
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 03:13:52



agent smith: as you can see, we''ve had our eye on you for some time now, mr. anderson. it seems that you''ve been living two lives. in one life, you''re thomas a. anderson, program writer for a respectable software company, you have a social security number, you pay your taxes, and you help your landlady carry out her garbage. the other life is lived in computers, where you go by the hacker alias neo and are guilty of virtually every computer crime we have a law for. one of these lives has a future, and one of them does not. i''m going to be as forthcoming as i can be, mr. anderson. you''re here because we need your help. we know that you''ve been contacted by a certain individual, a man who calls himself morpheus. now whatever you think you know about this man is irrelevant. he is considered by many authorities to be the most dangerous man alive. my colleagues believe that i am wasting my time with you but i believe that you wish to do the right thing. we''re willing to wipe the slate clean, give you a fresh start and all that we''re asking in return is your cooperation in bringing a known terrorist to justice.  

neo: yeah. wow, that sound like a really good deal. but i think i got a better one. how about i give you the finger... and you give me my phone call.  

agent smith: um, mr. anderson. you disappoint me.  

neo: you can''t scare me with this gestapo crap. i know my rights. i want my phone call.  

agent smith: tell me, mr. anderson, what good is a phone call if you''re unable to speak.... you''re going to help us, mr. anderson whether you want to or not.

neo和smith第一次见面了,镜头开始是"电视墙",很容易和第二集architect房间里的那个"电视墙"联系起来,所以我们可以推理说,这个镜头,代表matrix的控制ai在"监视"他们的行动.就是说architect他们一开始就把neo当the one,而smith没有,他只是在做"他应该做的"(遵循一个程序的规则).



it seems that you''ve been living two lives.---他说neo有两条命,呵,the one之路.他说这个的时候,镜头里的smith的眼镜里,我们看到了两个neo,这是电影里非常多地采用的"镜子投影".

one of these lives has a future, and one of them does not.---普通电影里,我们看到这句,理解肯定是,neo当黑客没前途,可是在这里,电影的意思是,当程序员没前途.当the one那份很有前途的黑客职业吧.

i''m going to be as forthcoming as i can be---smith自己也准备好干点"他应该干的"事情了.(我说了,我这里说的是字面外的意思,一语双关)

we know that you''ve been contacted by a certain individual, a man who calls himself morpheus.---individual,这个词,当然有"个人"的意思,但也有"单独的","个别的"的意思,用在这里,在表示墨菲斯这样拔了插头的家伙实在是异类.

tell me, mr. anderson, what good is a phone call if you''re unable to speak---这里出现了电影的一个主题思想,一个重要规则,"你没有嘴,你要电话干吗",就像后面的"你没有选择,你选择什么"一样,是在告诉我们,我们脑子的一些错误思想,基础就是不对的,现在到了该颠覆它们的时候了.这里,neo要打电话(给律师),就像我们知道的一样,很多好莱坞电影也有这样的镜头,被警察关,打电话给律师,可是你突然没嘴了,你怎么打电话,怎么找律师,这里表达的思想很深刻,理解它,才能理解整个电影.

neo''s apartment)  

morpheus: this line is tapped, so i must be brief. they got to you first, but they''ve underestimated how important you are. if they knew what i know, you''d probably be dead.  

neo: what are you talking about. what...what is happening to me?  

morpheus: you are the one, neo. you see you may have spent the last few years looking for me, but i''ve spent my entire life looking for you. now do you still want to meet?  

neo: yes.  

morpheus: then go to the adam street bridge .  


墨菲斯说,如果干探他们知道neo是the one,他可能早死了,这里,我想大家应该明白一件事,机器方,或者说干探他们,根本不是要干掉the one,他们是在干掉那些"不称职"的the one,他们也在和墨菲斯他们一样,在"寻找"the one,smith在片子最后杀死neo,不过是neo变成the one的一个步骤.程序安排好的.

象cypher开始出卖他们,smith压根就没问他the one的事情,他只关心zion主机的密码.

所以,我想墨菲斯说的话没错,但不是他的意思,应该说,如果neo不是the one,他就死定了,就像动画片里的那个侦探.

墨菲斯让neo去adam street bridge,adam就是亚当,夏娃大家知道吧,他是世界的第一个人,代表了开始,bridge就是墨菲斯代表的作用,他代表的数字是2,代表了一种连接的关系,他引导着neo进了the one的门.



trinity: get in.  

neo: what the hell is this?  

trinity: it''s necessary, neo. for our protection.  

neo: from what.  

trinity: from you. take off your shirt.  

neo: what?  

switch: stop the car. listen to me, copper-top. we don''t have time for twenty questions. right now there''s only one rule, our way or the highway.  


neo等他们的地方的墙上,有很多"涂鸦",很抱歉,我对这些东西很不敏感,基本看不大明白,比如这里,neo背后有句"bank is wrong",银行错了?因为没有给导演他们贷款拍电影?大家可以补充.



前面墨菲斯教neo逃命时,他说,"stay as low as you can",然后neo也是弯着腰爬出去的.


第三集六翼天使带墨菲斯和trinity时,他们经过一个铁路桥,上面的标牌是"lower clearance".



neo: fine.  

trinity: please, neo. you have to trust me  

neo: why?  

trinity: because you have been down there, neo. you know that road. you know exactly where it ends. and i know that''s not where you want to be.... apoc, lights. lie back, lift up your shirt.  

neo: what is that thing?  

trinity: we think you''re bugged.... try and relax.... come on. come on.  

switch: it''s on the move.  

trinity: shit.  

switch: you''re going to loose it.  

trinity: no i''m not. clear.  

neo: jesus christ, that thing''s real?  


