【银河联邦】【SaLuSa】11月23日信息《没有末日,只有幸 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/05/01 05:40:00

People power is growing and what you are seeing around the world is how successful you can be when you group together in a common purpose. It may take time to achieve complete success, but once you set the ball rolling its momentum will carry it forward. Governments will take note of your demands or ignore them at their peril. You have created the conditions that allow us and others to come to your aid, and naturally we work behind the scenes, and our influence helps direct activities in a way that is beneficial to you. As you know we monitor what is happening now, and also what is planned by the dark Ones. We endeavour to set you on a path that is the least volatile, and likely to avoid violent confrontation. The more the authorities clamp down on peaceful demonstrations, the more support they gain. The world population is waking up now as to how it has been enslaved for eons of time, and will not cease its claims for change until the people's sovereignty is returned.

人民的力量在成长,你们正看到世界围绕着你们的成功,因为当你们为同一个目标走到一起的时候就是如此。也许要花些时间抵达完全的成功,但是一旦你把球滚动了起来它便会自己不断向前。政府会注意到你们的呼声或者在危及到他们的时候会选择忽视。你们已经创造了条件,允许我们和其他存有来帮助你们,以自然来说我们是在幕后工作,我们的影响是去帮助那些直接对你们有益的行动。如你们所知的,我们现在正监控发生的一切,也包括黑暗势力正在计划的阴谋。我们竭力让最少的不稳定性影响你们前进的道路,比如避免暴力对抗。对于和平市委游性当权者们越遏制,人们就越获得支持。世界的人民正在觉醒于自己如何被奴役了千万年,除非人民的主权得到恢复他们都不会停止声明转变。 So the fight goes on, with the Lightworkers bringing more and more Light to Earth that is raising the vibrations to new heights. Be assured everything is on course as planned, and the point has been reached where some firm action is to take place. Our allies work hard but need our support from time to time to achieve the targets we set them. As previously indicated we would like to see a step forward by the end of the year, that will open the way for a greater leap forward. At all times use your intuition where you are personally concerned, and where you see a need to take steps to protect yourself against the outcome of any action taken. We are thinking in terms of possible food shortages, and power interruptions that may in some areas temporarily inconvenience you. Bear in mind that in the near future we will be much closer to you, and will most likely be able to directly assist you. No problems that you experience will affect you for very long, as they have been anticipated well in advance and allowed for.

斗争在继续,随着光之工作者们给地球带来越来越多的【圣光之力】,这都在把振动的层次提高到新的高度。请相信每件事情都如计划的那样进行着,基点已经达到,在一些地方肯定的行动就要发生。我们的盟友在努力的工作着,但是需要我们时不时的帮助以抵达我们设置给他们的目标。就如过去表明的那样,我们希望在今年结束之前看到一个明确前进的步伐,这将打开朝向前方更巨大的跳跃。对于你们个人关心的问题请总是运用自己的【直觉】,在哪里你需要的话就运用自身的直觉从任何有害的行为中保护自己。我们正考虑会遇到所谓的食物短缺,电力供应中断,在某些地方可能会对你们造成不便。请记住在近未来我们将与你们更加的接近,差不多能够直接协助你们了。你们现在所体验的问题不会影响你们很长时间,它们已经被预料到了,很好的被控制着。 You are beginning to realize that in spite of the dire forecasts of catastrophe coming with the end times, so far there has not been anything like that prophesied and you can take credit for the changes that have taken place. Over a long period of time you have successfully worked hard to raise the vibrational levels, and that has overcome the need for drastic changes. Although cleansing and physical changes are still required, instead of dramatic wide scale ones they have become more localized. When we can join you we will work together, and make short work of the challenges that face you. Much of the cleansing does not even require us to be on Earth, and can be readily carried out directly from space. Indeed, we have done that for quite a long time, which is why some of your major mishaps have only caused you limited inconvenience. In the era of nuclear tests that polluted your atmosphere, we were responsible for clearing it away.

