
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/28 06:47:21
<p>纽约时报:中国政府修建青藏铁路的醉翁之意 <br/>2006-07-03   中国经济网&nbsp; </p><p>&nbsp; </p><p>&nbsp;<br/>  《纽约时报》7月2日发表了一篇评论青藏铁路开通的文章,题目是《最后一站:拉萨——青藏铁路把西藏现代文明联系在一起》,现摘编如下,仅供参考。<br/>  <br/>  这个周末,中国开通了世界上最高的铁路——总长度710多英里的青藏铁路蜿蜒穿越连绵起伏的青藏高原,最后抵达藏传佛教的圣城拉萨。<br/>  <br/>  中国国家主席胡锦涛周六出席了在格尔木举行的盛大的通车典礼,格尔木是青藏铁路的起点。这是人类铁路建筑史上的奇迹,其最高路段海拔超过了16000英尺,比法国的勃朗峰(Mont Blanc)还高。<br/>  <br/>  青藏铁路的总造价约41亿美元,整个工程历时十几年的时间。青藏铁路的建成是中国开发辽阔西部的里程碑,青藏铁路不仅会带来大批游客,也将为西藏带来繁荣和财富。<br/>  <br/>  中国政府一直都把青藏铁路看做是促进西藏经济社会发展的重要手段,官方预期青藏铁路的建成将使到拉萨的游客人数增加一倍,更为重要的是,进藏物资的运输费用将因此减少四分之三。<br/>  <br/>  中国铁道部青藏办常务副主任朱振升在上周举行的新闻发布会上说:“青藏铁路的建成通车对青海省和西藏自治区人民来说是一个重大好消息。”他说:“铁路为人员、物资和信息的快速流通提供了渠道,青藏铁路西部地区经济社会发展带来了希望。”<br/>  <br/>  早在毛泽东时期,青藏铁路建设计划就被提上了日程。1951年西藏和平解放后毛泽东就提议将铁路延伸到西藏境内,1984年,青藏铁路青海段西宁至格尔木建成通车。但格尔木至拉萨段由于种种原因被耽搁下来,最主要的是地理环境过于恶劣。这段总长度710英里的铁路不仅要穿越青藏高原,而且还要克服高原缺氧和永冻土等难题。建设青藏铁路的计划在2001年获得了重生,那一年中国提出了“西部大开发计划”。中国铁路建设者们在永冻土地段设计了桥梁,坚固的水泥桥墩深深地埋在永冻土层里,克服了路基不稳定的难题。<br/>  <br/>  加拿大Bombardier Inc公司为青藏铁路专门设计了带自动供氧系统的车厢,这是飞机上采用的技术。自动供氧系统能够随时增加车厢内的氧气供应并调整车厢内空气压力,这样可以减少旅客因高原缺氧而产生的不适反应。<br/>  <br/>  第一列北京开往拉萨的火车上周六正式启程,这一天正是中国共产党建党85周年。中国官方媒体为青藏铁路的建成通车已经进行了连续数周的宣传。在这趟首发列车上,有青藏铁路的建设者和劳动模范。除此之外,还有40名外国媒体记者幸运地成为了首趟进藏列车的乘客。<br/>  <br/>  尽管官方公布的总造价约为41亿美元,但青藏铁路的意义很难用经济上的指标来衡量。显然,对中国政府来说,青藏铁路的政治意义远远大于经济意义。与运送人员和物资比起来,国家统一和民族融合才是青藏铁路最大的使命。2005年西藏自治区GDP产值为31.2亿美元,因此依靠当地政府收入完全支付青藏铁路建设费用的话恐怕需要几十年的时间,当然这只是假设,事实上这样的假设并不可能发生。(编译时略有删节) </p><p>纽约时报:中国政府修建青藏铁路的醉翁之意 <br/>2006-07-03   中国经济网&nbsp; </p><p>&nbsp; </p><p>&nbsp;<br/>  《纽约时报》7月2日发表了一篇评论青藏铁路开通的文章,题目是《最后一站:拉萨——青藏铁路把西藏现代文明联系在一起》,现摘编如下,仅供参考。<br/>  <br/>  这个周末,中国开通了世界上最高的铁路——总长度710多英里的青藏铁路蜿蜒穿越连绵起伏的青藏高原,最后抵达藏传佛教的圣城拉萨。<br/>  <br/>  中国国家主席胡锦涛周六出席了在格尔木举行的盛大的通车典礼,格尔木是青藏铁路的起点。这是人类铁路建筑史上的奇迹,其最高路段海拔超过了16000英尺,比法国的勃朗峰(Mont Blanc)还高。<br/>  <br/>  青藏铁路的总造价约41亿美元,整个工程历时十几年的时间。青藏铁路的建成是中国开发辽阔西部的里程碑,青藏铁路不仅会带来大批游客,也将为西藏带来繁荣和财富。<br/>  <br/>  中国政府一直都把青藏铁路看做是促进西藏经济社会发展的重要手段,官方预期青藏铁路的建成将使到拉萨的游客人数增加一倍,更为重要的是,进藏物资的运输费用将因此减少四分之三。<br/>  <br/>  中国铁道部青藏办常务副主任朱振升在上周举行的新闻发布会上说:“青藏铁路的建成通车对青海省和西藏自治区人民来说是一个重大好消息。”他说:“铁路为人员、物资和信息的快速流通提供了渠道,青藏铁路西部地区经济社会发展带来了希望。”<br/>  <br/>  早在毛泽东时期,青藏铁路建设计划就被提上了日程。1951年西藏和平解放后毛泽东就提议将铁路延伸到西藏境内,1984年,青藏铁路青海段西宁至格尔木建成通车。但格尔木至拉萨段由于种种原因被耽搁下来,最主要的是地理环境过于恶劣。这段总长度710英里的铁路不仅要穿越青藏高原,而且还要克服高原缺氧和永冻土等难题。建设青藏铁路的计划在2001年获得了重生,那一年中国提出了“西部大开发计划”。中国铁路建设者们在永冻土地段设计了桥梁,坚固的水泥桥墩深深地埋在永冻土层里,克服了路基不稳定的难题。<br/>  <br/>  加拿大Bombardier Inc公司为青藏铁路专门设计了带自动供氧系统的车厢,这是飞机上采用的技术。自动供氧系统能够随时增加车厢内的氧气供应并调整车厢内空气压力,这样可以减少旅客因高原缺氧而产生的不适反应。<br/>  <br/>  第一列北京开往拉萨的火车上周六正式启程,这一天正是中国共产党建党85周年。中国官方媒体为青藏铁路的建成通车已经进行了连续数周的宣传。在这趟首发列车上,有青藏铁路的建设者和劳动模范。除此之外,还有40名外国媒体记者幸运地成为了首趟进藏列车的乘客。<br/>  <br/>  尽管官方公布的总造价约为41亿美元,但青藏铁路的意义很难用经济上的指标来衡量。显然,对中国政府来说,青藏铁路的政治意义远远大于经济意义。与运送人员和物资比起来,国家统一和民族融合才是青藏铁路最大的使命。2005年西藏自治区GDP产值为31.2亿美元,因此依靠当地政府收入完全支付青藏铁路建设费用的话恐怕需要几十年的时间,当然这只是假设,事实上这样的假设并不可能发生。(编译时略有删节) </p>
<font color="#ee9611"><u><strong>尽管官方公布的总造价约为41亿美元,但青藏铁路的意义很难用经济上的指标来衡量。显然,对中国政府来说,青藏铁路的政治意义远远大于经济意义。与运送人员和物资比起来,国家统一和民族融合才是青藏铁路最大的使命。</strong></u></font>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-4 0:23:04编辑过]
