
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/27 16:47:32
<br /><br />[据wired网站近日报道] 五角大楼的巨型卫星以重达20吨的“锁眼”-12(Keyhole-12)卫星为顶点,但这些在轨庞然大物越来越遭到批评。批评者认为小卫星星座可以更好、更快、更便宜地完成工作。这个新宠就是作战及时响应型太空资产,它是美国陆军“鹰眼”(Kestrel Eye)间谍卫星项目的起源,“鹰眼”项目将探索小卫星的潜力。
  “鹰眼”项目正在由智能技术微系统公司(IntelliTech Microsystems)建造,它源于美国国防预先计划局(DARPA)的一个项目,该项目是一颗安装了10英寸孔径照相机的重9千克的卫星项目。“鹰眼”项目的下行链路系统每秒可以传回两张图像,卫星分辨率1.5米,每颗卫星可覆盖8千米的区域。卫星分辨率仅为Keyhole-12卫星的十分之一。它虽然不算是高分辨率卫星,但已经足够识别地面的建筑物和车辆。这对于陆军将非常有帮助。
  “鹰眼”将是陆军的第二个纳卫星项目。首个纳卫星项目是目前正在试验中的“太空与导弹防御司令部-在轨纳卫星效用”(SMDC-ONE)。该星座由8颗卫星组成。SMDC-1旨在验证小型作战卫星的技术和部分概念。<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=http://sdw.cc">
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推荐→第一投注!!倍率高.!存取速度快.国内最好的投注平台<br /><br />[据wired网站近日报道] 五角大楼的巨型卫星以重达20吨的“锁眼”-12(Keyhole-12)卫星为顶点,但这些在轨庞然大物越来越遭到批评。批评者认为小卫星星座可以更好、更快、更便宜地完成工作。这个新宠就是作战及时响应型太空资产,它是美国陆军“鹰眼”(Kestrel Eye)间谍卫星项目的起源,“鹰眼”项目将探索小卫星的潜力。
  “鹰眼”项目正在由智能技术微系统公司(IntelliTech Microsystems)建造,它源于美国国防预先计划局(DARPA)的一个项目,该项目是一颗安装了10英寸孔径照相机的重9千克的卫星项目。“鹰眼”项目的下行链路系统每秒可以传回两张图像,卫星分辨率1.5米,每颗卫星可覆盖8千米的区域。卫星分辨率仅为Keyhole-12卫星的十分之一。它虽然不算是高分辨率卫星,但已经足够识别地面的建筑物和车辆。这对于陆军将非常有帮助。
  “鹰眼”将是陆军的第二个纳卫星项目。首个纳卫星项目是目前正在试验中的“太空与导弹防御司令部-在轨纳卫星效用”(SMDC-ONE)。该星座由8颗卫星组成。SMDC-1旨在验证小型作战卫星的技术和部分概念。<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=http://sdw.cc">
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Grunts Get Spy Sats of Their Own

By David Hambling  December 1, 2009  |  1:18 pm

The Pentagon loves its giant satellites — the bigger and more expensive, the better. The culmination was Keyhole -12; at an estimated twenty tons, it’s believed to be about as large as the massive Hubble Space Telescope. But these orbiting behemoths are increasingly coming under criticism by those who believe the job can be done better, faster, and cheaper by constellations of small satellites. The new catch-phrase is Operationally Responsive Space Access. This is the source of the Army’s Kestrel Eye spy satellite program, which is exploring the possibilities offered by smaller sats.

Big satellites are expensive to build and launch. So you can only have a few of them in orbit at once. They may not be in the right place when you need them. Operationally Responsive Space is supposed to fix that, by sending satellites into space as needed, depending on the requirements at the time. Making them smaller and cheaper means that large numbers can be put up, giving continuous coverage rather than a snapshot with every ninety-minute orbit.

Kestrel Eye, which is being built by IntelliTech Microsystems, grew out of a Darpa project for a twenty-pound imaging satellite equipped with a ten-inch telescope. The downlink system can send back two images a second, each covering an area five miles square with a resolution of five feet. That does not count as high-resolution in the reconnaissance world, and it’s only about a tenth of what can be delivered by Keyhole-12. But it’s enough to identify individual building and vehicles. And that could be extremely helpful to the grunt on the ground.

“Kestrel Eye will be taskable directly by the warfighter under fire and transmit 1.5-meter resolution images directly to his backpackable ground station. A constellation of 30 satellites will provide global 24/7 coverage,” Steve Fujikawa, president of IntelliTech Microsystems Inc., told the Military Space and Missile Forum. But rather than being used by one unit, the imagery is likely to be fed into a set of imagery servers, so the pictures can be shared by any number of users.

As with other small satellites, the key is to make it cheap. Kestrel Eye is supposed to cost around $1 million per satellite. That’s a bargain, considering a Predator drone is about $5 million. Even a constellation of thirty of Kestrel Eyes will cost a fraction of a large satellite.

Kestrel Eye will be the Army’s second nanosatellite program. The first is an ongoing test project called SMDC One. It consists of eight satellites, each about the size of a tube of Pringles. SMDC One is aimed at proving the technology and some of the concepts involved in operating small satellites.

Major elements of Kestrel Eye, including the avionics and the solar power array, have already been prototyped. Other elements, including the camera and the data transmission system are expected to be ready for a launch in 2011. However, this will depend on an ongoing design review.

It’s no exaggeration to say that Kestrel Eye will be a new paradigm for satellite surveillance. If successful, it will open the way for much more small, cheap satellites. These could include more reconnaissance satellites with infra-red as well as visible-wavelength capability, as well as LADAR and other sensors. There is also the possibility of communications nanosatellites so that extra bandwidth can be added as needed.

It’s a bold new venture for the US Army. However, in this case the military is lagging somewhat behind the commercial world, where the potential of constellations smaller and more capable satellites is already being realized.
小小大星球 发表于 2009-12-23 21:13


确实便宜啊 100W美刀
本草纲目 发表于 2009-12-24 17:02

    我得挣多久才又100W USD啊??
美帝的大锁眼肯定少不了! 小卫星只起补充作用而已。
回复 9# youyouyou

   这个,   确实不能和MD比拉```,人家军费比小白兔多多了