage.
  mekon11 1 year ago
  中国佬从来没有自己当家作主过一直都是北方野蛮人统治下的奴隶。你们的满大人怎么样了?韩国泡菜是公认的世界上最健康的食物之一,而不是你们的猫肉 狗肉 猪肉炒饭之类的垃圾。
  Manchuria was stolen just like Tibet, Inner Mongolia, and Turkemistan. They all don't belong to China, never were in ancient/past history of China. Qing was a manchu dynasty that forced Chinese to follow manchu laws and customs. Nothing more.
  mekon11 1 year ago
  You know according to the project, Genghis Khan was Chinese, Goguryeo (Korea) was Chinese. So by this logic, British was Chinese?
  mekon11 1 year ago
浪荡农夫 发表于 2013-1-8 23:58

呵呵 棒棒们活的很快乐啊

当时的中国应该是  蒙古殖民地
被蒙古人 统治着
学习中国文化  用中国制度  最后融入中国
当时的中国应该是  蒙古殖民地

aswhite 发表于 2013-1-9 00:57
在种族问题上,汉人总是莫名其妙地具有一种与生俱来的优越感。现代生物科学证明汉人基因极度纯净,这些结论 ...
咋办 发表于 2013-1-9 00:35
那颗咋办啊 咋办呢 自卑到极点就是自大
浪荡农夫 发表于 2013-1-9 02:18
那颗咋办啊 咋办呢 自卑到极点就是自大

咋办 发表于 2013-1-9 08:15

元帅嘛 那是浮云  对了你怎么这么多 咋 啊
咋办 发表于 2013-1-9 08:15

元帅嘛 那是浮云  对了你怎么这么多 咋 啊
aswhite 发表于 2013-1-9 00:57
在种族问题上,汉人总是莫名其妙地具有一种与生俱来的优越感。现代生物科学证明汉人基因极度纯净,这些结论 ...
猥琐的老道 发表于 2013-1-9 00:58
当时的中国应该是  蒙古殖民地
浪荡农夫 发表于 2013-1-9 09:13
现在完成了春节前晋升上将的任务 元帅嘛 那是浮云  对了你怎么这么多 咋 啊
浪荡农夫 发表于 2013-1-9 09:13
现在完成了春节前晋升上将的任务 元帅嘛 那是浮云  对了你怎么这么多 咋 啊
那颗咋办啊 咋办呢 自卑到极点就是自大