ZT:中国vs 美国 《历史的终结》的“终结”1、2、3+网民 ...

来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 04:41:19


原文标题:China v America The end of the end of history


FRANCIS FUKUYAMA'S 1990 article "The End of History" profoundly shaped my political identity: I thought it was so completely wrong-headed that I spent weeks working out the many ways in which I disagreed. I found it extremely implausible that Friedrich Hegel had simply figured out the direction of human political evolution in the early 19th century, and that everything else had been a matter of slow progress towards that goal, culminating in the Reagan-Mitterand-era spectrum of Western welfare-state capitalist democracies (with a preference for the Reagan end). Worse, Mr Fukuyama's thesis seemed like a strange right-wing version of the complacency of Soviet ideologues: the arc of history has already been mapped, and we are its apotheosis. It seemed a recipe for intellectual stagnation and a likely excuse for all sorts of foolishness and misconduct. After all, if we're the goal of history, how can we do wrong?

弗朗西斯 福山1990年的作品《历史的终结》深深影响了我政治认同的成形:因为这部作品是如此的刚愎自用,我花了数周的时间来总结出我所不认同的各种看法。佛里德里希 黑格尔在19世纪早期就指出了人类政治演化的方向,我认为这听起来太假了。并且,其他的所有一切都是这个缓慢进程中的一个因素,而这个进程的终点就是里根-密特朗时代的西方社会福利国家的资本主义民主(最终还是偏向里根式)。更有甚者,福山先生的论调听起来就像是苏联理论家自鸣得意的右翼版本:历史前进的方向早已注定,而我们就是其最终典范。这看起来就像是给思维停滞之人的一张处方,也是一个为各种各样愚蠢或者不端行为开脱的合适借口。毕竟,如果我们是历史的终点,我们怎么可能会犯错?

I never would have imagined that I would read a Francis Fukuyama essay 20 years later about the current direction of world history, and agree vehemently with every single word of it. Mr Fukuyama's Financial Times piece yesterday, headlined "US democracy has little to teach China", is brilliant. It's not the first time anyone has expressed these ideas, but Mr Fukuyama puts it all together in a fashion that's close to perfect. As he writes, America "managed to fritter away" the immense moral capital it held in 2000 "in remarkably short order", due to foreign-policy missteps such as the invasion of Iraq and, later, the American-centred global financial crisis. (It didn't help that American treasury and central-bank officials, who months earlier had been lecturing China on the need to decrease state involvement in the financial sector, found themselves feverishly doing just what Chinese officials were doing—funneling money to state-champion companies, hectoring large banks to cut profits and lend more—but with less success.) Meanwhile, China is "riding high", increasingly confident that it has nothing to learn from America. Here's the catch:

我从未曾想象到在20年后的今天,当我读到弗朗西斯 福山先生的一篇关于当前历史走向的文章,其中的每一个字都深得我心。《金融时报》昨天以“美式民主没多少可以教给中国”为大标题刊登了福山先生的文章,非常出色。这不是第一次有人表达这些观点,但是福山先生把它们几近完美地整合到了一起。正如他写的那样,美国“以吃快餐般的惊异速度”“设法浪费了”其在2000年拥有的巨大的道德资本,这都得归咎于外交政策的失足如入侵伊拉克,以及之后以美国为中心席卷全球的金融危机。(美国财政部和中央银行的官员数月之前还给中国上课说国家有必要减少对金融领域的介入,而他们自己现在正狂热地做着中国官员正在干的事情——为国内一流企业注资,恐吓大银行削减其利润并借贷更多——但做得不如中国政府成功,而且根本无济于事。)与此同时,中国“洋洋得意”,逐渐膨胀的信心令其认为从美国这里再无东西可学。他们追上来了。

But what is the Chinese model? Many observers casually put it in an “authoritarian capitalist” box, along with Russia, Iran and Singapore. But China’s model is sui generis; its specific mode of governance is difficult to describe, much less emulate, which is why it is not up for export.The most important strength of the Chinese political system is its ability to make large, complex decisions quickly, and to make them relatively well, at least in economic policy. This is most evident in the area of infrastructure, where China has put into place airports, dams, high-speed rail, water and electricity systems to feed its growing industrial base. Contrast this with [democratic] India, where every new investment is subject to blockage by trade unions, lobby groups, peasant associations and courts...Nonetheless, the quality of Chinese government is higher than in Russia, Iran, or the other authoritarian regimes with which it is often lumped—precisely because Chinese rulers feel some degree of accountability towards their population. That accountability is not, of course, procedural; the authority of the Chinese Communist party is limited neither by a rule of law nor by democratic elections. But while its leaders limit public criticism, they do try to stay on top of popular discontents, and shift policy in response.


Mr Fukuyama thinks American hopes that China's economic modernisation will require a shift to multi-party democracy are misplaced.


Americans have long hoped China might undergo a democratic transition as it got wealthier, and before it became powerful enough to become a strategic and political threat. This seems unlikely, however. The government knows how to cater to the interests of Chinese elites and the emerging middle classes, and builds on their fear of populism. This is why there is little support for genuine multi-party democracy. The elites worry about the example of democracy in Thailand—where the election of a populist premier led to violent conflict between his supporters and the establishment—as a warning of what could happen to them


Ultimately, Mr Fukuyama's sympathies are clearly with a less statist economic policy and democratic governance. But he doesn't think this model is assured of triumph on its own.


