简氏防务周刊近期涉华文章(2004年10月13日号至11月17日 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/27 18:24:04


<B>以下是引用<I>haimin1980</I>在2004-12-12 17:06:00的发言:</B>
<P>不错  简氏 对我国su-27sk所出问题的报道   很能说明问题  </P><P>谢谢</P>[em05]
<P>New JL-8 head-up display enter produnction next year
新型教8抬头显示器明年投入生产</P><P>China's Sicong Group should next year begin producing a new head-up dispaly(HUD)/multifunction display system(MDS) for the Nanchang Aircraft Manufacturing Company Jl-8(K-8)basic jet trainer/light attack jet, company offical said.
中国Sicong集团人员声称,该公司明年将开始为南昌航空制造公司的教8(K-8)初级教练/轻型攻击喷气机生产新型抬头显示器/多任务显示系统。</P><P>The system( pictured below) includes one HUD, three MDSs, mission computer, video digital recording system with continuous recording for over 240minutes, upfont control panel and data transfer card. Initial testing with the first aircraft was completed in September, with navigation tests and flight testing due to finish before the end of this year.
这套系统(如下图)包括一个抬头显示器,三个多任务显示系统,任务计算机,数字视频记录系统,其中数字视频记录系统可以不间断工作记录240分钟,还有前置飞行控制面板和数据传输板。该系统装机后最初的成功测试是在9月,而导航测试和飞行测试将在年底前完成。</P><P>Sicong officials said the system includes GPS, tactical air navigation and radio compass navigation. It also functions as a fire control system for weapon systems that include a 23 mm gun, 57 mm rockets and the PL-5E infra-red-guided missile. The 250-3LR, 250-3LA and BL755 cluster bombs are among other weapons accommodated and the system can be modified to handle additional types.
Sicong人员说该系统包括GPS,战术空中导航和无线电罗盘导航。该系统还具备了火控系统功能,包括23毫米炮,57毫米火箭和PL-5E红外制导导弹。250-3LR, 250-3LA和BL755集束炸弹也为被选武器,并且系统可被更改以携带其他型号的问题。</P><P>"The system has the functions of weapon selection, attack mode selection, mission data entering and selection control of navigation mode[together with]control and display of digital camera and recording system," according to published data released by Sicong."It[also]has the functions of auto loading and manual setting up of the mission data for navigation and attacking targets."
根据Sicong发布的数据显示,系统具有武器选择功能,攻击模式选择功能,任务数据输入和选择导航控制模式功能,加上控制和数字摄像显示与记录系统功能。它还有自动着陆和导航和攻击目标用的任务数据设立功能。</P><P>The HUD/MDS is intended for domestic and export customers of the JL-8. Export customers to date include Colombia, Egypt, Myanmar, Namibia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Zambia for at least 130 platforms.
<P>Air defence systems unveiled
空防系统公诸于众</P><P>The China Aerospace Science&amp; Industry Corporation( CASIC) has shown two of its mobile air defence systems, the FL-2000(V) and FLG-1S, for the first time at the China Air Show 2004.
在中国2004航空展上,中国航空科技工业公司首次展示了其机动防空系统,FL-2000(v)和FLG-1s。</P><P>The FL-2000(V)(pictured) is a short-range light air defence missile system, which the company claims can accommodate missiles using either passive infra-red(IR)homing guidance or laser semi-active homing guidance. Serial production was launched last year for the domestic and export markets.
FL-2000(V)(见图)是一种近程轻型空防导弹系统。研发公司称该系统可使用两种导弹,分别是被动红外自引导导弹和半主动激光自引导导弹。该系列产品于去年投放国内和国际市场。</P><P>The system features twin quadruple-launchers mounted on a four-wheel armoued vehicle weighing under 11L.
系统是两个四联装发射器,后加装在一辆四轮驱动的装甲车上。总重小于11吨。</P><P>The system displayed features the QW-2 launcher; a successor the the QW-1 and similar to the Russian Kolomna KBMlgla-1(SA-16'Gimlet') system.CASIC official said the current version is fitted with the more advanced QW-3 missile and launcher, but can be adapted to other missile system.
