
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/05/08 15:46:34
The initial dissatisfaction that bought about the first Oman conflict never really went away, Sibin Timor was an old fashioned despot who sought to keep his people trapped in feudalism.  The pro Soviet Yemenis to the north began to actively support the communist inspired Oman rebels, the situation again degenerated and the Sultan asked for British help.  Johnny Watts, now Lieutenant Colonel, was immediately sent to ascertain the problem, the Sultan refused the suggestions put to him and was soon overthrown by his Sandhurst trained Sun, Quabus.  Immediately 22 SAS were sent to assist and an elaborate 5 front hearts and minds campaign, conceived by Watts, was rapidly instigated.  The essence of the strategy was to eliminate Omanie dissatisfaction; Quabus began a large works programme that would propel Oman into the twentieth Century. The problem now was how to get this message across to the rebels and to get them to understand the truth that there was no longer any need to fight.  The commander felt that the original rebels did have right on their side because they simply wanted a better way of life.  Part of Watt's plan was psychological; he made certain that the Sultan's far-reaching policies became common knowledge, along with the offer of amnesty to any surrendering rebels. From these defectors it was hoped that levies would be raised to fight the defectors, Watt's strategy was spot on and within month's defectors started to cross the lines.  These men (Firqat) trained and later became the backbone of fighting in Oman; by mid 1971 support from the local tribes was gradually being won.  Around 80 SAS men were in the country augmented by 20 Firqat units totalling 1600 irregulars, by 1972 Operation Storm was in full swing and groups of up to 800 men, backed by fighter support were harassing the rebels across a broad front.  However the rebels were far from defeated and still had the capacity to attack at dawn on the 19th July 1972 250 heavily armed rebels attacked the isolated outpost of Murbat, nine SAS advisers and 25 JONDARMARI commanded by 23 year old Cpt. Mike Heely were taken completely by surprise.  Within minutes they were under mortar fire a giant Fijian SAS trooper ran to a solitary s5 pounder and laid down covering fire, the enemy penetrated the wire; two SAS men were killed and they reached the gunpit Cpt. Heely won the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) surrounded and exhausted it was all but over, at that pivotal moment Strike Master aircraft streaked out of the sky and strafing the rebels, what saved the day was that unbeknown to the enemy it was time for exchange of the SAS squadrons and there was a second SAS squadron in the area.  By another stroke of luck the second SAS squadron had set up and were ready to zero their general-purpose machineguns, so with the machineguns and the equipment they normally carried they were very quickly flown to the aid of the other SAS troops.  And also by this time the Firqats had made their way up to assist the SAS, and together they turned back the rebels, however it was very close, despite this it broke the enemy's will. If they had succeeded it would have set the campaign back years but with the rebels will to fight gone the campaign was effectively won.
这里有一部提到以这部战争为背景的电影,《铁血精英》 ,故事背景是战争中酋长的儿子被杀,在死前雇杀手(男主角)去伦敦把当年参战的SAS杀死。
阿曼统一之前有一个教长国和一个苏丹国 教长国干苏丹国快顶不住了 英军就出动了
不过话说回来 我怎么记得60年代阿曼就被英军镇压了

没啥说的 发表于 2011-6-5 18:21


没啥说的 发表于 2011-6-5 18:21


modell 发表于 2011-6-25 21:45
9名sas顾问带领25名政府军士兵被250名的游击队包围,打尽了所有弹药,在攻击机的帮助下最终打退了进攻,其中 ...
李超狼 发表于 2012-12-27 17:21
煞破狼 发表于 2012-12-27 17:29
COD4最后弹药还有,只是被极端组织在米-24配合下被打得伤亡惨重,要说弹尽粮绝,应该算COD6美国游骑兵在黑 ...
李超狼 发表于 2012-12-27 17:35
煞破狼 发表于 2012-12-27 17:38
这段可是够扯,COD6至少就这么点子弹,基本米28上来时已经打光了;荣誉勋章那关明明前一秒钟显示还有一百 ...