这里我们第一次看到trinity帮助neo走the one道路.


崔妮蒂说"we think you''re bugged....",这个bug既是放虫子,也是被监听的意思.所以是个很简单的"一语双关"的例子.

jesus christ, that thing''s real? ---我们可以把逗号拿开,翻译起来就是"真有耶稣啊~",电影里耶稣指的是"救世主"(the one).


(lafayette hotel)  

trinity: this is it. let me give you one piece of advice. be honest. he knows more than you can imagine.  

morpheus: at last. welcome, neo. as you no doubt have guessed, i am morpheus.  

neo: it''s an honor to meet you.  

morpheus: no, the honor is mine. please, come. sit down. i imagine that right now you''re feeling a bit like alice , tumbling down the rabbit hole? hm?  





neo: you could say that.  

morpheus: i can see it in your eyes. you have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. ironically, this is not far from the truth. do you believe in fate, neo?  

neo: no.  

morpheus: why not?  

neo: because i don''t like the idea that i''m not in control of my life.  

morpheus: i know exactly what you mean. let me tell you why you''re here. you''re here because you know something. what you know you can''t explain. but you feel it. you''ve felt it your entire life. that there''s something wrong with the world. you don''t know what it is but it''s there, like a splinter in your mind driving you mad. it is this feeling that has brought you to me. do you know what i''m talking about?  

neo: the matrix?  

morpheus: do you want to know what it is? the matrix is everywhere. it is all around us, even now in this very room. you can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. you can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. it is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.  

neo: what truth?  

morpheus: that you are a slave, neo. like everyone else you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. a prison for your mind.... unfortunately, no one can be told what the matrix is. you have to see it for yourself. this is your last chance. after this there is no turning back. you take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. you take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and i show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.... remember, all i''m offering is the truth, nothing more.... follow me.... apoc, are we online?  

apoc: almost.  

morpheus: time is always against us. please, take a seat there.  





you can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television.---墨菲斯说到,你从窗户看出来就能看到matrix,或者开电视也能看到它.










you can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes.---墨菲斯说,上班,上教堂,缴税时你能感觉到matrix.







neo: you did all this?  

trinity: uh-huh.  

morpheus: the pill you took is part of a trace program. it''s designed to disrupt your input/output carrier signal so we can pinpoint your .  

neo: what does that mean?  

cypher: it means buckle your seat belt, dorothy, because kansas is going bye-bye.  



cypher说的这个话超级经典,来着另外一个超级经典的童话---绿野仙踪(the wizard of oz),dorothy离开自己在kansas的家,但是她的历险过程可以这样概括,她好心肠,喜欢帮助别人,所以这些人也来帮助她,她最后终于回家了.


neo: did you...  

morpheus: have you ever had a dream, neo, that you were so sure was real. what if you were unable to wake from that dream. how would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?  

neo: this can''t be...  

morpheus: be what? be real?  

trinity: it''s going into replication.  

morpheus: apoc?  

apoc: still nothing.  

neo: it''s cold. it''s cold.  

morpheus: tank, we''re going to need a signal soon.  

trinity: we''ve got fibrillation.  

morpheus: apoc, .  

apoc: targeting almost there.  

trinity: it''s going into arrest.  

apoc: lock, i''ve got him.  

morpheus: now, tank. now.  








[img] [/img]



morpheus: welcome to the real world. we''ve done it, trinity. we''ve found him.  

trinity: i hope you''re right.  

morpheus: i don''t have to hope. i know it.  

neo: am i dead?  

morpheus: far from it.  

neo在飞船里醒来,就和kid一样,迷迷糊糊地听到了墨菲斯和崔妮蒂的对话,他问墨菲斯"我死了没?",墨菲斯说"还早呢"(你的the one之路刚刚开始).


dozer: he still needs a lot of work.  

neo: what are you doing.  

morpheus: your muscles have atrophied, we''re rebuilding them.  

neo: why do my eyes hurt?  

morpheus: you''ve never used them before. rest, neo. the answers are coming.  





neo: morpheus, what's happened to me? what is this place?  

morpheus: more important than what is when.  

neo: when?  

morpheus: you believe it's the year 1999 when in fact it's closer to 2199. i can't tell you exactly what year it is because we honestly don't know. there's nothing i can say that will explain it for you, neo. come with me. see for yourself. this is my ship, the nebuchadnezzar. it's a hovercraft. this is the main deck. this is the core where we broadcast our pirate signal and hack into the matrix. most of my crew you already know. this is apoc, switch, and cypher.  