<p><strong>Last Stop, Lhasa: Rail Link Ties Remote Tibet to China</strong>
        </p><p><br/>By JOSEPH KAHN<br/>Published: July 2, 2006</p><p><br/>BEIJING, July 1 — This weekend, China opened the world's highest railway, a 710-mile line that crosses the vertiginous Tibetan Plateau and forges a steel bond with the once-secluded Buddhist holy city of Lhasa.</p><p>The railway, inaugurated on Saturday by President Hu Jintao and top Communist Party cadres on a deluxe opening run, is an engineering marvel that traverses unstable permafrost and reaches more than 16,000 feet above sea level, higher than Mont Blanc in France.</p><p>Party officials have hailed the $4.1 billion project, which was decades in the making, as a milestone in its efforts to develop its vast, poor western region and bring an infusion of people and prosperity to remote Tibet.</p><p>But Tibetan and foreign critics say that the railway benefits Han Chinese, China's dominant ethnic group, at the expense of Tibetan natives. They argue that enhanced transportation links will accelerate a trend of Han-led economic development and smother Tibet's ancient spiritual culture, while undermining the pristine natural environment of its highlands.</p><p>"The overwhelming opinion among Tibetans is that the railway will consolidate Chinese control and bring in huge numbers of Han Chinese," said Tenzin Tsundue, an independent Tibetan writer who lives in India. "It will mean less employment and more destruction for Tibetans, not more opportunity." </p><p>On Friday, three women from the United States, Canada and Britain were detained briefly after they climbed through a second-floor window at Beijing's main train station and unfurled a black-and-white banner that read, "China's Tibet Railway, Designed to Destroy." </p><p>Chinese officials defend the railway as vital to stimulating Tibet's development. They project it will double tourist revenues and reduce the cost of cargo transport by up to three-fourths.</p><p>"The completion of the Qinghai-Tibet railway is a significant piece of good news longed for by the people in Qinghai Province and the Tibetan Autonomous Region," Zhu Zhensheng, executive vice director of the Qingzang Railway Office of the Chinese Railway Administration, said in a news briefing this week. "The railway provides capacity for the quick flow of people, goods and information and will directly contribute to the development" of the area.</p><p>Mao proposed extending a railway to Tibet after the People's Liberation Army invaded the territory and brought it firmly under Chinese control in 1951, sending the Dalai Lama, Tibet's spiritual leader, into exile.</p><p>The first section, from Beijing to Golmud in Qinghai Province, was completed in 1984. </p><p>But the 710-mile section connecting Golmud to Lhasa was delayed indefinitely. That section had to cross the Tibetan Plateau, survive extreme temperatures and stay fixed in the shifting permafrost of the highlands.