[I]f the democratic, market-oriented model is to prevail, Americans need to own up to their own mistakes and misconceptions. Washington’s foreign policy during the past decade was too militarised and unilateral, succeeding only in generating a self-defeating anti-Americanism. In economic policy, Reaganism long outlived its initial successes, producing only budget deficits, thoughtless tax-cutting and inadequate financial regulation.These problems are to some extent being acknowledged and addressed. But there is a deeper problem with the American model that is nowhere close to being solved. China adapts quickly, making difficult decisions and implementing them effectively. Americans pride themselves on constitutional checks and balances, based on a political culture that distrusts centralised government. This system has ensured individual liberty and a vibrant private sector, but it has now become polarised and ideologically rigid. At present it shows little appetite for dealing with the long-term fiscal challenges the US faces. Democracy in America may have an inherent legitimacy that the Chinese system lacks, but it will not be much of a model to anyone if the government is divided against itself and cannot govern.


I really have nothing to add to this. What Mr Fukuyama understands, and what so many Americans can't seem to accept, is that the Chinese mode of governance seems to be quite stable. There is no plausible threat to the political monopoly of the Chinese Communist Party. Eastern Europeans abandoned belief in Soviet Communism because its economic model was a pathetic shambles, and even so, it took decades to collapse. The Chinese economic model, meanwhile, is a productive powerhouse. As long as it maintains the confidence of its citizens, there's little reason to think that China's political system is going to change on any timescale subject to punditry.


More broadly, what Mr Fukuyama is doing here (and he's been on this track for years now) really retracts the thesis to which he subscribed in the early 1990s. History, he's saying, isn't closed. It's by no means clear that the United States or any other welfare-state capitalist liberal democracy is the goal. It's not clear where we're heading, and we should keep our wits about us and adapt; we can be left behind, just as others were before us.


(Photo credit: AFP)


g cross wrote: Jan 18th 2011 10:12 GMT

@ ccusa: "So throw out the Constitution? The fact is there's nowhere to turn except to what Mr. Fukuyama calls the model based on inherent legitimacy."

That is a false dichotomy; there are plenty of functional democracies in the world that don't use our Constitution.



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kid destroyer wrote: Jan 18th 2011 11:07 GMT

While I love reading what Fukuyama writes, he has a tendency to express whatever the current consensus is quite well but without much real critical ability. China is growing! Exactly as we'd expect it to, re: unshackling China's economy, Krugman's "myth of asian economies", etc.


China can efficiently make decisions! Except, of course, when it can't, when it's blocked by infighting (see: currency decisions which different parts of government have different opinions on, the military independently making decisions, Hu's declarations and retractions).


Chinese people are happy! Except for the increase in protests despite a growing economy (what will happen when they have an inevitable recession? who knows?).


This isn't to say that he's not RIGHT. But all he's doing here is once again giving voice to common conceptions while ignoring the complexities of the real world. I don't ever get the sense that he's digging deeply, here.


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LaContra wrote: Jan 18th 2011 11:35 GMT

The western liberal perspective is anchored by the belief that Chinese leaders (and other market orientated authoritarians) secretly realise that they are on the wrong side of history, clinging to their centralised power by denying their people any meaningful democratic discourse.


This is where the western liberal mindset, which claims its legitimacy through its declared universality, departs from reality. The Chinese not only believe that liberal democracy is not inevitable, they view it as truly undesirable.


Westerners of course have an inherent belief in superiority of their system, unfortunately history has not progressed enough to validate that perspective. Philosophically, there is no reason to elevate one system above the other and comparatively the Chinese model, being sui generis, has not been in existence long enough to be judged.


The Soviet system collapsed because of the contradictions within a planned centralised communist economy and the economic pressures of the Cold War. The Cold War was fought by the US because the USSR offered a then plausible alternative to capitalism and aggressively exported their system. The Chinese are fellow capitalists but are canny enough not to threaten the west in the ideological stakes, they don't export their model thus their place in the capitalist system protects them from a cold war like engagement with the west.


Fukuyama is right on the money this time...America, of late, has wasted its moral, economic, and political capital thus its ability to cajole or influence China which is a shame because there is no inevitability of China morphing into a liberal democratic state over time nor do they stand athwart the path of history in resisting political liberalisation.


The argument is whether market capitalism or liberal democracy is the true engine of modernisation and development. Just because America considers that its democratic credentials created its economic development does not make it axiomatic and universal....So far the Chinese are proving that the opposite is equally true, that economic development extends a legitimacy to their political system


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OneAegis wrote: Jan 18th 2011 10:14 GMT

I don't think the Constitution needs to be thrown out, nor was that the recommendation. If anything, the document allows for its own amendment. That being said, we're riding our moral high horse straight towards a cliff. The Constitution will be of little comfort should some plausible scenarios play out within the next 50 years or so. The issue at hand is that many of the problems we have today will become unfixable if we do not address them in a timely manner, if they aren't already.