墨菲斯的船,nebuchadnezzar,第二集孟菲斯,崔妮迪三人在车上被追杀的时候,他们开的车的车牌是da203,圣经里da 2:3的句子是"i have had a dream that troubles me and i want to know what it means.",而这里说这个话的人是个国王,名字是nebuchadnezzar.下面这个图也有很多暗示.

mark iii no.11==>mark 3:11(圣经马可福音3:11),"whenever the evil spirits saw him, they fell down before him and cried out,"you are the son of god.",中文:..."你是神的儿子(耶稣,the one).


morpheus: this is the construct. it's our loading program. we can load anything from clothing, to equipment, weapons, training simulations, anything we need.  

neo: right now we're inside a computer program?  

morpheus: is it really so hard to believe? your clothes are different. the plugs in your arms and head are gone. your hair is changed. your appearance now is what we call residual self image. it is the mental projection of your digital self.  

neo: this...this isn't real?  

morpheus: what is real. how do you define real? if you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. this is the world that you know. the world as it was at the end of the twentieth century. it exists now only as part of a neural-interactive simulation that we call the matrix. you've been living in a dream world, neo. this is the world as it exists today.... welcome to the desert of the real. we have only bits and pieces of information but what we know for certain is that at some point in the early twenty-first century all of mankind was united in celebration. we marveled at our own magnificence as we gave birth to ai.  

neo: ai? you mean artificial intelligence?  

morpheus: a singular consciousness that spawned an entire race of machines. we don't know who struck first, us or them. but we know that it was us that scorched the sky. at the time they were dependent on solar power and it was believed that they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as the sun. throughout human history, we have been dependent on machines to survive. fate it seems is not without a sense of irony. the human body generates more bio-electricity than a 120-volt battery and over 25,000 btu's of body heat. combined with a form of fusion the machines have found all the energy they would ever need. there are fields, endless fields, where human beings are no longer born, we are grown. for the longest time i wouldn't believe it, and then i saw the fields with my own eyes. watch them liquefy the dead so they could be fed intravenously to the living. and standing there, facing the pure horrifying precision, i came to realize the obviousness of the truth. what is the matrix? control. the matrix is a computer generated dream world built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this.  

neo: no. i don't believe it. it's not possible.  

morpheus: i didn't say it would be easy, neo. i just said it would be the truth.  

neo: stop. let me out. let me out. i want out.  



neo拔插头的过程,可以分成肉体上的,和精神上的,那些针灸了什么的是肉体的,现在就是精神的,这是他精神的第一课,"what is real"(什么是真实).

在讨论这个问题之前,先说"residual self-image"(个人影像残余),墨菲斯在说为什么neo的衣服到了程序世界换了,头发也变了的时候,墨菲斯用了这个rsi,想比较形象地解释它,我们要从人的婴儿时代说起,人在8个月到18个月大期间,就开始意识到自己是什么模样的,或者说开始知道镜子里的是自己,之前,婴儿根本不知道自己是什么样的,他们脑子里有个人影像,但是却是错误的.




how do you define real? if you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.  






the human body generates more bio-electricity than a 120-volt battery and over 25,000 btu's of body heat. combined with a form of fusion the machines have found all the energy they would ever need.



墨菲斯和neo他们坐的沙发还是他们在matrix里的那个.他们也在看"电视",电视是让你看的东西,电视只能让你"看到",真像却需要你"想"才能发现.那个电视的牌子叫"deep image",那个造型也很特别,还没琢磨出那些符号的意思.


trinity: easy, neo. easy.  

neo: take this thing off me. take this thing...  

morpheus: listen to me...  

neo: don''t touch me. stay away from me. i don''t want it. i don''t believe it. i don''t believe it.  

cypher: he''s gonna pop.  

morpheus: breathe, neo. just breathe.  

neo: i can''t go back, can i?  

morpheus: no. but if you could, would you really want to? i feel i owe you an apology. we have a rule. we never free a mind once it''s reached a certain age. it''s dangerous, the mind has trouble letting go. i''ve seen it before and i''m sorry. i did what i did because...i had to. when the matrix was first built, there was a man born inside who had the ability to change whatever he wanted, to remake the matrix as he saw fit. it was he who freed the first of us, taught us the truth. as long as the matrix exists the human race will never be free. after he died the oracle prophesied his return and that his coming would hail the destruction of the matrix and the war, bring freedom to our people. that is why there are those of us who have spent our entire lives searching the matrix looking for him. i did what i did because i believe that search is over.... get some rest, you''re going to need it.  

neo: for what?  

morpheus: your training.  



墨菲斯第一次说到了the one和oracle的预言.这里是他的原话.

after he died the oracle prophesied his return and that his coming would hail the destruction of the matrix and the war, bring freedom to our people.

翻译:他(第五个the one)死后,oracle说他还会回来,而且他将带来matrix的毁灭,结束战争,给我们的人(zion)带来自由.

oracle没有骗人,smith是要毁了matrix,这是the one(neo)引起的,战争结束了,zion的人自由了.


tank: morning, did you sleep? you will tonight, i guarantee it. i''m tank, i''ll be your operator.  

neo: you don'' don''t have any...  

tank: holes? nope. me and my brother, dozer, we''re both one hundred percent pure, old fashioned, home grown human, born free right here in the real world. a genuine child of zion .  

neo: zion ?  

tank: if the war was over tomorrow, zion is where the party would be.  

neo: it''s a city?  

tank: the last human city. the only place we have left.  

neo: where is it?  

tank: deep underground, near the earth''s core where it''s still warm. live long enough you might even see it. god-damn, i...i got to tell you, i''m fairly excited to see what you''re capable of, if morpheus is right and all...i''m not supposed to talk about this, but if you are...a very exciting time. we got a lot to do. we got to get to it.... now, we''re supposed to start with these operation programs first, that''s a major boring shit. let''s do something more fun. how about combat training.  

neo: jujitsu? i''m going to learn jujitsu?... holy shit.  

tank: hey mikey, i think he likes it. how about some more?  

neo: hell yes. hell yeah.  

morpheus: how is he?  

tank: ten hours straight. he''s a machine.  