你们开始明白,尽管对于结束的时间有着可怕的灾难预言,可是至今为止都没有发生像预言那样的事件,你们也可以肯定转变早已发生了。在很长时期以来你们成功努力的工作已经提升了振动的层次,那已经克服了烈性转变的必要。虽然清洗和物理的转变依旧需要,取而代之的是,那些引人注目的大范围变化已经变成局部的。当我们能加入你们的时候便会一起工作,很快处理到你们面对的挑战。许多的清理工作甚至不需要我们到地球上完成,而是可以直接的从空间中做好。确实如此,我们已经这么做很长时间了,这也是为何你们一些主要的灾祸只导致很少影响的原因。在核子武器测试的时代你们的空气被污染,我们曾经负责去清理它们。 我们对你们非常的钦佩,因为你们承担了二元性的所有挑战,并且我们明白这确实是一种极端困难的体验。直到现在你们中许多人已经觉醒于自己的真实本质,而事实就是你们并不只局限在肉身中,而是【光的存有】。在几千年和许多次人世转生之后,你们已经发现自己的能力,设定自己的意图在自己真正需要的一切中,而且你们也完全无需依赖其他任何人。你们不再需要由于生活的困苦而被迫承认奴役的状态,越来越多的人正在为自己的生活负责。很快,你们将变得完全的独立,被允许自由的选择需要的体验,这个日期已经不远了。这是你们需要不断提升自己的问题,好让自己成为一位处于更高实相中的存有,【扬升】是这个旅程中的一部分。 For the time being take the problems of your everyday world in your stride, knowing that they are a means to an end which will see you enter a new period of experience. You will not need to go through lengthy recovery periods, as the work of rebuilding will be very quick. By then we will have arrived on Earth, and together we shall prepare the stage for the closure of the cycle of duality. We of the Galactic Federation have been long prepared for the part we are to play very shortly, and we know that generally speaking you are ready to join us. The consciousness levels of many of you has reached the point that makes you sufficiently aware, that you understand the higher purpose for Man and work towards that end.

现在对你们每日生活造成的问题,请明白它们是抵达结束的一种手段,其中将看到你们进入一个全新的体验期。你们将不需要经历漫长的恢复期,因为重建的工作将会十分快速。随后我们将降临地球,团结到一起我们将准备好关闭二元性周期的大门。我们银河联邦已经为即将在短期内做出的行动准备了很长时间,就一般而言,我们知道你们也准备好加入到我们中间。许多人意识的层次已经抵达必要点,使得你们足够的了解作为人类的更高目标并且朝向这个目标不断工作着。 The coming year will be one of immense achievements, not least of all the breaking down of the barriers that have kept you apart. Whether it be because of political, religious, or racial reasons, the natural inclination of Man is to be benign and peace loving. As a stop will be put to war and the threat of war, you will be able to work together without being in a state of fear, and trust between people will return. Justice will also return and where possible all acts of injustice perpetrated against innocent people, will be made good. We know that many of you have been the victims of fake charges, and if you are still in custody or imprisoned, you will be released.

来临的一年将获得巨大的成就,尤其是所有那些已经导致你们彼此分裂的障碍得以清除。不管是因为政治,宗教或者种族歧视的原因,人类将自然的倾向于变得和蔼与和平有爱。作为对于战争与战争威胁的终止,你们将能够走到一起工作而不会处于恐惧的状态,信任将在人们中间回归。公正也将回归,所有对于无辜人们不讲道义的犯罪行为都将被良好的行为取代。我们明白你们许多人已经成为了错误指控的受害者,如果你依旧被拘留或者监禁,你会被释放。 Politics will change so much that there will be no place for bribery or corruption, and honesty and transparency will ensure that you can have full faith in those elected. We have already approached those politicians who are of the Light, and can be totally trusted to have your best interests at heart when they are appointed to the interim governments. There is a lot to do but the planning has been going on for quite a long time, and those who will work with us are trusted and know what is expected of them. In future the political system will operate differently, and you will have much more influence as to what will take place, and it will work for the people.