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bampbs wrote: Jan 18th 2011 11:18 GMT

I thought "The End of History" was hubristic nonsense.


China has a large majority who have not enjoyed the blessings of explosive growth. I wonder how long the CCP has to deliver them to the have-nots before they get dangerous. It is one thing to order peasant soldiers to shoot down students; it may not work if their own families rise.


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John Albert Robertson wrote: Jan 18th 2011 11:03 GMT

As somebody wrote in response to the (infamous) Tiger Mom article, "The Chinese feel that they can learn from Western education. Why can't Westerners learn from Chinese parents?"


Similarly, China has had no problem learning from the American way of doing business. It's time for our lawmakers to take a hard, nondogmatic look at Chinese business (and government) practices, and to return the favor.


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JGradus wrote: Jan 18th 2011 10:18 GMT

I am not the greatest fan of the end of history meme myself (it is sort of dissaproved by now right) especially when used in Europe as a defense for no defense.



原文标题:China v America The end of the end of history


FRANCIS FUKUYAMA'S 1990 article "The End of History" profoundly shaped my political identity: I thought it was so completely wrong-headed that I spent weeks working out the many ways in which I disagreed. I found it extremely implausible that Friedrich Hegel had simply figured out the direction of human political evolution in the early 19th century, and that everything else had been a matter of slow progress towards that goal, culminating in the Reagan-Mitterand-era spectrum of Western welfare-state capitalist democracies (with a preference for the Reagan end). Worse, Mr Fukuyama's thesis seemed like a strange right-wing version of the complacency of Soviet ideologues: the arc of history has already been mapped, and we are its apotheosis. It seemed a recipe for intellectual stagnation and a likely excuse for all sorts of foolishness and misconduct. After all, if we're the goal of history, how can we do wrong?

弗朗西斯 福山1990年的作品《历史的终结》深深影响了我政治认同的成形:因为这部作品是如此的刚愎自用,我花了数周的时间来总结出我所不认同的各种看法。佛里德里希 黑格尔在19世纪早期就指出了人类政治演化的方向,我认为这听起来太假了。并且,其他的所有一切都是这个缓慢进程中的一个因素,而这个进程的终点就是里根-密特朗时代的西方社会福利国家的资本主义民主(最终还是偏向里根式)。更有甚者,福山先生的论调听起来就像是苏联理论家自鸣得意的右翼版本:历史前进的方向早已注定,而我们就是其最终典范。这看起来就像是给思维停滞之人的一张处方,也是一个为各种各样愚蠢或者不端行为开脱的合适借口。毕竟,如果我们是历史的终点,我们怎么可能会犯错?

I never would have imagined that I would read a Francis Fukuyama essay 20 years later about the current direction of world history, and agree vehemently with every single word of it. Mr Fukuyama's Financial Times piece yesterday, headlined "US democracy has little to teach China", is brilliant. It's not the first time anyone has expressed these ideas, but Mr Fukuyama puts it all together in a fashion that's close to perfect. As he writes, America "managed to fritter away" the immense moral capital it held in 2000 "in remarkably short order", due to foreign-policy missteps such as the invasion of Iraq and, later, the American-centred global financial crisis. (It didn't help that American treasury and central-bank officials, who months earlier had been lecturing China on the need to decrease state involvement in the financial sector, found themselves feverishly doing just what Chinese officials were doing—funneling money to state-champion companies, hectoring large banks to cut profits and lend more—but with less success.) Meanwhile, China is "riding high", increasingly confident that it has nothing to learn from America. Here's the catch:

我从未曾想象到在20年后的今天,当我读到弗朗西斯 福山先生的一篇关于当前历史走向的文章,其中的每一个字都深得我心。《金融时报》昨天以“美式民主没多少可以教给中国”为大标题刊登了福山先生的文章,非常出色。这不是第一次有人表达这些观点,但是福山先生把它们几近完美地整合到了一起。正如他写的那样,美国“以吃快餐般的惊异速度”“设法浪费了”其在2000年拥有的巨大的道德资本,这都得归咎于外交政策的失足如入侵伊拉克,以及之后以美国为中心席卷全球的金融危机。(美国财政部和中央银行的官员数月之前还给中国上课说国家有必要减少对金融领域的介入,而他们自己现在正狂热地做着中国官员正在干的事情——为国内一流企业注资,恐吓大银行削减其利润并借贷更多——但做得不如中国政府成功,而且根本无济于事。)与此同时,中国“洋洋得意”,逐渐膨胀的信心令其认为从美国这里再无东西可学。他们追上来了。

But what is the Chinese model? Many observers casually put it in an “authoritarian capitalist” box, along with Russia, Iran and Singapore. But China’s model is sui generis; its specific mode of governance is difficult to describe, much less emulate, which is why it is not up for export.The most important strength of the Chinese political system is its ability to make large, complex decisions quickly, and to make them relatively well, at least in economic policy. This is most evident in the area of infrastructure, where China has put into place airports, dams, high-speed rail, water and electricity systems to feed its growing industrial base. Contrast this with [democratic] India, where every new investment is subject to blockage by trade unions, lobby groups, peasant associations and courts...Nonetheless, the quality of Chinese government is higher than in Russia, Iran, or the other authoritarian regimes with which it is often lumped—precisely because Chinese rulers feel some degree of accountability towards their population. That accountability is not, of course, procedural; the authority of the Chinese Communist party is limited neither by a rule of law nor by democratic elections. But while its leaders limit public criticism, they do try to stay on top of popular discontents, and shift policy in response.