neo: i know kung fu.  

morpheus: show me.  


morpheus: this is a sparring program, similar to the programmed reality of the matrix. it has the same basic rules, rules like gravity. what you must learn is that these rules are no different that the rules of a computer system. some of them can be bent. others can be broken. understand? then hit me if you can.... good. adaptation, improvisation. but your weakness is not your technique.  


mouse: morpheus is fighting neo.  


morpheus: how did i beat you?  

neo: your too fast.  

morpheus: do you believe that my being stronger or faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place? you think that''s air you''re breathing now?... again.  


mouse: jesus christ, he''s fast. take a look at his neural-kinetics, they''re way above normal.  


morpheus: what are you waiting for? you''re faster than this. don''t think you are, know you are.... come on. stop trying to hit me and hit me.  


mouse: i don''t believe it.  


neo: i know what you''re trying to do.  

morpheus: i''m trying to free your mind, neo, but i can only show you the door, you''re the one that has to walk through it. tank, load the jump program.... you have to let it all go, neo, fear, doubt, and disbelief. free your mind.  



首先墨菲斯说这是个"sparring program",spar除了说是拳击,打架外的意思,也有辩论,争论的意思,他们之间的交手,你可以看成是"打斗",但更重要的是他们之间的对话,揭示真理.






don''t think you are, know you are.... come on. stop trying to hit me and hit me.  



neo: whoa. okie dokie. free my mind.  


mouse: so what if he makes it?  

apoc: no one''s ever made the first jump.  

mouse: i know, i know. but what if he does?  

apoc: he won''t.  

mouse: come on.  

trinity: come on.  


neo: all right, no problem. free my mind. free my mind. all right.  


mouse: wha...what does that mean?  

switch: it doesn''t mean anything.  

cypher: everybody falls the first time. right, trin?  


neo: i thought it wasn''t real.  

morpheus: your mind makes it real.  

neo: if you''re killed in the matrix, you die here?  

morpheus: your body cannot live without the mind.  


neo"跳楼"失败,因为他还不能完全破除对自己"看到"的东西的迷信,没能做到100%的free his mind.


cypher: i don''t remember you bringing me dinner. there is something about him, isn''t there?  

trinity: don''t tell me you''re a believer now?  

cypher: i just keep wondering, if morpheus is so sure, why doesn''t he take him to see the oracle?  

trinity: morpheus will take him when he''s ready.  


morpheus: the matrix is a system, neo. that system is our enemy. but when you''re inside, you look around. what do you see. business men, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. the very minds of the people we are trying to save. but until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. you have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. and many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it. were you listening to me neo, or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?  

neo: i was...  

morpheus: look again. freeze it.  

neo: this...this isn''t the matrix?  

morpheus: no. it''s another training program designed to teach you one thing. if you are not one of us, you are one of them.  

neo: what are they?  

morpheus: sentient programs. they can move in and out of any software still hard wired to their system. that means that anyone we haven''t unplugged is potentially an agent. inside the matrix, they are everyone and they are no one. we are survived by hiding from them, by running from them. but they are the gatekeepers. they are guarding all the doors. they are holding all the keys, which means that sooner or later, someone is going to have to fight them.  

neo: someone?  

morpheus: i won''t lie to you, neo. every single man or woman who has stood their ground, everyone who has fought an agent has died. but where they have failed, you will succeed.  

neo: why?  

morpheus: i''ve seen an agent punch through a concrete wall. men have emptied entire clips at them and hit nothing but air. yet their strength and their speed are still based in a world that is built on rules. because of that, they will never be as strong or as fast as you can be.  

neo: what are you trying to tell me, that i can dodge bullets?  

morpheus: no neo. i''m trying to tell you that when you''re ready, you won''t have to.  




they can move in and out of any software still hard wired to their system.


这里说到了"规则",干探虽然看起来很厉害,他们还是被"规则"限制,所以neo肯定能够击败他们.因为the one不被规则限制.


这个图的背景,墨菲斯说"你一定会击败干探",这时右边变成了被枪指头,意思就是说到了"neo变成the one"的时候,你就可以面对干探,迎战他们,击败他们.

这个场景,导演拍电影时,使用的全部都是双胞胎,甚至三胞胎,大家可以找找,很有意思的.代表的意思是,mouse写程序时,为了省事,用了"copy paste"的方法,我们平常编程,也经常用这个方法.导演在用"同样的演员的脸"提醒我们这里是"程序世界".

看出来了吗?那本是l---z,a-h,l-z,中间少了ijk,i/j/k=i just kidding(我逗你玩呢),网络常用的缩写.这里是oracle逗neo玩,说白了,是导演和我们开玩笑呢.

oracle接着说neo不是the one,然后她说neo有天分,但是在等什么,"也许是来生?"(她在预言neo后来死了复活的事了).

oracle: i know. poor morpheus. without him we''re lost.

这句话,非常非常有趣,"可怜的墨菲斯,没有他我们就输了."没看下面的电影,你可能觉得她说的是,没有墨菲斯,找不到the one,"我们"就输了.

可是接着,oracle说了neo要选择自己死还是墨菲斯死,回头来看上面这句,我们在什么情况下"失去墨菲斯"?就是neo如果不去救墨菲斯的情况,neo如果不去救墨菲斯,他就不会变成the one,所以....这个lost,我觉得解释成"不知道该怎么办"比较好.

