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本报驻北京特派记者 李明振 (2007.09.14 12:37)




chosun.com中文版 chn.chosun.com中国采用局部隐身技术独自开发出歼-11B
本报驻北京特派记者 李明振 (2007.09.14 12:37)




原帖由 大刀斩RB 于 2007-9-14 23:16 发表
本报驻北京特派记者 李明振 (2007.09.14 12:37)
中国首次独立采用局部隐身技术(敌方雷 ...


美媒解读中国新型歼11B机载武器能力   2007-09-15  










太恶心了,这帖子一点的技术含量都没有,无言了。:L :L
原帖由 大刀斩RB 于 2007-9-15 11:42 发表
美媒解读中国新型歼11B机载武器能力   2007-09-15  

图为中国最新型自产歼11B战机。其机翼下加挂两枚国产PL-8空空格斗导弹。早期引进的苏-27SMK及歼11战机无法加挂 ...

大刀版主又上当了,这篇文章是典型的MK800的假文章。MK800总把JF17“枭龙”写成“FJ17”,把“列装”写成“猎装”,“J8D”写成“J8IID”,还写了一堆中国武器的出口代号,造假都不专业。一下是在GOOGLE搜索“FJ17 MK800”的部分结果:

巴国媒体不满中国某些网民批驳FJ17”!mk800评论_空军论坛_三军论坛_ ...巴国媒体不满中国某些网民批驳FJ17”!mk800评论,空军论坛,三军论坛,新浪论坛. - 44k - 类似网页  

巴基斯坦不满中国网民对于“雷电/FJ17”的批驳! - 星空飞扬De博客巴基斯坦非常不满中国网民对于“雷电/FJ17”的批驳 ! mk800评论:巴国媒体最近声称,来自中国内地部分网站的所谓中国网民对于啸龙战斗机的不满意评论。这是对于啸龙战斗机的无知于诋毁。最近,巴国媒体引述一名巴国本国的“军事技术人员”的撰文称:无知不能 ... - 45k - 类似网页  

巴国媒体不满中国网民对于“THUNDER/FJ17”的批驳!mk800评论_伦伦哥哥的空间巴国媒体不满中国网民对于“THUNDER/FJ17”的批驳!mk800评论. 2007-04-09 18:55. mk800评论:巴国媒体最近声称,来自中国内地部分网站的所谓中国网民对于啸龙战斗机的不满意评论。这是对于啸龙战斗机的无知于诋毁。 ... - 23k - 类似网页  

【转载】揭露某些人协助某国在“肢解中国联盟”!mk800评论_牛不知的个人 ...而由中国方面换装的4架FJ17已经开始猎装。虽然俄罗斯以补偿方式,出售给中国最新的施礼基2型技术,但是,中国依旧要求持久授权RD93。 最新的消息,俄罗斯再一次迫于中国采购庞大的压力,最终授权给中国从事使用装配RD93发动机的权利。 mk800:但是,这样 ... - 35k - 类似网页  

巴基斯坦:FJ17在手,江山我有!_清源_凤凰博客- powered by X-Spacemk800评论:巴基斯坦在刚刚接受了仅仅首批实际生产型FJ17战斗机后,但是对于FJ17关爱程度却是十分保满的。 评论报认为:FJ17是我国获得的最先进战斗机,它的性能是十分优越的虽然它对比我们即将获得另外一,巴基斯坦:FJ17在手,江山我有! - 21k - 类似网页  

印度关注T50计划,希望参与一把!但是遭拒绝!mk800评论mk800:由于俄罗斯在其航展上,大力推广他的新战机T50计划。这个计划引起了包括中国,印度等国浓厚兴趣。但是,俄罗斯官员却对其媒体表示:SU35计划视为印度 ... 而中国成都公司研制的比较类似的计划,是可能用于未来提供给巴基斯坦使用的Fj17换代计划。 ... - 35k - 类似网页  

美国《航空周刊》是将近一年前的去年11月份写了一篇J11B的文章,前两天MK800炒冷饭 添油加醋带臆想地引用《航空周刊》一年前的报道造了一篇网文,被包括新浪军事等一帮菜鸟军事网站转载,引起了一些国外媒体的注意,包括棒子的《朝鲜日报》。就这么简单,看你会不会分辨。

《航空周刊》的原文 (当时超大就立即有网友翻译成中文并讨论很长时间):

Chinese J-11B Presages Quiet Military Revolution

Nov 5, 2006
By Douglas Barrie


China is in the midst of a critical period of testing an "indigenous" version of the Russian Su-27 Flanker, known as the J-11B, with propulsion, radar and weapons system integration underway.

The effort is emblematic of Beijing's efforts to recast its capabilities for the 21st century as its military and associated defense-aerospace sector undergoes its own revolution in military affairs.

The development of the J-11B, if successful, will mark a notable change in capability--not only for key elements of the country's defense industrial base, but also for the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF).

The Chinese military is recalibrating the balance of quantity and quality in favor of the latter, as a guarantor of a decisive military edge and the ability to project power regionally. At the same time, the nature of the relationship between Beijing and Moscow may be subtly changing, reflecting China's growing confidence in its own capabilities.

Alongside key elements on the J-11B, Chinese industry is beginning to produce a gamut of capable guided weapons, both tactical and strategic, including satellite-guided precision systems. The emergence of unmanned platforms is also gaining the attention of Beijing.

The nationally developed systems now in various stages of the J-11B test program potentially provide performance improvements over the various Su-27 models now in PLAAF service.

Air Show China, held here Oct. 31-Nov. 5, included the first official detail about the Shenyang Tai Hang engine. This turbofan powerplant is being developed for the Flanker, and is also sometimes referred to as the WS-10A. A handful of J-11B airframes are now likely being used for development testing, including at least one J-11B engine-integration aircraft.