Mr Fukuyama thinks American hopes that China's economic modernisation will require a shift to multi-party democracy are misplaced.


Americans have long hoped China might undergo a democratic transition as it got wealthier, and before it became powerful enough to become a strategic and political threat. This seems unlikely, however. The government knows how to cater to the interests of Chinese elites and the emerging middle classes, and builds on their fear of populism. This is why there is little support for genuine multi-party democracy. The elites worry about the example of democracy in Thailand—where the election of a populist premier led to violent conflict between his supporters and the establishment—as a warning of what could happen to them


Ultimately, Mr Fukuyama's sympathies are clearly with a less statist economic policy and democratic governance. But he doesn't think this model is assured of triumph on its own.


[I]f the democratic, market-oriented model is to prevail, Americans need to own up to their own mistakes and misconceptions. Washington’s foreign policy during the past decade was too militarised and unilateral, succeeding only in generating a self-defeating anti-Americanism. In economic policy, Reaganism long outlived its initial successes, producing only budget deficits, thoughtless tax-cutting and inadequate financial regulation.These problems are to some extent being acknowledged and addressed. But there is a deeper problem with the American model that is nowhere close to being solved. China adapts quickly, making difficult decisions and implementing them effectively. Americans pride themselves on constitutional checks and balances, based on a political culture that distrusts centralised government. This system has ensured individual liberty and a vibrant private sector, but it has now become polarised and ideologically rigid. At present it shows little appetite for dealing with the long-term fiscal challenges the US faces. Democracy in America may have an inherent legitimacy that the Chinese system lacks, but it will not be much of a model to anyone if the government is divided against itself and cannot govern.


I really have nothing to add to this. What Mr Fukuyama understands, and what so many Americans can't seem to accept, is that the Chinese mode of governance seems to be quite stable. There is no plausible threat to the political monopoly of the Chinese Communist Party. Eastern Europeans abandoned belief in Soviet Communism because its economic model was a pathetic shambles, and even so, it took decades to collapse. The Chinese economic model, meanwhile, is a productive powerhouse. As long as it maintains the confidence of its citizens, there's little reason to think that China's political system is going to change on any timescale subject to punditry.


More broadly, what Mr Fukuyama is doing here (and he's been on this track for years now) really retracts the thesis to which he subscribed in the early 1990s. History, he's saying, isn't closed. It's by no means clear that the United States or any other welfare-state capitalist liberal democracy is the goal. It's not clear where we're heading, and we should keep our wits about us and adapt; we can be left behind, just as others were before us.


(Photo credit: AFP)


g cross wrote: Jan 18th 2011 10:12 GMT

@ ccusa: "So throw out the Constitution? The fact is there's nowhere to turn except to what Mr. Fukuyama calls the model based on inherent legitimacy."

That is a false dichotomy; there are plenty of functional democracies in the world that don't use our Constitution.



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kid destroyer wrote: Jan 18th 2011 11:07 GMT

While I love reading what Fukuyama writes, he has a tendency to express whatever the current consensus is quite well but without much real critical ability. China is growing! Exactly as we'd expect it to, re: unshackling China's economy, Krugman's "myth of asian economies", etc.


China can efficiently make decisions! Except, of course, when it can't, when it's blocked by infighting (see: currency decisions which different parts of government have different opinions on, the military independently making decisions, Hu's declarations and retractions).


Chinese people are happy! Except for the increase in protests despite a growing economy (what will happen when they have an inevitable recession? who knows?).


This isn't to say that he's not RIGHT. But all he's doing here is once again giving voice to common conceptions while ignoring the complexities of the real world. I don't ever get the sense that he's digging deeply, here.


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LaContra wrote: Jan 18th 2011 11:35 GMT

The western liberal perspective is anchored by the belief that Chinese leaders (and other market orientated authoritarians) secretly realise that they are on the wrong side of history, clinging to their centralised power by denying their people any meaningful democratic discourse.


This is where the western liberal mindset, which claims its legitimacy through its declared universality, departs from reality. The Chinese not only believe that liberal democracy is not inevitable, they view it as truly undesirable.


Westerners of course have an inherent belief in superiority of their system, unfortunately history has not progressed enough to validate that perspective. Philosophically, there is no reason to elevate one system above the other and comparatively the Chinese model, being sui generis, has not been in existence long enough to be judged.


The Soviet system collapsed because of the contradictions within a planned centralised communist economy and the economic pressures of the Cold War. The Cold War was fought by the US because the USSR offered a then plausible alternative to capitalism and aggressively exported their system. The Chinese are fellow capitalists but are canny enough not to threaten the west in the ideological stakes, they don't export their model thus their place in the capitalist system protects them from a cold war like engagement with the west.