所以oracle的意思是,现在是对你的考验,如果你选择不救墨菲斯,你就不是the one,我们还得接着找the one.

oracle最后给了neo一个,看下面的图,这里是6个,到了第三集,她做的是7个.虽然既可以说是第六代的the one,或者第六代的matrix,但我倾向是前者,相对architect来说,oracle更多地在负责设计the one的道路.





tank: they''re on their way.... what is that?  

(lafayette hotel)  

neo: whoa, deja vu.  

trinity: what did you just say?  

neo: nothing, i just had a little deja vu.  

trinity: what did you see?  

cypher: what happened?  

neo: a black cat went past us, and then another that looked just like it.  

trinity: how much like it, was it the same cat?  

neo: might have been, i''m not sure.  

morpheus: switch, apoc.  

neo: what is it?  

trinity: deja vu is usually a glitch in the matrix. it happens when they change something.  




deja vu,我觉得它完全可以取代猫扑里"火星"这个词,任何一个半年前出现过的帖子再被人zt回来,难道不是一种deja vu?

在电影里,或者说在matrix里,deja vu代表机器修改了部分代码,第三集里同样的"黑猫"场景出现,代表机器修改了matrix代码,新一代的matrix代码开始运行.

墨菲斯在这里说"switch,apoc."表面上理解是叫两个人的名字,但switch=切换(到),apoc=启示录,代表的意思是"上帝"(机器)安排的"耶稣"(the one)的路开始了.




tank: oh my god.  

(lafayette hotel)  

morpheus: let''s go.  


tank: they cut the hard line, it''s a trap. get out.  

(lafayette hotel)  

mouse: oh no. oh no.  

cypher: that''s what they changed. we''re trapped. there''s no way out.  

morpheus: be calm. give me your phone.  

trinity: they''ll be able to track it.  

morpheus: we have no choice.  


tank: operator.  

morpheus: tank. find a structural drawing of this building. find it fast.  

tank: got it.  

morpheus: i need the main wet wall.  


墨菲斯说要从"wet wall"走,这个wet很有意思,每次他们要跑路,都和水有关,比如,崔妮蒂开始要去的电话亭在"井路"和"湖路"的交叉口,这样的例子还很多,电影是在借用"水"的"救命"的重要象征意义.

lafayette hotel)  

agent smith: eighth floor.  

agent brown: eighth floor.  

morpheus: switch, straight ahead.  

apoc: neo. i hope the oracle gave you some good news.  


tank: another left, that''s it.  

morpheus: good.  








后来neo进matrix去救墨菲斯时,他让tank给载入武器时,tank按的是空格键旁边的")(",49,对应的ascii码是1,代表是的让neo变成"1"(the one),同时也有"先死后生"的意思,这恰恰也是neo变成the one的过程.

下面的图是墨菲斯他们最后进那个洗手间之前的画面,tank指示说"another left, that''s it.".墨菲斯他们是走了"左边"的门去了那个洗手间,这也是电影里"左右"的再次体现,左门从来都是"死路",要活一定要走"右门".

(lafayette hotel)  

agent brown: where are they?  

police: they''re in the walls. they''re in the walls.  

cypher: it''s an agent.  

trinity: morpheus.  

morpheus: you must get neo out. he''s all that matters.  

neo: no. no, morpheus. don''t.  

morpheus: trinity, go.  

trinity: go.  

neo: we can''t leave him.  

trinity: we have to.... cypher, come on.  

agent smith: the great morpheus. we meet at last.  

morpheus: and you are.  

agent smith: smith. agent smith.  

morpheus: you all look the same to me.  

agent smith: take him.  



现在,解释墨菲斯的名字的时机也成熟了,墨菲斯在古希腊传说里是管梦的,代表了人类的梦想,电影里他代表的是zion里的人渴望自由的"梦想",他坚信the one的预言,其实这不仅是人类的唯一梦想,也是人类的唯一希望.

oracle设计的the one道路也实在够狠,neo你选择"救墨菲斯"(实现人类的梦想),还是救你自己,这个选择不仅仅是两条人命那么简单.



tank: no.  


tank: operator.  

cypher: yeah, i need an exit fast.  

tank: cypher?  

cypher: yeah, there was an accident. god-damn car accident. all of a sudden, boom. somebody up there still likes me.  

tank: gotcha.  

cypher: get me out of here fast.  

tank: intersection of franklin and erie , an old tv repair shop.  

cypher: right.

cypher打电话的背景是辆着火翻车的警车,他说"god-damn car accident.",之前说了很多次了,god-damn代表的意思就是机器安排好的.

somebody up there still likes me.这句话经常拿来表达"老天爷帮忙"的意思,这里自然是在说"god"(机器)帮他.



trinity: tank, it''s me.  

neo: is morpheus alive?  

cypher: is morpheus alive, tank?  

tank: they''re moving him. i don''t know where to yet.  

trinity: he''s alive. we need an exit.  

tank: you''re not far from cypher.  

trinity: cypher?  

tank: i know. he''s at franklin and erie .  

trinity: got it.  


tank: got him.  

cypher: where are they.  

tank: making the call.  

cypher: good.  

(repair shop)  

trinity: you first, neo.  


cypher: shoot.  

dozer: no.  