在政治领域将转变如此之多,因此不再给行贿和腐败留有任何位置,诚实和透明度将确保你们对那些被推选的人有全部的信心。我们已经接触了那些站立在圣光中的政客们,能够被完全的信任,把你们最大的需求放在心中,到时候他们将被指派为临时政府工作。还有许多工作要做,但是规划已经落实很长一段时间,那些人将与我们工作的人是可以信赖的,明白对于他们的期待。在未来政治系统将以不同的方式操作,就发生的事情你们将拥有更多的影响力,而且它也将服务于人民。 Dear Ones, your wait will soon be over and the past will seem just like a bad dream. Life will be quickly transformed into one that is enjoyable, and at last fulfils your expectations. Already there is a calmness entering some people's lives as the new energies take effect, and a knowing that beneficial changes are in the air. Keep your focus well ahead and do not let the present chaos get to you, as it will not last anywhere near as long as you might expect.

亲爱的,你们的等待将很快结束,现在的日子将看起来就像是一场糟糕的梦魇。生活将很快转变为令人愉快的,最终符合你们的期待。已经有一种【平和心】进入到了人们的生活中,这是因为新能量的影响,对于有益转变的信心已经环绕在空气氛围中。保持你们的精神焦点在前方的美好中,不要让当前的混乱干扰到你,因为它很快将不会存在,就如你期待的那样。 I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank all of you that have put in the effort to bring the Light to Earth, and one day you will find that is what you came for.


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2011-11-24 10:01 上传

People power is growing and what you are seeing around the world is how successful you can be when you group together in a common purpose. It may take time to achieve complete success, but once you set the ball rolling its momentum will carry it forward. Governments will take note of your demands or ignore them at their peril. You have created the conditions that allow us and others to come to your aid, and naturally we work behind the scenes, and our influence helps direct activities in a way that is beneficial to you. As you know we monitor what is happening now, and also what is planned by the dark Ones. We endeavour to set you on a path that is the least volatile, and likely to avoid violent confrontation. The more the authorities clamp down on peaceful demonstrations, the more support they gain. The world population is waking up now as to how it has been enslaved for eons of time, and will not cease its claims for change until the people's sovereignty is returned.

人民的力量在成长,你们正看到世界围绕着你们的成功,因为当你们为同一个目标走到一起的时候就是如此。也许要花些时间抵达完全的成功,但是一旦你把球滚动了起来它便会自己不断向前。政府会注意到你们的呼声或者在危及到他们的时候会选择忽视。你们已经创造了条件,允许我们和其他存有来帮助你们,以自然来说我们是在幕后工作,我们的影响是去帮助那些直接对你们有益的行动。如你们所知的,我们现在正监控发生的一切,也包括黑暗势力正在计划的阴谋。我们竭力让最少的不稳定性影响你们前进的道路,比如避免暴力对抗。对于和平市委游性当权者们越遏制,人们就越获得支持。世界的人民正在觉醒于自己如何被奴役了千万年,除非人民的主权得到恢复他们都不会停止声明转变。 So the fight goes on, with the Lightworkers bringing more and more Light to Earth that is raising the vibrations to new heights. Be assured everything is on course as planned, and the point has been reached where some firm action is to take place. Our allies work hard but need our support from time to time to achieve the targets we set them. As previously indicated we would like to see a step forward by the end of the year, that will open the way for a greater leap forward. At all times use your intuition where you are personally concerned, and where you see a need to take steps to protect yourself against the outcome of any action taken. We are thinking in terms of possible food shortages, and power interruptions that may in some areas temporarily inconvenience you. Bear in mind that in the near future we will be much closer to you, and will most likely be able to directly assist you. No problems that you experience will affect you for very long, as they have been anticipated well in advance and allowed for.