Fukuyama is right on the money this time...America, of late, has wasted its moral, economic, and political capital thus its ability to cajole or influence China which is a shame because there is no inevitability of China morphing into a liberal democratic state over time nor do they stand athwart the path of history in resisting political liberalisation.


The argument is whether market capitalism or liberal democracy is the true engine of modernisation and development. Just because America considers that its democratic credentials created its economic development does not make it axiomatic and universal....So far the Chinese are proving that the opposite is equally true, that economic development extends a legitimacy to their political system


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OneAegis wrote: Jan 18th 2011 10:14 GMT

I don't think the Constitution needs to be thrown out, nor was that the recommendation. If anything, the document allows for its own amendment. That being said, we're riding our moral high horse straight towards a cliff. The Constitution will be of little comfort should some plausible scenarios play out within the next 50 years or so. The issue at hand is that many of the problems we have today will become unfixable if we do not address them in a timely manner, if they aren't already.


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bampbs wrote: Jan 18th 2011 11:18 GMT

I thought "The End of History" was hubristic nonsense.


China has a large majority who have not enjoyed the blessings of explosive growth. I wonder how long the CCP has to deliver them to the have-nots before they get dangerous. It is one thing to order peasant soldiers to shoot down students; it may not work if their own families rise.


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John Albert Robertson wrote: Jan 18th 2011 11:03 GMT

As somebody wrote in response to the (infamous) Tiger Mom article, "The Chinese feel that they can learn from Western education. Why can't Westerners learn from Chinese parents?"


Similarly, China has had no problem learning from the American way of doing business. It's time for our lawmakers to take a hard, nondogmatic look at Chinese business (and government) practices, and to return the favor.


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JGradus wrote: Jan 18th 2011 10:18 GMT

I am not the greatest fan of the end of history meme myself (it is sort of dissaproved by now right) especially when used in Europe as a defense for no defense.

But on the other hand, I sort of get the feeling that there really is no system that can be morally better than the liberal democracy. I know that ought and is are not the same, but I agree with ccusa in the simple fact that even if the liberal democracy is not the set fate of the world, we should strive to make it that.


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rewt66 wrote: Jan 18th 2011 11:22 GMT

I think my previous post didn't explain things quite well enough. Democracy can collapse if people are starving; people decide to back whoever will bring order, even if it means a loss of freedom. Democracy can also collapse from a lack of legitimacy - none of the representatives have a position that represents me, so I vote for none, and then I feel that I have no stake in the government. The US is flirting dangerously with both of these modes of collapse.


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cognate wrote: Jan 18th 2011 11:55 GMT

So, progressives love enlightened authoritarianism.


Surprise, surprise.


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rewt66 wrote: Jan 18th 2011 11:18 GMT

China's model collapses when (through bad luck, bad judgment, or ideological blindness) the leadership makes mistakes that cause serious economic reverses. America's model collapses when (through bad luck, bad judgment, or ideological blindness) the leadership makes mistakes that cause serious economic reverses. Right now, China's leadership seems further from ideological blindness than America's leadership.


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Anjin-San wrote: Jan 19th 2011 12:34 GMT

As Johnson may point out, Democracy comes from Demos and Krasis, "Citizen's rule". This requires the "Demos" in question to have certain ability to govern him/herself individually and rein in their urges and desires.


What today's democracies don't do is have a solid education program geared to giving every citizen the intellectual and psychological ability to govern him/herself. In fact, often the reverse is done precisely because such self discipline is UNPOPULAR.


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ccusa wrote: Jan 18th 2011 10:07 GMT

So throw out the Constitution? The fact is there's nowhere to turn except to what Mr. Fukuyama calls the model based on inherent legitimacy. For better or worse, we're on the path called doing the right thing.


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JGradus wrote: Jan 18th 2011 10:29 GMT


Please not Bildt either, that man very closely ruined Sweden completely.



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Handworn wrote: Jan 18th 2011 11:23 GMT

The Japanese economy seemed unbeatable in the 1980s, and it was only when it went to illogical extremes and collapsed into stagnation that we saw where the cracks were. Will the Chinese avoid illogical extremes? The Chinese mode of government seems stable, but let's see them try to take away what ordinary Chinese people have attained by capitalism.


Finally, you say the Chinese make difficult decisions and implement them, quickly. All well and good, but do they make right ones? As much inflexibility of thought as their massive economy allows them to afford seems to me to be their hallmark.


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Anjin-San wrote: Jan 19th 2011 12:47 GMT

Obviously, ccusa hasn't heard of Constitutional Amendments...


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Wunala Dreaming wrote: Jan 19th 2011 1:20 GMT



Eeek. Sorry, mate.


I was aiming for a mid-90s prime minister who rescued the Swedish model by conducting courageous reforms post-1992 recession.


My apologies.


Who would take the credit for the rescue, then?


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Pacer wrote: Jan 19th 2011 1:25 GMT

I think what I'm reading here is that liberal democracy feels good but makes for weak decisions and an economy vulnerable to clever competition. With that I would agree.