(repair shop)  

neo: i don''t know, it just went dead.  





cypher: hello, trinity.  

trinity: cypher? where''s tank?  

cypher: you know, for a long time, i thought i was in love with you. i used to dream about you. you''re a beautiful woman, trinity. too bad things had to turn out this way.  

trinity: you killed them.  

apoc: what?  

switch: oh god.  

cypher: i''m tired, trinity. i tired of this war. i''m tired of fighting. i''m tired of this ship, being cold, eating the same god-damn goop everyday. but most of all, i''m tired of that jack-off and all of his bullshit. surprise ass-hole. i bet you never saw this coming, did you? god, i wish i could be there, when they break you. i wish i could walk in just when it happens. so right then, you''d know it was me.  

trinity: you gave him morpheus.  

cypher: he lied to us, trinity. he tricked us. if you''da told us the truth, we woulda told you to shove that red pill right up your ass.  

trinity: that''s not true, cypher, he set us free.  

cypher: free? you call this free? all i do is what he tells me to do. if i had to choose between that and the matrix, i choose the matrix.  

trinity: the matrix isn''t real.  

cypher: i disagree, trinity. i think the matrix can be more real than this world. all i do is pull the plug here. but there, you have to watch apoc die.  







cypher: welcome to the real world, huh baby.  

trinity: but you''re out, cypher. you can''t go back.  

cypher: oh no. that''s what you think. they''re going to reinsert my body. i go back to sleep, and when i wake up, i won''t remember a god-damn thing. by the way, if you have anything terribly important to say to switch, i suggest you say it now.  

trinity: no, please don''t.  


cypher说"if you have anything terribly important to say to switch, i suggest you say it now. "(如果你有什么重要的事情要和switch说的话,我建议你现在说.)这里的switch字面的意思指的是switch那个白发mm,可是联系这个词的意思----"转换",我们要注意崔妮蒂下面说的话,肯定有句话是扭转局势的.  

(repair shop)  

switch: not like this. not like this.  


cypher: too late.  

trinity: god-damn you, cypher.  

cypher: don''t hate me, trinity. i''m just the messenger, and right now i''m going to prove it to you. if morpheus was right, then there''s no way i can pull this plug. i mean if neo''s the one, then there''d have to be some kind of a miracle to stop me. right? i mean how can he be the one if he''s dead? you never did answer me before. if you bought into morpheus'' bullshit -- come on -- all i want is a little yes or no. look into his eyes, those big pretty eyes. tell me. yes or no.  

trinity: yes.  

cypher: no.  



cypher说自己是"信使"(messenger),他说他要拔neo插头,如果预言是真的,他没法拔那个插头的,结果是他没拔成,这里cypher的的确确就是一个信使,告诉我们neo就是the one.

他追问崔妮蒂的是neo是否是the one,yes或者no.崔妮蒂的那个yes,就是我上面那段提到的非常重要的话,因为只有崔妮蒂"爱的"才可能是the one,崔妮蒂发现自己爱neo,所以她还是相信neo是the one,这就是那句"能扭转乾坤"的话,当然,这不是机器安排的,只是导演在说the one道路中最重要的一个因素----崔妮蒂的爱.


当然不是,回头看墨菲斯一直在说的"oracle给你说的只是说给你听的."所以就算崔妮蒂发现自己爱neo,neo满足了这个条件,但是他被cypher拔插头了,死了,没有其它人知道这个事.墨菲斯现在实际是被机器保护起来了,neo,崔妮蒂他们失败了,死了,墨菲斯还活着,他可以继续自己的"梦想",继续寻找the one.因为oracle告诉他的是,"你能找到the one",而从来没有告诉他,neo就是the one,也没有提过任何有关崔妮蒂的事情.  


cypher: i don''t believe it.  

tank: believe it or not, you piece of shit. you''re still gonna burn.  

(repair shop)  

neo: you first.  


trinity: you''re hurt.  

tank: i''ll be all right.  

trinity: dozer?


agent smith: have you ever stood and stared at it, marveled at it''s beauty, it''s genius? billions of people just living out their lives, oblivious. did you know that the first matrix was designed to be a perfect human world. where none suffered. where everyone would be happy. it was a disaster. no one would accept the program. entire crops were lost. some believed that we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. but i believe that as a species, human beings define their reality through misery and suffering. the perfect world would dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. which is why the matrix was redesigned to this, the peak of your civilization. i say your civilization because as soon as we started thinking for you it really became our civilization which is of course what this is all about. evolution, morpheus, evolution, like the dinosaur. look out that window. you had your time. the future is our world, morpheus. the future is our time.  

agent brown: there could be a problem.










neo: what are they doing to him.  

tank: breaking into his mind. it''s like hacking into a computer, all it takes is time.  

neo: how much time?  

tank: depends on the mind. eventually it will crack and his alpha patterns will change from this to this. when it does, morpheus will tell them anything they want to know.  

neo: well what do they want.  

tank: the leader of every ship is given codes to zion ''s mainframe computer. if an agent got the codes and got into zion ''s mainframe, they could destroy us. we can''t let that happen.  

neo: trinity.  

tank: zion ''s more important than me or you or even morpheus.  

neo: well there has to be something that we can do.  

tank: there is. we pull the plug.  

trinity: you''re going to kill him? kill morpheus?  

tank: we don''t have any other choice.  


