
来源:百度文库 编辑:超级军网 时间:2024/05/06 05:32:44
<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>军情观察员</i>在2006-1-28 13:06:00的发言:</b><br/>这个问题以前讨论过,楼主先弄明白为什么美国海军那么先进也是用亚音速蛋,翻翻以前的帖子吧</div><p>美国是中国能比的吗?</p><p>只是搞不懂,以前吹超音速时说对老美有多大多大优势,好象几个超音速弹放过去宙斯盾就成纸糊的了;现在说亚音速蛋又拿老美当挡剑牌.........受不了......</p>
<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>中华飞刀</i>在2006-1-28 13:13:00的发言:</b><br/><div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>军情观察员</i>在2006-1-28 13:06:00的发言:</b><br/>这个问题以前讨论过,楼主先弄明白为什么美国海军那么先进也是用亚音速蛋,翻翻以前的帖子吧</div><p>美国是中国能比的吗?</p><p>只是搞不懂,以前吹超音速时说对老美有多大多大优势,好象几个超音速弹放过去宙斯盾就成纸糊的了;现在说亚音速蛋又拿老美当挡剑牌.........受不了......</p></div><p>本来就是各有千秋嘛.</p>
<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>军情观察员</i>在2006-1-28 13:30:00的发言:</b><br/><p>超音速速度快但会牺牲很多东西,机动性,隐身,控制等很多问题,所以美军也做过对比试验,但最后放弃超音速。至于我们和毛子为什么喜欢,还不是因为打航母吗,蛋海战术,机会主义,没办法。武器并不是速度快就好,要综合考虑。</p></div><p></p>既然喜欢为啥不用?还是技术不过关吗?
<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>f22</i>在2006-1-28 12:55:00的发言:</b><br/>轻,小,隐身,远,红外信号小,等等.</div><p>看轰六的挂弹图片中,那个602好象体现不出这些特征来啊</p>
<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>zyz201</i>在2006-1-28 13:55:00的发言:</b><br/><div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>f22</i>在2006-1-28 12:55:00的发言:</b><br/>轻,小,隐身,远,红外信号小,等等.</div><p>看轰六的挂弹图片中,那个602好象体现不出这些特征来啊</p></div><p></p><p>这是两种弹,不可比.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
YJ62价格便宜量又多,我们一直在用他。哈哈,开玩笑了,这个蛋射程远,可以超视距进攻,好像最近海空都在换这个蛋。最为当今红人,051c为何不用。鹰击62超音速反地(或反舰)巡航导弹,没出C字头的,应该还没有外销。那么,这应该是技术比较新的东西。这个导弹厨子应该关注,因为,他的射程大概580公里左右,嘿嘿,差不多刚好在现有航母攻击群的防卫圈之外。估计是针对美国对台海事务可能作出的武装干预而研制的,其任务定义为在需要时,吓阻美航母战斗群进入台湾海峡并在吓阻无效后,从航母防卫圈之外发射将其击沉。导弹也有攻地的能力。同C802 SLAM相比,YJ62是专门设计打造的远程战术巡航导弹。这个导弹最近国内好像已经有媒体在报道了&nbsp;<br/>  <br/>  巡航导弹用的涡扇发动机WS500发动机首次在2004年低的珠海航空展上展出。由中国燃气涡伦研究开发的WS500发动机声称能够产生1125磅的推力。相比之下,欧洲的“风暴影”、斯卡普”导弹发动机产生的推力为1215磅,美国的“战斧”巡航导弹为700磅。不过目前尚不清楚YJ-62将要使用哪种发动机
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-28 15:10:16编辑过]
<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>中华飞刀</i>在2006-1-28 15:01:00的发言:</b><br/><p>YJ83也是亚音速导弹,它根本超不起来</p><p>--------------------------------</p><p>99年阅兵的时候就把它称为抄音速导弹.</p></div><p>CCTV的军事素养一贯是广大军米的笑料,不严谨的很.</p>
<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>北斗之风</i>在2006-1-28 15:15:00的发言:</b><br/><div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>中华飞刀</i>在2006-1-28 15:01:00的发言:</b><br/><p>YJ83也是亚音速导弹,它根本超不起来</p><p>--------------------------------</p><p>99年阅兵的时候就把它称为抄音速导弹.</p></div><p>CCTV的军事素养一贯是广大军米的笑料,不严谨的很.</p></div><p>99年阅兵的解说词应该不是CCTV自己编的吧?</p>
<br/><br/><br/><span class="tpc_content"><font size="3">YJ-62 ANTI-SHIP CRUISE MISSILE<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> QV 忪U谦 Z </span><br/>&nbsp;<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> 叔?浥?D </span><br/>&nbsp;The YingJi-62 (YJ-62) is a long-range subsonic anti-ship cruise missile (ASCM) developed by China Haiying Electro-Mechanical Technology Academy (CHETA, also known as 3rd Aerospace Academy). The missile was first spotted onboard the Type 052C (Lanzhou class) destroyers commissioned in 2004. The 280km-range missile may also form the basis for a longer-range land attack cruise missile (LACM) family for the PLA.<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> 7児祰?r? </span><br/>&nbsp;(翻译一段。E文不是挺好,凑合看了)<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> m憘幇伴x </span><br/>&nbsp;YJ-62为远程亚音速反舰巡航导弹,由中国海运电机技术专科学院(即第三航空学院)研制。2004年首次装备在052C(兰州级)驱逐舰。射程280KM可能基于陆基远程巡航导弹发展而来。<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> ﹪|臞K??</span><br/>&nbsp;<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> 魴聆G诈0?</span><br/>&nbsp;PROGRAMME<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> \|?煓! </span><br/>&nbsp;<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> 戓--+b "D </span><br/>&nbsp;A new type of anti-ship missile launchers was first spotted onboard the PLA Navy’s Type 052C (Lanzhou class) destroyer in early 2004. Unlike the PLA Navy’s existing YJ-8 series anti-ship missiles, which are launched from a box-shape launcher, the new missile employs a cylinder-shape launcher similar to those found on the U.S. Harpoon and French Exocet missile systems. An Internet source photo published later suggested that the new missile was the PLA Navy’s latest YJ-62 long-range ASCM, which features a maximum range of 280km and INS/GPS + active radar guidance.<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> ▂?En叟;X </span><br/>&nbsp;<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> Z?