However America doesn't really have liberal democracy, except in the sense that within a few wide bounds one can say what one wants. From a representation standpoint, politicians work hard for the money, and as a friend noted to me recently, there's no problem our government can't solve as long as there are obscene profits to be made from the solution. Not many K-Street heavy hitters working for the cost saving elements of Obamacare, for example, but an army of such folks fighting for suicidal increased spending obligations...


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Wunala Dreaming wrote: Jan 18th 2011 10:20 GMT

A very good post, M.S.


As for preferring the Reagan end of the Reagan-Mitterrand spectrum, I guess you did not have to go out so much on a limb there. Considering you could take virtually everything Mitterrand did while in power (whether in social, economic, foreign or environmental policies) and point out that it was the wrong thing to do.


I do not particularly rate Reagan either.


How about the Kohl-Chrétien-Kok-Bildt spectrum instead?



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ccusa wrote: Jan 19th 2011 1:22 GMT

Anjin, to be fair, I have heard of amending the Constitution. I suppose I was a bit loose with my language. When I say "so throw out the Constitution" I meant throw out specific provisions, like the ones that ensure checks and balances, by amending it. Yes it would still be the Constitution, so technically I've made an error. I hope you can still see the point I'm trying to make notwithstanding the technical error.


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nezahualcoyotl wrote: Jan 18th 2011 10:39 GMT

To me it does not seem that Fukuyama is unsubscribing to capitalist liberal democracies as the final goal. Instead that America needs to live up to its own mistakes for democracy to prevail. His article hints that he expects china to eventually become a democracy when it faces an economic crisis, something about democracies being strong through adversity. I guess we'll see.

Its a strange article fukuyama has written with the title conflicting with his beliefs, i suspect he is saying he believes china believes that america has little to teach it. Anyway its confusing tbe way these academics operate


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Mad Hatter wrote: Jan 19th 2011 2:25 GMT

Different strokes for different folks.


Many of us Americans cannot accept that our system has any faults.


We have a perfect constitution, and God is on our side.


Everyone else is a pinko communist or heathen.


Excellent piece, but, unfortunately this sort of observation will not be heard by the general population, and even if it were - we wouldn't learn anything from it.


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Tzimisces wrote: Jan 19th 2011 2:35 GMT

Which isn't to say that liberal democracy is the end of history either. Of all the contingent development paths so far, we're tops. Says nothing about tomorrow, but until the Chinese hit the roadblocks of maximum exploitation of existing technology, full employment in the market sector, and no further gains to be had by rationalizing government we won't know if their system is a challenger or if we're just witnessing the catch up.

At this point everyone is just shaking the Magic 8 Ball*.



【*译者注:Magic 8 Ball,8号魔法球,一种占卜的玩具,摇一摇能摇出一些固有的简短文字答案。】

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Corporateanarchist wrote: Jan 19th 2011 11:09 GMT

Must admit I've always found the prating of some people about democracy stuck in my throat. Is democracy so perfect in France, the UK, the USA, or anywhere else, the answer is obviously no. Remember if voting changed anything they’d make it illegal. It has however delivered “bigger cages and longer chains” for “The West” which can count as a success.


I’m not sure how much longer it will continue to do so. It’s certainly doubtful it does the same for developing nations. Trying to impose democracy (especially in the middle of a war zone) is close to lunacy it will either spontaneously occur due to internal will or it is not the correct solution.


If we have to pigeon hole China I’d look upon it as a sort of noblesse oblige* feudalism operating in a capitalist framework and it seems to work for them. I’d guess it will continue to work as long as the expectations of the lowest income 40% are so low , the aspirations of the middle 40-50 % are attainable and the command strata does not become ossified.


【*译者注:noblesse oblige,直译是“贵族的义务”,出自法国,原意指贵族就要像贵族,负担起道德和精神的责任,高尚是应尽的义务。】

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Mad Hatter wrote: Jan 19th 2011 12:16 GMT

@Doug Pascover

Because of the two party system, our election decisions boil down to “lesser of two evils” rather than the best man for the job.

For example, from a merely hypothetical point of view, if one party was pro-life, even through that party supported tax cuts for the rich, and the other was agnostic about religious beliefs, but believed in punishing bankers for perceived errors, one has a difficult decision to make.

There is no party that is both pro-life and believes in punishing bankers for perceived errors.

So who does one vote for?

回复Doug Pascover





Our history has been rife with situations where the public has voted against its self interests, because the party that represents our self interests has a small part of its platform that we find unpalatable. After the civil war, many people would not vote Republican, because the Republican party supported equal rights for the freed slaves, even though in those days it also supported greater rights for exploited workers.

So why is there not a third party that fills the gap?



Every time a serious possibility of there being a third party arises, the other parties have emphasized the unpalatable issues on its platform, sold the fear...

Fears and beliefs are much more powerful emotions than rational ones when voting decisions are made.

That is what is so amazing about Obama being elected – he did it by inspiring hope, and brought out the best in America, rather than running on a platform of fear.