系统显示其重要组成部分为QW-2发射器;这是QW-1导弹的后继型号,并且该导弹于俄罗斯的SA-16手钻导弹相似。该公司人员说现在的型号可以适合使用更先进的QW-3导弹和发射器,并且可以适用其他的导弹系统。</P><P>Technical data released by CASIC states that the IR missile deployed on the FL-2000(V) has an operational range of 800m to 5,000m and an operational altitude of 30m to 3,000m. The laser-guided missile features a range of 800m to 6,000m at altitudes of 10m to 4,000m.
中国航空航天工业公司发布的技术数据显示FL-2000(V)上部署的红外制导导弹的作战范围是800米到5000米,作战高度为30米到3000米。而激光制导导弹的作战范围是800米到6000米,作战高度为10米到4000米。</P><P>The IR missile has a velocity of about 600m/s and a single-shot kill probability of 54 per cent, while figures for the laser-guided missile are 750m/s and 85 per cent. System reaction time is under eight seconds.
红外制导导弹速度为600米/秒,单发命中率为54%, 而激光制导导弹速度为750米/秒,单发命中率为85%。整个系统反应时间小于8秒。</P><P>Fewer details were provided for the FLG-1S, which appears to be a variant of the FLG-1 mobile air defence gun/missile system. The former is mounted on a truck rather than an armoured vehicle and features either a four- or eight-round missile launcher but no guns. A fire control radar can be incorporated to "improve the ability of airborne early warning", the company said.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-22 6:07:04编辑过]
<P>China aids Iran's tactical missile programme
China is producing several families of tactical guided missiles, primarily for the antiship role, that appear to have been designed and developed for a single export customer-Iran.
中国正在生产几个战术制导导弹家族产品,其中主要是反舰导弹,并且该几个家族导弹表露出其是在为单一的一个国外买家伊朗设计和发展的。</P><P>At the China Air Show 2004, in Zhuhai during late October and early November, the Hongdu Aviation Industry Group, exhibited three variants of two new missiles-the JJ/TL-6B, JJ/TL-10A and KJ/TL-10B.
在10月末11月初的中国2004珠海航展上,洪都航空工业集团展示了三个不同的而其中两个是新型的导弹,JJ/TL6B, JJ/TL-10A和KJ/TL-10B.</P><P>These weapons are identical to Iranian missiles known as Nasr and Kosar. Brochures produced by the Iran Aerospace Industries Organisation appear to carry photos of even the same model exhibited in China labelled with Iranian programme names. It is now clear that two missile programmes revealed a few years ago by China National Aero Technology Import &amp; Export C0 - the FL-8 and FL-9- were the TL-10 and TL-6, respectively, under yet another name.
这些武器与我们所知的伊朗导弹Nasr和Kosar完全一样。伊朗航天工业集团的手册上照片甚至显示在中国展示的模型只是标以伊朗计划名称的与中国导弹一样的模型。很清楚的是,这两型导弹在数年前就解密了,该两型导弹是中国国家航天技术进出口公司的FL-8和FL-9即现在的TL-10和TL-16.分别只是不同的名字罢了。</P><P>A third weapon exhibited at Zhuhai and destined for Iran was a new variant of the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation C-701 antiship missile, the radar-guided C-701R. The C-701 has previously been presented by the IAIO in Iran, where it is claimed as a national programme.
第三件在珠海展示的武器指定为伊朗的是一种新型的中国航天科技工业公司的C-701反舰导弹,该导弹为雷达制导。伊朗航天工业集团先前一直在伊朗展示C-701,并宣称该导弹为其国内研制项目。</P><P>Of the newly unveiled missiles the smaller KJ/TL-10 series appears to have made the most progress. Develpment work began during the mid-1990s and Hongdu publicity material from Zhuhai shows a TL-10 being fired from an unidentified naval ship. A Hongdu spokesperson told JDW that deliveries of the TL-10A variant were already under way to a foreign customer. It was stressed that both the TL-6 and TL-10 programmes are for export and not for national use. The officials added that the radar-guided TL-10B and TL-6B missiles were still in development with perhaps another two years remaining until the they were operational.
