
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 13:29:14
看来我是太孤陋寡闻了  骡马居然还有发动机项目。。。唉 这些大型军工企业还真是全能啊




The Lockheed J37 (company designation L-1000) was one of the first turbojet engines designed in the United States.[1] It was not considered very important when it was first introduced in the 1930s and development was allowed to languish. By the time it was developed enough for production use, other engines, often British-derived, had surpassed it in performance. The design was later converted to a turboprop, the T35 and still later sold to Wright Aeronautical, where it saw some interest for use on what would become the B-52 Stratofortress, before that design moved to jet power. The J37 and T35 were built to the extent of a number of testbed examples but never entered production.

洛克希德J37(公司型号为L-1000)发动机是第一个美国设计的涡喷发动机之一,它在20世纪30年代首次发布和发展时并没有引起足够的重视。在当时它已经完成设计并能够使用,但同期英国产品性能却超过了它。它的设计后来被改为用于涡轮螺旋桨飞机(注:也就是T35),T35后来被卖给了莱特航空,在设计改为喷气发动机之前该公司想将上面的技术用于B-52“同温层堡垒”。 J37和T35被用于一系列的测试平台,但从来没有投入生产。

Price started work on his own turbojet design in 1938, although this initial design was far more complex than what eventually emerged as the J37. In an effort to keep the fuel efficiency of the engine similar to existing piston engine, Price used a combination of low-compression axial compressor stages feeding a high-compression reciprocating compressor. In 1941 he was hired by Lockheed to evaluate the General Electric superchargers being fit to the experimental XP-49, a high-altitude version of their famous P-38. By this time Price had the basic design of his jet completed and was able to attract the interest of Lockheed's Chief Research Engineer, Kelly Johnson, who would later found the company's famous Skunk Works. Johnson had been thinking about a new high-speed design after running into various compressibility problems at high speed with the P-38 and the jet engine seemed like a natural fit in this project. During 1941 he ordered the development of a new aircraft to be powered by Price's engine, developing the engine as the L-1000 and the aircraft as the L-133.

Price对涡喷发动机设计起于1938年,虽然这个初始的设计要比最终出现的J37复杂得多。在保持类似于现有的活塞式发动机燃料效率的同时,Price使用低压缩供给高压缩的往复式压缩机的轴向压缩机级的组合(这部分翻译的可能不准确)。 1941年他被洛克希德雇佣,以评估安装了通用电气增压器的XP-49实验,它也就是著名的P-38的高海拔版本。此时Price的发动机的基本设计已经完成,并吸引了洛克希德公司的首席研究工程师——凯利·约翰逊——他后来建立了著名的臭鼬工厂。约翰逊一直在设想一种在新的高速设计,以解决当时P-38遇到复杂的压缩性问题(这个地方翻译可能不准确),看起来喷气式发动机是解决该问题最好的途径。在1941年他下令使用Price的发动机开发新的飞机,后来就成为了L-1000发动机和L-133飞机。




The Lockheed J37 (company designation L-1000) was one of the first turbojet engines designed in the United States.[1] It was not considered very important when it was first introduced in the 1930s and development was allowed to languish. By the time it was developed enough for production use, other engines, often British-derived, had surpassed it in performance. The design was later converted to a turboprop, the T35 and still later sold to Wright Aeronautical, where it saw some interest for use on what would become the B-52 Stratofortress, before that design moved to jet power. The J37 and T35 were built to the extent of a number of testbed examples but never entered production.

洛克希德J37(公司型号为L-1000)发动机是第一个美国设计的涡喷发动机之一,它在20世纪30年代首次发布和发展时并没有引起足够的重视。在当时它已经完成设计并能够使用,但同期英国产品性能却超过了它。它的设计后来被改为用于涡轮螺旋桨飞机(注:也就是T35),T35后来被卖给了莱特航空,在设计改为喷气发动机之前该公司想将上面的技术用于B-52“同温层堡垒”。 J37和T35被用于一系列的测试平台,但从来没有投入生产。

Price started work on his own turbojet design in 1938, although this initial design was far more complex than what eventually emerged as the J37. In an effort to keep the fuel efficiency of the engine similar to existing piston engine, Price used a combination of low-compression axial compressor stages feeding a high-compression reciprocating compressor. In 1941 he was hired by Lockheed to evaluate the General Electric superchargers being fit to the experimental XP-49, a high-altitude version of their famous P-38. By this time Price had the basic design of his jet completed and was able to attract the interest of Lockheed's Chief Research Engineer, Kelly Johnson, who would later found the company's famous Skunk Works. Johnson had been thinking about a new high-speed design after running into various compressibility problems at high speed with the P-38 and the jet engine seemed like a natural fit in this project. During 1941 he ordered the development of a new aircraft to be powered by Price's engine, developing the engine as the L-1000 and the aircraft as the L-133.

Price对涡喷发动机设计起于1938年,虽然这个初始的设计要比最终出现的J37复杂得多。在保持类似于现有的活塞式发动机燃料效率的同时,Price使用低压缩供给高压缩的往复式压缩机的轴向压缩机级的组合(这部分翻译的可能不准确)。 1941年他被洛克希德雇佣,以评估安装了通用电气增压器的XP-49实验,它也就是著名的P-38的高海拔版本。此时Price的发动机的基本设计已经完成,并吸引了洛克希德公司的首席研究工程师——凯利·约翰逊——他后来建立了著名的臭鼬工厂。约翰逊一直在设想一种在新的高速设计,以解决当时P-38遇到复杂的压缩性问题(这个地方翻译可能不准确),看起来喷气式发动机是解决该问题最好的途径。在1941年他下令使用Price的发动机开发新的飞机,后来就成为了L-1000发动机和L-133飞机。


http://www.enginehistory.org/Gas ... T35/WrightT35.shtml
Lockheed and Menasco were able to get the engine to run with motoring assistance by a starter, but the turbine never produced enough power to run the compressor.
The T43 was kept alive by Wright until 1952, apparently without having been run as a self-sustaining engine.


http://www.enginehistory.org/Gas ... T35/WrightT35.shtml
Lockheed and Menasco were able to get the engine to run with motoring assistance by a starter, but the turbine never produced enough power to run the compressor.
The T43 was kept alive by Wright until 1952, apparently without having been run as a self-sustaining engine.

感谢popcorn234 的回答,达人!