
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 15:51:06


After this strike, an onslaught against Islam began everywhere, with Muslims being persecuted and humiliated.

There are four colors on Earth: white, red, green, and yellow. These four colors coexisted on the face of the Earth. The color white, as we know full well, is the enemy of the other colors, because they taint it. Anything you put on white stands out, taints it. But if you put a green dot on a black one or a red dot on a yellow one, they will have no effect. The color white abhors the other colors. It wants to be the sole ruler, to be the only color. The color white is clearly represented by Western Europe and the US. This color has decided to wipe out the other three colors, which it views as its enemies, even in painting... not religion... The color white is against the other colors. If it mixes with the other colors, it is destroyed. It is the same in politics, in the military, in religion, and so on. Western Europe, in particular, and the US are the color white, which has decided to erase the three other colors.

The first color it managed to erase was the color red, which is represented by Communism - the former Soviet Union, the Warsaw Pact, and Eastern Europe. The color white overcame the color red and erased it. Now they are confronting the color green, which is represented by Islam. The attack is now taking place in Afghanistan, in Pakistan, in Iraq, in Libya, in Algeria, in Somalia, in Iran, in Gaza, against Hizbullah...  The current onslaught is to destroy the color green, in order to wipe it off the map, just like they erased the color red. The current campaign is against the color green. The entire world needs to understand this, the Islamic nation needs to understand this, and all the Muslims and the Arabs need to understand this.

If the color green is wiped out, the final confrontation will be between the color white, which wants to overcome all the other colors, and the color yellow, which is represented by the Buddhist culture, the Confucian culture, from Japan to China and India. That is the color yellow - Confucian, Buddhist, and Hindu cultures. Ultimately, the confrontation will be between the colors white and yellow. If we had the capacity to think and analyze, we would realize that the color yellow should align itself with the color green, because they have a common enemy.





After this strike, an onslaught against Islam began everywhere, with Muslims being persecuted and humiliated.

There are four colors on Earth: white, red, green, and yellow. These four colors coexisted on the face of the Earth. The color white, as we know full well, is the enemy of the other colors, because they taint it. Anything you put on white stands out, taints it. But if you put a green dot on a black one or a red dot on a yellow one, they will have no effect. The color white abhors the other colors. It wants to be the sole ruler, to be the only color. The color white is clearly represented by Western Europe and the US. This color has decided to wipe out the other three colors, which it views as its enemies, even in painting... not religion... The color white is against the other colors. If it mixes with the other colors, it is destroyed. It is the same in politics, in the military, in religion, and so on. Western Europe, in particular, and the US are the color white, which has decided to erase the three other colors.

The first color it managed to erase was the color red, which is represented by Communism - the former Soviet Union, the Warsaw Pact, and Eastern Europe. The color white overcame the color red and erased it. Now they are confronting the color green, which is represented by Islam. The attack is now taking place in Afghanistan, in Pakistan, in Iraq, in Libya, in Algeria, in Somalia, in Iran, in Gaza, against Hizbullah...  The current onslaught is to destroy the color green, in order to wipe it off the map, just like they erased the color red. The current campaign is against the color green. The entire world needs to understand this, the Islamic nation needs to understand this, and all the Muslims and the Arabs need to understand this.

If the color green is wiped out, the final confrontation will be between the color white, which wants to overcome all the other colors, and the color yellow, which is represented by the Buddhist culture, the Confucian culture, from Japan to China and India. That is the color yellow - Confucian, Buddhist, and Hindu cultures. Ultimately, the confrontation will be between the colors white and yellow. If we had the capacity to think and analyze, we would realize that the color yellow should align itself with the color green, because they have a common enemy.



消灭了共产红 ?   好吧TG表示你又把我得罪了
jzawman 发表于 2011-5-3 13:12


aooaoo 发表于 2011-5-3 13:51

有中国特色的社会主义……我们是橙色好哇……日本是奶黄色 三锅是土黄色 上校就是色盲加不上路
Lishtanian 发表于 2011-5-3 13:46

回复 4# fgegger

芳香满宇宙 发表于 2011-5-3 13:59

lookshe 发表于 2011-5-3 15:36