斗争在继续,随着光之工作者们给地球带来越来越多的【圣光之力】,这都在把振动的层次提高到新的高度。请相信每件事情都如计划的那样进行着,基点已经达到,在一些地方肯定的行动就要发生。我们的盟友在努力的工作着,但是需要我们时不时的帮助以抵达我们设置给他们的目标。就如过去表明的那样,我们希望在今年结束之前看到一个明确前进的步伐,这将打开朝向前方更巨大的跳跃。对于你们个人关心的问题请总是运用自己的【直觉】,在哪里你需要的话就运用自身的直觉从任何有害的行为中保护自己。我们正考虑会遇到所谓的食物短缺,电力供应中断,在某些地方可能会对你们造成不便。请记住在近未来我们将与你们更加的接近,差不多能够直接协助你们了。你们现在所体验的问题不会影响你们很长时间,它们已经被预料到了,很好的被控制着。 You are beginning to realize that in spite of the dire forecasts of catastrophe coming with the end times, so far there has not been anything like that prophesied and you can take credit for the changes that have taken place. Over a long period of time you have successfully worked hard to raise the vibrational levels, and that has overcome the need for drastic changes. Although cleansing and physical changes are still required, instead of dramatic wide scale ones they have become more localized. When we can join you we will work together, and make short work of the challenges that face you. Much of the cleansing does not even require us to be on Earth, and can be readily carried out directly from space. Indeed, we have done that for quite a long time, which is why some of your major mishaps have only caused you limited inconvenience. In the era of nuclear tests that polluted your atmosphere, we were responsible for clearing it away.

你们开始明白,尽管对于结束的时间有着可怕的灾难预言,可是至今为止都没有发生像预言那样的事件,你们也可以肯定转变早已发生了。在很长时期以来你们成功努力的工作已经提升了振动的层次,那已经克服了烈性转变的必要。虽然清洗和物理的转变依旧需要,取而代之的是,那些引人注目的大范围变化已经变成局部的。当我们能加入你们的时候便会一起工作,很快处理到你们面对的挑战。许多的清理工作甚至不需要我们到地球上完成,而是可以直接的从空间中做好。确实如此,我们已经这么做很长时间了,这也是为何你们一些主要的灾祸只导致很少影响的原因。在核子武器测试的时代你们的空气被污染,我们曾经负责去清理它们。 我们对你们非常的钦佩,因为你们承担了二元性的所有挑战,并且我们明白这确实是一种极端困难的体验。直到现在你们中许多人已经觉醒于自己的真实本质,而事实就是你们并不只局限在肉身中,而是【光的存有】。在几千年和许多次人世转生之后,你们已经发现自己的能力,设定自己的意图在自己真正需要的一切中,而且你们也完全无需依赖其他任何人。你们不再需要由于生活的困苦而被迫承认奴役的状态,越来越多的人正在为自己的生活负责。很快,你们将变得完全的独立,被允许自由的选择需要的体验,这个日期已经不远了。这是你们需要不断提升自己的问题,好让自己成为一位处于更高实相中的存有,【扬升】是这个旅程中的一部分。 For the time being take the problems of your everyday world in your stride, knowing that they are a means to an end which will see you enter a new period of experience. You will not need to go through lengthy recovery periods, as the work of rebuilding will be very quick. By then we will have arrived on Earth, and together we shall prepare the stage for the closure of the cycle of duality. We of the Galactic Federation have been long prepared for the part we are to play very shortly, and we know that generally speaking you are ready to join us. The consciousness levels of many of you has reached the point that makes you sufficiently aware, that you understand the higher purpose for Man and work towards that end.

现在对你们每日生活造成的问题,请明白它们是抵达结束的一种手段,其中将看到你们进入一个全新的体验期。你们将不需要经历漫长的恢复期,因为重建的工作将会十分快速。随后我们将降临地球,团结到一起我们将准备好关闭二元性周期的大门。我们银河联邦已经为即将在短期内做出的行动准备了很长时间,就一般而言,我们知道你们也准备好加入到我们中间。许多人意识的层次已经抵达必要点,使得你们足够的了解作为人类的更高目标并且朝向这个目标不断工作着。 The coming year will be one of immense achievements, not least of all the breaking down of the barriers that have kept you apart. Whether it be because of political, religious, or racial reasons, the natural inclination of Man is to be benign and peace loving. As a stop will be put to war and the threat of war, you will be able to work together without being in a state of fear, and trust between people will return. Justice will also return and where possible all acts of injustice perpetrated against innocent people, will be made good. We know that many of you have been the victims of fake charges, and if you are still in custody or imprisoned, you will be released.

