
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/04/29 11:14:38
<p>历史的真相:波兰骑兵从来没有向着坦克冲锋</p><p>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br/><a href="http://military.china.com/">http://military.china.com</a> 2005-11-21 17:20:22 【大 中 小】 </p><p>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>  <br/>  历史上经常有这样那样的传说,这些传说因为符合人们的观点或者有力地说明了某个局部真理而得到广泛的流传。而真正的历史事实却被人们所遗忘,人们也不再关心那些事实,因为那样并不带劲。远的如法国的皇后是否说了暴民如果没有吃的为什么不吃肉,近的如宝马案的女主角是否蓄意撞死十几个市民。。。这些事件不管真相如何,都造成了深远的影响,波兰骑兵冲击德国坦克的事件向世人们宣告了骑兵时代的结束,说明了勇气远不如装备重要。这个事件应该说在当时加速了世界各国正在进行的摩托化装甲化进程,虽然其本意是强调大德意志帝国的优秀和不可战胜。波兰骑兵从此背上了一个耻辱的纪录。但实际上,波兰骑兵好像从来没有向德国坦克发起马刀和长枪的冲锋。<br/>  <br/>  这个事情的起源是德国请轴心国的记者访问克罗扬蹄(Krojanty)战斗后的战场,当时战场上横七竖八的躺着波兰骑兵及其战马的尸体,战场周围逡巡着德国的坦克。根据对访问时战场上的士兵的采访,两个意大利记者发表了一个著名的通讯,称德国士兵告诉他们波兰精锐骑兵操着马刀端着长枪一次又一次的冲击德军坦克,遭到了毁灭性的打击,显然这个报道造成了轰动的效应。<br/>  <br/>  根据一些历史资料,克罗扬蹄战斗波兰确实派出了精锐的骑兵。当时波兰骑兵对垒德第19装甲集团左翼第20摩托化师第76步兵团。8点钟,德国步兵突破了波兰边防军的防线迫使波军后退。波军第18骑兵团奉命掩护。在机动的过程中,波军发现了一股在树林中休整的德军步兵,决定发动突然袭击,并且成功的杀伤击溃了这支部队,并在部队中造成恐慌,导致了德军攻击的停顿。在追逐过程中,驻扎在周围的德军装甲部队闻讯赶到,出其不意的在平原上攻击了没有准备的波军骑兵,机枪的猛烈扫射给没有掩护的波兰骑兵以很大的杀伤,受到损失的波兰骑兵很快的撤退了。<br/>  <br/>  在这一战斗中,波军既没有有意用骑兵冲击装甲部队,德军也没有使用坦克。至于人们更愿意听什么样的故事,相信什么,那就是另一回事了。<br/>  <br/>  附录一个战场描述:<br/>  <br/>  before the battle</p><p>  Polish units were engaged in battle from around 5 o‘clock in the morning against elements of German 76th Infantry Regiment of 20th Motorised Division under Lt.Gen. Mauritz von Wiktorin, which operated on the left (northern) flank of XIX Panzer Corps under Gen. Heinz Guderian). Early in the battle Polish cavalry had intercepted German infantry moving towards Gdansk and successfully stopped their progress.<br/>  <br/>  Around 8 o‘clock the Germans broke through Polish Border Guard units south of the Polish cavalry, which forced the Polish units in the area to start a retreat towards a secondary defence line at the Brda river. 18th Pomeranian Uhlans Regiment (18. Pu?k U?an??omorskich) was ordered to cover the retreat.<br/>  <br/>  The battle of Krojanty</p><p>  During the action the Polish cavalry units met a large group of German infantry resting in a woods near the village of Krojanty. Colonel Mastalerz decided to take the enemy by surprise and immediately ordered a cavalry charge, a tactics the Polish cavalry did not use as their main weapon.<br/>  <br/>  The charge was successful and the German infantry unit was dispersed and the Poles occupied the woods. Moreover, the German advance was stopped for enough time to allow the withdrawal of Polish 1st Rifle battalion and National Defence battalion Czersk from the area of Chojnice. However, the sounds of the battle notified the crews of the APCs stationed nearby and soon the Polish unit got under heavy machine gun fire.<br/>  <br/>  According to Heinz Guderian‘s memoirs, the Polish cavalry charge impressed the Germans and caused a widespread panic among the soldiers and the staff of German 20th Motorised Infantry Division, which delayed their offensive and forced them to consider a tactical retreat. This was however prevented by personal intervention of Gen. Guderian.