新公布的更小型的KJ/TL-10系列导弹显现出了其最大的进步。该系列导弹开发工作始于上世纪90年代中期, 而后洪都从珠海航展上展示TL-10的公开材料,展示种,一艘未经确认的海军舰艇正在发射一枚TL-10。一位洪都发言人告诉JDW说供给外国用户的TL-10A型导弹的交付已经在按部就班的进行当中。讲话中还强调TL-6和TL-10项目都是非出口开发的而并不在国内部署。这位人员还补充说雷达制导的TL-10B和TL-6B仍然在开放中,并且将来的两年可能要继续开发,一直到该导弹可用为止。</P><P>Conflicting accounts were given as to whether the missiles are, or will be, both air- and surface- launched. The Chinese abbreviation KJ indicates an air-to-ship missile(Kong Jian), while the JJ designator is for a surface-to-surface weapon(Jian Jian). The TL(Dragonfly)name identifies the missile family within Hongdu, a unit of China Aviation Industry Corporation II( AVICII). JDW was told that the radar-guided TL-10B would be helicopter-launched weapon, while an air-launched version of the TL-6 was also part of that missile's development plan. Helicopters were identified as the platform for an airlaunched TL-6, but elsewhere at the show AVIC I displayed a model of the Shenyang F-8IIM carring TL-6 missiles.
相抵触的地方要说明就是是否两型导弹都是或者都将是空中和地面发射呢。中国缩写KJ表明这是一个空对舰导弹,而JJ设计者是意思是该导弹为舰对舰导弹。TL名字确定为导弹家族是在洪都决定的,这个是中国航空工业二集团的一个单位。JDW被告知雷达制导的TL-10B将可能成为由直升机发射的武器,而作为TL-6的空中发射版本也同样是该类导弹的发展计划。直升机被认为可以作为空中发射TL-6的武器平台,但是在另外一处的中国航空工业一集团展示的一个沈阳制造的F-8IIM的模型中就挂载着TL-6导弹。</P><P>The latest C-701R missile from COSIC, the parent company of the better-known China Precision Machinery Import Export Co, CPMIEC, is fitted with a radar seeker( believed to be a millimetre wave radar ) replacing the earlier electro-optical seeker of the C-701T. Effective range now stands at 25km. The C-701R has been redesigned with a longer missile body and the deletion of the pop-out fin tips found on the C-701T.
最新型的C-701R导弹来自中国航天科技工业公司其更有名的母公司中国精密仪器进出口公司,在此该型导弹被安装上了导弹寻的头(被认为是一个毫米波雷达)来代替先前C-701T的电视寻的头。其有效射程现在达到了25公里。C-701R被重新设计了该弹的弹体和删除了C-701T原有的弹出腹鳍。</P><P>The size, shape and general performance of the C-701 is very similar to that of the TL-10 series. Both weapons are clearly intended for Iran but it is not known why two apparently competing designs have evolved for the same customer. Iranian sources show that both the TL-10 and C-701 missiles are included within the national Kosar programme. Chinese industry representatives at Zhuhai declined to comment on links with Iran.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-31 15:10:41编辑过]
<P>fireman119兄,抱歉,来咬文嚼字一下</P>Earlier reports suggested China was close to fielding upgraded Su-27SKs that delivered a level of multirole capability approaching that of People's Liberation Army Air Force Su-30MKK.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-10 16:25:50编辑过]
<P> 谢谢!辛苦了!</P><P>我自己看看原文还行,要是翻译出来就很累,我虽然有武器,航空足够的背景知识,但是细节准确把握还是感到很困难!</P>