来临的一年将获得巨大的成就,尤其是所有那些已经导致你们彼此分裂的障碍得以清除。不管是因为政治,宗教或者种族歧视的原因,人类将自然的倾向于变得和蔼与和平有爱。作为对于战争与战争威胁的终止,你们将能够走到一起工作而不会处于恐惧的状态,信任将在人们中间回归。公正也将回归,所有对于无辜人们不讲道义的犯罪行为都将被良好的行为取代。我们明白你们许多人已经成为了错误指控的受害者,如果你依旧被拘留或者监禁,你会被释放。 Politics will change so much that there will be no place for bribery or corruption, and honesty and transparency will ensure that you can have full faith in those elected. We have already approached those politicians who are of the Light, and can be totally trusted to have your best interests at heart when they are appointed to the interim governments. There is a lot to do but the planning has been going on for quite a long time, and those who will work with us are trusted and know what is expected of them. In future the political system will operate differently, and you will have much more influence as to what will take place, and it will work for the people.

在政治领域将转变如此之多,因此不再给行贿和腐败留有任何位置,诚实和透明度将确保你们对那些被推选的人有全部的信心。我们已经接触了那些站立在圣光中的政客们,能够被完全的信任,把你们最大的需求放在心中,到时候他们将被指派为临时政府工作。还有许多工作要做,但是规划已经落实很长一段时间,那些人将与我们工作的人是可以信赖的,明白对于他们的期待。在未来政治系统将以不同的方式操作,就发生的事情你们将拥有更多的影响力,而且它也将服务于人民。 Dear Ones, your wait will soon be over and the past will seem just like a bad dream. Life will be quickly transformed into one that is enjoyable, and at last fulfils your expectations. Already there is a calmness entering some people's lives as the new energies take effect, and a knowing that beneficial changes are in the air. Keep your focus well ahead and do not let the present chaos get to you, as it will not last anywhere near as long as you might expect.

亲爱的,你们的等待将很快结束,现在的日子将看起来就像是一场糟糕的梦魇。生活将很快转变为令人愉快的,最终符合你们的期待。已经有一种【平和心】进入到了人们的生活中,这是因为新能量的影响,对于有益转变的信心已经环绕在空气氛围中。保持你们的精神焦点在前方的美好中,不要让当前的混乱干扰到你,因为它很快将不会存在,就如你期待的那样。 I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank all of you that have put in the effort to bring the Light to Earth, and one day you will find that is what you came for.


能不能勤快点 正八经的翻译一下

能不能勤快点 正八经的翻译一下
看小丑跳梁 发表于 2011-11-24 10:40
能不能勤快点 正八经的翻译一下

德云班主 发表于 2011-11-24 10:50
哈哈,估计这是2012吧里的东西。孟涛克计划里披露人类被天狼星人控制了(大体就是这个意思),然后银河系 ...

偶只是很奇怪 某些人自诩为掌握了真理什么的balabala 结果就发出这么篇东西来 不说润色修饰 连最基本的语句顺序都不通 不怕把他的神气死啊 ;P  这是虾米态度啊   亵渎啊 赤果果的亵渎啊 这分明是不想他的神的福音照耀大地啊 !!!
德云班主 发表于 2011-11-24 10:50
哈哈,估计这是2012吧里的东西。孟涛克计划里披露人类被天狼星人控制了(大体就是这个意思),然后银河系 ...

偶只是很奇怪 某些人自诩为掌握了真理什么的balabala 结果就发出这么篇东西来 不说润色修饰 连最基本的语句顺序都不通 不怕把他的神气死啊 ;P  这是虾米态度啊   亵渎啊 赤果果的亵渎啊 这分明是不想他的神的福音照耀大地啊 !!!
看小丑跳梁 发表于 2011-11-24 10:54
偶只是很奇怪 某些人自诩为掌握了真理什么的balabala 结果就发出这么篇东西来 不说润色修饰 连最基本的 ...
看小丑跳梁 发表于 2011-11-24 10:40
能不能勤快点 正八经的翻译一下

ddg2000 发表于 2011-11-24 10:57
首先这是转载别人的译文,刊出原文是为了保证信息不被扭曲和引起误解,再说你从哪里看出这是机翻的了?有 ...