这里说的是为什么干探要zion的主机电脑的密码,为了摧毁zion,从第2,3集来看,机器根本不需要这个密码,这不过是the one之路中的一个安排罢了.  


agent smith: never send a human to do a machine''s job.  

agent brown: if indeed the insider has failed, they''ll sever the connection as soon as possible, unless...  

agent jones: they''re dead, in either case...  

agent smith: we have no choice but to continue as planned. deploy the sentinels immediately.


tank: morpheus, you''re more than a leader to us. you''re our father. we''ll miss you always.  

neo: stop. i don''t believe this is happening.  

tank: neo, this has to be done.  

neo: does it? i don''t know, i... this can''t be just coincidence. it can''t be.  

tank: what are you talking about?  

neo: the oracle. she told me this would happen. she told me that i would have to make a choice.  

trinity: what choice?... what are you doing?  

neo: i''m going in.  

trinity: no you''re not.  

neo: i have to.  

trinity: neo, morpheus sacrificed himself so that he could get you out. there''s no way that you''re going back in.  

neo: morpheus did what he did because he believed i am something i''m not.  

trinity: what?  

neo: i''m not the one, trinity. the oracle hit me with that too.  

trinity: no. you have to be.  

neo: sorry, i''m not. i''m just another guy.  

trinity: no, neo. that''s not true. it can''t be true.  

neo: why?  

tank: neo, this is loco. they''ve got morpheus in a military controlled building. even if you somehow got inside, those are agents holding him. three of them. i want morpheus back too, but what you''re talking about is suicide.  

neo: i know that''s what it looks like, but it''s not. i can''t explain to you why it''s not. morpheus believed something and he was ready to give his life for what he believed. i understand that now. but that''s why i have to go.  

tank: why?  

neo: because i believe in something.  

trinity: what?  

neo: i believe i can bring him back.... what are you doing?  

trinity: i going with you.  

neo: no you''re not.  

trinity: no? let me tell you what i believe. i believe morpheus means more to me than he does to you. i believe if you were really serious about saving him you are going to need my help. and since i am the ranking officer on this ship, if you don''t like, i believe you can go to hell. because you aren''t going anywhere else. tank, load us up.  




agent smith: i''d like to share a revelation during my time here. it came to me when i tried to classify your species. i realized that you''re not actually mammals. every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. you move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed. the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. there is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. do you know what it is? a virus. human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. you are a plague, and we are the cure.  





tank: okay. what do you need, besides a miracle?  

neo: guns. lots of guns.  


trinity: neo, no one has ever done anything like this.  

neo: that''s why it''s going to work.  


agent smith: why isn''t this serum working?  

agent brown: perhaps we''re asking the wrong questions.  

agent smith: leave me with him. now.  





agent smith: can you hear me, morpheus? i''m going to be honest with you. i hate this place, this zoo, this prison, this reality, whatever you want to call it. i can''t stand it any longer. it''s the smell, if there is such a thing. i feel saturated by it. i can taste your stink. and every time i do i feel i have somehow been infected by it. it''s repulsive, isn''t it? i must get out of here. i must get free and in this mind is the key, my key. once zion is destroyed there is no need for me to be here, don''t you understand? i need the codes. i have to get inside zion , and you have to tell me how. you''re going to tell me or you''re going to die.  







guard 1: please remove any metallic items you''re carrying, keys, loose change. holy shit.  

guard 2: backup. send backup.  

soldier: freeze.  








导演在写第一集剧本时的意思,应该是说曾经有过第一代的matrix过于完美而失败,然后它们采用了199x年的方式和the one来升级系统,系统越来越完美,到第五代已经几乎没啥瑕疵,但是oracle,有远见的oracle设计了neo这个特别的the one,存心要给现在的matrix带来毁灭,所以第六代matrix同样被重创.


agent brown: what were you doing?  

agent jones: he doesn''t know.  

agent smith: know what?  

agent brown: i think they''re trying to save you.  


neo: there is no spoon.  


neo说there is no spoon(勺子不存在).意思是说对于他来说,matrix没有规则限制,cypher和他说的规则"看到干探就跑路",他现在要去打破它.



agent smith: find them and destroy them.  


pilot: i repeat, we are under attack.  

neo: trinity. help.  

agent brown: only human.  

trinity: dodge this.... how did you do that?  

neo: do what?  

trinity: you moved like they do. i''ve never seen anyone move that fast.  

neo: wasn''t fast enough. can you fly that thing.  

trinity: not yet.  





电影里说到改变规则,用了两个词,"bend"或者"break",break好理解,打破的意思.而bend呢,弯曲的意思,具体来说,子弹时间属于"被弯曲的规则",时间可以变慢,变快,但是我们却不能"打破它"(脱离时间).感兴趣的朋友可以去看看相对论之类的科普文章,有详细讨论bend the time的部分.  


tank: operator.  

trinity: tank, i need a pilot program for a b-212 helicopter. hurry.... let''s go.  


agent smith: no.  


neo: morpheus, get up. get up, get up.... he''s not going to make it.... gotcha.  




而且neo也叫了三次get up(对照前面崔妮蒂对自己叫的三次get up).


neo: trinity.  


tank: i knew it. he''s the one.  


morpheus: do you believe it now, trinity?  

neo: morpheus. the oracle, she told me i''m...  

morpheus: she told you exactly what you needed to hear, that''s all. neo, sooner or later you''re going to realize, just as i did, there''s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.





tank: operator.  

morpheus: tank.  

tank: god-damn. it''s good to hear your voice, sir.  

morpheus: need an exit.  

tank: got one ready. subway station, state and balboa.  


agent smith: damn it.  

agent brown: the trace was completed.  

agent jones: we have their position.  

agent brown: the sentinels are standing by.  

agent jones: order the strike.  

agent smith: they''re not out yet.