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Tzimisces wrote: Jan 19th 2011 2:33 GMT

Meh, there was a time that everyone thought the German Imperial* system was best for economic growth, there was a time everyone thought the Soviet system was best for economic growth, there was a time when everyone thought the Japanese system was best, and not it's time for the Chinese system. The test comes when the citizenry begins to realize there's somewhere to go besides up. The Chinese aren't there yet.



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notforlack wrote: Jan 19th 2011 3:11 GMT

I think the Chinese approach is an attempt to deal with the J-Curve of marketization. (For those unfamiliar, the J-Curve suggests that privitization of the economy necessitates a sharp, but limited period of economic decline prior to a longterm period of gain. Democracy makes reform difficult, then, because either a) politicians won't pursue economic restructuring for fear that the initial economic decline will undermine their popularity or b) voters will roll-back reform in the next election cycle.)

Thus, China's opposition to liberal democracy allows them to evade voter-liability - they can pursue so-called "difficult but necessary" reform without fear of popular condemnation.

The J-Curve is often cited as explanation for the failure of post-Soviet reform - Russians developed a bad taste for democracy based on their particular experience, which was heavily colored by serious economic instability/decline.




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g cross wrote: Jan 19th 2011 5:04 GMT

@ ccusa: "But instead we get posts challenging us to think of becoming more like China."


ccusa, to be frank if you really think that M.S. is calling for us to move towards an authoritarian style of government like that in China then you are being completely ridiculous and utterly unreasonable.


M.S.'s point in this blog article was clear: we should not take for granted that the tide of history is on our side, and in particular we need to be willing to adapt our system in order to keep ourselves competitive. How might we adapt it? Read the article: Mr Fukuyama makes it clear that it is specific aspects of democracy *in America* that he thinks are making us less effective, such as our full set of constitutional checks and balances**, and M.S. responds to this by saying "I really have nothing to add to this." which makes it clear that he feels the same way.


【**译者注:checks and balances 三权分立:立法权、行政权和司法权相互独立、互相制衡。】

Furthermore, M.S. has never come close to saying that we should get rid of our democratic government, but he has on many times talked about the unreasonableness of the Senate. Therefore, if you really want to interpret this piece as being a means of advancing a particular agenda it would make far more sense to conclude that it is advancing his anti-Senate agenda, rather than this completely ridiculous and utterly unreasonable agenda that you are projecting on him that he is against the very notion of democratic government.


Finally, the primary purpose of these blogs articles is to give us food for thought and something to talk about. If you don't see a point being made explicitly, then rather then concluding that this is because M.S. is too afraid to actually state his point out loud you should consider that it might be because *M.S. HAD NO REAL POINT HE WAS TRYING TO MAKE* and was just offering us some food for thought. Not *everything* needs to advance a specific political agenda.




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Valdemar_II wrote: Jan 19th 2011 7:54 GMT


I read your comments with a great deal of interest as it reminded me a lot of discussions I have seen about the "European" vs the "American" economic models. Both are often heralded as superior models, but the evidence for the "American" model is sometimes the higher growth rates achieved in the USA compared to (western) Europe, and that Europe should let go of its extensive social safety net, short working hours, restrictive regulation, etc. To which the reply is often - "but we value other things than just economic growth". I may misunderstand, but in your argument I see the China playing the role of the USA (economic growth is the measure of success) and the USA the role of Europe (but we value some things too highly to sacrifice them for growth).



So what I hear M.S. say is not "become like China" but just highlighting that from a competitiveness point of view, it is not clear that the American (or any other liberal democratic) model is the best for delivering that. Nor is it clear that the Chinese model is unsustainable, an opinion that he subscribes to many Americans (and seems to be supported by some posters here).


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M.S. (The Economist) wrote: Jan 19th 2011 8:06 GMT


Incidentally, the notion that I somehow admire the Chinese system because I have an affection for authoritarianism and wish the American system were more like the Chinese one is ludicrous and frankly insulting. The point Mr Fukuyama makes is fairly simple, but may be too subtle for some here. It is that the Chinese single-party corporate-statist capitalist system is not going to simply collapse and affirm the superiority of liberal democracy. My version of this point is that it may well be that the Chinese system is a stable modern model of governance, that its lifetime is no more limited than that of our own model of governance. This is what's scary about it. That system is brutally repressive towards the small minority of people who engage in open dissent. It has no or few procedural guarantees of justice under law, and is in general much more unfair to the powerless than our own system -- not that the deck is equally stacked in our system either. What this looks like, to me, is a version of what people in America *thought* the competition with the USSR looked like in 1960: they seemed to have an equally stable system that was matching or beating ours in economic growth. It turned out this was a mirage because their economic system hit its limits at a pretty low level of development and started to decay. The bright side of competition with China is that they're not really exporting their system, and couldn't because it's rooted in a 2000-year-old cultural and governing tradition that can't be replicated outside East Asia, if anywhere. The dark side is that there's no guarantee whatsoever that their economic system will hit its limits or start to fail before ours does, and, while some other source of instability may come along and lay bare strategic weaknesses in repressive authoritarianism, it also might not. And just as conservatives in 1960 worried that Soviet repressive authoritarianism might beat the West because of its inherent strengths, and argued that America had to band together and act decisively to compete, I have the same worries about China. I think a lot of the things the West did while banding together to compete with the USSR were very positive and beneficial, and I'd like to see more of the same proactive willingness to adapt to reality more in evidence today.