Beijing and Moscow first agreed on the Flanker sale in 1991, with a license production contract signed in 1996. The Flanker has given China its most capable fighter aircraft while also providing a vehicle for its industry to gain knowledge of fourth-generation fighter manufacturing. The first kit-built J-11A was completed in 1998. The J-11A still uses Russian engines, radar and weaponry.

Design and development of the Tai Hang has been underway for nearly two decades, says one senior Chinese aero-engine executive. He admits the program has proved challenging: "We hit difficulties in developing the engine."

Chinese industry executives attending the show remain reticent to discuss the J-11B program. The executive would say only that the Tai Hang has "similar applications to the Al-31 [the present Su-27 engine]. It's of a similar thrust and is of the same technology generation." The J-11B program also includes the integration of Chinese-developed planar array pulse-Doppler radar replacing the Russian N-001 cassegrain radar, at least two versions of which are fielded by the PLAAF. An image of a J-11B, still in its primer (see top photo on p. 27), appears to show the aircraft fitted with a different radome to the basic Su-27. Given the available space for a flat-plate antenna, this would offer a performance improvement over the N-0001.

Also associated with the J-11B is the Luoyang PL-12 active radar-guided medium-range air-to-air missile. While the Chinese air force already has the Russian R-77 (AA-12 Adder) in service with the Su-27, the PL-12 offers a big performance increase over the present export standard of the Vympel R-77. Officials from the company were unable to discuss the PL-12 project.

The initial development test-firing program for the overall PL-12 program now appears complete, with the missile at least close to service entry. It was integrated first on the J-8II for the development program. Trials of the PL-12 on the Chengdu J-10 also have been carried out.

The PL-12 does benefit from Russian technology, with the seeker and inertial guidance system provided by Moscow. A variant of the Agat 9B-1103M radar seeker is the most likely candidate for the missile. This seeker was intended initially for an improved version of the R-77, but appears to have been sold to China first.

The PLAAF currently has the capability for two-target engagement using the Su-27, R-77 combination. Successful integration of the PL-12 on the J-11B would likely provide a genuine multitarget capability and give the PLAAF a more capable air superiority aircraft.

The country is also moving to fill gaps in its tactical weapons capability, and to bolster its ability to support combat aircraft export proposals with credible guided-weapons packages. The show included the presentation of several previously unseen air-launched tactical systems. Luoyang showed the LT-2 laser-guided bomb, along with the LS-6 precision-guided glide bomb (middle photo). Rival China Aerospace and Technology Corp. unveiled its FT-1 and FT-3 satellite-guided weapons family. Both are aimed at potential exports of the FC-1 light fighter, including Pakistan, and likely national requirements.

Meanwhile, China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp. (Casic) showed the C-704 antiship missile (bottom photo), along with the C-802KD air-to-surface version of the C-802 antiship weapon.

The LT-2 has been in service with the Chinese air force "for more than three years," says a Luoyang executive. The 500-kg.-class (1,100-lb.) weapon resembles the Russian KAB family. The official suggested that the laser-guided bomb has a range of up to 20 km. (12.4 mi.) from high altitude, with an average accuracy of about 2 meters (6.5 ft.).

The LS-6 appears, in effect, a successor system, with a family of weapons planned. The official says "about a dozen" launch tests of the LS-6 precision bomb kit have been carried out using a Shenyang J-8II as the test aircraft. The program was begun in 2003, with testing now complete.

He identifies the JF-17--the Pakistan air force designation for the Chengdu FC-1 now in development--as the next intended aircraft for integration of the weapon. Guidance is provided by an inertial package coupled with satellite navigation. The official says the weapons family will be capable of using three systems--the U.S. GPS, the Russian Glonass and China's own Beidou system. The architecture for this system eventually foresees using five satellites in geosynchronous orbit (GEO) and up to 30 non-GEO platforms.

The 500-kg. LS-6 has a maximum launch range of 60 km. from medium altitude. A 1,000-kg. kit has also been considered, although this requires a larger wing. A 250-kg. variant is in the pipeline as well. Also under study is the addition of a laser seeker.

The two weapons shown by Casic cover the 250-kg. and 500-kg. class. The FT-1 bears a resemblance to the U.S. Joint Direct Attack Munition. Development began in 2001, according to a company executive. Tests have been carried out from a Xian JH-7. Range of the FT-1 is given as up to 18 km., depending on the release altitude and aircraft speed, with an accuracy of "30 meters, or less." Casic subsidiary China National Precision Machinery Import & Export Corp. is responsible for the C-704. At least a small batch of the antiship missile has been produced.

The design is strongly reminiscent of the Hongdu JJ/TL-6 antiship missile, although dimensions and performance figures for the two vary slightly. Data provided for the C-704 give the monopulse active-radar-guided missile a maximum engagement range of 35 km.

The company is also offering a further variant of its C-802 antiship missile. The air-launched C-802KD is claimed to be capable of engaging ships in harbor or some fixed land targets. Given that the missile is fitted with a radar seeker only, land targets would need to provide a high radar contrast.

An electro-optically guided medium-size air-launched weapon in a similar class to the C-802 is under development in China. This program almost certainly corresponds to the KD-88 designation.

The first indications of a measured shift in Sino-Russian relations could be detected in the outcome of the ongoing "push and shove" between Beijing and Moscow over the provision of a Russian engine for the FC-1 light fighter. The aircraft is a joint development between China and Pakistan.

Chinese and Russian aerospace executives are maintaining China's FC-1 light fighter will be provided to Pakistan with a Russian engine, though this is still pending political approval from Moscow. The Russian government has yet to approve the release, with suggestions that Moscow might nix a deal to avoid jeopardizing sales to India.