哦 原来是人翻译啊    那这水平够次的  初中没上完?  要么就是神经确实短路了

亲 翻译讲究的是信达雅  保证信息不被扭曲可不等于晦涩拗口语句不通
ddg2000 发表于 2011-11-24 10:57
首先这是转载别人的译文,刊出原文是为了保证信息不被扭曲和引起误解,再说你从哪里看出这是机翻的了?有 ...

哦 原来是人翻译啊    那这水平够次的  初中没上完?  要么就是神经确实短路了

亲 翻译讲究的是信达雅  保证信息不被扭曲可不等于晦涩拗口语句不通
ddg2000 发表于 2011-11-24 10:57
首先这是转载别人的译文,刊出原文是为了保证信息不被扭曲和引起误解,再说你从哪里看出这是机翻的了?有 ...
德云班主 发表于 2011-11-24 10:55
ddg2000 发表于 2011-11-24 11:04
德云班主 发表于 2011-11-24 10:50
哈哈,估计这是2012吧里的东西。孟涛克计划里披露人类被天狼星人控制了(大体就是这个意思),然后银河系 ...
德云班主 发表于 2011-11-24 11:06
最后一小段编辑了  为了坛子的安全  大家互相理解
ddg2000 发表于 2011-11-24 11:28
首先这不是YY而是外星传讯,而且这也代表了我自己的一部分想法,再说自己弄的话又有一堆人等着要资料要证 ...
bjnr 发表于 2011-11-24 11:54
最后一小段编辑了  为了坛子的安全  大家互相理解
人家不领情 ;P

看小丑跳梁 发表于 2011-11-24 15:12

看小丑跳梁 发表于 2011-11-24 15:12


土豆烧洋芋坨坨 发表于 2011-11-24 14:45

土豆烧洋芋坨坨 发表于 2011-11-24 14:45

bjnr 发表于 2011-11-24 11:54
最后一小段编辑了  为了坛子的安全  大家互相理解
ddg2000 发表于 2011-11-24 16:52
完鸟 原来只是语句不通 这会儿连逻辑都不通鸟
看小丑跳梁 发表于 2011-11-24 10:59
哦 原来是人翻译啊    那这水平够次的  初中没上完?  要么就是神经确实短路了

亲 翻译讲究的是信达 ...

ddg2000 发表于 2011-11-24 17:26
看来您初中的英文水平已经达到大学四级的水平了,着实佩服,这方面英文资料多的是但中文资源可不多,翻译 ...

哈了个哈的 偶凭啥给你翻译这破玩意儿   是你要来宣扬这些又不是偶 · 倒是有些人 一方面要别人信这信那 一方面又那些狗p不通的破烂玩意儿出来充数 还先给自己带上个不扭曲和误解的钢盔
ddg2000 发表于 2011-11-24 17:26
看来您初中的英文水平已经达到大学四级的水平了,着实佩服,这方面英文资料多的是但中文资源可不多,翻译 ...

哈了个哈的 偶凭啥给你翻译这破玩意儿   是你要来宣扬这些又不是偶 · 倒是有些人 一方面要别人信这信那 一方面又那些狗p不通的破烂玩意儿出来充数 还先给自己带上个不扭曲和误解的钢盔
ddg2000 发表于 2011-11-24 17:13
感谢版主,为了论坛的安全有争议的帖子以后会只给链接,有兴趣的朋友可以自己去看看,以下是一些非常好的 ...
看小丑跳梁 发表于 2011-11-24 15:12

看小丑跳梁 发表于 2011-11-24 17:55
哈了个哈的 偶凭啥给你翻译这破玩意儿   是你要来宣扬这些又不是偶 · 倒是有些人 一方面要别人信这信那 ...

看小丑跳梁 发表于 2011-11-24 17:55
哈了个哈的 偶凭啥给你翻译这破玩意儿   是你要来宣扬这些又不是偶 · 倒是有些人 一方面要别人信这信那 ...

FriedrichIV 发表于 2011-11-24 23:31