<br/>  <br/>  Aftermath and the myth</p><p>  The Polish cavalry charge stopped the German pursuit and the units of Czersk Operational Group were able to withdraw southwards unopposed. Also, it took the enemy several hours to reorganise and continue the advance. On September 2, 1939, the 18th Pomeranian Uhlans Regiment was decorated by Gen. Grzmot-Skotnicki, the commander of the Operational Group, with his own Virtuti Militari medal for valour shown in this combat.</p><p>  <br/>  The same day the German war correspondents were brought to the battlefield together with two journalists from Italy. They were shown the battlefield, the corpses of Polish cavalrymen and their horses, as well as German tanks that arrived to the place after the battle. One of the Italian correspondents sent home an article, in which he described the bravery and heroism of Polish soldiers, who charged German tanks with sabres and lances. Although such a charge did not happen and there were no tanks used during the combat, the myth was used by German propaganda during the war. After the end of World War II it was still used by Soviet propaganda as an example of stupidity of Polish commanders, who allegedly did not prepare their country for the war and instead wasted the blood of their soldiers.<br/>  <br/>  "Contrary to German and Italian propaganda, Polish cavalry brigades never charged tanks with their sabres or lances as they were equipped with anti-tank weapons such as 37mm Bofors wz.36 (exported to UK as Ordnance Q.F. 37mm Mk I) anti-tank guns, that could penetrate 26mm armour at 600m at 30 degrees. The cavalry brigades were in the process of being reorganized into motorized brigades". Another weapon was anti-tank rifle model 1935 (karabin przeciwpancerny wz. 35). Its calibre was 7.92 mm and it could penetrate 15mm armour at 300m at 30 degrees.</p><p>  转自:东方网</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>历史的真相:波兰骑兵从来没有向着坦克冲锋</p><p>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br/><a href="http://military.china.com/">http://military.china.com</a> 2005-11-21 17:20:22 【大 中 小】 </p><p>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/>  <br/>  历史上经常有这样那样的传说,这些传说因为符合人们的观点或者有力地说明了某个局部真理而得到广泛的流传。而真正的历史事实却被人们所遗忘,人们也不再关心那些事实,因为那样并不带劲。远的如法国的皇后是否说了暴民如果没有吃的为什么不吃肉,近的如宝马案的女主角是否蓄意撞死十几个市民。。。这些事件不管真相如何,都造成了深远的影响,波兰骑兵冲击德国坦克的事件向世人们宣告了骑兵时代的结束,说明了勇气远不如装备重要。这个事件应该说在当时加速了世界各国正在进行的摩托化装甲化进程,虽然其本意是强调大德意志帝国的优秀和不可战胜。波兰骑兵从此背上了一个耻辱的纪录。但实际上,波兰骑兵好像从来没有向德国坦克发起马刀和长枪的冲锋。<br/>  <br/>  这个事情的起源是德国请轴心国的记者访问克罗扬蹄(Krojanty)战斗后的战场,当时战场上横七竖八的躺着波兰骑兵及其战马的尸体,战场周围逡巡着德国的坦克。根据对访问时战场上的士兵的采访,两个意大利记者发表了一个著名的通讯,称德国士兵告诉他们波兰精锐骑兵操着马刀端着长枪一次又一次的冲击德军坦克,遭到了毁灭性的打击,显然这个报道造成了轰动的效应。<br/>  <br/>  根据一些历史资料,克罗扬蹄战斗波兰确实派出了精锐的骑兵。当时波兰骑兵对垒德第19装甲集团左翼第20摩托化师第76步兵团。8点钟,德国步兵突破了波兰边防军的防线迫使波军后退。波军第18骑兵团奉命掩护。在机动的过程中,波军发现了一股在树林中休整的德军步兵,决定发动突然袭击,并且成功的杀伤击溃了这支部队,并在部队中造成恐慌,导致了德军攻击的停顿。在追逐过程中,驻扎在周围的德军装甲部队闻讯赶到,出其不意的在平原上攻击了没有准备的波军骑兵,机枪的猛烈扫射给没有掩护的波兰骑兵以很大的杀伤,受到损失的波兰骑兵很快的撤退了。<br/>  <br/>  在这一战斗中,波军既没有有意用骑兵冲击装甲部队,德军也没有使用坦克。至于人们更愿意听什么样的故事,相信什么,那就是另一回事了。<br/>  <br/>  附录一个战场描述:<br/>  <br/>  before the battle</p><p>  Polish units were engaged in battle from around 5 o‘clock in the morning against elements of German 76th Infantry Regiment of 20th Motorised Division under Lt.Gen. Mauritz von Wiktorin, which operated on the left (northern) flank of XIX Panzer Corps under Gen. Heinz Guderian). Early in the battle Polish cavalry had intercepted German infantry moving towards Gdansk and successfully stopped their progress.