</p><p>The plan was revived in 2001, when it was promoted as a crucial element of the Communist Party's Go West campaign. Engineers designed bridges to span the most treacherous area of permafrost and sank naturally cooled piping into the ground to keep the track bed frozen year-round, reducing instability. </p><p>Canada's Bombardier Inc. supplied specially outfitted train carriages that have artificial oxygen, like that used in aircraft, to prevent sickness among passengers at high altitudes.</p><p>A direct Beijing-to-Lhasa luxury train was officially unveiled Saturday to coincide with the 85th anniversary of the founding of the governing Communist Party. State news media have been promoting the train for weeks as a new feather in the cap of state engineers who also celebrated the formal completion of the Three Gorges Dam, the world's largest dam, this spring.</p><p>But the event is being tightly controlled by Chinese officials to ensure favorable coverage. They handpicked 40 foreign journalists to ride the first train. Other news organizations, including The New York Times, that bought train tickets independently were denied requisite permits to enter Tibetan territory.</p><p>Even at the official price of $4.1 billion, the railway is hard to justify in economic terms alone. Tibet's total gross domestic product in 2005 was $3.12 billion, so the payoff for the railway in terms of lifting economic activity would appear to lie decades in the future, if it ever comes.</p><p>Moreover, foreign engineers who have been involved with elements of the project, but asked not to be identified because they did not wish to offend their Chinese sponsors, say the railway will require heavy expenditures on maintenance and may be hard to run for more than a decade without an extensive overhaul.</p><p>Tibetans who have voiced reservations say they do not oppose the railway in principle but argue that it was conceived mainly to enhance China's economic and military control over the Tibetan region. They say it will also aid Chinese exploitation of mineral resources in the Tibetan highlands.</p><p>They say Chinese investment in other vital infrastructure, like roads to connect Tibetan towns and electrification of rural villages, remains a lower priority.</p><p>Even as they promote the rail line, Chinese officials still focus heavily on combating what they call Tibetan separatism, especially the resilient loyalty there to the Dalai Lama.</p><p>Zhang Qingli, who was recently appointed as the Communist Party's top official in Tibet, told party leaders there in May that they were engaged in "a fight to the death" against the Dalai Lama, according to The Tibet Daily.</p><p></p>
<p>哪位老大翻一下啊 </p>
<p>On Friday, three women from the United States, Canada and Britain were detained briefly after they climbed through a second-floor window at Beijing's main train station and unfurled a black-and-white banner that read, "China's Tibet Railway, Designed to Destroy." </p><p>这三个女人应该抓来给予特殊待遇,临时拘留太便宜她们了。</p>