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JGradus wrote: Jan 19th 2011 1:27 GMT


I must agree with your analysis about revolutions. I suspect that Americans have a romantic view of revolutions because that is what they incorrectly call their war of independence (which was of course a great success).

It took France roughly a 100 years from the revolution to actually getting some sort of real democracy, with a LOT of blood flowing in between, and even seeing a restoration of the ancien regime they toppled.

Sometime they work, sometime they don't, but they are almost always very messy.





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JShell wrote: Jan 19th 2011 8:02 GMT

The central problem is greed in the United States. Reaganism has political support because it has become code for tax cuts to rich folks, who are interested in funding such talk. Reagan brought a 78% top marginal tax rate on the rich down to 28%. Note that "tax uncertainty" in late 2010 was code for the uncertainty that top marginal tax rates might rise. Of course, this might be complicated by the fact that the cost of living is much higher in New York than it is in Kentucky, so that the top tax rates hurt more in the big apple than they do in Appalachia. But still, Americans are too dependent on/afraid of their wealthier bosses/employers/investors to be able to stand up to the shakedown of the poor by the rich. . . along with the general liquidation of US ecosystem services. . . soon we'll have no groundwater, no clean riverwater, no topsoil, no domestic fisheries, and very little oil left at home. Then what? Who knows. I think the US empire will collapse under the weight of its own greed--

Meanwhile, China has at least been putting some limits on how rich its executives get . . . or at least the centralization of wealth is among individuals who want to see their country succeed as part of their own success.



**边际税率:就是征税对象数额的增量中税额所占的比率。以超额累进的个人所得举例:免征额为 2000元,那么2000元以下的收入免税,边际税率就为0。当一个人月收入达到2200元的时候时,相比起2000元增量为200元,按照适用税率应缴纳10元的税,此时边际税率就是10元÷200元=5%

***美国魔都,原文是the big apple,直译是大苹果,这是美国人对纽约的昵称。据说典故是出自早期的爵士乐手们把美国的各个城市描绘成挂在树上的一只只苹果.很自然地纽约就称为大苹果。阿巴拉契亚是美国东部的山区。】

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ObsTheTimes wrote: Jan 20th 2011 3:19 GMT

I couldn't agree more. Rather its a wonder why anyone would disagree. America and Europe have long championed the almost divine legitimacy of democracy. Actually, outside of Europe (really read Scandinavia)where populations are divvied up into small racially & spiritually homogeneous highly educated portions, democracy is a failure.

Now the democratic system is starting to fester in America as well. Here gridlock rules and everybody and their brother wants a voice heard.

But democracy's biggest failure has occurred in India which is sycophantically flattered by the west as a beacon of democracy. Yes, things are finally moving there, but compare this movement with the blazing speed with which China is moving half a billion people out of poverty.

Would you rather have a pretty label or actually do something for your population? Take your pick.






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Anjin-San wrote: Jan 19th 2011 4:47 GMT


Recognizing, as you asked for, the substance of your argument, I still disagree because you are overlooking an important fact: Unlimited pursuit of individual liberties often results in those liberties interfering with each other, reducing the whole society into a gridlock of conflicting liberties and interests (in short, NIMBYism).

In short, maximizing liberties of the individual conflicts with maximizing liberties of a society as a whole. Even the Americans recognize the need for such restriction of individual liberty in some cases where its effect on maximizing the sum total of the liberties is readily apparent (example: Traffic lights).

The downside of the Chinese Method is altogether too often people are penalized for being in the wrong place at the wrong time...





【*译者注:邻避主义,NIMBY,not in my backyard,别在我的后院。强烈反对在自己住处附近设立任何有危险性、不好看或有其他不宜情形之事物(如监狱、焚化炉或无家人收容所等)】

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M.S. (The Economist) wrote: Jan 19th 2011 7:54 GMT

ccusa, I find your stance confusing. You believe that what's critical and non-negotiable in the American system is that you need the consent of the governed to pass laws. ObamaCare is law. The US's democratic legislature crafted it and approved it, and our democratically elected president signed it into law. It is unlikely to be repealed because its opponents are unable, through our democratic mechanisms, to put together the legislative pieces they would need to repeal it. (This is in large measure because repealing ObamaCare would do things that most Americans don't like, such as making it once again impossible for people with prior medical conditions to get insurance and increasing the deficit.)

In what sense is arguing for the merits of ObamaCare anti-democratic?



【*译者注:consent of the governed,被统治者的同意,西方社会契约的重要内容。出自John Locke约翰洛克,主张政府只有在取得被统治者的同意,其统治才有正当性。

** “奥巴马医改案” ObamaCare,奥巴马上台后推行的医改政策,2010年以微弱优势通过成法案,但接下来又多次被判违宪、被共和党控制的众议院投票要求废除等;然而参议院仍在民主党控制中,奥巴马也握有总统签署权。医改问题双方仍在拉锯中,属于美国国内政治的焦点。

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