萍*筣 </span><br/>&nbsp;Despite carrying the development variant designation of the YingJi-6 (YJ-6, also known as C-601 in its export name, NATO codename: CAS-1 Kraken) anti-ship missile family, which was developed from the 1950s-era Soviet SS-N-2 Styx missile, the new YJ-62 missile bears little resemblance to the YJ-6. The missile body of the YJ-62 appears to be much slimmer and lighter, and clearly a far more modern design than the YJ-6.<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> 憣GO6絺? </span><br/>&nbsp;<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> 掖Jq揥攽 </span><br/>&nbsp;China National Precision Machinery Import and Export Corporation (CPMIEC), a window company for the Chinese defence industry, published some details on the new YJ-62 anti-ship missile during the Defence Systems &amp; Equipment International (DSEI) land and naval systems exhibition held in London during 13~16 September 2005. CPMIEC claimed that the YJ-62 is fitted with a frequency agile radar seeker, giving the missile much greater resistance to jamming compared to the mono-pulse radar seekers fitted on previous Chinese indigenous anti-ship missiles.<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> 喊雀cLF?</span><br/>&nbsp;<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> ??%皛Z?</span><br/>&nbsp;The YJ-62 ASCM outperforms most Western and Russian anti-ship missiles in terms of range and warhead mass, thought it is not clear whether the missile possesses the same accuracy and anti-jamming capability. Nevertheless, it demonstrates China’s capability to design and develop a world-class advanced anti-ship missile. As well as being able to attack surface ships, the YJ-62 fitted with an alternative guidance system may also be capable of attacking land targets, giving its carrier ship the long-range, stand-off precision strike capability.<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> 8湢?eE鑵 </span><br/>&nbsp;<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> +稆茴Gs5?</span><br/>&nbsp;MISSILE<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> ?鑸?t#? </span><br/>&nbsp;<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> ㄎ?BE绋胴 </span><br/>&nbsp;The YJ-62 is a conventional cruise missile design, with mid-body wings which deploy following launch. The engine inlet is mounted slightly forward of the cruciform tail fins. The missile is 6.1m long, without the 0.9m launch booster, and weights 1,140kg. The solid propellant booster weighs an additional 210kg. The missile is powered by a small turbojet or turbofan engine. <span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;">顶?|bN?</span><br/>&nbsp;<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> 伀貳噎t ? </span><br/>&nbsp;It is claimed that the YJ-62 uses strap-down inertial guidance coupled with GPS, and active radar for the terminal phase. The missile has a stated range of 280km, with the missile flying at an altitude of 30m during the cruise phase of an engagement. In the terminal phase, the missile descends 7~10m. The active radar seeker has an acquisition range of up to 40km.<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> 餬﹕M^?M </span><br/>&nbsp;<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> 鈾X?橾N </span><br/>&nbsp;SPECIFICATIONS<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> 佅mi/C?g </span><br/>&nbsp;<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> m貔oN牝S鰢 </span><br/>&nbsp;Length: 6.1m (withou booster); 7m (with booster) <span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;">沍6NR谣x </span><br/>&nbsp;Diameter: N/A<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> B祽J.a </span><br/>&nbsp;Wingspan: N/A <span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;">鹏?\M鳔?</span><br/>&nbsp;Launch weight: 1,140kg (without booster); 1,350kg (with booster) <span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;">埆S騈$俛 </span><br/>&nbsp;Warhead: 300kg HE<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> 蚂賶投v将 </span><br/>&nbsp;Propulsion: One turbojet/turbofan engine, one solid booster<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> 犃@?_諃 </span><br/>&nbsp;Max speed: Mach 0.9<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> 靽?# G$f </span><br/>&nbsp;Max range: 280km<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> {わh?f佝?</span><br/>&nbsp;Flight Altitude: 30m (flight); 7~10 m (attacking)<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> `顣捰W|?</span><br/>&nbsp;Guidance Mode: Inertial + GPS, terminal active radar<span style="FONT-SIZE: 0pt; COLOR: #f3f6fa;"> 罨8E
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<i>中华飞刀</i>在2006-1-28 13:33:00的发言:</B><br>高超音速应该是未来反舰弹的发展趋势,好多国家都在搞这个.</DIV><p>