<br/>  <br/>  Around 8 o‘clock the Germans broke through Polish Border Guard units south of the Polish cavalry, which forced the Polish units in the area to start a retreat towards a secondary defence line at the Brda river. 18th Pomeranian Uhlans Regiment (18. Pu?k U?an??omorskich) was ordered to cover the retreat.<br/>  <br/>  The battle of Krojanty</p><p>  During the action the Polish cavalry units met a large group of German infantry resting in a woods near the village of Krojanty. Colonel Mastalerz decided to take the enemy by surprise and immediately ordered a cavalry charge, a tactics the Polish cavalry did not use as their main weapon.<br/>  <br/>  The charge was successful and the German infantry unit was dispersed and the Poles occupied the woods. Moreover, the German advance was stopped for enough time to allow the withdrawal of Polish 1st Rifle battalion and National Defence battalion Czersk from the area of Chojnice. However, the sounds of the battle notified the crews of the APCs stationed nearby and soon the Polish unit got under heavy machine gun fire.<br/>  <br/>  According to Heinz Guderian‘s memoirs, the Polish cavalry charge impressed the Germans and caused a widespread panic among the soldiers and the staff of German 20th Motorised Infantry Division, which delayed their offensive and forced them to consider a tactical retreat. This was however prevented by personal intervention of Gen. Guderian.<br/>  <br/>  Aftermath and the myth</p><p>  The Polish cavalry charge stopped the German pursuit and the units of Czersk Operational Group were able to withdraw southwards unopposed. Also, it took the enemy several hours to reorganise and continue the advance. On September 2, 1939, the 18th Pomeranian Uhlans Regiment was decorated by Gen. Grzmot-Skotnicki, the commander of the Operational Group, with his own Virtuti Militari medal for valour shown in this combat.</p><p>  <br/>  The same day the German war correspondents were brought to the battlefield together with two journalists from Italy. They were shown the battlefield, the corpses of Polish cavalrymen and their horses, as well as German tanks that arrived to the place after the battle. One of the Italian correspondents sent home an article, in which he described the bravery and heroism of Polish soldiers, who charged German tanks with sabres and lances. Although such a charge did not happen and there were no tanks used during the combat, the myth was used by German propaganda during the war. After the end of World War II it was still used by Soviet propaganda as an example of stupidity of Polish commanders, who allegedly did not prepare their country for the war and instead wasted the blood of their soldiers.<br/>  <br/>  "Contrary to German and Italian propaganda, Polish cavalry brigades never charged tanks with their sabres or lances as they were equipped with anti-tank weapons such as 37mm Bofors wz.36 (exported to UK as Ordnance Q.F. 37mm Mk I) anti-tank guns, that could penetrate 26mm armour at 600m at 30 degrees. The cavalry brigades were in the process of being reorganized into motorized brigades". Another weapon was anti-tank rifle model 1935 (karabin przeciwpancerny wz. 35). Its calibre was 7.92 mm and it could penetrate 15mm armour at 300m at 30 degrees.</p><p>  转自:东方网</p><p>&nbsp;</p>