(subway station)  

neo: you first, morpheus.  

trinity: neo, i want to tell you something, but i''m afraid of what it could mean if i do. everything the oracle told me has come true. everything but this.  


trinity: neo.  

tank: what just happened?  

trinity: an agent. you have to send me back.  

tank: i can''t.  

(subway station)  

agent smith: mr. anderson.  


trinity: run, neo. run! what is he doing?  

morpheus: he''s beginning to believe.  



neo看了看出口,他选择了回头和干探打,这就是墨菲斯之前说的"总有一天你要面对干探,并击败他们"......"因为你是the one".


(subway station)  

agent smith: you''re empty.  

neo: so are you.  

agent smith: i''m going to enjoy watching you die, mr. anderson.  


他们两个打斗的招式相似,说话都象镜子投影,smith说"you''re empty"(你的弹夹没子弹了),意思也是说neo准备好"载入"新的代码了.

smith说"安德森先生,我要很高兴地看着你死了."没错,安德森要死了,但the one活过来了.


trinity: jesus, he''s killing him.  

(subway station)  

agent smith: do you hear that, mr. anderson? that is the sound of inevitability. that is the sound of your death. goodbye, mr. anderson.  

neo: my name is neo.


smith说sound of inevitability(不可避免之声),指的就是火车刹车的发出的那种支支声(就像我们拿刀子划玻璃),这种声音贯穿全片,包括一开始的neo被老板训话,外面工人擦玻璃的声音.


trinity: what happened?  

tank: i don''t know. i lost him. oh shit.  

trinity: sentinels. how long?  

morpheus: five, maybe six minutes. tank, charge the emp.  

trinity: you can''t use that until he''s out.  

morpheus: i know, trinity, don''t worry. he''s going to make it.



man: shit, that''s my phone. that''s my best phone.  


tank: that''s unknown.  

neo: mr. wizard, get me the hell out of here.  

tank: got a patch on an old exit, wabash and lake .  

neo: oh shit.... help. need a little help.  

tank: door.... door on your left. no, you''re other left.... back door.





trinity: oh no.  

morpheus: here they come.... he''s going to make it.  


tank: fire escape at the end of the alley. room 303.  





2.下面的两个小招牌,"hourly rates"和"free tv".  

hourly rates在开始和结尾都有出现,字面意思是"按小时计费",如果我们把rates颠倒一下次序(就像第三集的limbo),我们得到了stare(凝视),用hourly的另外一个意思--时刻,就是"时刻监视",所以联系电影一开始,这个招牌的意思是崔妮蒂在时时刻刻监视neo.

free tv只出现在最后.字面意思很简单,"看电视不要钱".tv我之前解释过,tele-vision,远见,领悟的意思,free代表的是自由,而且这里的free是五颜六色的字体,意思当然是"自由",代表的是你有了tv(远见)之后,你看到的matrix就是多彩的,这也是neo之前跑过的菜市场的含义,代表他在"开目"了.




转换成hex,fff6b7==>3f6b7==>3rd floor 6th matrix become 7th matrix,想出这个以后,我真的觉得导演兄弟太强了.  



tank: they''re inside.  

trinity: hurry, neo  

morpheus: can''t be.  


agent smith: check him.  

agent brown: he''s gone.  

agent smith: goodbye, mr. anderson.  


trinity: neo, i''m not afraid anymore. the oracle told me that i would fall in love, and that man, the man who i loved would be the one. and so you see, you can''t be dead. you can''t be, because i love you. you hear me? i love you.... now get up.  




崔妮蒂这里说了oracle的预言,我全部翻译一遍,"oracle告诉我,我会坠入爱河,我爱的那个人就是the one."她让neo醒来的"咒语"就是"i love you",而且她也说了"get up",前面崔妮蒂对自己说了3次,neo对墨菲斯说了3次,但是这里对neo只说一次,因为neo是"1"?



neo: no.  


tank: how?  

morpheus: he is the one.  

trinity: neo.  


the one: i know you''re out there. i can feel you now. i know that you''re afraid. you''re afraid of us. you''re afraid of change. i don''t know the future. i didn''t come here to tell you how this is going to end. i came here to tell you how it''s going to begin. i''m going to hang up this phone and then i''m going to show these people what you don''t want them to see. i''m going to show them a world without you, a world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries, a world where anything is possible. where we go from there is a choice i leave to you.  



说个有趣的东西,最后的画面结束在"system failure"中间,准确地说,在m和f之间,m=matrix,f=freedom,明白了吧.
有空了 贴后面部分.. ... 38&blogid=52639




  「你的大脑认为是真的」,原文是”Your mind makes it real.”,直译为:「你的心使它变成真的」。「大脑死了,身体也活不了」,原文是”The body cannot live without the mind.”,直译为:「没有心,身体便不能活」。很多人以为:「心的功能全部在于大脑,大脑就是心,离开了大脑,就没有心」,所以将”mind”翻译为「大脑」。他们以为精神现象只是身体──特别是大脑──的附属品,照这样的逻辑,人死之后应该一切归于空无,不应该有中阴身,也不应该有未来世;所以这种想法其实是唯物思想、典型的断灭论。我们知道有些人可以在禅定或被催眠中见到自己的前世;既有前世,则知必有后世,由此可知断灭论不符合事实。
原帖由 qinger 于 2007-3-26 20:44 发表
有空了 贴后面部分..

原帖由 带通滤波器 于 2007-6-4 08:44 发表


恩 好的